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Her Master's Teacher

Page 11

by Lily White

  “Yeah, this is great.” I finally responded, playing along with whatever game he was starting. I wasn’t as polished as Aiden, but I liked to think I could use that to my advantage. Setting women at ease was simple for me to do, whereas I noticed that all women, courtesans and those we passed on the streets, would always react with nervousness when crossing Aiden’s path. The control he wore like a second skin was impressive in its obvious strength.

  He grinned in response. “Why don’t we do something special after dinner? We could treat the courtesans to a little down time maybe. A movie?”

  My eyebrows narrowed in suspicion.

  “Okay. What movie?”

  The corner of his lip twitched in response to whatever it was he had planned. “How about a romance? I think you’ll enjoy it just as much as Rebecca and Claire.”

  The manner in which he spoke was a warning of his game, one that I had no choice but to play into.

  “If that’s what you want to do…” I took a bite of my food, chewing while talking because I knew how much it annoyed him.

  Finally forcing the food down my throat, I added, “…then that’s what we’ll do.

  Chapter Fourteen


  A fucking dog bowl. The bastards made me eat out of a fucking dog bowl.

  While they sat at the table discussing ‘movie night’ I was beaten and bleeding on the floor, bent over a silver dish like a fucking animal. My skin crawled at the thought of Aiden or Holland looking at me, for any person to see me in a position as demeaning as the one they’d forced me to take.

  Every bite I took of whatever it was Holland had thrown into the bowl scraped down my esophagus, landing in my stomach like a lead weight. My mouth was parched and food stuck to my tongue and teeth, choking me as I swallowed it down.

  While the two men discussed the peaceful environment of the house, I stole glances at the blonde beneath the table. Her back was to me, but I could tell that she enjoyed being close to Aiden. She didn’t shrink away from his touch like I would and she didn’t tremble in anger at being forced into a position of disgrace at his feet. Every so often she would take a bite from the food in her dish and rest her head against his leg while she chewed.

  I shook my head as I watched her, realizing quickly that she’d been fully broken by the assholes that sat above us. I felt sorry for her and wondered who she’d been before being turned into Aiden’s fluffy pet.

  “See something interesting, Claire?”

  I choked on a piece of food immediately when I heard Aiden speak. His voice carried an condescending tone that revealed the obvious truth that he was in control of this situation. After having witnessed the exchange between Aiden and Holland, I realized quickly that Aiden was as adept at controlling men as he was women.

  I didn’t respond to his question and he laughed.

  “Eat up. Because you have about five minutes before you’ll lose the opportunity.”

  “I don’t want your fucking food.” I spit the words out with the crumbs that were still glued to my tongue. Striking out with my hand, I knocked the dog bowl across the room, the metal striking against a wall and echoing out to fill the space.

  Dead silence hung in the air once the metallic clang stopped ringing along the tiled floors.

  “You’ll regret that.”

  There was no anger in Aiden’s voice, no sign that I’d done anything to upset him. Just the cold, hard fact that I’d acted in a manner unbecoming of the slave they were attempting to train.

  The wooden legs of a chair scraped over the floor and I felt a large hand grip down on the back of my neck. I yipped in pain when Holland’s fingers dug into the sore muscles and I was hauled to my feet only to be cast across the floor. Landing in the heap of food that had fallen from the bowl where it struck the wall, I attempted to push up, but slipped in the mess I’d created. Pain shot along my head and shoulders from the impact of my body with the ground.

  “What the fuck was that?” Holland’s voice was irate while Aiden chuckled darkly from the table.

  I didn’t open my eyes to watch him approach, but I could hear his boots thud across the tiled floor. I somehow knew when the next blow would come, so I curled into myself to protect my body. It didn’t help and instead of striking my face, his fist connected with my shoulder. Pain seared through the muscles and tendons and I was crushed to the ground.

  Holland was night and day. He was kind when not under the scrutiny of Aiden. But it was like his soul turned black in the presence of the man I knew was running this show. Balling tighter into myself, I attempted to avoid the pain Holland’s hands would cause. However, I couldn’t protect everything and once he had his fingers gripped tightly in my hair, I was pulled from the safety of the ball and thrown across the room, my face slamming against the cabinets beneath the stove.

  “If you ask me, I think your courtesan needs to be reminded of who is in control.”

  I opened my eyes to see Aiden stand up from his chair, leering down at me with the malice he carried inside clearly portrayed in his expression.

  “I don’t feel like witnessing your naked ass, Holland…” Aiden turned to look pointedly at Holland while holding his hand down towards the blonde woman. “… so I’ll just take my pet into the other room and let you correct this situation before we begin our evening.”

  I thought the blonde would take his hand when she crawled out from beneath the table, but when she simply grabbed her leash and handed it to him, I was floored. Aiden strolled out like he was walking a dog, the blonde crawling behind him smiling to be at his side. Before he’d crossed the threshold leading out of the kitchen, he stopped.

  Turning back towards Holland, he asked, “Tell, me Holland, how are those methods of yours working out for you?”

  I was confused by Aiden’s words, but they must have meant something to Holland. His face turned red and his hands clenched into fists. Aiden smiled before pivoting on his heel and striding confidently from the room.

  Holland didn’t speak before grabbing me again. With his hand gripped painfully around my neck, he lifted me to my feet and forced me to walk across the room. The bones of my hips slammed against the edge of the table when we reached it, my forehead slamming into the surface of the wood when he forced my head down.

  I couldn’t help crying out from the pain, but I wouldn’t allow myself to scream. I knew that bastard was out there listening, waiting patiently to hear the pain he’d caused by manipulating the mind and actions of a man much younger and much less experienced than he.

  Holland’s grip of my neck loosened once my forehead was pressed to the table and I could feel his large body press against mine. Bringing his mouth down to a point where is lips were brushing against my ear and his breath was rolling down along my cheek, he held me in place.

  “Why the fuck did you do that, Claire?”

  Hot and heavy, his breath continued to roll against me as his chest beat steady against my back. I didn’t respond to him, couldn’t respond, because I had nothing to say.

  Why did I throw the bowl?

  Because I refused to be anybody’s pet.

  “Now I have no choice but to hurt you.” He whispered the words in a tone that was both apologetic and accusatory. He was trying to make me believe that this was somehow my fault.

  “No, Holland. You have a choice. You’ve had a choice since day one. You never had to take me. You never had to rape me. You never had to do any of this.”

  My response was immediate because I would not allow him to believe that he was without guilt. It was classic psychology. By placing the blame on the victim or the circumstances, the abuser could relieve himself of the burden that, in truth, was set securely on their shoulders. I wouldn’t allow him to shift the blame because it was a weight I refused to carry.

  Silence fell between us for several seconds before he finally said, “When I tell you to scream, you better scream. Do you understand me? It will be worse for you if you don’t.”
r />   While still holding the back of my neck with one hand, he used the other to loosen his belt and pants. The buckle slapped against my ankles when his pants fell to the floor.

  “I’m not going to rape you, Claire. Not now. Not like this. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll do as I say. Now scream damn it.”

  With that one word, he beat his fist against the table, mimicking the sounds of abuse in order to appease the bastard that we both knew was listening from another room. I didn’t want to give in. I didn’t want Aiden to be satisfied in any way by what he’d accomplished with his games. At the same time, I understood what Holland was attempting to do and I was willing to play along in order to save myself the pain and humiliation of being raped once again.

  So I screamed. I screamed so loud and hard that my already torn throat was ripped apart even more by the volume of my cries. I screamed while Holland moved in such a way that any person peering in would believe I was being raped. Only Holland and I knew the truth. He was attempting to protect me from Aiden, from a man who was so cold that the pain of others was the sole thing that could get him off.

  Only when it was impossible for me to scream any longer, did Holland stop. He hovered over me, breathing in such a way that I had to wonder if he was mimicking his own exhaustion, or if the reality of the situation had finally struck him. Pushing away finally, he released me to pull up his pants. I didn’t move, didn’t dare budge a single muscle until the instruction was given.

  If Aiden still hovered, I had to pretend I’d been fully broken.

  My body jumped when I felt Holland touch me again. Moving me away from the table, he set me down on the floor. It wasn’t difficult for me to pretend to be in pain, the abuse I’d already endured was still a throbbing memory on my muscles and bones.

  Above me, I heard him open a cabinet and turn on the sink. Within another minute, the lip of a glass was being pressed to my lips.

  “Drink this.”

  The cool liquid across my lips and tongue was heaven; a small kindness amidst the hours of degradation and pain. I drank the entire glass so quickly that I choked and Holland pulled it away. When he stood up, he spoke. It sounded like an apology, but it was so faint, I couldn’t clearly make out the words.

  His hand gripped mine as he pulled me to my feet. Leading me away from the kitchen, he paused just before we crossed the threshold. His mouth was to my ear once again and he whispered, “Walk like you just got off a damn horse.”

  Stifling a humorless laugh, I realized that I wouldn’t have to pretend I was hurt. The pain of my beatings was still clearly marked on my skin, the memories still an agonizing bruise across my body.

  Holland led me down a maze of hallways as I struggled to put one foot in front of the other. He supported my weight and I had to thank him for that small kindness. I couldn’t stand to be on my bruised knees, couldn’t bear the thought of forcing my body to crawl the distance to whatever room it was to which I was being led. Aiden’s voice filled my head, the haughty manner in which he’d revealed his plans for the evening.

  A movie. He wanted to watch a movie. Somehow, I couldn’t imagine that man doing anything that wasn’t intended for another purpose. It was a mystery as to what he had planned, but I did know that it would be painful. He wasn’t the type to spend two hours allowing his trainees their ‘downtime’.

  Rounding the corner, I stopped in my tracks despite Holland’s hand being splayed against my back in an effort to push me forward.

  In a large room that was set up as a home theater, Aiden sat in one of the reclining chairs. His pants were around his ankles and the blonde was on her knees in front of him, her head bobbing back and forth as he relaxed back against the chair. I wanted to vomit almost as soon as I saw it.

  Her body rocked slightly from the movement of her head and she reached up to stroke his dick as she sucked him off. He must have heard us walk in. Within seconds, he opened his eyes and turned his head to look straight at me. There was an expression of smug satisfaction on his face.

  I didn’t react except to mock fear. Hugging against Holland, I allowed my body to visibly tremble. His hand moved from my back to tighten around my hip. Leading me into the room, he sat me on the floor, taking the chair beside me.

  Heavy silence filled the room, only broken when Aiden finally spoke.

  “Shouldn’t your courtesan be thanking you for your kindness?”

  With a tone of voice that was no more interested than asking a person the time, Aiden instructed Holland without having to specify what he meant. The question was obvious. I was to be treated no better than the blonde with her mouth over his own cock.

  I closed my eyes and took in a steadying breath. Opening them again, I looked up to see Holland staring down at me. He didn’t need to say a word for me to understand that he didn’t want to do what he was being forced to do. In a way, we were both at the mercy of a sadist.

  “Pet. You need to thank me for what I’m giving you.” His voice was breathless, husky in a way that couldn’t hide the heat that stirred in his body. Even though it was mixed with bitter contempt, the lust in his body was there, evidenced by how his cock bulged against his pants. I wanted to hate him for it, to refuse to give him the satisfaction of my submission. However, given the situation, if it wasn’t him, it would be Aiden. That thought alone was enough to force bile up my raw throat.

  Nodding, I pushed up onto my bruised knees. I was thankful for the plush carpet beneath me because it cushioned them against the hard floor. Pulling his belt from the buckle, I unzipped his pants and opened the fly to let his cock spring free. The only sound that could be heard in the room was the wet suckling of the blonde’s mouth.

  Taking Holland’s cock in my hand, I glanced up at him from beneath my lashes. His clear green eyes locked to mine with what I believed was an unspoken apology hanging behind them.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I’d be a lying man if I said I didn’t enjoy it. The way Claire’s lips moved over my dick, the light touch of her tongue as it flicked out against the head. From where I sat, all I could see was a beautiful redhead sucking my cock. Hours of the past days had been lost to my fantasy of this exact moment. And now that it finally came, I had to admit that it was everything I imagined it would be.

  My head fell back as the heat of her mouth covered me. Warm and soft, her tongue dragged down the shaft and almost milked me with one smooth stroke. My cocked throbbed with need and desire, but it was the power trip this gave me that was the true reason for the staccato rhythm of my pounding heart. It was the first willing act she’d performed, the first step to accepting the pleasure I could give her in return for her obedience.

  Or the pleasure she could give me, as the case was at that moment, at least.

  Closing my eyes, I imagined us tucked away in seclusion. It was nothing new for orgies to occur within the society, for men to swap their courtesans without shame of wanting to watch. With all the kinks that ran rampant in this group, there was no room for being shy or reclusive. That still didn’t make me feel comfortable with it.

  I’d lost my virginity to one of my stepfather’s courtesans when he and my stepbrother introduced me to this secret life. I wasn’t given privacy then and I didn’t expect it now. Still, the prying eyes of other men were palpable against my skin. Just like I could feel my stepfather and stepbrother’s eyes during the first experience of wetting my dick, I could feel Aiden’s now. He enjoyed the scene, of that I was sure. But it wasn’t the sexual acts that he’d achieved, it was the lesson he’d taught both Claire and me.

  It was a simple lesson for us both. One that didn’t need to be voiced or discussed any further than the acts we were committing. Claire would submit and I would be the one to force her, even if violence was the only tool I possessed.

  By far, Aiden had a stronger hand than mine. His level of cruelty in the beginning days was more than most men could handle. I hadn’t realized the training methods when I
was just the young punk kid of an owner. I’d never considered the terror that was part of the process in taking a woman and molding her into a whore. When I agreed to train as a Master, it never occurred to me that I’d have to give up my sympathy and morality in the process.

  Claire moaned as she took the full length of my cock into her mouth. The sound could have been pain or pleasure. I didn’t know which and at that point, I didn’t care. It felt like a fucking miracle as it vibrated against my shaft. I allowed my head to fall back against my seat, relaxed into a moment where a woman as intelligent and beautiful as the one in front of me would be on her knees sucking me off and swallowing me down.

  Her arms were in front of her where she balanced herself on her hands against the floor. Her tits bulged out to the sides, brushing along the insides of my thighs as she moved. I gripped the arms of the chair, barely able to contain my own urgings to move.

  My control was eventually lost to the stirrings of my release and my hands freed the armrests to wrap into the thickness of her beautiful red hair. She hesitated at first, most likely expecting pain, but that was never my intention. Lightly, I directed her head back and forth in a rhythm that matched the rotation of my hips. My balls tightened and I picked up the speed until I was shooting my cum inside, the throbbing of my dick spastic as it released what it had down the back of her throat. She choked, but swallowed me down, pulling away only when my hips stilled in the seat.

  When I opened my eyes and looked down at her, she was staring up at me with bits of drool and cum glistening on her mouth and chin. I wanted to reach out and wipe it away, but I knew Aiden would consider the act a kindness that Claire had not yet earned.

  Shoving myself back into my pants, I zipped up and fastened the buckle of my belt before glancing over at Aiden. He was eyeing Claire, the expression on his face a blank slate, but the ruminations of his mind were swirling wildly behind his eyes. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking and I realized the skill he possessed in always being able to portray an air of perfect neutrality.


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