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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 22

by LJ Andrews

  "Mind if we partner up?" Mercedes said, rubbing shoulders with Killian.

  "I'd prefer it that way."

  "No fair. I called Mercedes yesterday," Sophia pouted from behind them.

  "Chill Soph, Mercedes isn't attracted to you like Killian," Dax teased loudly making sure they all could hear him, along with a few others.

  Mercedes' face flushed a deep red before she turned around and smacked Dax's shoulder. "Watch yourself Daxy, remember this is my level of expertise. I may set Cimmerian leeches on you during the games."

  Dax laughed, but his eyes shadowed. She turned her head around and looked straight ahead. Killian bit back a laugh as she saw Mercedes smile, listening to Dax whisper to Sophia, "you don't think she would do that do you?"

  Killian recognized Speron, the Beastie that had given him the crash course of Ignisian creatures. He was tapping Sophia on the shoulder asking if she would like to partner with him. She gave him a sweet smile and linked her arm with the Glacien. Dax frowned and light wisps of steam floated from his skin. Blake came up next to him and put his arm around his shoulders as Speron led Sophia away.

  "You know buddy, she's never going to figure it out if you don't tell her."

  "What? What are you talking about?" Dax stumbled. "Why do I care if Soph goes with that white-haired wimp?"

  "Hey, I didn't say anything about Sophia. I was just talking about Cora not knowing you don't have a partner," Blake teased. Dax's skin got redder from embarrassment after stumbling into the trap.

  "Are you recruits ready?" Cora asked, stepping up to them. "Recruit," she said turning to Dax, "where is your Beastian companion?"

  "I don't have one yet, ma'am."

  Cora looked agitated, as much as a Glacien could, and snapped her fingers to a young brown haired Beastie, motioning for her to come with Dax. The girl looked about twelve or thirteen and Dax didn't seem pleased. "I'm pairing you up with Izz." Cora floated away and began opening doors, allowing partners into the rooms to train against controlled creatures.

  "Great, I get to babysit," Dax mumbled under his breath. Mercedes raised her eyebrows.

  "I wouldn't underestimate Izz," she said turning around.

  "Oh, no," Izz answered in a sweet, young voice, "I am really relieved I get to be with him. He seems so much stronger than other partners I've had. Sometimes the creatures are quite frightening." Izz turned and faced Dax. "Thank you for being willing to be my partner." Izz turned forward again with an innocent smile on her face. Dax looked at her with scrunched eyebrows but didn't answer her.

  "Looks like it's our turn," Mercedes said and tugged on Killian's arm. He linked his fingers in hers and stepped into the dark room. As Cora closed the door, he immediately heard rattles and creaks.

  "What are we supposed to be doing in here?" he whispered.

  "Shh," she answered. "I think it's a Massu." Mercedes took a deep breath through her nose and unbuckled two knives from her waist, placing them on the magnetic wristbands. "Come on this way, we need to stay away from the darkest point of the room, so avoid corners."

  Killian unstrapped his spear, mimicking Mercedes. "What's a Massu?"

  Mercedes came close to his face and whispered. "Think of a jaguar, but ten times larger, with teeth like a shark."


  Mercedes didn't answer because a low growl filled the room. A large padded foot escaped the shadows and a massive, bulky figure stood in front of them. Mercedes was right. The cat was huge with enormous talon-like claws. Its teeth filled its mouth in three serrated rows. The cat roared and thick life-like saliva sprayed across the room.

  "Stay ready," Mercedes instructed. She clutched her knives tight and stepped against the wall. Killian followed her, but also felt he should protect her somehow. Slowly he stepped out in front of her just as the enormous paw swung toward them.

  "KILLIAN!" Mercedes screamed and pushed him out of the way before the deadly claws struck him. Mercedes sliced her knives ferociously across the thick fur of the Massu. A painful shriek sounded from deep in its throat. Dropping his mouth in surprise at her instincts, he watched as she sliced, jabbed, and chopped skillfully with her daggers at the giant cat.

  "Mercedes get out of the way," Killian yelled at her and stumbled toward her, but stopped as he heard her hum an eerie tune. The cat swatted its paws at her again, Killian swung his open spear, but Mercedes beat him by slicing the daggers deep in the paw. The cat shrieked, but Mercedes kept humming. After a few moments, the swats became weaker and less vicious. Mercedes hummed louder and before long the Massu slunk on to the ground and took heaving breaths as it slipped into a deep sleep. The large cat blurred and faded away until the room was empty.

  "Where did it go?" Killian asked in a shrill voice. "Why were you humming?"

  "It was just a hologram," Mercedes said returning her knives to the bands.

  "What?" Killian's heart was beating against his chest. The adrenaline was leaving his body. He felt the breath, he saw the cat bleed when Mercedes cut him, how could it be a hologram? "Why were you so worried about it hitting me then?"

  "You would've felt pain. Cora told us yesterday the animals were designed by the engineers to be as life-like as possible. If it had struck, your brain would've registered it as something painful." She sauntered up to him again and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I didn't want you to get hurt. Even if it wasn’t real."

  Killian's head was spinning, her face was inches from him. Killian raised his hand to her cheek and brushed her hair back. "Well, I'm not too thrilled with the idea of you getting hurt either." Slowly he pulled her face toward his and leaned down closer to her.

  "Recruit Thomas, Beastian Forino?" Cora's voice sounded from the door. Her pale face stood out against the dimness in the room. Mercedes stepped back away from Killian and licked her lips nervously.

  "Yes, we're here. We're coming out." Mercedes gave Killian a shy smile and walked toward the door after Cora.

  Stepping into the hall they heard Dax's loud voice ranting about something that had happened.

  "...Then she picked off the little demon things with this amazing dart gun!" Dax was standing in front of Speron and Sophia and kept pointing at Izz, who had a smug smile and leaned against the door with arms crossed.

  "Dax," Mercedes called out, "how did your training go with Izz?"

  "Oh, this girl," he exclaimed pointing to Izz, "she can fight with me any day! I've never met someone so quick and with spot on aim! Our holograms were freakish little elves. They bit me so hard!" He gave Izz a high five, who still remained silent, and showed his hand that had no bite since it had only been a pseudo bite from a hologram.

  "You haven't seen anyone with such straight aim except me," Sophia chimed in.

  Dax shook his head. "I don't know Soph, I think Izz could give you a run for your money." Dax turned before he could see the deep scowl cross Sophia's face.

  "Sorry to break this up, but Nathaniel has instructed everyone retire early tonight in order to be rested for the Peridus," Cora said softly. "You all did remarkably well. I have instructed my Beasties to give each member from a different department a manual on creatures you may come in contact tomorrow so you can better prepare. You won't always have a Beastian nearby during Peridus."

  "You guys feel like something sweet before turning in?" Sophia asked after the Beasties had handed out the manuals. Blake and Dax heartily nodded, Mercedes and Killian followed along, shyly glancing at one another and thinking of their almost kiss.

  The friends finished up large bowls of sweet ice from the Glaciem ice quarries and were making their way out of the dim dining hall into the brightly lit steel hallway when they heard angry voices.

  "I will stay out of your way, I assure you, but I have every right to be here," a deep growling voice echoed.

  "I have always been disgusted vith your renegade!"

  "That sounds like the Empress and...Egan," Killian whispered. They turned the corner and sure enough
found the pale—for an Ignisian—Egan and the Empress standing close to one another, obviously furious to be in one another's presence.

  "When are you going to understand Gwyniera? I was willing to change give up everything for—"

  "Quiet you fool," Gwyniera angrily pointed to their gawkers standing by the wall.

  "Chief Egan," Dax said stepping forward, and crossing a fist over his chest in a salute, "it is an honor, sir. I'm glad to see you are doing well."

  Egan's blue flaming eyes acknowledged Dax and he gave him a curt nod, but then they fell on someone else. Egan stumbled backward slightly as he peered at Mercedes. He glanced back and forth between her and the Empress, with his mouth falling open.

  "Pfft." The Empress sneered at Egan before stomping away out of sight.

  "Are you alright sir?" Dax asked, confused by his Chief's behavior.

  "I...I must be going...I will all tomorrow at Peridus." Egan rushed the opposite direction, glancing once more at Mercedes before disappearing behind a wall.

  "What was that?" Blake asked.

  "Mercedes do you know Egan?" Sophia tapped her shoulder softly

  "What? Why are you asking me, he was looking at all of us," she said defensively, "right Killian?"

  Killian bit his bottom lip. "I'm sorry, but I think he was looking at you." He wished he hadn't spoke as Mercedes' eyes fell to the floor. "Hey, don't worry. Remember Maurelle said not to let the Empress get to you. Maybe Egan isn't used to seeing people from Terrene."

  "You're Terrenian and so is Blake," she argued quietly.

  "Well, true, but he's already met me and both our families have been part of the Ponderi forever." It didn't seem to appease Mercedes. "I don't know Mercedes, but don't let it bother you okay." He tilted her face toward him and smiled at her.

  "Yeah, you can't take anything Ignisians do to heart," Sophia chimed in playfully.

  "Come again?" Dax snorted.

  "You heard me."

  "That's it, Soph," he snarled, though his voice was friendly. "Tomorrow I am going to destroy you." He began walking pompously away from the group. "I had better get some rest, not that I'll need it."

  "Are you kidding me? Daxton Ari Flint, I am going to bring those steamy little tears out of your eyes tomorrow just..." Their voices faded behind an elevator as they left to their rooms, arguing together.

  "Those two need to just hook it up and be done with all this passive aggressive competition," Blake laughed. Mercedes even chuckled a little.

  "Well, Kill are you coming? Des is on her floor already and we really should get some sleep." Killian turned and mouthed the nickname 'Des' to Mercedes, who rolled her eyes and waved as he and Blake entered the car and sped away to the recruit floor.

  Once he arrived at his door, he had a sudden wave of exhaustion pile over him. Through the last three days of training, he had worked harder and learned more about every department in the Ponderi than he had in the entire two months he'd lived at the Praetorium.

  He dragged his feet around his room, throwing his clothes in a messy heap on the floor. He figured the laundry fairies—at least that was their nickname to him—wouldn't appreciate the mess, but he was too tired to care. He pulled on a pair of baggy sweat pants and forwent the shirt. As he turned from his enormous closet, he stopped dead in his tracks.

  A hooded figure in a deep blue robe was hunched over the large mahogany desk next to his open window. Killian's heart raced with fear but surprisingly felt only a sense of urgency as the figure slowly raised their shadowed head. Killian stood motionless in the doorway of his closet and could feel the eyes from the darkness pouring into him.

  The mysterious figure raised a black gloved hand and tossed a white envelope onto his bed. Killian glanced quickly at the letter. With his attention off them, the figure darted through the window and disappeared into the greenish-orange night.

  Killian collapsed against the doorframe as the fear fled from his body. He rushed over to the mysterious envelope wondering if it was wise to open the parcel. He thought to the emotions in the room, apart from his surprise and fear, he hadn't felt anything malicious. Still he wondered why the person would need to hide their face?

  After several thoughtful moments, he tore open the thin paper and read a short, frightening message.

  They know about Infinium. Peridus will bring enemies, be safe.

  Chapter 15

  The Peridus

  The next morning, Killian's heart pounded and small beads of sweat fell from his head as he stepped into the training center. All around him Ponderi members were jolting with excitement at the opportunity to compete in the Peridus. Others, who had chosen not to participate, lined great steel bleachers that had been set up through the night, clapping and cheering for all the members below on the field. Killian glanced around the room, feeling anxious and jolted at every touch as people piled into the tight space. He couldn't shake the unnerving message from the night before.

  The three realm leaders sat on the side of the athletic field that had huge gray curtains hiding something on the opposite side of the field. Egan still looked pale and uncomfortable, Maurelle sat in the center, thoroughly excited, and Gwyniera had her body turned away from Egan's direction, deliberately avoiding him. Killian knew there was something between the two leaders that he desperately wanted to find out, but also why they both had such opposite reactions around Mercedes in particular.

  "Today is an exciting day!" Nathaniel announced across the athletic field after everyone was settled into hundreds of steel seats on the grass. "Those who have chosen to participate will be tested beyond your strength, but three of you will be named our winners. And one will gain the highest honor in the Ponderi and become a leader in their field, as well as access to many areas in the Praetorium currently off limits.

  “The Peridus course will test you mentally, physically, and emotionally so do not take it lightly.” Nathaniel smiled, obviously pleased with his coy explanation. “Everyone please make your way to the center of the field for the competition.”

  Killian followed the rest of the crowd, scanning for his friends. He smiled as he saw Dax, Sophia, Blake, and Mercedes huddled close together, also scanning the crowd for him; quickly he moved toward them.

  “Killian, there you are,” Mercedes said brightly. Her hair was pulled into a large ponytail full of intricate braids and loose curls, Killian thought she looked stunning but noticed she frowned as she scanned his face. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he answered. “I’ll admit I’m a little nervous about today, but I’m fine.” He didn’t want to tell her about the note his mysterious visitor had left. She didn’t need to worry about him while she was competing.

  “Competitors,” Nathaniel’s voice sounded again, “turn your attention to the side of the field.” As he spoke, the large curtains were sucked underneath the floor revealing enormous sets of obstacles. Killian gaped at the large ropes, the short steel beams and huge covered buildings concealing what was inside. The course appeared impossible to complete and a sinking feeling grew in Killian’s stomach.

  “If you fail at any point through the course you will be disqualified. You will be awarded points by several things: ability to progress through the course, speed and skill during each obstacle, and leadership. Do not waste time, or you may find you are unable to finish the course.” The room was silent as the crowd and competing members contemplated what he meant. “Everyone line up at the starting point,” Nathaniel directed. The long line of competing members followed his instruction. The murmurs had ceased as each member prepared mentally for the task. The initial task was a long line of ropes hanging next to one another. He assumed the idea was to swing between each rope without falling.

  Killian wiped his sweaty palms on his pants, anxiously looking over his shoulder for any sign of a suspicious person. All he saw were the three realms leaders and Miller on their raised seats across the steel platform on the other side of the fi
eld. The crowd was booming as members cheered and chanted for their favorite competitors.

  “On your marks…get set…GO!” Nathaniel shouted through his invisible microphone. A wave of energy passed through the field competitors. Ahead of him he saw hordes of members leaping for the thick ropes, several competitors fell onto the soft gel mats below after the first jump. Many slammed their fists in frustration and cursed for being disqualified so quickly. All too soon Killian was up on the steel platform standing behind Mercedes, waiting for his turn to take the plunge on the course.

  Mercedes leapt gracefully off the platform and grasped the first rope with ease. She wrapped her dangling legs tight around the rope and released her hands. Killian sucked in his breath in disbelief as he watched Mercedes travel the length of the ropes like a Chinese acrobat, using both her legs and arms in a mystical, graceful way. When she landed on the other side, she smiled and gestured for Killian to follow her before she pranced energetically around a corner and out of his sight.

  Taking a deep breath Killian reached for the first rope and swung from the platform, his muscles tensed and he easily dangled for a moment. Glancing at the spectators he saw every one of the leaders watching him close. With the extra pressure he swiftly made his way along the ropes, not near as impressive as Mercedes had done. His muscles ached, but on the last three ropes he swung much easier and leapt onto the other side without much trouble. Behind him, the pounding of boots on steel made him feel anxious as the fellow competitors were racing against the time.

  He quickly rounded the corner until he crashed into the back of a stalled recruit. A large group had formed at the next stage in the course. He craned his neck searching for Mercedes and thankfully found her standing next to Blake, Dax, and Sophia. They were huddled together pointing and discussing something. Killian slowly sauntered over to them and observed the obstacle.

  Steaming water from the frigid temperatures spanned a large covered space in the course. On the other side of the pool three grand, marble staircases emerged from the icy water. The upper half of the grand stairs led upward until it disappeared behind a long thick, black curtain. The lower half was submerged deep into the pool. The only way to reach the staircases and continue on was to swim. There was no escaping the frigid pools.


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