Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4)

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Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4) Page 2

by Sarah Bailey

  She teetered on her heels for a moment before walking over to one of the chairs in front of my desk and sliding down into it. I wished she’d taken off her coat first.

  “What do you want, Adrian? We might have grown up together but we still know next to nothing about each other.”

  I put a hand out.

  “Does anyone else remember the time you fell off your bike, scraped your knee and cried all over my t-shirt for at least twenty minutes before you let me patch you up?”

  A blush spread across her cheeks. I remembered that day. A little five-year-old girl at the time, Tilly had been so fragile. I’d been walking home and found her on the pavement a few doors down from our houses. I’d taken her back to mine, cleaned the scrapes on her knee and put plasters on them. Tilly hadn’t said much, I think she got nervous around me, but I could tell she was grateful.

  “That was a long time ago.”

  I smirked. Too long ago for me to remember it this vividly.

  “And yet you haven’t forgotten either. Makes me wonder why.”

  She looked away, holding her handbag against her chest as if it would save her from me.

  Mistake number one, Tilly Evans. Thinking you can walk away now is futile.

  So many reasons why I shouldn’t press the matter. Why I shouldn’t turn hunter and pursue my prey. None of that bullshit mattered.

  “I just have a good memory.”

  More lies. She remembered because she couldn’t forget me. For some reason, it pleased me. I might never have crossed a line when she was younger, but now I wanted to cross all the lines. I knew I shouldn’t. She worked here for fuck’s sake. And worked for me personally. After the debacle with Heather, I’d been hoping for someone competent to replace her. I’d got Tilly Evans. And now I wanted her beneath me. The thought of it made my cock leak.

  Jesus fuck. Not what I need.

  “How are your parents?”

  I decided to move the conversation back to safer topics to keep her from bolting. She turned her head back to me.

  “They’re doing well. Yours?”

  I shrugged.


  At least they had been the last time I spoke to them two months ago. They struggled after Annie’s breakdown. It put a strain on our relationship and I’d had enough of them trying to guilt-trip me into visiting my sister. She barely acknowledged anyone. Me being there wasn’t going to help. Annie and I had never been close.

  “Must be difficult for them with Annie.”

  I gave Tilly one sharp nod, wishing I hadn’t brought this line of conversation up. She wanted to ask me what happened. That much was clear, but she kept her mouth shut.

  “Seems I wasn’t the only one with an interest in the law.”

  She blushed again and fiddled with the strap of her handbag.

  “I guess not.”


  Her eyes widened slightly.

  “Why the courts?”

  I nodded again.

  “I… uh…” She let out a breath. “I wasn’t interested in going to uni so I did legal studies at college thinking I might work in a solicitor’s firm or something. Then a job came up at the local magistrates’ court right after I graduated. I guess it just worked out.”

  Something about that story didn’t ring true. The way her eyes darted off to the side as she said it told me she was omitting the real reason.


  “Why what?”

  “Why legal studies?”

  She squirmed in her seat.

  “All right, fine. You win. I had an interest because of you. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  I shrugged. It was, but she didn’t need to know that. Her admission told me everything thing I’d suspected. Tilly wanted to work in the law so she’d have the possibility of running into me again. It wasn’t a stupid teenage crush. It was a deep-seated fascination. Attraction. Something I felt too. Except it’d been too long and she’d given up hope… until now.

  “You haven’t changed.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Secretly enjoying having your ego stroked whilst you remain aloof. I might have been young, but I wasn’t stupid. Tell me, do you hide that bad boy persona under that expensive suit now?”

  I bit my lip. Little Tilly Evans had always had a sharp tongue, even under all that shyness she exuded. Never had it directed at me before. And I liked it. Far too much.

  “Perhaps I do. Care to find out?”

  She spluttered.

  “Excuse me?”

  Her cheeks were flaming now, her blush spreading down her neck.

  “If I remember correctly, you walked in on me after I’d been showering with only a towel wrapped around my hips when I was eighteen. As if I could forget the way your eyes widened when you saw I had a tattoo and how you promised not to tell my parents.” Her fingers tightened around the strap of her handbag. “Aren’t you sitting there wondering if I have more now?”

  Tilly said nothing. Her shocked expression said it all. She hadn’t expected me to remember any of our encounters when she was a kid. How could anyone forget a girl like her? Such an innocent little blonde angel who looked up to me like she worshipped the very ground I walked on. I tried to ignore it considering how young she was not to mention being my little sister’s friend. I thought she’d get over it, but she never did. I remembered every little detail. Every part of her because Tilly affected me as much as I had her. Affected me in very uncomfortable ways I tried not to think about.

  Now I could imagine her naked without it feeling wrong. Now I could have her naked without it raising eyebrows. Now I could just plain have her if I wanted.

  And I wanted. So badly. My cock ached to fill her up. I hadn’t been so fucking turned on by a woman in such a long time. Not even my bitch of an ex-wife. That disaster thankfully ended seven years ago. I should’ve never married Lynn. She was a distraction from the vision in front of me. A distraction which never lived up to the real thing. Not that I’d experienced what it’d be like to touch Tilly yet. But I would. Soon.

  “I should go,” she whispered, her voice shaking on the words.

  She stood, still clutching her handbag to her chest. I cocked my head to the side.

  “You could… or you could come here.”

  Leaning forward, I patted the desk in front of me. Tilly’s eyes followed my movements.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I won’t touch you.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Good. You shouldn’t. I’m going to have you, Tilly. It’s only a matter of time.

  “You’re very suspicious of my intentions, aren’t you?”

  She let out a breath and let go of her handbag, which hung off her arm by the strap.

  “Can you blame me, Adrian? We suddenly run into each other after all this time and now you’re being… well… you. Except you were never you towards me. So why now? What’s different?”

  Fuck, I loved the way my name rolled off her lips. Her voice was rich like honey. I wondered if she tasted like that too. Sweet and sugary.

  I watched her, not saying a word. If she wanted this, then she’d have to come to me. I wouldn’t force it or tell her what to do. She had to give in herself. She knew what was different. She was no longer a little girl who I shouldn’t have looked twice at. If she thought about it for a moment, she’d see it. See what was always there between us. I refused to acknowledge it back then because the implications, consequences and stakes were far too high.

  Her first step towards me made my blood pound. Her second step had me trying not to adjust myself. The third made me wrap my fists around the arms of my chair so I wouldn’t reach out to her. If only she knew how much I held back right then, maybe she wouldn’t have taken me up on my offer to enter my domain.

  Tilly Evans should never have stepped
into the hunter’s den like a little sacrificial lamb.

  She should’ve known better.

  She should’ve run.

  Chapter Three


  I questioned my sanity right then as I walked over to Adrian, knowing exactly what was happening and being powerless to stop it. Like a puppet on a string, he reeled me in. After all these years, he still had this way of making it impossible to say no to him. Even though he’d never asked me for anything back then. If he had, there would have been no hesitation on my part.

  A part of me wondered if this is what I’d been waiting for since the moment I’d seen him this morning. I stepped between the desk and his legs and leant back against it, my hands gripping the edge to steady myself. His brown eyes flicked up to mine, making me aware of how vulnerable I was at that moment. He could do anything he wanted and I wouldn’t stop him. It scared and excited me at the same time.

  “Take your coat off.”

  The command made my insides clench. No pleases. No thank yous. Just do what I say.

  I released the desk and set my handbag down on it. Then I slipped my coat off my shoulders and placed it next to my bag. When I looked at Adrian again, his eyes roamed across my body, taking in my cream blouse tucked into a black pencil skirt. I wasn’t what I’d call skinny. I’d always been on the more curvaceous side. Judging by the way his eyes darkened, he liked what he saw.

  He looked up at me again. The heat radiating off him had me struggling for oxygen. My heart slammed against my ribcage over and over. My skin prickled and sweat beaded at the back of my neck.

  “Give me your knickers.”

  I stared at him. At the boldness of his words.

  “What?” I whispered.

  “You heard me, Tilly. Take off your knickers and give them to me.”


  Except I didn’t really have an objection and he knew it. Straightening, I awkwardly put my hands up my skirt and shimmed my underwear down my legs. I stepped out of them and bent down, picking them up. I felt my face heat up when I realised they were damp. He hadn’t even touched me and I was dripping wet.

  God, this is so embarrassing.

  I gave them to him, our fingertips brushing. The contact burnt my skin. Electrifying. Now I couldn’t deny the attraction between us. I could feel it pulsing, desperately wanting us to give in.

  Adrian smirked as he held them up. So what if I like to wear lace rather than plain cotton? It made me feel good about myself. It wasn’t just that. He knew they were damp with my arousal and it was all his fault. I almost died when he pressed them against his face and inhaled. No one had ever wanted to smell my essence like that before. And it did nothing to quell the desire raging inside me.

  He carefully folded them and tucked them into the inside pocket of his jacket. I wanted to object to him keeping them but I didn’t trust myself to speak right then.

  “Don’t wear any tomorrow. I want your pussy bare for me.”


  He ignored me, sitting up in his chair and leaning closer to me.

  “Hitch your skirt up, sit on the edge of the desk and spread your legs.”

  “Adrian, I don’t think this is a good—”

  His eyes flicked up to mine and I lost all ability for speech. The desire in them gave me heart palpitations.

  What the hell is happening right now?

  Adrian Sanders wanted me to bare all for him. The boy I’d been enamoured with for as long as I could remember, except he was all man now. A man who had set his sights on me, apparently.

  So with my common sense in pieces on the floor, I reached down and tugged up my skirt. He didn’t look down at what I was doing, merely kept eye contact with me whilst I struggled to get my skirt high enough. When I was satisfied, I stepped back and jumped up on his desk, my bare arse pressing against the cold, polished wood. My heels dropped to the floor but they went completely unnoticed. All I could see was Adrian and his brown eyes intent on mine.

  I opened my knees, spreading my legs just as he asked.


  How he even knew when he was looking up at me was beyond me. So I spread my legs further, obscenely wide if you ask me. My entire body felt as though it was burning up and he hadn’t even touched me yet. Was he going to? God, I hoped so. I’d wanted this for as long as I could remember. For as long as I’d known what sex was. For as long as I’d desired it. I knew it was wrong to want him when I’d been so young, but it never stopped me.

  He leant closer and rested his hands on the desk on either side of me. Then his eyes flicked down and he stared at me. Stared at my intimate parts. I wanted to close my legs. I wanted to keep them open. I wanted him to do something other than look at me.

  “What are we doing?” I whispered, unable to hold my tongue.

  “We are doing nothing. You are going to stay right there and let me do everything.”

  I swallowed and stared down at him. He was still looking at me. I had so many questions but none of them were forthcoming. Instead, a harsh breath left my mouth as I struggled not to move. Never in my life had I been so worked up by someone who hadn’t even laid a finger on me. Perhaps it was the anticipation after all these years of wanting Adrian. Either way, it was killing me. I needed relief from all the tension. From the way my pussy clenched around nothing. And the throbbing of my clit, desperate for all of his attention.

  His hands left the desk and ran up my thighs, making me pant out a gasp as the contact of his skin against mine sent heat radiating up my legs. He leant down and ran his nose up my inner thigh. I squirmed, my hands gripping the edge of the desk to stop myself from digging them in his hair.

  Holy shit, Adrian is touching me.

  “You smell so good,” he murmured in that deep, darkly seductive voice of his.

  His breath hit my skin. I couldn’t help but shift, my skin burning from each and every touch. He stopped inches from my centre.

  “And this pussy… so fucking wet.”

  “Adrian, please,” I breathed.

  The moment his tongue connected with me, I bucked and a moan left my lips. He didn’t just lick me, he devoured me. His tongue ran down my clit, delving between my lips and lower until he’d tasted every part of me.

  Oh my god. Adrian fucking Sanders has his head between my legs.

  His hands gripped my thighs and spread them wider. I almost complained at the way my muscles protested, but then his tongue was on my clit again and I lost my train of thought. He lavished it. His tongue both firm and gentle at the same time. And I felt his groan vibrate through me.

  “So. Fucking. Sweet.”

  One of his hands left my thigh, stroking down my entrance with his fingertips. His tongue grew more insistent as he plunged not one but two fingers inside me.

  “Oh god,” I choked out, the sensation of his fingers hooking upwards and finding the right spot making my vision blur at the edges.

  A part of me couldn’t believe I was letting him do this. Allowing him to touch me in this way. The other part didn’t give a shit. It felt far too good to stop. Even more so because it was him doing it. Someone I’d wanted my entire life.

  “I haven’t been able to get you out of my head all day,” he murmured. “All I could think about when I sat behind the bench was how sweet your pussy was going to taste when I got my tongue in it.”

  He thrust harder, making another moan spill out of my lips. My knuckles went white from the grip I had on the desk. I was almost desperate to touch him but kept myself in check. Ever since I’d seen him shirtless all those years ago, I’d fantasised about him. How his hard muscles would feel under my fingertips. It didn’t matter that I’d only been eleven at the time. I knew what sex was, but my fantasies hadn’t become sexual until later when I realised how much I wanted to feel his hard body against mine.

  “You’re going to come for me, Tilly. Come all over my tongue.”

ven if I’d wanted to disobey him, I couldn’t. He had me all worked up. Played me so perfectly. My hips bucked again, my hands aching from holding the desk. I couldn’t take it any longer. I let it go and buried both my hands in his thick, but soft hair, holding him against me. It only seemed to spur him on. His tongue flicked harder, his fingers thrusting deeper and I thought I might pass out from sheer pleasure. My orgasm built. The pressure almost too much.

  “Adrian… oh god, fuck, Adrian.”

  I couldn’t help his name spilling out of my mouth. It’s a name I’d wanted to chant over and over again whilst he devoured me. I wanted him so badly it damn hurt. All of my fantasies could never, ever live up to the reality of him. Of his hot breath against my pussy. His tongue lapping me up and his fingers inside me. The combination was sweet fucking ecstasy.

  “Come, Tilly, come for me. Let me taste you.”

  I shattered. His voice. His touch. Just him. It was all too much. My fingers dug into his scalp. My body shook and trembled. And my pussy clenched, drenching him in my arousal, giving him exactly what he wanted. What he’d asked for. Me to come all over his mouth.

  I let go of his hair and fell back against the papers on his desk, chest heaving, completely unable to hold myself up any further. When his fingers left me, I felt bereft, but they were replaced by his tongue, lapping at me, almost as if he didn’t want to miss a drop. The whole thing was hot as fuck, but I was too spent to even raise my head to watch him.

  I only looked when he pulled away and sat back in his chair. His mouth glistened with my arousal, but Adrian didn’t seem to care. He smirked and wiped the back of his hand across it. My face felt too damn hot. Every part of me did if I was being completely honest. What he’d done to me was intense. The way he was looking at me told me he knew he’d satisfied me in a way no other man had. The arrogant curve of his eyebrow set my blood pounding all over again. God, he was fucking cocky and confident. Just like he’d always been. Except this time all of that was directed at me and I had no idea how I felt about it.

  I mean I did since apparently, I’d quite happily allowed him to go down on me without a second thought. At the same time, I’d never expected Adrian to want me back. He’d never given me any inclination until today he even thought that way about me.


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