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The Guardian: Paranormal Fantasy New Adult Young Adult Angel Romance (A Fight for Light Novel Book 1)

Page 10

by Nikki Landis

  “But-” I started.

  “We will talk about it,” he promised, “just not right now, ok?”

  I opened my mouth to object but Gran peaked her head around the corner and told us dinner was ready. He smiled at me smugly. I closed my mouth and pursed my lips together. He was not going to get out of this. I wasn’t going to let him go home without an explanation. I got up and he followed me into the house. The conversation was far from over.

  Chapter Nine

  We had a nice dinner together with my Gran and Gramps. The conversation was warm and friendly. Kellen really seemed to enjoy Gran’s cooking, eating three helpings. I had looked at him with my eyes wide when he had accepted another plate full of pot roast from Gran. He only winked back at me.

  My grandparents enjoyed themselves. I could tell they liked Kellen. He was not only polite and friendly, but respectful and hungry. A perfect combination for Gran. Even Gramps was warming up to him.

  I shifted uneasily in my seat. It was time to talk about this afternoon. I glanced at Kellen and he nodded back at me. “Gran, I need to talk to you and Gramps. It’s serious.” I opened the conversation and changed the subject, my voice a little unsteady.

  They both looked at me. “Ok Hun,” Gramps replied.

  “I was attacked again today.” I heard Gran gasp. “A witch and two werewolves somehow found me in the forest. Actually,” I paused and glanced at him, “it was the demon. Kellen came out of nowhere to rescue me and defeated them. I found out he has been following me for protection. I know you both have figured it out. I know that you are aware that Kellen is my Guardian,” I paused and looked at their faces.

  Neither of them looked very surprised but they did look concerned. Gran put her arm around me and Gramps cleared his throat.

  “Rhia, we know about Kellen being your Guardian because…I was a Guardian once too.” Gramps’ voice was hesitant.

  I opened my mouth in shock. Gramps was a Guardian? Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kellen’s eyebrows rise slightly in surprise. I guess he didn’t know that either.

  “Who did you guard Gramps?” I asked.

  “Several different people until I met your Gran. She is the last charge I ever had. I brought her here a long time ago sweetie, to protect her. We fell in love, later we married, and had your mother. Actually, I am still your Gran’s Guardian today.” His voice was soft as he looked at her, smiling.

  Gran smiled back. “Rhiannon, we have been living on this side of the portal ever since. We have never been able to return to our world for long. Your mother was born there, as I told you before, but I was not able to raise her there. We were forced to return here repeatedly until we had to stay for her safety.” She glanced at Gramps and he nodded, squeezing her hand. “Your parents, they…were not killed in a car crash Hun. They were killed by the enemy on the other side. I’m sorry you had to find out this way and I’m sorry for the deception. It was for your protection. We felt we had no other choice.”

  I sat there in complete shock, my eyes filling with tears. My parents had been murdered? It wasn’t an accident? Why was I told lies? From whom did I need protection? I didn’t understand.

  “I don’t understand. How? What happened?”

  “Do you remember about the Great War long ago? Do you remember when I told you that we had to come here to protect your mother?” Gran asked me in a rush.

  “Yes, Gran,” I replied slowly.

  “Rhiannon, your mother and I were both in great danger. Our blood, our lineage is very strong and powerful. It is sought after by the enemy. Our descendants have been hunted down and destroyed in the past. It should not be a surprise that your father was a Guardian assigned to your mother. Our family has had our fair share of Guardian protection. They are the only ones strong enough to defend us.”

  Kellen nodded. “That’s true.”

  “One day your mother and father disappeared, and we feared the worst. She left us a note. They were going to cross the portal, afraid of the danger their presence may bring for you here, and left you in our care. They made the decision to leave, figuring it would be less conspicuous and harder for the enemy to locate your hiding spot if they were gone. They believed if they returned the enemy would not think to look for you here with us. I don’t believe they intended to stay away for very long. The note said they were hoping to return in a few weeks. It never happened.” Her voice was constricted and tight.

  “They didn’t say goodbye? They just left?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper. My emotions were getting hard to control.

  “Well, they did but I didn’t realize that was what they were doing. They hugged your Gramps and I before they went to bed that night and they spent the evening with you. I can still remember your laughter as your mother tickled you…”

  I was trembling, tears rolling down my face in rapid succession. I hastily wiped them away. My parents had been brave and selfless. They had left to keep me and my grandparents safe. “How did they die?” I whispered, sniffling.

  Kellen took my hand and held it, squeezing lightly.

  “We were informed by another Guardian, dispatched to find us. They had been found and…they were gone. It nearly broke your Gran and I, we loved them very much.” Gramps replied, his voice shaking with the memory.

  It was so sad and terrible. Tragic. I couldn’t believe it. They were killed, by the same enemy that now threatened me. What was I going to do? What if I was killed too? I had to talk to Kellen about this. How was he going to keep me safe?

  I thought of something else right then. How did people think it was a car accident? Everyone in town believed they died tragically in a car crash. That didn’t make sense.

  “Gramps, how does everyone believe it was a car accident?” I asked uncertainly.

  “Well, after we found out the truth, I decided to act quickly. I took your parent’s car and pushed it over the edge of a cliff. It crashed and burned down the ravine. You know the place. It’s now called The Point. When the police arrived, they informed us of the accident and we were already devastated. It wasn’t hard to be convincing since we were so heartbroken. They never did any forensics on the vehicle. It was declared an accident and that was it. We held a funeral with ashes from the wreck and buried them in West Haven Cemetery.”

  I stared at Gramps. Was everything about my parents a secret? Everything hidden? Everything partial truth or lies?

  “Your mother was very well known and loved around here. Your father quickly became well known too. When you were born, their involvement in the community put you at risk. They were in the public eye too much. After they died, we had to make sure the accident was public knowledge as quickly as possible so it would be plausible. We knew the enemy could be watching. I’ll never forget that day.” Gran’s voice sounded hollow, lost in haunting memories.

  Wow, that seemed very elaborate to me but I guess it was necessary. I mean, if my life was in danger, what choice did they have? My parents couldn’t just disappear out of thin air. It would cause suspicion and attract attention. Gramps needed to protect Gran and me. I nodded and wiped the tears from my cheeks. They were both watching my reaction, frowning with concern.

  “Is there anything else I should know? Any other secrets? I feel like everything I knew about them was a lie.” I sniffled again, unable to keep the edge of anger and disappointment from my voice.

  Gran had tears in her eyes. Gramps answered me. “Rhiannon, sweetie, I know it may feel that way but everything we ever told you about your parents really was the truth. It’s just the matter of their death and true identities that you didn’t know. I realize this is difficult. I want you to know how much they loved you and how much your Gran and I love you too.” Gramp’s voice broke slightly.

  I got up slowly and hugged them both. I knew they needed reassurance. “I love you both very much too.”

  I had one more question to ask. I wasn’t sure how they would both react but it was something I really wanted to do. “I would like to vis
it their graves. Please, Kellen can come with me. If either of you want to come, I would like that.” I took a deep breath. “Out of curiosity, why have we never gone?” I probed, looking at them both.

  “It is not safe Rhiannon. I have never felt comfortable enough to take your Gran. We do not know who is watching. It is also a bit painful for us both. Especially since their bodies aren’t actually there. They were buried by my family long ago, on the other side of the portal in Tarin. If you go, promise you will be careful,” Gramps replied, looking at me first and then Kellen.

  “I promise sir. I will watch over her. I understand your concern with the recent attacks and I agree. We can’t be too careful. I will be scouting the area before we leave and take every precaution. I’m sure Rhia will want to go soon,” Kellen answered, looking into my eyes.

  I nodded to him briefly. “Gran, are you ok? Did you want to go with me?” I looked at her questioningly.

  “Not this first time Hun. I think you should go with Kellen. I am struggling enough right now and I’m not sure I could handle it well at the moment. I hope you are not angry with us for not telling you the truth sooner. It had to wait until you were ready.” Her hands were trembling in her lap. Gramps took them in his, patting her in reassurance.

  “It’s shocking but I will be all right. I understand, really I do. I’m not upset with you and Gramps. I realize you did what you needed to in order to keep all of us safe,” I told them truthfully. In the back of my mind a gnawing doubt lingered. Was all of the deception really necessary?

  Gran brought out cherry cobbler for dessert and we changed the subject. Gramps filled us in on some of his recent cases at work. Even though he was retired, he still consulted for the firm often and helped on important community legislature. We relaxed and enjoyed the rest of dinner. Once we were finished eating Kellen and I moved outside and sat on the front porch again. Gran had discretely given us some privacy. She wouldn’t even allow us to do the dishes, even when Kellen offered. He was scoring major points tonight.

  We sat on the front porch swing again.

  “Today wasn’t the first time you were attacked?” He sounded furious.

  “No, there was one other time,” I informed him. I was telling him about my spot in the glade. He had been asking me about what I liked to do in my quiet time. Part of me thought he knew this all already if he was following me but I humored him. I had started telling him about my little sanctuary and how I loved nature. Talking about that had reminded me of the first attack. I told him about the demon Minotaur.

  “Rhiannon, you could have been killed. How did you get away?”

  “I just barely managed to…run away from him. He looked furious. I’m so afraid that he’ll be back.” I trembled with the memory.

  I don’t know why I didn’t tell him about my ability. A part of me felt awkward enough as it was, and then to mention it, when he might not believe me? To be honest, I wasn’t sure of his reaction. Maybe he wouldn’t believe me or maybe he would. The thing was, it didn’t even matter right now. I decided not to say anything to him about it. There was no relevance.

  “Kellen, how did that witch hurl fire balls at us? It scared me to death.” I asked him, trembling at the thought. We were talking about today’s attack now.

  “They use dark magic Rhiannon. There are witches and sorcerers who can manipulate the elements like fire, lightning, and wind but they can’t use nature like trees against us because they are living creatures,” he explained, “Demonic forces have dark magic. Remember that.”

  “It’s still scary,” I admitted.

  “Don’t worry. I’m watching over you now. You’re safe.” His voice was soft and reassuring. It was a tone I was becoming accustomed to. The one he used when he knew I was afraid.

  “Thank you, maybe I’ll be able to sleep tonight.”

  “This isn’t right. It’s not supposed to be this way. All of these attacks, the creatures sent by the darkness coming across the portal especially during daylight hours, it’s all wrong,” he told me angrily.

  We sat quietly in silence for a few minutes as we thought this all through. “So, are you going to tell me who you really are?” I asked.

  “I am a Guardian, your protector. I come from a very long line of warriors. We guard those who are in need of protection. We also guard the gateway, the portal that opens between the two worlds,” he explained, “It is my duty to protect the innocent. I guard against the darkness, against demons, and against evil. I fight for the light Rhiannon.”

  “So it’s a battle of good and evil, of light and dark, is that it?” I asked.

  “It’s always been the battleground of the soul. That’s what angels and demons fight over. Every soul and its fate.”

  “But isn’t that what Guardians do? Isn’t that what you are doing, protecting me from evil?”

  “Yes and no, Rhiannon. It’s a lot more complicated than that,” he admitted.

  What’s more complicated than the truth? Unless you have something to hide. Unless you have secrets. “As in?”

  He looked away from me, out toward the dark sky. “There is way too much to discuss this night and I fear you can only handle so much information at a time.”

  “I see,” I replied coolly.

  “Please do not become angry with me. I’ll explain everything in time,” he promised.

  “Fine, at least you can answer this one question for me. The two worlds? Gran mentioned that already. So, easy for you to elaborate,” I caught his gaze pointedly, “how does this connect me and you?”

  He looked uncomfortable again. I swear he hated questions, especially mine. It could have something to do with the fact that I didn’t let him get away without answering me, I thought humorously.

  “It means that you are in danger as you well know, from a very great enemy. This enemy has plagued our world for centuries, causing wars and destruction over many years. The Guardians protect the people and our cities. Even those who may not deserve it,” he chuckled lightly.

  I raised my eyebrow skeptically. What was he talking about anyway? “You didn’t answer. You deflected.”

  “We are connected by our heritage, by our common ancestry, by the fact that we both have a destiny and a future that is much more than either of us alone.”

  Still only a vague answer. It would have to do for now.

  “What is this really all about Kellen?” I was completely confused.

  “I don’t know the extent of what is going on right now. Usually the enemy doesn’t dare cross the portal at all, especially during the day. The attacks against you don’t make sense. Not in the traditional sense. I need to be watching closely. Maybe I can figure it out. Until then, you will be guarded by me at all times.”

  “I agree.”

  “I’m not sure what is going to happen. But I do know one thing, Rhiannon,” he said seriously, “these attacks are only the beginning.”

  “The beginning of what Kellen? What is going on? Why am I being attacked?” I asked him frantically.

  He sighed. “Rhiannon, I am not certain right now. I know you want answers but I don’t have many to give you at the moment. It’s getting late. Why don’t we discuss this more tomorrow? Don’t you want to go to the cemetery?”

  Darn it. He was thwarting me again. I sighed. “Yes, I do. I guess it can wait until then. Why don’t we go after breakfast?” I tried not to sound irritated. Tomorrow was a holiday. No school.

  “Sounds fine. I’ll want to scout ahead before we leave. Please get some rest. I know it may be difficult but…you need it.”

  I was once again surprised and intrigued by the way he sounded, by the subtle change in tone, by his voice as it betrayed the extent of feelings while he looked at me. He squeezed my hand again as I searched his eyes. I could tell he cared for me and he was worried. Looking down at his hand, I lightly traced the veins, marveling at the strength I could feel beneath the skin. When I looked up, he was staring at me.

  A million thought
s were dancing in my head, fighting for space in an overwhelmed and confused mind. He laced his fingers through mine and squeezed lightly. I waited for his quick withdrawal. The one he always made whenever we grew close in physical contact. It was slow to come this time.

  “Rhiannon, I…” He drifted off, his eyes locking with mine. “I’m drawn to you,” he whispered, “like a moth to a flame.” His other hand brushed my cheek ever so lightly. “It’s exquisite torture and beautiful surrender all in one.”

  I could scarcely breathe. “I won’t lead you astray.” I leaned into his hand. “Don’t walk away.” I met his gaze and pleaded with him. “Don’t hide yourself away from me.”

  His eyes glowed even brighter green in the dim light, a flame of emerald heat. “Never.”

  A moment later, he kissed my hand, still entwined with his, and I went upstairs for bed. Walking slowly into my bedroom, lost in thought, I clenched my jaw, grinding my teeth. I often did that subconsciously when I was irritated or frustrated. It had been a long exhausting day full of fear and surprise but I wasn’t tired. I quickly changed into a short nightgown and climbed into bed. I tried not to let my thoughts wander, closing my eyes.

  It was so hot. Tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable, I couldn’t sleep. The heat always rose up to my room and made it unbearable this time of year. Gran didn’t like to run the air conditioning before she needed to and her and Gramps were often chilled by it. I usually suffered in silence not wanting them to be uncomfortable. Even the ceiling fan was not helping, only blowing hot stiff air around the room.

  The combination of the heat and my overactive mind got the best of me. It didn’t take long for me to get frustrated and decide to get up. I walked around, picking my hair up and trying to fan the sweaty mess at my neck. I was getting nowhere. The fan was only blowing that hot air back onto me. It was late. Maybe it was cooler outside. I opened the sliding glass door and walked out.

  It felt great out here, instantly cooler. There was a light breeze that was rustling the leaves of the huge elm tree in our front yard. I opened my arms and turned slowly around letting the cooler air flow around my clammy body. I already felt a hundred times better.


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