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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 46

by LJ Andrews

  Killian shrugged and frowned at the open doorway. "Not sure. Well, come on we need to get moving too."

  “Thomas, quick!” Lucan’s voice shouted. Killian glanced over and saw a small blaze of furious flames. “It’s your pack.” Lucan stomped and pounded on Killian’s small satchel trying to suffocate the fire.

  “The journal!” Killian cried to no one as he ran to help save the one item that could link him to answers of the past.

  The smell of burning leather seared his nostrils, until an icy pile of snow landed on top of the flames. Mercedes stood above them with a dripping vase.

  “Good thinking Mercedes,” Lucan praised. Killian said nothing but rummaged through the debris hoping to salvage anything of the pages from James Thomas. Nothing.

  “How did that happen?” Mercedes asked.

  “I don’t know it just burst into flames,” Lucan said. “I hope nothing too important was in there, Thomas.” Killian pursed his lips and kicked the scorched remains.

  Checking his spear was intact he turned toward Lucan, Axel and Mercedes. “There is nothing we can do about it. We need to get going.” He stomped out of the small shelter, his heart pounding as if grieving for the loss of the priceless journal.

  Minutes later the small entourage was bundled and armed in icy wind following close to Dalia's footprints.

  "Thomas, are you going to tell us what this sudden movement is all about?" Lucan shouted up the line.

  Killian glanced back. Axel moved ahead of him and continued to lead them through the snow. "It's about Gwyniera," he shouted back, thankful the wind carried his voice as the frozen air burned his throat. "She said she knew about the relic; said she was under a secret oath to protect Axel and the relic. But Axel said she never entered into such an oath. He believes she didn't know about the relic!"

  "What!" Mercedes shrieked against the growing storm. "What does that mean?"

  "It means either Gwyniera is an amazing liar, or someone else was making it seem like she was under oath. Someone else was controlling her."

  "You really think someone was controlling the empress?" Lucan huffed as he jogged against the freezing wind toward Killian. Killian met his eye, but didn't respond.

  "There is only one person—” Speron cried into the storm, but cut off by a painful scream. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP!"

  Killian flipped around in time to see Dalia swing the mighty ebony club onto Speron's shoulder. The sick sound of crushing bones blasted through the frigid night followed by Speron's agonizing scream.

  "Dalia!" Killian shouted running toward them. Dalia looked at him; her searing silver eyes cut through the dim light, anger and frustration emitted from the ghostly color.

  Dalia ignored him and swung the club again, hitting Speron's head with crushing blow. Speron lay in the building snow motionless. Killian stopped running and watched the white snow flush dark red with Speron's blood.

  Mercedes screamed and swiped her daggers furiously toward Dalia's stomach. Dalia smirked and swung her club awkwardly. Killian unlatched his spear and released both pointed ends aiming it toward his Cimmerian mentor. The Infinium scar burned as if it was tearing in two, his heart pounded as the inner battle if he could kill Dalia burdened his mind.

  Mercedes leapt quickly landing on Dalia's back and pushing one of her sleek knives just about Dalia's lung. Dalia shook Mercedes off, crying in pain. Angrily she swung the club at Mercedes lying on the ground. Rolling, Mercedes evaded the fatal blow and scrambled to her feet.

  Lucan rushed into the fight, lunging at Dalia's knees and bringing her crashing into the snow. Dalia and Lucan rolled each one swatting for one another's faces, or eyes. With strength Killian had never seen before Dalia threw Lucan hard into a nearby pine. His spine smacked against the frozen bark, and immediately she wrapped her pale hands around his neck, grimacing as if she was in pain.

  Mercedes ran toward them at the same time Killian began his pursuit.

  "Mercedes, get down," he shouted as he reeled his arm behind his head. Mercedes landed face first in the snow as he released the spear.

  Dalia flipped around holding out a single hand, the spear stopped midair. Releasing Lucan he crumpled to the ground, gasping for air. Dalia closed her palm and the spear broke into hundreds of tiny steel shards.

  "Dalia stop," he pleaded as the surrounding snow began to swirl as his fear grew.

  Her eyes softened, but her face remained taut. "I...can't!" Throwing the palm that destroyed the spear across the ground she cast a cloud of jagged ice and directed it straight toward Killian. Instinctively he held his hands over his face. As he protected himself the onslaught of ice burst into a freezing spray of water as it splashed against his skin.

  Dalia grit her teeth and thrust a spray of silver mist toward Mercedes. Killian pressed his hands into the snow and immediately a frozen barrier blocked half of Mercedes against the magical attack. Some of the silver mist hit one of her arms and Mercedes screamed as the silver curse burned through her coat, revealing her bare skin. Blisters bubbled and reddened as the cursed charred her skin. Killian furiously covered the wound with snow to ease the pain. Mercedes sucked in a breath as the cold met her scorched skin.

  "What's happening," she gasped holding a piece of her burnt coat against the burn.

  "I don't know, but it ends now." Killian pressed a firm kiss on her forehead before stepping out behind his shelter. Glaring at Dalia he urged a shard from the icy barricade toward her. A long, thick icicle burst from the center of the wall and whirled through the snowy night. Dalia smirked and released burst of red light from her palms. A deafening crack filled the eerie glacier mountain, so loud cries of creatures hidden in hidden crevices and caves cried in surprise. The icicle exploded into a fine mist before ever coming near to her.

  Dalia cried in frustration and ran toward him, spraying a blue mist from her palms. Panic filled his chest, he didn't know how to defend against magic. As Dalia leapt into the air, a huge protruding block of ice shot up from below the earth knocking her away from Killian. Dalia landed hard on the frozen ground, but tried to move quickly. Before she could, something seemed to freeze her to the ground. Killian saw shackles of ice wrapping slowly around her neck, stomach and limbs. Dalia flashed the blue mist with sparks of orange as she angrily fought against the restraints.

  "Keep holding her Killian," Mercedes shouted as she held her inured arm and ran for lifeless Speron.

  "I...I'm not doing anything," he replied more to himself than her. Turning around he saw Axel holding his palms in front of his chest, his stormy eyes focused on Dalia writhing on the ground.

  Lucan had composed himself and retrieved one of his jagged long knives from his belt and held it above Dalia's chest.

  "You tried to kill us!" he screamed in her face. The pain of betrayal was heartbreakingly evident in his tone.

  Stop him, she can't help herself. She doesn't want to harm us, Axel's mental voice urgently filled Killian's mind.

  Killian glanced at Axel who nodded swiftly as Lucan swung the knife over Dalia's exposed chest.

  "Stop!" Killian cried desperately. Lucan turned to face him, his expression a mixture of relief and anger.

  "Thomas, she tried to murder all of us!" He spat. "Look at Speron. Do we even know if he's alive."

  Killian glanced at Mercedes who stared at him with tears glistening in her eyes as she stroked Speron's head.

  "Cannot stop," Axel said out loud. "Forced." He said choppily, pointing at Dalia who still struggled violently against his restraints.

  "Axel says she can't help it, Lucan. We know Dalia, we owe it to her to find out what's going on."

  Lucan glared at Killian before turning his gaze back to the Cimmerian woman. "Are you Trinity?" he shouted close to her face.

  Dalia shook her head and clenched her eyes closed, but the word "yes" spilled out with a spray of saliva.

  "See," Lucan said to Killian and raised his knife once more.

  "Lucan stop. You can't tell me y
ou don't see something is wrong. Look at her," Killian replied desperately as he kneeled next to them. Dalia's eyes glared at him, but he could see the relief flooding through their silver depths.

  She huffed a breath out painfully and clenched her fists. Perspiration glistened on her forehead as she struggled. "I am...supposed....ahhhhh," she screamed as if it was torture to speak. "Leave me," she pleaded toward Killian. "I'"

  "Dalia," he said softly leaning closer to her. "We aren't leaving you. Please try and tell us what's going on."

  She clenched her eyes, releasing painful tears. "I...I...can't." She cried out into the night and her body trembled.

  "Killian, don't make her," Mercedes pleaded.

  "We have to know," he called back. His heart leapt as he saw Speron's chest slowly rising and falling. His breathing was shallow, but he was still alive. "Dalia, please. We'll help you. Did someone make you do this? Just nod or shake your head."

  Dalia pursed her lips and nodded her head before coughing against the bile rising in her throat. When she composed herself a small trickle of blackish blood covered her lips. Killian put his forehead against hers and stroked her dark ebony hair just as Mercedes had done to Speron.

  "I'm sorry, I'll stop, that's enough."

  Dalia shook her head. " I...instructed to...kill you," she rolled over against the icy handcuffs and coughed up more blood. After several agonizing moments watching her fight against the tongue tie she looked at him again.

  "Axel can you remove the ice?" Mercedes asked quietly. In an instant the ice melted off Dalia's body.

  "I...needed to kill you...take the relic," Dalia said. Her voice seemed stronger, even though she still seemed pained to speak. "When...I didn't take...the relic...the...forced attack." She coughed again, but less blood gurgled out of her throat. " leave. Forgive me."

  "Dalia, stop," Killian soothed. "It isn't your fault. Did the Architect do this to you?"

  Dalia nodded as tears flowed from her eyes. "Killian..." she trailed off quietly. Dalia closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. "The Praetorium is under attack. The there. the last...relic." She said pointing at the small fur sack around his neck.

  Killian shook his head. "No Dalia, mine is still missing."

  "The...Architect...knows where...never lost it," she choked out. Killian's eyes widened.

  "This was all a ploy to get the relic," he said to no one in particular. "The Architect knows us...and used us."

  Dalia nodded. "Enemies are near to us all. I...I'm so sorry," she cried as a wave of emotion racked her body. "I...tried to...resist the control and...tell you."

  "What are you saying?" Lucan shouted. "The Trinity Architect sent us on this journey to get the relic because it was dangerous?"

  "And then forced Dalia to try and kill us," Mercedes finished in a flat voice staring blankly at the falling snow.

  "We need to get back," Killian said slowly helping Dalia off the ground. She fell to her knees, but he urged her up again. "Mercedes do you think we can make it to the palace and cross through the leader portal?"

  Mercedes sniffled as she propped Speron against her. His pale face was coated in bright red blood and his arms flopped limp at his sides, but he was slowly coming around by the soft groans with every movement.

  "I don't know Killian. I'm not sure Speron will make it." Her voice cracked as she admitted the worst.

  Dalia pressed her lips tightly, squeezing a small stream of lingering blood out of her mouth and fought back a burst of emotion. "Leave me Killian. I am a shamed woman."

  "Enough Dalia, you weren't in control, now let me think this through," He said angrily as he scanned the snowy environment. After a long moment Axel's hand tapped him on the shoulder. His wild eyes shone brightly as he pointed to himself then to Killian.

  "What," Killian barked. "I don't have time to sign with you just talk to me."

  You know how to leave this place, Infinium will take us back. If we work together everyone will make it back safely, his cool voice explained calmly although Killian had been less than cordial.

  "Then let's do it," he huffed. Killian took a deep breath as Axel placed his hand on his shoulder once more. He focused on the Praetorium; Dax, Sophia, Maurelle, Miller every unsuspecting person crossed his mind as the snow and ice swirled in a giant circular pattern in front of them. A furious wind filled the mountainside as Axel's misty gaze was fierce and focused. Killian saw bright flashes of light fill the swirling whirlwind; it was the most powerful portal he'd seen.

  The familiar tug still hadn't come so bringing his attention to home once more he thought harder; gritting his teeth Connor's smiling face filled his thoughts, Shannon, Aidan, the young potentials. Finally, with a loud blast the portal burst in a bright blue hue pulling any pine needles off the surrounding trees. An invisible rope wrapped itself around his waist and pulled him toward the furious, windy portal. It was so large, so clear he thought he could almost see the Praetorium entryway through the chaotic tunnel.

  "Come close," Axel shouted. "Touch." He signaled to Killian and himself. Slowly the others crept toward them. Killian felt Mercedes hold his hand and use her free hand to lift Speron's limp palm to his shoulder.

  As Axel shouted an unfamiliar command Killian heard a sound that sent his stomach into wrenching knots. Five booming tolls of the huge gong at the Glacien palace erupted through the night sky, all the way up the looming glacier.

  "Rhetta's warning," he whispered.

  "It's begun," Dalia answered softly as they all leapt into the whirling portal.

  Chapter 16

  The Architect

  Killian felt as if his stomach was being wrung like a wet towel as the powerful tunnel rushed them across the Hemisphere. He could hear Lucan shouting in distress as the others plummeted through the double Infinium portal.

  The end of the portal finally opened and together they landed in a mangled pile on the hard dirt path lining the Praetorium gardens. The portal suctioned closed leaving their world, for a moment, silent.

  Mercedes clutched her stomach and swallowed deep heaving breaths trying to recuperate from the turbulent ride. Her skin had returned to the deep olive complexion as well as her chestnut colored hair. The turquoise eye color had transformed to the familiar deep emerald green as she whirled her eyes wildly around trying to orient herself.

  Lucan helped Dalia, who seemed weaker than before, stand from the ground and handed her the ebony club that had nearly killed Speron. Killian saw Speron groaning on the ground, but at least holding his own head so it seemed he was getting stronger.

  Axel stood in front of them all facing the Praetorium. His face was stern, focused and frightened. In that moment a loud crash of glass broke across the still night. Frightened screams from the upper levels spurred them into movement.

  “Killian!” Mercedes shrieked. He turned and saw her struggling to lift Speron. “Where should we take him?”

  Killian’s heart pounded as the Praetorium windows burst again from an inner explosion. Smoke filled his nostrils and more terrified cries bombarded his mind.

  “We’ll hide him in the entryway,” he said rushing to help her. “We’ll come back for him when we can and take him to the clinic.”

  “I’ll take him Thomas,” Lucan said. “We can’t leave him behind.”

  “I’ll go as well,” Dalia whispered. “I’m the reason he’s like this.” Killian nodded and positioned unconscious Speron between the two.

  “Be careful, I don’t know what’s going on in there, but it isn’t good.”

  “They’ll be coming for you Killian,” Dalia warned. “Trust in what you can do, you are stronger than you think.”

  Dalia and Lucan slunk into the entryway, followed by Killian, Mercedes and Axel. As Killian passed through the entryway a thick heavy beam slammed hard into his stomach knocking him to his feet. Next to him he heard Mercedes shriek in fear and frustration and heard her
knives clang against another weapon. Looking up he saw gray Ponderi clothing and dark robes fighting against them.

  Killian gulped deep breaths and quickly rose to his feet and released both ends of his spear in one motion. It was chaos. At first he’d expected to see the Ponderi fighting the black cloaks but he soon realized some of the attackers were dressed in Ponderi uniforms. Killian felt sick. He’d trained amongst traitors and the reality was settling in his stomach like a harsh weight that threatened to tear through his insides.

  Burning anger filled his heart as he plunged into the fierce fight. His spear clanged against a sword as it threatened to swing down upon a young brunette Beastian who had been thrown to the ground. Killian met the eyes of his opponent and his heart sank. Ansel, a calm Glacien who had climbed rock walls with him months earlier glared at him in pure hatred as he swung his sword again. Killian blocked his weapon once more with the rod of his spear and pushed with all his strength knocking Ansel off his feet. The Glacien quickly recovered and twirled around, bringing the blade of his sword soaring through the air toward Killian’s mid-section.

  Killian tried to react fast enough but the blade cut across his stomach lightly. Wincing, Killian breathed a sigh of relief as he thought the wound would be greater. His attention focused on Ansel again until he realized the tall, angry Glacien stared at him with blank eyes before wobbling on his feet and falling to the ground, a single steel arrow protruding from his chest.

  “Killian!” a voice shouted at him over the fight. He turned and saw Sophia lowering her bow and running toward him.

  “Soph,” he called out to her. “What’s happening?”

  He blocked another attack with his spear before angrily jutting his sharp point into the midsection of a cloaked man. The attacker gurgled and fell to the floor as Killian wrenched his blade from his stomach. His shoulders heaved up and down as Sophia gently placed a hand on his arm once she’d reached him.

  “The Trinity is here,” she gasped. “Every floor is under attack. All I heard was a loud ringing and before we could stop it our own recruits turned against us.” She shot another arrow across the room, hitting a tan suited beastie in the back just as he was going to murder a young recruit. “Our own people Killian!”


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