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The Guardian: Paranormal Fantasy New Adult Young Adult Angel Romance (A Fight for Light Novel Book 1)

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by Nikki Landis

  The doorbell rang and I skipped over to it, opening it wide, expecting to usher in a late friend or relative. Nobody was there. I walked onto the front porch, nearly kicking the presents that lay on the floor in front of me. I bent down and scooped them up, admiring the pretty packaging.

  The gifts were wrapped in a pale shimmering pink, stacked in a total of three, with white curling ribbon draping over them. A card read my name, Rhiannon, in bold script. I glanced out into the night again. Who had left these presents? Someone went through a lot of trouble. The wrapping was done well, like from an expensive department store.

  I felt a presence out there in the dark. Nothing evil or frightening. I was not afraid. But I knew someone was there and I could not figure out why they remained hidden in the shadows.

  “Hello?” I called, walking down the front porch steps and out into the yard. “Is anyone there?”

  I heard the rustle of fabric and then nothing. Silence. I frowned. “Thank you for the gift…but won’t you come in for the party?”

  No one answered. I heard my name being called from inside. I had to return. Slowly I climbed the stairs again and turned around at the last minute. I could barely make out a figure in the distance but it could have been my imagination. It was hard to tell with all of the foliage and trees.

  About an hour into the party, I started to feel it again. I had the overwhelming sensation of being watched. It was silly, of course, since this was my birthday party. I was the center of attention, after all. The uneasiness of it made me frown. Kellen noticed.

  “Aren’t you having any fun?” He asked teasing me.

  “Yes, but…I just had the weirdest sensation of being watched, you know, from outside.”

  “I’ll go check it out,” he told me, leaving before I had a chance to reply.

  When he returned I raised an eyebrow at him in question. He shook his head and smiled. It must be nothing then, I told myself. It was time for gifts after that. Emily and Mariah were pulling me over to the table excitedly.

  Kellen handed me his gift first. “Open it,” he said softly.

  It was a small red box tied with a large silver ribbon. I slipped the ribbon off and removed the lid. Inside, resting on a bed of cream colored satin, was a long gold chain. It glistened in the light.

  “Oh, Kellen, this is beautiful,” I told him, “thank you.”

  He smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  Gran handed me the gifts from her and Gramps next. They were two small pink packages tied with white bows. Gran pointed to one of them.

  “This one first dear,” she said.

  I tore the paper off and opened the box. Inside was a small glass ruby vial with intricately designed gold filigree woven around it. It looked very old. It was beautiful, probably some kind of heirloom piece. That thought made me snap my head up and look at Gran.

  “Yes, it was your mother’s.” She answered my thought.

  “Oh Gran, thank you so much.” I gave her a big hug, squeezing her tight.

  “It has a clasp on it so you can hang it on a necklace if you want to.” She looked at Kellen when she said that. I nodded to them both. I took the other gift from Gran and opened it too. Inside was a pair of car keys. Yes!

  “Gran, where?” I asked excitedly.

  She looked at Gramps. He nodded. “Out front.”

  I sprang for the front door and opened it. Parked in front of the house was a baby blue 1963 Volkswagen Beetle. The interior was cream colored, chrome details and accents glistened on the exterior, and a sun roof was open on top. Gramps had fully restored it for me. It had a huge red bow on the hood.

  I jumped up and down in excitement. It was perfect. I loved old cars.

  “Gran, Gramps, thank you so much!” I gave them both a big hug.

  Emily and Mariah were at my side chattering excitedly. We all started jumping up and down together.

  “I want to take it for a quick spin, ok?” I asked Gran. She waved me on.

  “Get in,” I told Emily and Mariah. I looked at Kellen. “Coming?” I asked.

  He grinned and hopped in the back behind the driver’s seat. Emily climbed in next to him and Mariah took shotgun, not giving anyone else a chance. I jumped in and started the engine. It roared to life. I put the gear in drive and we took off down the street screaming in excitement.

  As I drove we found a station on the radio, rolled down the windows and sang loudly together. I glanced in the rearview and saw Kellen watching me with a contented expression on his face. We were having the time of our lives and I was extremely happy.

  We returned to the party where I blushed while everyone sang happy birthday to me and we ate strawberry cake, my favorite. The loud radio had everyone dancing, even Gran and Gramps. They made me smile. I hoped one day I fell in love as deeply as they did.

  Kellen spun me around the room, our laughter mixing with the music. His eyes were bright and happy as I looked at him. A shimmer to the green that made my breath catch in my throat. His left hand lingered at my waist while the right intertwined with my fingers and squeezed. Our eyes remained locked, oblivious to the song ending and another beginning.

  Slowly, people started to leave. Kellen was the last one to go. Was that on purpose? I walked out onto the front porch stopping to slip the heels off my feet. I let them drop to the ground. It was late. We walked to the bottom of the front porch stairs, pausing to say good night. Kellen stood in front of me with his hands shoved in his front pockets.

  “Thank you for coming tonight,” I told him as I reached up on my tiptoes and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. “And thank you for the necklace. I love it.”

  “Sure, you’re welcome…um Rhiannon?” He paused briefly. “Would you like to go the basketball game with me on Friday night?”

  My eyes widened. Did he just ask me on a date? “Um yeah, Kellen,” I answered. I’m scoring points with my articulation tonight, I thought sarcastically.

  “How about I pick you up at six? We could get some pizza before the game,” he suggested.

  “Sounds good. See you at school tomorrow,” I responded cheerfully.

  I was standing only a few inches from him. He looked down at me and smiled, his eyes warm and affectionate. Kellen moved closer until we were only inches apart. He lifted his hand and let his fingers slowly caress the side of my face. I leaned my cheek slightly into his hand and watched as his eyes closed briefly. When he opened them again, they glowed with intensity.

  “You’re very beautiful tonight Rhiannon.” He slowly dropped his hand to my shoulder. “Goodnight, happy birthday.”

  “Goodnight Kellen,” I told him softly.

  He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and took a step back. “Pleasant dreams.”

  I watched him walk over to the Hummer and drive away. My heart was full, my thoughts simple, and my mind free. It had been a wonderful party and a great birthday. All traces of the tension and anxiety I had felt were gone. I ran up the stairs feeling light and jubilant. It was better than great, it was the best birthday ever!

  Chapter Four

  As long as I could remember, Gramps and I would spend weekends together. We would go hiking, fishing, or on nature walks. I think I got my love of the outdoors from him. I had very specific memories as a small child, holding his hand and helping him bait a hook or trudging up some high embankment on a nature excursion. It seemed perfectly normal to me to return home with an armload of fish or covered in mud from spending the afternoon with Gramps. He would smile and praise my efforts and hug Gran tight when we came in the door.

  We never skipped our outings, always making time, it was our thing. Gran didn’t go on these trips. She felt we should have something that was just between Gramps and I.

  This particular evening, Gramps asked me to take a stroll, as he called it, down the road for a few minutes. I grabbed my coat and walked out the door with him, walking along as the early evening breeze blew lightly all around us. It was pleasant tonight; a signal that spring was p
robably on its way soon. The time change had increased the sunset and it was already stretching across the west in bright colors of red, orange, pink, and purple.

  We walked in silence until Gramps looked at me. “Rhiannon, how are things going in school?”

  “Fine Gramps. I’m doing well in all of my classes right now. I have been struggling in trig but that is no surprise,” I told him, laughing lightly.

  He laughed too. Gramps knew I didn’t like math, especially anything having to do with statistics or geometry. It seemed invented to torture me.

  “How are things with Kellen?” He asked, his eyes searching my face.

  “Good Gramps, we have a date on Friday. He is taking me out for pizza and the basketball game,” I replied.

  “That’s good. He seems like a nice young man.”

  “Yes, he really is and very polite,” I answered, smiling. Not to mention drop dead gorgeous.

  Gramps nodded and continued walking. I knew he had more to say. “Rhia, there is something else I wanted to talk to you about.” He paused momentarily before continuing. “Have you given much thought to what you want to do for your future? You graduate in just a few months. Have you filled out any more college applications?”

  “Well, not really. I got accepted into Mason Community College and I’m not sure what I want to major in yet. I figure I can just start at a community college and move on from there. Besides, I don’t want to move away from you and Gran,” I told him, grinning.

  “Ah, I see. Have you given any thought to traveling? Your Gran and I were thinking of taking a trip this summer. What would you think of going away for a few weeks, perhaps to Ireland?”

  My jaw dropped. I would love to go. I always had a keen interest in castles and the medieval time period. Ireland would be amazing. Unforgettable. There was no way I would miss it. “I would love it! You know I would,” I replied excitedly.

  He nodded and put his arm around my shoulder. “I would like to plan this as a surprise for your Gran. What do you think?”

  “Definitely, she would be so excited. I’ll keep it quiet Gramps.” I told him, grinning.

  “Thank goodness,” he laughed, “I need your help.”

  I laughed and we walked home, teasing each other and having a great time. A trip to Ireland was going to end my summer on an amazing high note. I was beyond excited. It would be hard to keep it from Gran, but I would manage.

  Back in my room I remembered the pretty pink packages I found on my doorstep on my birthday. I sat on my bed, sliding the white ribbon from the boxes. The first contained a beautiful handwoven shawl of the finest material, silky and smooth, with embroidered roses. The craftsmanship was exquisite. I wrapped it around my shoulders and admired it in the mirror. Beautiful.

  The second was a large bottle of my favorite perfume in a gift basket. A really expensive nice one too. The kind that cost a lot to purchase. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. These were the kind of gifts someone close gave to you. Not a stranger. My heart rate picked up. Did I have a secret admirer?

  The final gift was a silver brush and comb set inlaid with crystals and stones. There was a large hand mirror and a matching set of hair combs. The kind you wore when you dressed up, like for prom. I became even more baffled. Who would give these to me? What expectation did they have? Would I ever find out?

  Later that night I sat up in bed, reading late. I really wanted to finish reading Pride and Prejudice again. I was at the part where Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth were having their argument and she refuses his proposal. I loved the scene, just as much as I loved the A&E production of the movie. I was totally engrossed in the book, completely oblivious to everything around me when I heard a loud thud outside my balcony doors.

  Startled, I put the book down and listened. Nothing. I picked it back up and continued reading when I heard the sound again, closer this time. Frowning, I listened for several minutes. Maybe I had imagined it. I went back to the book, reading only for a few more seconds, when a loud bang on my sliding glass doors made me scream and jump a mile.

  Gramps came running in. “What is it sweetie?”

  Anxiously I replied, “Something just banged really loud on my balcony doors and scared me half to death. Will you check Gramps?”

  “Yes, of course.” He answered, looking outside and flipping on the light. “Looks like it could have been a bird or an animal. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Everything is fine.”

  He opened the doors and walked out momentarily just to be sure before he closed and locked them, pulling the blinds closed. I felt safe after that.

  “Ok, thank you. It was just so odd. I suppose you are right.”

  Gramps gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me goodnight. After he left, I felt a little silly. Why did I get so scared? I guess it was because I had been having the feeling of being watched for so long now that it put me on edge, sometimes without my realizing it.

  The strange but concerning thing is I hadn’t heard noises on my balcony before. It was too close for comfort, making me feel edgy again. I sighed and closed the book, deciding rest was the best antidote. I tossed and turned before finally falling into a restless sleep, leaving the memory behind me.

  Friday night came quickly. Emily and Jarrod were also going to the game, as well as Mariah and Chad. I was excited for my date with Kellen. No longer feeling like the third wheel, it lifted my spirits. I wanted to look nice for him, but keep it casual since I knew the gymnasium was hot and crowded.

  I decided on jeans paired with a lacy camisole and an elbow length brown cardigan. I added a long gold necklace with an ornate cross and my brown ankle boots. I kept my make-up simple again and wore a brown braided headband in my hair. Studying my reflection critically in the mirror, I smiled and went downstairs to wait for Kellen.

  It was only about five p.m. I wasn’t expecting Kellen until later. Gran and Gramps were out to dinner with friends, leaving the house quiet and dark. I flipped on some lights and turned the TV on. Jumping on the couch, I started channel surfing in the hopes that something interesting would come on while I waited for Kellen. I quickly got bored and left it on the country music video countdown for Gran. She would like that when she came in. I was more of a rock-n-roll girl myself.

  The front doorbell rang and I jumped a mile. Giggling, I went to answer the door. Kellen was early but I didn’t mind. I was happy to see him. Smoothing my clothes, I opened the door.

  “Hi!” I smiled brightly.

  He grinned broadly back. “Hey Rhiannon. I’m starving and was hoping you didn’t mind leaving early.” He sounded hopeful as he looked me over appreciatively.

  “Sure, nothing going on here anyway. Let me grab my coat.”

  Kellen held the door to his Hummer open for me and I climbed in. It was clean inside, immaculately clean and polished. He must really love this car. Driving inside was like riding in a tank, or at least what I thought one would feel like. At least I feel safe, I thought with humor.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked me, noticing my smile.

  “I was just thinking how big and um…safe this Hummer is.”

  “Ha! You could say that. It’s a nice ride huh?” He told me laughing.

  I nodded, laughing too. When we reached Carfagna’s Restaurant, Kellen opened the door for me again and gently guided me inside, one hand resting on my elbow. We had to wait a half hour to be seated, so Kellen waved me over to the arcade. He started shooting hoops on one machine, while I played Ms. Pacman. I hadn’t seen that game in years. I was soon laughing and teasing Kellen about my high score. He stopped playing and came over to watch me. Amazingly, I was doing really well. I finally lost and he gave me a high five, declaring I was a Pacman prodigy.

  We had been seated in the far back of the restaurant, secluded and lit by candles that rested in red jars. It was a very romantic atmosphere. I sipped on a raspberry iced tea and Kellen ordered a coke with grenadine. I couldn’t believe he liked cherry coke the same way I did. After a few min
utes we were silent, waiting on our order to arrive.

  “Rhiannon, I was wondering something. Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

  “No, go ahead,” I told him smiling.

  “I was wondering…how is it that you live with your grandparents?”

  “Well…my parents were killed in a car accident when I was just a toddler. So, I have always lived with them. It’s all I have ever known,” I told him truthfully.

  “Wow, I am so sorry…forgive me. I didn’t know,” He looked apologetic.

  “No, it’s fine. Really. I don’t remember much. Just images and feelings, like their love…and my mother singing to me. I do miss them, sometimes I wish I could have known them longer.” I paused to take a shaky breath. “But life had other plans and…I love Gran and Gramps dearly. I couldn’t have had a happier childhood.”

  Kellen took my hand and held it across the table. His smile was warm and thoughtful.

  “I was curious about something else too…I was wondering…if you…were interested in anyone at school,” he asked casually.

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “Hmmm…I do think there are several cute boys at school…but there isn’t anyone…I am dating or anything right now.”

  “Ahhh…so tonight doesn’t count then?” He asked mischievously.

  “I didn’t mean…yes…I don’t know,” I stammered and blushed.

  Kellen laughed gently and squeezed my hand. He opened his mouth to reply but our pizza and salads came and we ate.

  “So, Kellen…what about you? Anyone you are…interested in?” I asked just as casually, in between bites of salad.

  “Well, I would think the answer to that question is quite obvious. Don’t you?” He answered with a grin and winked at me.

  “Um yes,” I told him, blushing again. I did that often. Blushing. Turning bright crimson. It seemed I had a constant flush in my cheeks around him. It wasn’t nerves so much as I didn’t want to appear foolish or naïve. Or desperate. Definitely not desperate.


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