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Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were)

Page 8

by Flynn, Donna

  Another knock at the door had them all tense and looking to it with unease.

  “Alec, open up, I need to talk to you, it’s important,” Kirk said on the other side.

  Nina rushed to the door and opened it for her brother, seeing immediately he was angry.

  Kirk didn’t waste time with niceties. He looked directly to Alec and spoke. “What the hell is going on? I thought you wanted our people watching over the house?”

  “I do,” Alec said, looking confused.

  Kirk frowned. “Then why are the Elders’ Weres roaming the forest and watching the house?”

  “What!” Alec exclaimed, letting go of Mercy and walking out of the back door, surveying the area and feeing the newcomers’ presence. He let out a string of colorful curses before walking back inside, looking ready to commit murder.

  “Alec, what is happening?” Mercy said coming to his side, wrapping her arms around his waist, and laying her head against his shoulder.

  Alec wrapped his arms tighter around her. “The Elders sent in their guard to make sure I don’t run off with you.”

  “What are you going to do now?” Kirk asked solemnly.

  Alec wasn’t sure himself what his next move would be, but he knew he wasn’t giving up his mate, even if it meant fighting every male werewolf who challenged him to keep her. “We will figure something out,” he said, his chin resting on the top of Mercy’s head as she buried her face against him, her fear pulsating, adding to his own.


  Cade was home a few hours later, angrier than a bear when he strode into the house looking like a motorcycle gang member with all the black leather and chains he wore. “What is going around here?” he yelled. “I leave for a night and everything goes to hell.” He had encountered two unfamiliar wolves on his ride in, who pissed him off with their self-righteous attitudes when he questioned their presence. To his deep satisfaction, both would be hurting for a long time, but was still clueless as to why the Elders’ guard was there at all.

  Mercy sat up from where she had been snuggled against Alec’s side and ran to him babbling on about the council, the letter, and their guards. Through it all, he hugged her close promising it was going to be okay, despite the fact he wasn’t sure it would.

  “Gregory will be here any minute. We can discuss what we do next when he gets here,” Lucan told his indignant brother.

  Alec stood and flexed his fist. “I need to find Rich; he has answers and I want them.”

  “Alec, this is probably not the best time to confront him,” Lucan said, looking troubled.

  “I can feel your rage from here. You might end up killing him, which would prevent us from getting the information we need,” Cade said.

  “Don’t worry, I will get the information I need before I kill him,” Alec snarled, his body tense and ready for a fight.

  “Alec don’t,” Mercy said, coming to his side and laying her hand on his arm. “Killing Rich won’t make this go away. Besides, you’re assuming he is guilty without hearing his side of things.”

  Alec felt some of the rage inside of him subside with just her gentle touch. He looked down on her, taking in her soft features and timeless beauty, feeling his entire body respond to her gentle nature. Soon calm washed over him and he knew she had been using her healing to soothe his beast. “Thank you, Angel,” he said, feathering his lips across hers. “My father is here,” he said, going to the front door, watching as his father got out of his car, scanned the wood line with a frown, then slammed the car door before walking to the front porch.

  “Alec,” Gregory said to his son before glancing to Mercy, who was rubbing her hands together nervously. “How’s she doing?” he asked softly as his son opened the door for him.

  “Upset, scared, and trying to hide it,” Alec answered quietly.

  “This is a mess. I requested an audience with the Elders when Lucan called, but they turned me down. Not that I think it would have done much good anyway. Those old farts are too out of touch to understand the bond between mates anyway, but I wanted to try.”

  Alec nodded. “I have the feeling they have already made up their minds,” he said. “What better way to show how effective they are than to produce a Born Were and parade her before all the packs, offering her up for sacrifice to make them look powerful.” His contempt for the Elders must have shown because his father placed his hand on his shoulder and squeezed it hard.

  “They are powerful, Alec, do not ever doubt that,” Gregory cautioned before letting him go and crossing the room, sweeping Mercy into his arms. “How are you?” he asked, hugging her close.

  “Fine,” she answered, trying desperately not to cry.

  Gregory chuckled and looked down on her with disbelief. “How are you really?”

  Mercy sighed. Gregory knew her to well to fall for her lies. “I’m scared.”

  “It’s okay to be afraid,” he said, his heart breaking for her.

  Mercy looked across the room to Alec who was engaged in conversation with her brothers, and frowned. “I’m not afraid for me. I’m terrified for Alec. He plans to fight for me and I can’t stand the idea of him being hurt.”

  Gregory met her gaze and nodded. “He will do what he needs to see you safe and by his side.”

  “Promise me if things don’t go as planned you won’t let him do anything stupid. I couldn’t live if he were hurt or worse,” she choked out.

  “I will not let him do anything foolish,” he promised.

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Thank you, Gregory,” she whispered, knowing he would never break that promise. If her feelings were right, soon Alec and she would be separated and when that happened, she didn’t want him doing anything stupid that would cost him his life. She couldn’t live if she knew anything had happened to him, but she could accept whatever was coming if he was safe from harm.

  “Have faith. My son loves you. He would move heaven and earth to be with you, forever.” He kissed her forehead and walked to where the men were all talking, leaving her to her own devices.

  Unable to stand any more talk of the Elders, and what was to come, Mercy turned away and walked out of the kitchen. Alec’s gaze followed her the entire way out, so she kept her back straight and her emotions in check until she was ensconced in her bathroom, the shower running as she sat on the floor choking on her sobs as she let all the tears she had been holding back fall. Only there, where she knew they wouldn’t hear her, would she allow herself to wallow in self pity. Alec didn’t need to see her fall apart, he needed her to be strong and believe in him, and God help her, she was going to do just that.


  “So, the plan is to carry on as usual,” Alec said to the men assembled at the table. “There is nothing we can do until we see the Elders, so for now, we just act as if nothing is out of the ordinary.” He looked to Rich, whom he would have rather beaten to death than have at the table, but managed to control his rage. “I don’t want one of our pack getting hurt if they get in the way of the Elders’ guard, so remind them to keep a good distance away.” Rich nodded and Alec looked to Lucan. “I want Mercy to have a big party after the Graduation Ceremony. Maybe that will help alleviate some of the stress she is under.” Lucan nodded, looking solemn. “Dad, I will be home this weekend to see to the last of the rank fights before graduation.”

  “Son, maybe you should wait until after graduation, your plate is kind of full,” Gregory said worriedly, afraid Alec might be too distracted to fight at his best.

  Alec turned and looked to his father, meeting his Alpha gaze with his own fierce one. “I want this handled and out of the way now.”

  Gregory nodded, seeing his son was in control and thinking like the Alpha he was soon to be. “Okay, I will make the arrangements.”

  “Good, we’re done here then,” Alec said, rising from the table. “Luc, is it okay if check on Mercy before I go?”

  “She’s probably asleep. She was exhausted when I went up earlier, but go ahead,” he
r brother said wearily.

  “Man, I’m out of here, but tell Mercy I said good night and that I’m sorry about everything,” Rich said as he walked for the door.

  Alec saw red instantly and spun around at Rich’s words, but Cade’s firm grip on his arm kept him from acting. He looked up to meet Cade’s cool grey eyes and snarled. “It’s not worth it man, let it go right now. You’ve got bigger problems.”

  Alec knew he was right. Instead of pounding on Rich as he had intended he walked into to the hallway and up the steps that would lead him to his mate.


  Mercy shifted in her sleep as Alec walked into her room and he moved swiftly towards the bed, standing over her, admiring how even in sleep she was the most beautiful female he had ever seen. She sighed and turned on her back giving him a clear look at her pale white complexion, highlighted by her Titian hair that lay in a riot of curls around her like a halo. She was exquisite and he couldn’t help but reach down and brush her cheek with his finger to just to feel the softness of her skin. Her head turned instantly towards him and he felt a bolt of desire run though him that he had come to know so well. Backing away before he could react to the temptation, he took a seat in the chair next to the bed, happy just to be near her, to watch over her as she slept.

  The clock ticked as he sat staring at her for most of the night, unable to leave her side. Lucan had checked in on her a few times and so had Cade, both of whom said nothing about his presence by her side. He knew they were thinking, as he was, that it might be a very long time before he had the chance to be alone with her again and he intended to make use of every second they had together.

  Somewhere in the middle of the night, Mercy began to toss and turn, her soft mewing noises bringing him from the chair to her side. She thrashed about on the bed, tears running down her cheeks as she begged and pleaded with someone to free her and his heart broke. Instantly he was by her side, pulling her into his arms, whispering words of love to her until only the sound of her even breathing once again filled the room. Assured she was at peace once again, he closed his eyes, allowing himself the sleep he had been depriving himself of since he had begun to watch over her house every night.

  Chapter Seven

  “Are you crazy, Luc,” Mercy snapped at breakfast the next morning when he told her that he was throwing a party for her the night they graduated.

  “Alec wants this for you, and besides maybe planning a party will help relieve some of the tension over the next few weeks while we wait.” He looked to his brother for help, but Cade offered a wan smile and said nothing. They all thought Alec was out of his tree for wanting to throw a party the night before Mercy had to face the Elders, but he refused to back down, telling them that he wanted her to enjoy her last night of freedom.

  “He’s crazy too then!” she argued.

  “I think this is nuts too, but he loves you and he wants to make you happy so just go with it, and for Gods sakes don’t give him a hard time about it. He has enough on his plate without you acting like a shrew,” Cade told her.

  Mercy turned to look at him in disbelief. “You think I’m acting like a shrew?”

  “I said don’t act like one, there’s a difference.” He rolled his eyes and she placed her hands on her hips, directing her angry stare upon him, making him squirm in his chair.

  She knew he was right. Alec wanted to keep everything, as normal as possible, but it wouldn’t work no matter how hard they tried. She was alarmingly aware of how every tick of the clock brought her closer to the time when she would have to face the Elders and she didn’t expect a reprieve from them. Gregory thought that they were flexing their muscle to show the other packs they were still powerful and that they would indeed evoke the old law that would make her a prize for any male Were willing to fight for her. According to the law, which Gregory had read with a fine-tooth comb, every pack would have the right to offer up one male in order to win her as their mate and bring a Born Were into their pack in the hopes her offspring might produce another of her kind. It made her sick to think that in less than a month, some stranger could have the right to essentially own her because he beat the hell out of all the others who wanted that honor. She shivered involuntarily and wrapped her arms around her mid section, feeling suddenly nauseous. Her brothers looked on her with sympathy and she knew she needed to get away from them, to get away from anything that reminded her about the horrifying situation she was in.

  “I have to go,” she said, running for the back door.

  “Mercy.” Lucan reached for her, but she growled angrily and he pulled his hand back in surprise.

  “Go,” Cade said sensing her need to run and clear her head. Lucan shot him a dirty look, but he held firm. “The forest couldn’t be better protected, Luc, let her go.”

  Lucan nodded and Mercy took off through the door, shifting gracefully as she met the forest wall. Her wolf was free, running through the familiar acres of endless forest, jumping fallen trees, chasing rabbits and deer, as her human side retreated into the far recess of her mind to hide out and regain her sanity. She sensed the Elders’ Weres as she ran, but ignored their presence and continued on her romp around the woods until she was exhausted and ready to return to her human state. Easily she shifted and reached into the hollow of a tree, grabbing a spare change of clothes. Once dressed, she walked to the river and sat down, staring out upon the clear, clean water instead of returning home.

  “You know Alec won’t let anyone else have you,” Mason said, walking out from behind a large tree where he had been hiding.

  “He may not have a choice,” Mercy told him grimily.

  “If it comes down to it, I would bet my money on Alec. You do him a huge injustice by not believing in him.” He sat next to her and tossed a loose rock into the still water, making tiny ripples across the surface.

  “I don’t want him to fight for me, Mason. I chose him. I want him for my mate, and I don’t think the Elders have the right to take the choice from me,” she explained, tears forming in her eyes.

  “Listen, I don’t know much about pack law, but I have been all over these woods listening to these new-comers and I can tell you the Elders are feeling pressure to convince the packs they are not a useless figurehead.” He sent another rock flying into the water and turned to face her. “So many packs are being taken over by young Alphas who are unfamiliar with the old ways that they want to show that they still have power.”

  “That’s ridiculous. Alec wants to bring back the old ways, not forget them,” she told him, reminded of how hard Alec had been working to reorganize yearly pack meetings where all of the packs could mingle, talk business, and maybe find their Bond Mates if they were lucky.

  “The Elders may not know that, but if someone pointed it out to them, it might make them look at things differently.”

  Mercy perked up instantly. He was right, if she told them about Alec’s efforts and pointed out that he was trying to keep the old ways, she might be able to prove he was the one for her. Suddenly the idea of meeting the Elders didn’t seem so daunting and she jumped to her feet excitedly. “Thanks Mason, you’re the best,” she said, kissing his cheek and running back through the woods for home.


  It was dinner when Alec walked into the kitchen wearing a tight black T-Shirt and a pair of form-fitting jeans that had Mercy chewing her lip as watched him stride closer. Fortunately, for her sanity, he spared Lucan and Cade only a quick hello before pulling her against him and lowering his head to hers, kissing her so passionately that when he let her go she had to hold onto his arm to stay upright.

  “How are you, Angel,” he asked with a wicked grin.

  “Better now,” she said breathlessly, staring up at him with love shining in her eyes. “Where have you been?”

  “I was meeting with a few other pack leaders. They too believe that forcing any one of our pack members, Born Were or not, is completely barbaric.”

  “Are they willing to stand up to
the council and say that?” Lucan asked.

  Alec shook his head with a frown. “Not until more of the packs agree to stand with us, but I don’t plan on giving up until I have talked to everyone.”

  Mercy grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “I believe in you, and others will too.”

  “I know you do, baby, and I won’t let you down, I swear, even if I have to fight every male who tries to come between us.”

  “I hope it doesn’t come to that,” she said, hugging his waist.

  “Me too, Angel.” He hugged her tight, savoring the feel of her in his arms, committing it to memory for the time he might not be with her.

  “Let’s eat,” Lucan said, setting out the meal he had made for them. For once though, no one had an appetite or very much to say while they ate.


  Alec sat on the porch after dinner, Mercy wrapped in his arms, as she spoke to Gina on her cell phone making plans for school the next day. It was spirit week and as captain of the cheerleading squad, it was up to Mercy to organize the cheerleaders to energize everyone for their last spirit week of the year. With everything going on in her life, he tried to get her to pass it off to Gina, but she insisted she needed something normal to keep her busy so he had relented.

  “Okay, Gina, thanks for your help. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Mercy said, then hung up the phone with a sigh and leaned back against him. “Tomorrow’s theme is masquerade. Gina got us both masks to wear.”

  “Great,” he said, willing to wear a stupid mask if it would make her happy. She sighed loudly and wrapped her arms around her stomach, staring off into the distance.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” He knew it was a stupid question even as it came out of his mouth and blanched when she looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “If you can’t get the other packs to support you, what will happen?”


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