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Peyton's Path: Fighting Fate Book 2

Page 35

by SM Olivier

  The longer we kissed, the more I realized what a sensual person Paxton was. He was like an artist. His movements weren’t rushed. He seemed to want to savor each touch, each action.

  I reached up and raked my fingers through his hair, scraping my nails across his scalp. He gave me an answering moan in return. I already knew his head was highly sensitive.

  “Hey, you guys,” Lucas called out. “We got a lot to do today, remember?”

  Paxton and I pulled away from each other, both breathless. While his countenance was filled with hunger and self-satisfaction, I knew my expression must have been filled with bemusement and lust.

  “Umm, so does that mean you won’t be at my party tonight?” College Boy asked with disappointment.

  “No,” Paxton said immediately before I smiled up at him.

  “The day is still young, so I think I’ll just follow where the wind takes me.” I tried to take the sting out of Paxton’s words.

  “Is this your boyfriend?” he asked in disgruntlement.

  “Yes,” Paxton said with impatience as I captured his hand and began to walk away with him.

  “One of them,” I answered honestly before I realized how that may have sounded. I groaned and started walking faster.

  Surprisingly, Paxton chuckled before he picked up the hand linked with his and kissed the back of it.

  “Got the picture since you guys were so busy sucking face,” Lucas grumbled as I reached Lochlann, Renee, Marie, and Lucas.

  “Too perfect!” Marie giggled. “I got the next…mark. I’ll find some guy to flirt with while Paxton, Peyton, and Mr. Isaacs cover them up.”

  Marie was a gorgeous petite Latina girl. She had long silky black hair, almond-shaped dark brown eyes, and dark skin. Her father was Dominican while her mom was Puerto Rican. Her exotic looks, combined with her sensual mannerisms, made her one of the girls that most of the guys tried to get with.

  Unfortunately for them, she had a thing for older guys and was one hundred percent loyal and monogamous. Her boyfriend of three years was a junior in college. He was pre-med, and she had plans to join him next year. With her brains and drive, I had no doubt she wouldn’t have problem becoming a doctor one day.

  Heather and Marie had been friends since elementary school, and much like me and Madison, there was a huge social gap. While Madison’s and Heather’s parents were extremely well-off, Marie and I knew what it was like to live above poverty conditions. Our relationships shouldn’t work on paper, but somehow they did.

  “Okay, let’s go,” Lucas grumbled. “Goodness knows how long we wasted while Paxton and Peyton played tonsil hockey.”

  “Don’t be jealous, boo,” Marie gently chided him with a smile. “From what I heard, you had your chance. Now, accept defeat gracefully so you don’t lose her for good.”

  I gave Marie a smile full of gratitude while Lucas sulked.


  We finished the first task, and I was surprised and pleased to see another side of Lochlann. Today in his baby blue Henley and torn, faded, light-washed jeans, he seemed like another person. He smiled and laughed a lot, and his wicked dry sense of humor was more prevalent than usual.

  We beat the other team with our first challenge and showed Grandpa, Henry, and Mr. Jenkins our proof that we had completed the task. Mr. Jenkins didn’t think it was fair that we used the same “marks,” but Grandpa and Henry were quick to point out that it wasn’t against the rules.

  I hadn’t realized until we went in search of them that Grandpa and Maisie were positioned by the checkout lanes and were offering twenty-five-dollar gift cards to anyone we may have tagged with our post-its. For those who got double tagged, they got fifty. Surprisingly enough, everyone found it amusing and was thankful for the gift cards. Only College Boy had seemed disgruntled, insisting that I make it up to him by going out on a date with him, but Grandpa quickly placated him by buying his entire cart of beer.

  “Where the heck are we going to find a man with a blue hat?” Lucas grumbled as he looked at the five items on the scavenger hunt list.

  We all looked at each other for a moment. It wasn’t like we could ask a man in a blue hat to come follow us to our judges.

  “Captain Crunch has a blue hat,” Renee finally piped up.

  Paxton crowed before picking her up and swinging her around in circles. He gave her a loud resounding kiss on her cheek. “You’re brilliant, Ray,” he praised her.

  Out of all the guys, I think Paxton had made it his mission to bring Renee out of her shell the most. He always teased her and flirted with her, but I never once felt jealous. I knew he saw the lack of confidence in her as I had. I knew he liked…soothing bent spirits. She needed more people like him, so it never bothered me. He even stopped calling her Renee, naming her Ray. She didn’t seem to mind it and flourished under his attention.

  I saw two bright pink spots enter her cheeks as she ducked her head. “Um, thanks,” she murmured. “I’ll go get a box.” She rushed off.

  We looked over the next items. “‘Find the eyes that can’t see,” Marie read, mystified.

  “Potatoes have eyes that can’t see,” I blurted out after a few moments of contemplation.

  “I’m happy I’m on the smart team.” Lucas laughed.

  Lucas was brilliant with computers and engines. Puzzles like this completely eluded him.

  “Lucas, go get a bag of potatoes and meet us at the registers,” Lochlann suggested. “I’m going to get some unicorn cupcakes.” He pointed to the next item that stated mythical treats.

  “I’ll get the broccoli,” Paxton stated as he pointed to the mini trees.

  “And we can go get some Cheetos,” I said to Marie as I saw the last item as the Too-cool cat.

  “So,” Marie said almost conversationally as we made our way to the snack aisle. “Heather told me to mind my own business, and Freddy thinks he totally has it figured out, but inquiring minds want to know exactly which guy you are dating.”

  I grimaced slightly. It was inevitable. These people had become…friends to me, Freddy the most, followed by Heather and then Marie, but I really liked them, and I sensed no malice in them. “All of them,” I mumbled as I made my way down the aisle.

  She let out a burst of surprised laughter. “As in Kyler, Paxton, Zane, Crew, Golden, and Mr. Issacs?”

  “Not Mr. Isaacs,” I said hastily. “He’s a guidance counselor,” I immediately added. Friend or not, I wouldn’t admit our feelings to anyone. “I mean,” I stuttered. “He’s an amazing friend, and I care about him but…”

  She gave me a shrewd look before she grinned and shrugged. “So, what you’re doing is just for fun until you decide who you like more?”

  I reached up and grabbed the bag of Cheetos with Chester the Cheetah in his sunglasses prominently on the front of it.

  “I like them all equally, and we’re…exploring our attractions,” I admitted to her.

  Marie gaped at me for a moment. “I don’t know if I should be judgmental or jealous,” she admitted before she grinned. “No, I’m jealous. If I didn’t love my Brent so much, I wouldn’t mind having two or three other guys showering me with all that attention and affection. Can I tell Heather and Freddy?”

  I laughed at her bluntness and honesty. At least she asked me permission before she gossiped.

  “Heather won’t spill a word, and well… maybe I won’t tell Freddy,” she hastily added.

  I shrugged and feigned a smile. “I don’t mind if you tell Heather, but the jury is still out with Freddy. I love the boy to death, but he does have…”

  “A loud mouth?” Marie finished. I grinned and nodded. “Although he hasn’t…”

  She stopped abruptly, snapping her mouth closed, and my mind immediately scrambled to figure out why she closed down. Understanding slowly dawned. “Did anything happen between Freddy and Heather?” I asked suspiciously.

  She looked away. “We should get back to the registers so we can figure out our next challenge.”

  She took the bag of chips from me and hurried away. It took me a moment to realize she was dodging my question. I decided to hunt her down, laughing as I took off after her. I immediately ran into someone with formidable bulk.

  “Sorry,” I blurted out as I tried to regain my footing.

  “Peyton?” I heard a surprised masculine voice question.

  I looked up in confusion before I realized that the voice belonged to Coach Carson. I was just as surprised to see him. We were almost an hour away from town. Grandpa had purposefully chosen a grocery store far enough away that, hopefully, I wouldn’t be recognized.

  The media seemed to have lost some interest in Claire’s case, or at least my angle in it. I knew David and Catherine were still feeding them other information that might cause more attention to their situation than the bastard daughter of David.

  “What did you do to your hair?” he almost sounded angry for a moment before he smiled at me. “I mean, red is such a becoming color on you.”

  I looked at him in confusion and wondered if I had imagined the anger because his face was relaxed, and he had his usual congenial smile in place. “It’s fake,” I said ruefully, lifting up the pale blonde tresses. “I didn’t want to be recognized.”

  “Ah, yes. It’s a horrible thing what happened to the girl,” he sympathized.

  I frowned. Commonly people called her Claire or my sister.

  “Hey, Coach!” Golden loped around the corner. “Who are these cuties?”

  I was confused until I realized there was a pair of identical twins in his cart. The little girls appeared to be around three or four, and they were dressed identically in long white dresses. Both petite enough to sit up in the front together. They had long black hair that framed their pale faces in two braids. One kept her head down, while the other one looked up at me for a brief second with the prettiest moss-green eyes I had ever seen. She looked at me with curiosity and confusion before she quickly dropped her eyes once more.

  I chalked it up to shyness. I had seen enough kids come through my camp to know some kids were just painfully introverted. I’d had so many parents inform me that they hoped camp would bring their children out of their shells.

  “Hey, pretty girls,” I cooed to them as I got eye level with them. The girl to my left kept her eyes trained on the ground while the bolder of the two peeked up at me once more.

  “They’re my nieces,” Coach said quickly. “Well, we must get going. My brother is waiting for me. Busy day and all. Have a great long weekend!” Then he was gone.

  “Odd,” Golden said with a frown as he placed a hand on my back.

  “What’s that?” I asked inquisitively.

  “His cart was filled with the most random items. Chef Boyardee pasta, ramen noodles, tuna fish, spam; stuff college kids would eat,” he said with a shrug as he gently caressed my back.

  I laughed. “Maybe he’s going camping.”

  “With formula?” he inquired.

  “What are you, the grocery police?” I teased.

  He chuckled and shrugged. “I just−” He laughed once more and shook his head. “Never mind. It sounds crazy.”

  “Peyton, come on,” Paxton said breathlessly as he came up to us. “What are you doing, Golden?”

  “Nothing,” Golden smiled smugly.

  I narrowed my eyes on him, remembering that he was on the other team. “You’re trying to distract me!” I accused him.

  He laughed before he scampered off.

  “Cheater!” Paxton called after him.

  I grinned and shook my head. If he wanted to play dirty, I’d show him dirty.

  “We got all the items and the next challenge. It’s a fun one.” Paxton took my hand and began to tug me along behind him. “You’re gonna kill this one. It’s called Let’s Take a Selfie… with strangers.”

  “Yes,” I cried triumphantly, running to stay beside him.

  “Hey, Peyton,” Grandpa called right before I was about to exit the store.

  “Hmm?” I inquired with a grin.

  “Here.” He smiled as he handed me a twenty-five-dollar gift card.

  Maisie was squealing with laughter as she danced around, covering her mouth. She seemed to be having just as much fun as us. I think her presence also softened the blow once people realized that they had Post-its on their backs.

  “Grandpa,” I protested. “You’ve already given me enough.”

  He chuckled. “Maybe, but you’ve been tagged.”

  It took me a second to realize what he meant.

  “Golden,” Paxton growled out as he turned me around.

  “He’s gonna regret this,” I snarled but laughed at the same time.

  That sneaky ass had put all his Post-its on my back, distracting me with conversation and affection. He was good.

  Oh, Golden, I’m so gonna get you back.



  Birthday Surprises

  Today was going to go down as one of the best days of my life. I seriously needed to think of a way to thank the guys with more than just words. This was seriously my best birthday ever. The thought and planning it took to pull it off was beyond amazing. I couldn’t remember the last time I had laughed and smiled so much.

  My team won, which made it better. We had spent nearly all day completing the challenges and hunting down the items at the grocery store, park, mall, and finally, a roller-skating rink. Heather and Marie had so much fun, they had insisted that we do the same thing for them in a few months when they turned eighteen.

  The bonds between Renee, Freddy, Marie, and Heather had grown as the day progressed, and I could see that Renee had found her place in the group, too. She was more talkative and almost seemed like another person altogether.

  “Let’s get more firewood,” Zane suggested to Paxton before he stood in front of me.

  We were back in Kyler and Crew’s back yard. Tents had been erected, and the bonfire was going. Paxton and Kyler had been mortified when they’d found out that I’d never gone camping before. Not legit camping, anyway, with tents and sleeping bags. They told me this was just to get my “feet wet” until we could go camping for real one day.

  We had just finished eating pizza and were sitting around the fire pit. The stars were brilliant, and the moon full. I was comfortable and content ensconced in Crew’s embrace, as Golden, Renee, and Lochlann played music and sang. The night was chilly enough for me to be wearing one of Crew’s hoodies—even though it was large enough to be a dress on me, but I took comfort in its warmth and smell.

  Almost everyone had a drink in their hand, but it wasn’t your typical teenage get-together. No one wanted to get trashed or ruin the mellow vibe of the campfire. It was more recreational drinking. I chose not to drink, as well as Paxton and Lochlann.

  Lochlann may have been more laid back and open today, but he was still hyper-aware of the fact that he was surrounded by his students.

  The back door opened up, and Grandpa and Kyler came out carrying a three-tiered cake covered in candles. Golden immediately started playing Happy Birthday on his guitar, and everyone began to sing along. I felt my face warm with pleasure and embarrassment, and I cuddled closer to Crew. He drew me in tighter and sang against my temple.

  His voice wasn’t half-bad; in fact, it was amazing, and I was floored by the husky raspiness of it. I looked over my shoulder and grinned at him. He winked, and my insides warmed up even more.

  “Happy Birthday, dear.” Grandpa smiled as and Ky presented the cake.

  “Close your eyes and make a wish!” Lucas and Madison yelled simultaneously.

  I grinned and closed my eyes. Please, let this happiness last… and then I blew.

  Everyone clapped and cheered, and I grinned at them. “Thank you, everyone, for spending the day with me,” I called out.

  “I hope you didn’t spit on the cake,” Freddy joked loudly.

  I hadn’t yet cornered my new guy best friend about the Heather situation, but it was still
on the agenda. There was no doubt that he and Madison had only grown closer throughout the day, and Heather was getting more and more sullen. She tried to openly flirt with Lucas, but surprisingly enough, Lucas’ attention was all on Renee.

  Usually Lucas loved the popular girls. He liked them loud and outgoing, like Madison and Heather. Maybe that was why I felt surprised when I found out he had a crush on me. I may have traveled in Madison’s circles, but I was always on the outside. I wasn’t outgoing, by any means.

  I was worried about Renee at first, because she was so innocent compared to Lucas, but then I realized how hypocritical and unfair I was being. She was mature, more mature than Lucas, even, and I had to trust Lucas to not hurt the younger girl.

  “Only on your piece,” I called back saucily.

  “Time for presents!” Paxton insisted as Grandpa and Kyler took the cake to the patio table.

  Usually I would have hopped up and helped, but the guys refused to allow me to do anything today. Every time I tried, they demanded that I sit down and relax.

  “No, let’s eat cake first,” Lochlann insisted with an indulgent smile.

  “Well, I’m going to get mine, then,” Paxton disputed. “That way, she can open them up as soon as she gets done eating her cake.”

  “I’ll help,” Zane added.

  “Me too,” Lucas and Freddy volunteered simultaneously.

  “I already got enough presents already!” I protested.

  “But not more than what you deserve,” Crew rasped in my ear.

  “Why haven’t I ever heard you sing before?” I countered back to hide my blush. “You have an amazing voice.”

  He smiled crookedly at me. “Hardly. How was your day today, angel?”

  “The best,” I informed him as he kissed my temple. “I’ve never felt so…special. Birthdays were often forgotten in my household. I just got used to not having them, and then when Madison and Lucas were around for my birthdays, we had fun, but today tops them all.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, and I’m happy to see you’re a redhead again.” He stroked my hair.


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