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Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were)

Page 6

by Flynn, Donna

  He stared down at her, seeing immediately that she clearly didn’t know the reaction men had to her. He groaned and pulled her against him as a slow song started to play, gritting his teeth, trying to get hold of his rage before he beat the snot of one of the many teenage males who were staring at her. Something he was sure would ruin Mercy’s prom night and put him in the doghouse for a long time.

  Mercy felt Alec’s body trembling and realized Rich, who was dancing next to them with Gina, was eyeing him worriedly, which made her even more anxious. “Alec, what is going on?” she asked, running her fingers through his hair trying to relax him. His hands tightened on her hips and he pulled her as close as possible to him, in a show of possessiveness she recognized immediately. He was jealous, and jealous Weres were extremely possessive and easy to enrage. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he looked down on her, the amber of his eyes making it clear he was close to losing control. “I’m yours,” she told him calmly, thankful for the heels that made her almost his height as she pressed her mouth to his, kissing him with everything she had until his grip on her loosened and she felt his body cease trembling. “That’s better,” she said laying her head against his chest.

  “Yeah,” he murmured wrapping his arms around her, closing his eyes, and letting the soothing soft tones of the love song that surrounded them seep into his mind and calm him as they swayed to the music.

  Mercy savored the feel of his arms around her, and the light kisses her placed on her neck and shoulder as they moved together, forgetting about everything but the two of them. All too soon, though, the music changed to something faster and although Rich and Gina stayed on the dance floor, Alec pulled her towards their table.

  Alec pulled out a chair for Mercy, then sat next to her, holding her hand in his for a few moments before he found the words to apologize for his behavior. “I’m sorry. I had not anticipated that so many males would be staring at you. I should have considering how gorgeous you are, though.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. What girl didn’t want her very hot boyfriend to be jealous of the other males who were ogling her? Of course, her hot guy could single-handedly rip out their throats if angered so she rushed to remind him why he needn’t be jealous. “None of them matter to me, you are the only one I care about,” she said, taking a seat on his lap. “When I picked this dress all I could think about was your reaction. I should have considered how other males might react.”

  “It’s not your fault. You’re gorgeous, but seeing all of those males staring at you and knowing what they were thinking was just too much.”

  “Now you’re a mind reader?” she teased.

  “No, but I am a hot-blooded male. I know what males who see a female as beautiful as you are thinking.”

  “I can’t spend my life covered up and you can’t go around growling at people, Alec.” She ran her hand through his thick mane of hair and smiled at him lovingly. “I love you, I chose you to spend the rest of my existence with, and no other male will ever make me question that choice.”

  Alec met her gaze and saw the truth shining in her eyes. She was his and only his, forever, and he was the luckiest male on earth to have her by his side. “I love you, my Angel,” he said. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”

  “Good, because I really have to use the bathroom,” she said, squirming on his lap.

  Alec looked to Gina, who at his nod walked back to the table. “What’s up?” she asked, her face flushed with color from all the dancing she had been doing.

  “Can you go into the restroom with Mercy?”

  “No problem.” She leaned down and whispered to Mercy, “I really need to go anyway.”

  “Alec, is this really necessary?” Mercy asked as he walked her to the bathrooms, his arm slung around her possessively as Gina followed behind.

  “I’m not taking any chances, and obviously I cannot go in the ladies’ room with you,” he told her.

  Mercy rolled her eyes and waited outside as Gina went in to check things out before giving the all-clear. “See, it’s a bathroom. Nothing in there can harm me.”

  Alec cupped her chin and placed a kiss on her lips. “One never knows,” he murmured before letting go and allowing her to walk inside the ladies room.

  Mercy saw Gina’s feet under the stall door, so she went about her own business then went directly to the sink, washed her hands, and splashed some cool water on her face. As she straightened, she felt the odd tingle of another Were’s presence and looked in the mirror, where a beautiful black-haired young female stood staring at her with a smile upon her full, blood-red lips.

  “Hello Mercy,” Jaden said, holding her entranced with her gaze. “This will only hurt a tiny bit,” she said pulling a small gun-like appliance from her bag, pulling the material of Mercy’s gown away and placing the gun to her hip before hitting the trigger and pulling it away with a satisfied smile. “You will remember none of this. You came into the bathroom with your friend and saw no one or nothing, do you understand?” Mercy nodded. “Good girl, now go and enjoy your little dance, and that hot werewolf of yours, while you still can.”

  A soft slam of the stall door brought Mercy from her trance and she looked into the mirror as Gina came from the stall tugging on her dress.

  “This thing is pretty, but it’s a nightmare to go to the bathroom in,” Gina said as she walked to the sink and began washing her hands. She looked at her friend who stared at her in the mirror saying nothing, and frowned. “Are you alright?” she asked.

  Mercy blinked and smiled. “I’m fine, let’s go dance.” She grabbed Gina’s hand, they walked out to where Alec waited, and she pulled him to the dance floor as another slow song began to play.

  “Are you alright?” Alec asked looking at her with concern, noting how oddly excited she seemed.

  Mercy looked up at the man she loved more than anything in the world, wanting only to dance and have a good time. For the first time she really was okay with the way things had turned out in her life. She would miss her friends and the carefree life of a teenager, but she relished her future with Alec and looked forward to being by his side for the rest of her long existence. “I’m fine,” she said, hugging him tight. “Everything is just perfect”


  Mercy snuggled into Alec’s arms as the limo drove up the long winding mountain roads towards home, happy and content that the night had gone so well. After his one loss of control, Alec managed to pull it together and they had spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing with their friends. It had been a magical, stress-free evening and she hated to see it end, but as she stifled a yawn, she realized she didn’t have the stamina to continue on anyway.

  “Tired, love?” Alec asked playing with a loose curl of her hair.

  “I am, but I hate for this to end,” she confided, squeezing his other hand.

  “This is just the beginning for us, Angel. We have so many things to look forward to in our lives together.” He brushed his lips across her forehead and hugged her close.

  “Like what?” she asked tiredly.

  Alec smiled. “There’s graduation, the bonding ceremony, our honeymoon, children.”

  Mercy stroked the back of his hand and smiled. “You have thought about our children?”

  “Of course,” he said looking offended. “What kind of male would I be not to think about our son, who will take my place as Alpha someday?” He pictured a young boy of ten, his chestnut hair like his own as he smiled up at him, holding a fishing pole in one hand and a string of fish in the other.

  “A boy, huh? You are aware it could be a girl?” Mercy teased.

  Alec pictured her too, a pretty little thing with long curly Titian hair like her mother’s, with eyes so big and green it was like looking into an emerald. “I like that, a little Angel like her mother, whom I can spoil rotten.”

  “You know, children grow up. If we have a girl you will have to beat the boys away with a stick,” she told him, la
ughing as he frowned at the thought.

  “All male offspring then,” he said kissing her to cut off her objection.

  “Sir, we are here,” the driver said through the crack of the window he had rolled down to speak to them.

  Alec thanked the driver and helped Mercy gather her belongings as they pulled to a stop in front of her house. The driver opened the door and Alec once again got out, then turned to help her, before tipping the man generously and saying goodnight. They watched as the car drove off, standing together, neither one ready to say goodnight.

  “I had the best time,” Mercy said, her shoes dangling from one finger as she leaned into him, wanting another kiss.

  “Me too,” Alec said, his lips seeking hers, giving her what she longed for.

  The porch light flicked on and Mercy could see Lucan outlined against the screen door and she knew the night had come to an end. “I have to go,” she said regretfully.

  “I know, but soon you will never have to leave me again, and I will get to hold you in my arms all night.”

  “You know just how to make me smile,” she said, running up the stairs of the porch and blowing him a kiss before walking inside.

  Alec turned away, whistling, unprepared for Mason, who stepped out from behind a tree to block his path.

  “Have a good night?” Mason asked, loosening the tie around his neck, looking uncomfortable in the black tuxedo he wore.

  Alec smiled. “Yeah, how about you?”

  “Fine, until I realized there were some people there that were definitely not on the guest list.”

  Alec froze. He had not known Mason long, but so far he had been helpful and seemed to know how to gather information without anyone seeing him. Unfortunately, given the situation with the Elders finding out about Mercy he wasn’t sure how much he could trust him. “Who?” Alec asked.

  “A female, petite, dark-haired, with a male Were, brown hair, about six four by her side.”

  “Hell,” Alec ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Are they still around?”

  Mason shook his head. “I followed them out of town after they left, much to my date’s upset.”

  Alec could only imagine how angry the female would have been to have her prom night ruined by her date’s hasty departure. “Where did they go?”

  “They went to a small airport in the next town and took a private plane out.”

  “Son of a bitch, how could I have missed them?” Alec slammed his fist into a nearby tree ignoring the pain that followed. He had been so distracted by his desire for Mercy that he had missed the presence of others of their kind. It was an idiotic move that could have cost him his mate.

  “You wouldn’t have sensed them,” Mason said, understanding his upset. “They give off no odor and are smart enough to blend in with their surroundings. I first noticed them a few days ago in the forest, talking about you, Mercy, and the Elders. I followed them then, but the female was watching for anything suspicious so I couldn’t get too close.” Mason leaned against the tree and watched Alec’s mood shift from happy to rage-filled. “I assume you know them, then?”

  “I don’t, but I suspect the Elders sent them to keep an eye on us.”

  Mason looked to Mercy’s house. “Are you going to tell her?”

  “For tonight I’ll just keep my eyes open. If they flew back home they are not a threat right now, but God knows when they will show up again.” Mason nodded and Alec stuck out his hand. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  Mason shook his hand and frowned. “You should also know the female was talking to your friend Rich in the lobby.”

  “What the hell!” Alec thundered. “I thought I could trust him, I thought he was on our side.”

  “I don’t know what they were talking about, I was too far away, but he seemed kind of dazed after she left.”

  Alec thought about Gina, and hoped she wasn’t too attached to Rich, because he was going to kill him if he found out he was the one who had told the Elders about Mercy.

  “Look, I don’t know what is going on, but I know that you’re angry and probably want to strangle him, but the old saying “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” really applies here. If you tip your hand, Rich might run, and you will never know what is going on.” He pulled his tie from around his neck and stuffed it in his pocket. “I’ll keep my eye on him. If he meets her again I will let you know.”

  “Thanks, Mason, I would appreciate it, and please don’t say anything to Mercy about this, she had a wonderful night and I want that to be what she remembers.” Plus, he didn’t want her to worry.

  Mason nodded and walked back into the forest, leaving Alec to his own thoughts.

  Alec wasn’t sure what to make of Mason. It could be he was lying and setting Rich up to get in good with him, or he could be telling the truth, which meant Alec had to deal with the fact his best friend had turned on him. Either way, his mate was in danger and he couldn’t allow it to continue. No longer could he trust the people he had thought would never betray him and now he would be forced to turn to someone he had never thought he would ask for a favor. With little other choice, he took out his cell phone and dialed the number of the one person he knew could never hurt Mercy, even though it killed him to do it.

  Chapter Five

  Mercy woke Sunday morning to the sound of birds chirping and the smell of bacon cooking in the kitchen downstairs. She stretched and got of bed, anticipating seeing Alec again after such a magical night. A quick glance in the mirror to be sure she didn’t look frightful, and she was on her way out of the door. With a smile, she jogged down the stairs and turned into the kitchen, faltering when she saw not only her brothers and Alec at the table, but her ex-boyfriend Kirk, who had at best a tentative relationship with Alec.

  “There she is,” Lucan said from the stove where he was in the process of flipping pancakes.

  Every eye in the room turned to her and she felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment.

  “Morning, Angel,” Alec said coming to her side and placing his arm around her, escorting her to a chair.

  Cade slid a glass of orange juice in front of her and she took a large swallow before turning to look at Kirk.

  “I know. Weird, right?” he asked with a grin.

  Mercy nodded, not trusting herself to say anything. Given their history together it was more than passing odd, but she didn’t comment, instead she looked to Alec, who took one of her hands in his and began stroking her fingers nervously. “Alec, what is going on?”

  “We need help and Kirk is about the only one I trust to give it to us at this point,” he explained.

  “What?” Mercy shook her head in confusion and looked to Cade, who sat across the table watching it all with a grin.

  “I have reason to believe that Rich might be the one who tipped off the council about your being a Born Were. He is the one in charge of the pack members keeping watch over you so I can’t exactly trust him, but I can’t pull him off that duty either without raising suspicion so I asked Kirk to help us out.”

  “Alec, Rich wouldn’t do this. He is your best friend,” Mercy said, unable to believe Rich would be capable of such deceit.

  “It has always seemed that way, but I have some evidence that is pretty damming and I can’t trust him until I know, but I also can’t let him know I have evidence on him. If he knew, it might force his hand before I know exactly what it is he is up to.”

  “I can’t believe this.” She clasped his hand, seeing clearly how upset he was by the news his friend might be the very one that betrayed them.

  Alec tightened his grip on her hand and looked to Kirk. “I needed someone who had no reason to betray us to help, and since Kirk is heir to his own pack and has always cared for you he was the logical choice.”

  Mercy was stunned. Alec asking for Kirk’s help was huge, and it meant he had no one else to turn to.

  “I have offered some of my father’s people to keep an eye on things around here. Sinc
e we are the local pack, our presence won’t seem odd to Rich or the rest of Alec’s pack.”

  She stared at them in disbelief. Not long ago they were ready to rip each other’s throats out and now, to protect her, they were working together. Tears flooded her eyes and Alec pulled her into his arms. “Isn’t this going to be weird for you?” she asked Kirk.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe a month ago, but I know now that Alec is your true mate and I am dating Lane now so, there’s no weirdness for me. Are you alright with this?”

  Mercy gulped and looked to Alec, who seemed awfully calm about everything. The only sign he was aggravated was the tight grip he had on her hand. “I guess I mean you and I were friends long before we dated, but won’t Lane mind?”

  “Nah, she knows how I feel about her and she is your friend too, you know.”

  He gave her a charming smile that melted the last of her reservations and she found herself agreeing with their plan. “I’m so glad you and Lane found each other,” she said, honestly happy he too had found love.

  “Yeah, me too,” he said, his cheeks growing slightly pink.

  “So how exactly is this going to work? I mean Rich knows about me dating Kirk, he isn’t going to believe that you are okay with us being friends.”

  Alec smiled and patted her leg. “No, but he knows that you and Lane are friends and as such would expect your men to get along, despite our past. Don’t worry, Kirk and I will play our parts well.”

  “So what, we are now going to be the best of friends and begin double dating?”

  “No,” both men said in unison.

  Alec cleared his throat, looking to Kirk with a thin smile. “I just want an extra set of eyes and someone I can trust to keep an eye on you if the need should arise.”

  “And I have agreed to be that guy,” Kirk said.

  “So at home you will have you brothers to watch over you and at school you will have me, Kirk, our pack, and some of his pack keeping an eye out.”

  “Okay, if you’re both sure you can handle this, I’m alright with it.” She looked to her brothers, who had been silent throughout the exchange. “What do you two think about all of this?”


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