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Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were)

Page 19

by Flynn, Donna

  Alec’s wolf scented its mate just at the edge of the river bank and he paused, scanning the area for any sign that might have been left behind when a strip of red linen caught his eye and he looked to Mason, who had also spied the clue to where the group had gone.

  Alec dove into the water as Mason paced the edge looking uncertain. His longtime fear of water still haunted him and was now preventing him from seeking his mate. Alec whined and looked up river wanting to follow and Mason dipped a hesitant paw into the cool water. Immediately his mind floated back to the hours of hiding in the pond by his home, watching as his family and pack were slaughtered by a group of rogue werewolves. He saw again the enjoyment on the killers’ faces as they maliciously attacked his peaceful pack, killing ruthlessly one by one until there were none left but he had his grandfather, who had concealed him during the slaughter. Since that, day he acquainted water with death and never dared to put a foot into it again, but this time as he recalled his pack’s slaughter one face stood out among the others, a face that he recognized almost immediately. Seeing that face brought him the courage he needed to jump into the water and follow Alec’s wolf down the river.

  Alec looked back to where Mason pawed the water frantically to stay afloat, looking terrified. Worry that the wolf might not be at his full mental capacity plagued him. Mason had seemed the best choice due to his ability to stay hidden amongst the forest, but Alec had not realized that he had a fear of water, which was now glaringly apparent.

  Mason saw the look in Alec’s eyes and knew he was having doubts about his ability to be of help and he forced himself to calm down and just allow the current of the water to move his body along. No matter what he was not going to allow his fears to rule him or stop him from saving his friend and his Bond Mate, the daughter of the one man he now wanted dead more than anything in the world.

  As they neared a bend in the river where a piece of material hung at the bank Alec pulled his body from the water and shook off while Mason followed suit. A quick perusal of the area showed another piece of material marking the way they had taken and he heard Dean’s voice not far ahead speaking to his father.

  “Where are we headed?” Dean asked his father.

  “The forestry road, Ryan has a vehicle there. We can drive until we reach a safe place and then you can bond with the Born Were. That wolf boyfriend of hers won’t want her after you have claimed her as you own and you two can start to build a new pack for us.”

  Alec shook with rage, but Mason placed his hulking body before him, stopping him from attacking and ruining their plan. Dean had been on the spot with his predictions about how his father would react once Mercy had gotten Valdis to confess and threw Micah under the bus. Now they just had to see the plan through to its end without any deviation.

  Alec wanted nothing more than to kill Micah then and there, but it was risky and he couldn’t take the chance of Mercy getting hurt so he forced his wolf to calm. They were close to the end of the forest and soon Micah would get what he deserved, but for now, they just had to stay close and make sure nothing happened that might jeopardize Mercy’s life. He nodded and took a step back and Mason moved forward, taking the lead. Alec was amazed by how stealthy he was for such a large animal, always blending in with the greenery around him and keeping them close enough they could hear the occasional words spoken between father and son. It worried him that Mercy had yet to utter a word and during one long break when Dean sat her down against a rock as he and his father talked he dared to get close enough to ensue she was indeed alright. Sure enough as he peered around the rock, she was still holding a blood-soaked rag to her neck and he felt panic fill him. As if sensing his presence she turned her head and he could see clearly the pain she was in. He took a step forward and she shook her head, placing her fingers to his muzzle pushing him back. He followed her wishes and slunk back behind the rock just as Micah turned and looked her way.

  “Get the girl and let’s go, we are almost there,” Micah said.

  Dean came to Mercy’s side and lifted her gently in his arms aware she had been losing large amounts of blood for far too long and needed attention. He looked to his sister who also seemed worried and frowned. “Are you alright?” he asked softly. Mercy nodded, not trusting herself to speak which caused another flood of blood to begin. “We will be there soon, can you make it?” she nodded again.

  The four took off again, Micah in the lead, followed by Juliet and Dean, who carried Mercy in his arms as carefully as he would a child. They had not foreseen her being injured and he prayed her mate would have enough control to follow through with their plan.


  Alec shook with rage as he watched them go. It was clear Mercy was in pain and suffering from the loss of blood. As much as he wanted the satisfaction of killing Micah himself, he wanted to get her to safety more, so he shifted back to his human form and waited for Mason to do the same before speaking to him about changing the plan.

  Mason understood Alec’s desperation and knew the change wouldn’t be a major problem and might even open up the opportunity for him to exact revenge for his pack’s slaughter. He listened closely, nodded, and watched as Alec took off through the wood line to complete his part of the new plan while he continued to follow Micah and the others.

  He stayed a few feet behind for another half of an hour when Micah stopped suddenly and looked to the waiting black SUV just at the end of the forest parked and waiting for them. “There’s Ryan, just as we planned,” he said with approval.

  Dean looked to the SUV with a rueful smile. On one hand, he was glad to be getting Mercy to safety, but on the other, his tumultuous relationship with his father was coming to an end. He realized he should have felt some sort of angst about that, but if he were being honest his father had never cared about him other than what he could do to better his position as leader of the rogues.

  “Get her into the car, while I keep watch behind us,” Micah commanded.

  Dean moved towards the car, his sister close behind. Juliet pulled the door open and slid inside then helped him get Mercy in.

  Dean was about to pull away when Mercy gripped his hand and he met her gaze. “Thank you,” she murmured faintly.

  Dean smiled and kissed her cheek, earning a growl from the front seat where he looked to Alec, who sat behind the wheel watching the exchange with surprise. “Take care of her,” he said before pulling back and slamming the door closed as his father raced towards them.

  “They’re coming,” Micah shouted.

  “I know,” Dean said, as the SUV pulled away and flew down the old road towards safety.

  Micah stilled and looked to his son, realizing he had been set up. “Why?” he asked as Mason, Gregory, Lucan, Cade, Rich, Wren, and many others stepped from the forest to surround him.

  Dean looked at him with the same amount of pity his father had always shown his victims, which was none, and turned away as the others made sure his father could never harm another living soul again.


  “How is she?” Alec asked Juliet as he speed down the road towards Mercy’s home where he knew Nina would be waiting.

  “She lost a lot of blood on the way to the car, I think she might be in shock,” Juliet told him as she brushed the hair from Mercy’s head that now rested on her lap where it had landed when she lost consciousness. She was burning up and Juliet was far more concerned than she let on as Alec drove them towards the female he had told her could heal her.

  Alec had the gas pedal pressed to the floor and still he couldn’t seem to get Mercy back home fast enough. She had passed out within seconds of Dean closing the door, and ever since, he had been consumed with fear. If he lost her now he would never be able to forgive himself. As her mate he should have done better by her, he should have killed Micah back at the clearing before he had the chance to grab Mercy. Now he might lose her because he was too ethical to kill without provocation, something he might sorely come to regret.


  Alec sat next to Mercy’s still body, a long tube running between them that pumped his blood into her to replenish what she had lost while being dragged through the forest. Nina worked over her sealing her wounds internally and making sure she had repaired the few broken ribs she sustained. Mercy’s brothers and Gregory looked on. No one had spoken since everyone returned, but he knew from his mental link to his father that Micah would no longer be a problem to anyone. Ryan had been taken care of, too. He had resisted when they had pulled him from the SUV and in the process, broke Jaden’s arm, which in turn upset Wren who had snapped his neck and went immediately to help Jaden. Both bodies had been burnt before the Elders, who were satisfied to see the rogues’ reigning leader was no more. Now everyone waited below on pins and needles for word of Mercy’s condition.

  Nina gasped as she came back into her own body and Lucan moved to her side standing behind to be sure she didn’t pass out. “She’ll be alright,” she said tiredly to Alec. “The wound was deeper than I had thought, but I was able to mend it and with your blood she will recover soon enough.”

  “Thank you, Nina, I don’t know what we would do without you,” Alec said, his own weariness easy to read.

  “I think you have given enough blood,” she said rising to her feet and disconnecting the tube from each of them. “You should get some red meat and eat, replenish yourself.”

  Alec shook his head, unwilling to leave her side unless it was necessary.

  A knock sounded on the door and Cade opened it to admit his mate, Hailey, who held a tray, which bore a plate with a large rare steak and huge glass of orange juice. “Thanks, babe,” he said taking the tray from her and carrying it to where Alec sat. “Eat, she is going to be pissed when she wakes and you look so pale and pasty.”

  Alec took the tray knowing he was right. Mercy would chew him out if he was emaciated and tired when she came too, and he didn’t want to argue with her, not now, not when he’d just got her back.

  Gregory walked to the side of the bed and placed a kiss on Mercy’s head before turning to his son. “I will go downstairs and let everyone know how she is.”

  “Everyone?” Alec asked in confusion.

  Gregory nodded. “Nobody wanted to leave until they knew,” he explained. “They are all outside waiting to hear any news about their Born Were.”

  Alec placed the tray down and walked to the window. The sky was pink with the rising sun and below it were over a hundred tents and mats, where Alphas slept next to Omegas, all unwilling to leave without knowing his mate was all right. It was the most touching thing he had ever witnessed and he knew he would never forget their kindness for as long as he lived. These were the people he wanted to unite, the packs he had worked so hard to get organized, and this showed they all believed in at least one thing and that was Mercy. “I will go,” he said understanding just what it was going to mean to be her mate.

  “Are you sure you’re up to it?” Gregory asked.

  “I am her mate, it is my responsibility to handle this.” He squared his shoulders and walked to the door, looking back over his shoulder to Lucan. “Watch over her for me until I am done.”

  Lucan tipped his head to him with a smile. “You know I will.”

  Alec nodded and walked out of the room, leaving them to keep watch over her. It was hard to leave her side, but he knew she would want him to go if she was awake and he was leaving her with those who loved her most. As he walked outside and off the back porch, he felt his father behind him offering his silent support. As he moved through the makeshift camp Weres all around him began to wake and moved quickly to wake others who were not so quick to sense the change in the air. He arrived in the middle of the clearing where Alaric and the rest of the Elders sat talking and faced them.

  “What is the news of the Born Were?” Alaric asked, his voice formal and unlike the grandfatherly one, he had come to know over the last few weeks.

  “She is resting and is expected to make a complete recovery,” he announced earning the loud clapping and cheers of the Weres behind him. “I, however, am not fine,” he added. The crowd grew silent again and waited for his explanation. “This law, no matter how well intentioned it was upon creation, has not in any way protected the Born Weres past or present. I am asking,” he cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders, speaking loudly and clearly. “No, I am begging, you to reconsider and allow the packs to vote on whether or not this law should be abolished.” It was a heartfelt plea and he hoped they would consider that as they spoke to one another.

  Alaric smiled down upon him proudly and nodded, looking to the others.

  Ranak stood holding the book of werewolf law in his hands and addressed the crowd. “I too believe this law to be archaic and unjust.”

  “I am in agreement,” Olis said rising to his feet.

  Gabriel stood too, looking pleased. “I agree too, but you must understand that the laws of our race are not ours to vote upon. It will now be up to the pack Alphas to vote and decide the fate of this law, which will determine the fate of the Born Were and whom she will take to mate.”

  “I understand and will abide by their vote, but the fate of the Born Were will remain the same no matter what their decision. Mercy is mine, fate made her for me, and I will not lose her to anyone, even if I have to fight every male here.”

  “Your words are strong, let us hope your endeavors to sway the Alphas to support your cause has the same strength. We will let you know the outcome as soon as possible.”

  Alec stood still and Gabriel raised his eyebrow. “I too now have a vote since I am now Alpha, so I will cast my vote and leave you to it.” The crowd behind him cheered and he took the offered paper from the Elders’ cleric, cast his vote and signed it, his first deed as the Alpha of his pack. Once done, he handed the paper to the cleric and walked out of the clearing to the applause of many Alphas in the crowd.

  Once inside the house he turned to his father. “How do you think it will go?”

  “I honestly don’t know, but I am so proud of you.” He reached out and hugged him close. “You will be a great Alpha.”

  The sound of clapping sounded behind them and they both turned surprised to see Marlo standing in the hallway.

  “My love what brings you here?” Gregory said walking to her side and placing a soft kiss upon her lips.

  “I wanted to be here for the decision and to offer my support, albeit silently, to Alec and Mercy.”

  Alec smiled and hugged her. “Thank you, Marlo, I know it must be uncomfortable for you to be around so many werewolves.”

  Marlo chuckled and looked at Gregory. “I am not afraid of the big bad wolf.”

  Gregory pulled her from his son’s arms into his own. “You had better be,” he growled before kissing her soundly.

  They looked so happy and were perfect for each other despite their differences and Alec was truly happy they had found each other, but to seeing them playing kissy-face was uncomfortable. “On that note, I am going upstairs to check on Mercy.” He turned and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to Mercy’s bedroom where her brothers and their mates kept watch over her.


  The sun was setting by the time Mercy woke. She immediately searched for Alec and found him sound asleep in the chair beside her. He snored softly and she realized he had to have been exhausted. Carefully she rose and grabbed a throw from the end of her bed to cover him. She placed the blanket over him and placed a kiss to his forehead before climbing back into bed content to just stare at him. The door opened a crack and Lucan peeked in, smiling when he saw she was awake. She placed her finger to her lips and he crept inside, sitting on the bed beside her and taking her hand in his own.

  “He was so tired after sitting with you all night and day. I’m glad he finally fell asleep,” he whispered.

  “What happened to Micah?” she asked.

  “He and his little helper Ryan will never trouble anyone again,” he said simply. There
was no need to go into details and he knew she understood what he was telling her.

  Mercy nodded. “Dean and Juliet?”

  “They are here. Dean has decided to go back to his pack and allow the rank fights to start so he can become Alpha and hopefully end the nightmare his father started. Juliet is going home with him to offer her support, but I have the feeling we will be seeing her again as soon as Mason admits she is his Bond Mate.”

  Mercy was shocked. She had never anticipated such an outcome and knew poor Mason be dumbfounded. “Are you kidding?”

  “He is so confused he doesn’t know whether he is coming or going, but I have the feeling once she leaves he will understand and go and fetch her back.”

  “Her father was so horrible to her. He used her for her talents as a witch, but never did he truly love her from what Dean told me. She deserves someone like Mason. He is strong and will protect her from others who would do the same.”

  “Micah was definitely crazy, that’s for sure,” he said.

  “Ugh, you don’t know the half of it,” she told him. “When he took me he told Dean he wanted us to bond and create an army of pure werewolves for him to build an army. If that isn’t sick I don’t know what is.” She shivered and he gripped her hand tighter. “I am so glad it is over and once we speak to the Elders and get this stupid law straightened out, hopefully we can move on.” Her brother looked away and she knew there was something he hadn’t told her. “What is it?”

  “Alec already spoke to the Elders. They told him they can’t abolish the law, that it must be done by a vote from all of the packs’ Alphas.”

  Mercy sighed. “So we have to wait until they call them all back together?”

  “Actually they are outside now, no one would leave until they heard your condition, but we haven’t heard anything about the vote yet.”

  “Is that good or bad?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, but I have hope, and you should too.” He squeezed her hand and stood. “Get some rest.” He brushed his lips across her cheek and left closing the door behind him.


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