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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 74

by LJ Andrews

  Maurelle seemed to lose her balance for a brief moment. Achlys inhaled the dead man and stared lustfully at the sword.

  “Release it all,” she hissed.

  “In good time,” Maurelle said, though her voice quivered, slightly. “Now we will use it to win this battle. Patience, my dear.”

  The queen turned her attention back to the stunned battlefield and, lifting the dagger, sliced it at a nearby Deshuit, who sprang into action against her. The battle began again, but Killian could feel the darkness; it seemed to be concealed by only a thin cage as if it was biding its time, waiting to spring and consume everything in its wake.

  Chapter 22

  The Black Dawn

  Maurelle entered the battle with new rejuvenation as if she had only been playing before. She was followed closely by Achlys who constantly touched people around her until they fell to the ground, dead by her touch. Blake stayed near Maurelle as well. His face was bursting with victory. The queen battled anyone near her with the cursed sword, but the power soon won out against them and each person turned the sick pallid color before transforming into the lightless being, dead on the ground.

  Killian ran toward her and she smiled, swinging the black sword in her hand. Achlys watched every movement the blade made, ignoring the raging battle around her. Maurelle lowered into battle stance as Killian got closer.

  Just as he was about to meet her blade, Maurelle vanished. Killian frantically looked to each side until he heard her wild laugh behind him.

  “Killian, don’t insult me by challenging before you’re ready. Come find me at that moment.” She laughed wildly and disappeared again in a puff of black mist.

  Killian’s heart pounded, but he didn’t stand still long. Miller and his father were both struggling against a particularly violent Glacien man. The tall Glacien had glazed their weapons with a layer of ice before snapping them in half with his own spear.

  Owen tossed his broken sword on the ground in a huff of frustration and held up his palms, ready to defend himself with his hands if it came to it. Miller still had a long dagger in his hand and stood in front of Owen, slicing the air to deflect the assailant.

  The Glacien soldier laughed. “You think your little knife will stop me?” Holding out his palm, the dagger was covered again in a layer of frost. Killian ran at the man, his neck tingling with power. Infinium wanted−no, needed−to be released. As if another living being was trapped inside him yearning to escape and defend its home, the power burned uncomfortably in his veins.

  Quickly, Killian wrapped his arms around the Glacien’s neck. The soldier screamed as his thick, wind-burned face scorched underneath Killian’s touch. Killian pressed even harder, the rage built up for Sophia, for Dalia, for everyone who would still fall, and he pressed harder into the man’s skin. From the corner of his eye, he saw other soldiers begin to come to the aid of their brother, but they soon backed away as Killian’s power burned his skin so deeply subtle puffs of steam escaped from under his palms.

  Killian cried out at the Glacien in his rage until he felt someone tugging on his shoulders, gently at first, then harder until his palms were torn off the red and blistered face.

  “Killian, son, he’s dead.” Owen’s voice came out muffled and unclear at first, until the hot fury calmed inside slightly.

  “You did it, Killian,” Miller added.

  Up close, Killian saw his grandfather’s lip was cut and bleeding profusely and his father’s forehead had been slashed, but other than some blood they both appeared strong and unharmed.

  “I don’t know how…” he stammered, looking at his victim. “I’ve never done that, but I…couldn’t stop.”

  Killian felt his emotions tightening in his chest as he scanned the vicious scene. People he knew and cared for were being torn apart and he couldn’t stop it. Maurelle was too powerful now. For the first time the glimmer of hope he’d always had seemed to slip away.

  “Hey, don’t lose control, Killian,” Owen demanded. “You’re doing great. We’re holding them, son. Now keep going; we have everything to lose and we need to fight as if we’re going to lose it.”

  Killian coughed, trying to stop the burning in his eyes. He looked up at Owen and for the first time, he felt like a broken child who wanted his father to make it all stop. Owen smiled as if he understood and pulled Killian against him.

  “I love you, kid. It’s going to be okay, do you hear me?”

  Killian nodded against his chest.

  Owen released him and took a dagger Miller offered him as a new swarm of Trinity saw them standing unharmed for too long. “Killian, we have to get that ruby back, okay?”

  Killian nodded. “Stay safe, Dad.”

  Owen stopped and looked at him as if surprised to finally hear the word. Then he smiled sadly. “You too, Son.”

  The Trinity soldiers were full of a fierce energy as they fought against the realm people. Rhetta and Lydie stood in the center of a circle of bloodthirsty soldiers, each one brandishing their weapons threateningly at the entrapped women. Lydie jumped up and wrapped her legs around the neck of one soldier, dragging him to the ground just as another soldier came up behind her and pulled her off the man by her hair.

  Lydie snarled and slashed her gold sword furiously. Rhetta took in her surroundings and calmly kneeled on the soft grass, unlatching the black bag around her belt. From inside, she pulled out a handful of black, glittering dust. Rhetta smiled at a trio of oncoming soldiers. Opening her palm flat, she blew the black dust in their direction. Instantly, the ground burst into a line of blue flames wherever the powder fell, creating a fiery wall between her and the Trinity soldiers.

  Chilling screeches filled the skies above them. Killian looked up and saw the sky darkened by spidery creatures with long wings. Their mouths were nothing but a small hole, and their eyes were blood-red. He remembered the creatures from the Peridus tournament months earlier. The simulated creatures were terrible; he couldn’t imagine what the real animals were like.

  “Aranide! Arrows, let them fly.”

  He turned and saw Cora, the Beastian instructor, lifting a large steel bow and shooting three arrows into the sky. All around her, archers lifted their bows and released arrows. The Aranide screeched and fell to the ground. Some dove and tried to snatch people off the grass, but most were too slow for the swinging swords cutting their torsos.

  “Killian, look out!” someone shouted at him. On instinct, Killian ducked just as a sword swung where his head had been. The pudgy Ignisian woman wobbled beneath her black cloak when the sword lost control. Killian jumped back to his feet, but soon the woman was overtaken by Speron. He leapt on her back, his face furious as he stabbed the back of her shoulders with two knives, holding them in place until she finally released her last breath.

  “Speron,” Killian said heavily. “You decided to show up.”

  Speron smirked. “There was this annoying guy who pointed out my battle isn’t with a certain realm, it’s with these people,” he said, pointing at the dead Trinity soldier.

  Killian slapped him on the back and offered him a smile. “I’m glad to have you back,” he said sincerely.

  Speron nodded and stood by him as they rushed toward Egan, who was getting overrun by too many black cloaks.

  Egan pushed back with his sword and occasionally he had time to swing a small dagger. Killian recognized one of the soldiers as Eva, the woman who gave her own chief poisoned palm juice and framed Killian. Egan glared at her, both Ignisians’ flaming eyes blazing with hatred for one another.

  “You have no honor, Eva,” Egan snarled as she pressed her long blade against him. Killian threw his spear at a soldier approaching from the side and Speron took on the other. Eva lifted her sword and swung it down upon Egan. He tried to roll out of the way, but the blade came down hard on one leg. He cried out in pain as the sword cut through his entire muscle, leaving his leg bleeding and lame.

  Egan snarled at Eva and fought her from the ground with his dag
ger, but he was weakening and so she came on harder. Finally, Eva delivered a hard blow to Egan’s head, causing him to roll and grasp his forehead as he dropped his weapons. Eva smiled with satisfaction and readjusted her grip on the hilt of her sword.

  Killian’s heart pounded as he battled his own soldier. He pulsed the hot power up through his neck and felt the surge shoot toward the large Cimmerian man with a club similar to Dalia’s. Infinium knocked the Cimmerian down on the ground so hard his head whipped up and cracked, knocking him unconscious.

  Killian darted for Egan, but Eva’s sword was flying toward him too quickly. Infinium tingled, seeking to destroy the metals in the sword. He closed his eyes, ready to release the power against her sword.

  “No, Egan,” he heard another cry out. His eyes flashed open and he saw Bant duck in between his brother and Eva’s blade. Bant held up his own knife to block the sword, and for a moment, Killian thought he was successful until he saw the tip of Eva’s sword.

  Bant’s knife had blocked the initial blow, but the sword tip had still found his chest, just to the side of his heart.

  “Bant!” Egan shouted, his face dripping with blood.

  Eva pulled out her sword and Bant coughed a small string of blood out of his mouth. She prepared to raise the blade again, but this time Killian blasted the tingling heat, and her sword disappeared in a cloud of fine dust. Speron had joined in and thrust his knife deep into her back. Eva screamed, but soon her cries faded as Speron slowly lowered her to the ground.

  Egan held Bant’s head in his lap and cried as he rubbed his face. “Bant, you idiot, I could kill you.”

  Bant laughed weakly. “Too late, Brother. The hag was right…I didn’t…stand a chance in…this battle. Egan…please…please forgive…me.”

  Egan shook his head and wiped a wave a steaming tears off his cheeks. “Stop it. You’re going to be fine.”

  “Egan, please…forgive me.”

  “Bant, I do. Please don’t go, Brother,” Egan cried, clutching Bant’s collar harder.

  Bant smiled, showing his bloody teeth. He opened his mouth as if to say something else, but only a ragged breath left his punctured lungs and his head rolled to one side.

  Egan released a haggard breath as the sobs racked his shoulders. “Bant, don’t you do this, Bant…” Egan clenched his jaw and buried his head against Bant’s shoulder.

  Killian stood still, watching the heartbreaking scene. Someone grabbed his hand for a brief moment. Mercedes watched her father with tears streaming down her face. Her skin was stained from numerous cuts and gashes and the tears cut rivers against the dried blood. She left Killian’s side and knelt down by Egan, and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. Egan pulled her close to him and cried.

  Finally, he released her and they both stood. Egan’s angry eyes flamed brighter. He unsheathed his great sword and gave Bant one more glance.

  “Stay safe,” he said to Mercedes. It wasn’t a simple statement; it was a desperate command.

  She wiped her cheeks and nodded, watching her father rush into a crowd of soldiers with a rage, distinct only of an Ignisian warrior.

  From the hill they stood on, Mercedes and Killian could see the true impact of the fighting. Bodies were sprawled along the lawn, each side losing too many people. To one side he saw an incredible amount of dark bodies. In the center of it all, Maurelle was swinging the cursed sword, bestowing a torturous death on her victims. Killian felt a strange calm surge through him. He recognized the power she had, but something inside him told him to face it. He had to face it, and he could win. He could lock the beast back into the gateway forever. His heart warmed like a blazing fire on a cold day and something pulled him toward her.

  “Killian,” Mercedes’ shriek broke him from his focus on the queen. “Look—we have to help.”

  He followed her finger and saw Dax approaching another, with his sword and Sophia’s crossbow outstretched.

  “He’s going after Blake!” Killian’s heart was filled with urgency. He refused to watch another friend die. “For all we know Blake’s borrowed some of the Black Dawn from the dagger.”

  Killian released both ends of his spear and followed Mercedes, who was already dashing down the hillside toward Dax.

  “You really want to do this, Dax?” Blake teased. “Or are you trying to join Sophia?”

  “Not today, Blake, but I am going to kill you,” Dax seethed.

  He tossed his sword up in the air slightly, caught it tightly in his hand, and ran toward Blake.

  Blake held his own crossbow and knife and lowered his stance. Slicing the knife at Dax, Blake threw him off his pursuit and they turned again to face each other.

  Blake loaded his infinite arrow and blasted it through the air, but Dax lunged out of the way in time. He held his sword tightly and met Blake head on. Blake used a long steel arrow and his knife against the sword and the clanging of steel echoed along the field.

  Blake turned around and kicked Dax in the knee. Dax fell onto the injured leg and released a clenched cry of pain. While he was down, Blake cut a deep gash across his chest. Blood dripped down Dax’s skin as he tried to stand, but Blake quickly kicked him in the face, making Dax spit blood.

  “No!” Mercedes screamed as they ran faster. “Dax, no.”

  Blake grabbed a clump of Dax’s vibrant hair and forced Dax to look at him. Blake’s eyes were black and chilling as his lips curled into an evil smile. “You know, I’m glad Soph’s dead. She doesn’t have to see what a worthless pile of muscles you are. You’re pitiful, Dax. I’m doing you a favor, really.”

  Blake raised his knife and Dax watched the blade with sad eyes. With a dark smile, Blake brought the blade toward Dax’s neck and Killian’s heart pounded as he tried to reach him. Dax closed his eyes and with a grunt it was over.

  Killian stopped running and Mercedes skidded to a stop, her mouth falling open.

  A blast of angry dark power filled the sky. “NO!” Maurelle’s cries echoed in their ears as she watched them in surprise.

  Dax glared up at Blake from the ground. In his hand, Sophia’s crossbow was pointed directly into Blake’s stomach, but the arrow wasn’t in the flight groove. The point was sticking out of Blake’s back. Blake’s eyebrows furrowed as if confused how it had happened, and blood dripped out of his open mouth.

  “I hope Soph makes you pay,” Dax seethed next to Blake’s ear before pushing him off the arrow. Blake’s body landed to the ground with a loud thud, but Maurelle’s fury was coming straight at them.

  Killian, Mercedes, and Dax watched as she ran through the battle with Achlys close behind and drooling over the sword, stabbing anyone in her way.

  A petite Cimmerian stepped in front of her as she pummeled her way toward them.

  “Enough, Maurelle. I brought you into this world and I can take you out,” the woman said, blasting a powerful blue mist in front of Maurelle.

  “Out of my way, Kindera,” Maurelle commanded. “I will kill you.”

  “I have no doubt you would, but your heart tells you not to,” Kindera said.

  Killian watched the intrigue between the two women. Maurelle sliced the cursed sword at the woman’s blue mist, but more kept coming.

  “Stop this, my queen. This isn’t what your mother wanted for you when I handed you to her the day you were born.”

  Maurelle stopped even for the briefest moment, before slicing the sword once more through the mist. Kindera stood in front of her holding a long black staff. Maurelle stopped, her eyes blazing as she towered over Kindera, whom Killian was surprised was still living. Maurelle lowered the sword slightly and glared at Killian, Mercedes, and Dax.

  Killian’s eyes widened and he ran at Maurelle. “No, STOP!” he yelled as he watched Achlys take advantage of the queen’s brief pause to snatch the sword from her hands.

  Maurelle whipped around on the hideous goddess and tried to reach the dagger with the contained curse, but it was too late. Achlys took the blade in her putrid fingernails a
nd snapped it into tiny pieces.

  Killian fell to the ground from the powerful blast. His heart pounded with heavy dread as he watched an enormous cloud of the purest black he’d ever seen rise into the colorful sky. It seemed as if a person would be crushed from the heavy darkness if it swallowed them.

  Achlys danced at the base of the cloud, opening her mouth wide and basking in the evil power. With each moment, Achlys grew more hideous as the cloud encompassed her. She held out her palm toward three approaching Deshuits and their bodies shriveled like burned bones. Within a second, they were nothing but dust on the ground.

  Maurelle’s face was twisted in fury as she released a powerful blast of her own magic at the goddess, but Achlys only laughed, her wide, bloody smile shooting fear into everyone who saw her.

  Killian felt strange, as if there was nothing worth living for. Dread was his new companion as he watched the curse of the Black Dawn overtaking the beautiful sun that had comforted him for so long. The heavy darkness was going to swallow everything good in the world. The Black Dawn had been released.

  Chapter 23

  Rhea’s Promise

  Maurelle watched in fury as Achlys danced gleefully and wrapped tendrils of darkness around her emaciated arms. Reaching her hand out toward the suffocating blackness, Maurelle tried to touch the Black Dawn as it slowly swallowed all light. Maurelle gasped and cradled her hand after touching the curse. A welt with burning edges had formed where the curse had touched her and for the first time since she’d discovered the truth of the curse, she felt the power was too strong for even her.

  Turning her head, she saw the vast battlefield dotted with every race of people. Many were falling down as the Black Dawn passed over them, and any light or joy they had within was dulled and darkened.


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