Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4)

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Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4) Page 3

by Sarah Bailey

  He said nothing. Merely watched me squirming on his desk under his intense gaze after he’d given me the most wonderful orgasm of my life. I was still very much on show, my legs wide for his perusal. I shut them and sat up, finding myself embarrassed at such a wanton display.

  “I… uh… thank you.”

  What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you thanking him for making you come?

  He smirked again, his brown eyes full of amusement.

  “The pleasure was all mine.”

  And I believed him.

  Fuck. I needed to get out of here, but he still had my underwear. I had a feeling I wasn’t getting them back which annoyed me since they were one of my favourite pairs. It couldn’t hurt to ask, could it?

  I slipped off the desk and tugged my skirt back down, no longer comfortable having my pussy on display.

  “Are you keeping my underwear?”


  I almost protested. What would be the point? This whole thing was crazy. Crazy hot, but crazy all the same. Instead, I slipped my discarded heels back on whilst he watched me. He hadn’t said he wanted anything else so I was going to assume this was it. I shrugged my coat on and slung my bag over my shoulder.

  “Um… well, I’ll see you, uh, in the morning then.”

  His lip twitched. I decided right then and there I couldn’t be alone with him again. At least not with the door shut. Whilst this might have been the hottest sexual experience I’d had in a very long time, I had to remind myself we were work colleagues and I shouldn’t be letting my childhood best friend’s older brother go down on me.

  I started to walk towards the door and had my hand on the handle when he spoke.

  “Don’t forget, I want your pussy bare tomorrow, Tilly.”

  I scurried out of his office, my cheeks burning as I realised I was definitely stupid enough to do exactly as he said when I came in tomorrow.

  Chapter Four


  I sat at my desk having gotten in early like I always did. Yet as I looked at it, all I could think about was her, skirt hitched up and legs spread for me. Tilly’s pussy was the sweetest I’d ever tasted. My cock twitched. I’d spent half the night with my hand wrapped around it with her knickers against my face, inhaling her sweet essence whilst I’d lain in bed thinking about how she’d come all over my tongue. There was one very big reason why I hadn’t just pulled it out and slammed inside her yesterday even though I’m sure she would’ve let me. I say one reason, it was more like five. I didn’t want to scare Tilly away before I’d even got a chance to taste her.

  A knock sounded on my door and I looked up. I took her in slowly. Today she was in a tight green blouse, the shade matching her eyes, tucked into a skirt which came down to her knees and sky-high heels. She looked good enough to fucking eat. And I should know, I’d taken my fill yesterday evening.

  “I have your case notes. Taniqua mentioned you like to write by hand and Heather used to type them up for you,” Tilly said, her face going bright red.

  I knew she was thinking about it. My head between her legs whilst she cried out my name and dug her hands into my hair. She’d looked so fucking sexy when she came.

  I’d left the notes on her desk yesterday with a post-it note asking her to write them up. I was surprised she’d done it so quickly. Glancing away, I noted the time on my laptop. Fifteen minutes until I was due in court.

  Tilly was about to take a step forward when I stood up abruptly. She looked like a deer in headlights as I stalked towards her. I reached behind her when I neared and shut the door before pressing her against it. Plucking the notes from her hand, I tossed them on one of the cabinets and leant down, brushing my nose up her ear. I inhaled. She smelt of jasmine and lilies.


  “Did you do as I asked?” I murmured.

  Her body pressed against mine made my cock pulse. I had no idea what she’d think when she saw it. Whether she’d tell me to fuck off before she let me slide it inside her tight pussy. My piercings put some women off. I suppose five barbells running up my cock might be a little intimidating. It was a case of having it done because I could. I just wanted to. And it fucking felt good when I was deep inside a woman, knowing they were rubbing against her tight inner walls and driving her crazy.

  Her breath stuttered. I could almost hear her heart pounding in her chest.


  I wanted to trust her word, but I also wanted to touch her pussy again. It’d been all I could think about. Having my hands on her. So I leant down, slipping my hand under her skirt and hitching it up. She gasped when my fingers met her pussy and I groaned as I sunk two fingers inside her without warning.

  So good. So tight. Going to feel amazing around my cock.

  “If I had time, I’d fuck you right up against this door and make you scream my name.”

  I could hear her erratic breathing, her gasps for air as I thrust my fingers deeper and rubbed my cock against her hip. Fuck did I need a release. My hand wasn’t good enough. No, it needed to be in Tilly. Too long had I fantasied about her. Her innocent green eyes staring up at me with such fucking adoration. I was sick. Every time I fucked another woman, it was her I thought about. Her pussy I imagined my cock sliding into. It was always her. It had always been her.

  “Adrian,” she choked out. “We can’t be doing this right now.”

  “We can.”

  “I’m supposed to be working and you’re due in court.”

  Of course, she’d already have checked my schedule.

  “I don’t care.”

  My thumb found her clit and I stroked her, making her mewl and fuck if it didn’t sound like music to my ears.


  I kissed her to shut her up. I wasn’t going to, but hell, she needed to be quiet and let me make her come. Her lips parted and I took full advantage of the fact. She really did taste like fucking honey. Her hands came up, one wrapping around my neck and the other tangling in my hair. Her kiss electrified me. I could hear my blood pounding my ears and my cock throbbing. I ground against her harder as my tongue tangled with hers and I fucked her with my fingers.

  She bucked and writhed, kissing me like she was drowning. Perhaps we both were. I felt as though the world had tipped on its axis because it’d given me her. The moment I saw her, I had to have her. Nothing was holding me back this time. Nothing standing in my way. Not her age. Not the fact she was Annie’s best friend. Nothing.

  Her body tensed and trembled, her pussy clamping down on my fingers as she came. Soon, I’d have her pussy stretched around my cock. That’s if she didn’t run when she saw my ladder piercing.

  I rested my forehead against hers as I slipped my fingers from her. She panted, her green eyes wild and they widened when I brought my fingers to my lips and sucked on them right in front of her face. She watched me as if entirely fascinated by me cleaning her arousal from my hand.

  “We can’t do this at work,” she whispered.

  Whilst I agreed with her, I couldn’t resist Tilly. I felt unleashed. Untethered. She was my sole focus. The intensity of my need for her had me out of my fucking mind.

  “Then let me take you out later.”

  And by take her out, I did mean dinner. After that, all bets were off. I wanted to take her home, lay her out on my bed and fuck her senseless until she was so wrung out, she didn’t know her own name any longer.



  She nodded and half-smiled, her cheeks flushing. I pulled away. My cock was still hard as fuck, but I didn’t have time to deal with it. Tilly pulled her skirt back down and adjusted herself. It was clear as fucking day she’d just come. I smiled knowing I’d made her glow.

  “I mean it though, you can’t touch me at work.”

  “I’m making no promises.”

  She watched me move away after grabbing my notes. Whilst I’d have loved to stay and talk
to her further about this, I was out of time. I picked up the things I needed and walked back toward the door. She stepped aside but not before giving me a searching look.

  “You might want to slip into the bathroom before you go back to work.”

  Her eyes widened and I grinned, opening the door and strolling away towards the courtroom. I would probably pay for that comment later but fuck it. Tilly knew who I was and I’d never apologised for it. And later she’d get to see the man behind the suit for real. I hoped after all those years she’d spent pining after me, I lived up to her expectations.


  I was so done with today. I slumped in my chair, rubbing my face. The various hearings I’d had been long and arduous with argumentative defendants. Days like this where all I did was hear civil cases involving money owed were the worst. It was always the same. I wished more of them went down the route of mediation rather than it ending up in court. It would give me less of a headache.

  I looked up when I heard footsteps. Tilly hadn’t bothered to knock this time. She walked right in with a determined look in her eyes. I glanced at the clock. It was past five.

  “I’m going to assume you actually meant you were going to take me out rather than make me sit on your desk again and… well you know.”

  “What? Stick my face between your legs? Make you come all over my tongue? From where I was sitting, you seemed to enjoy it.”

  Her face went red and she looked away.

  “Do you have to be so… crude?”

  I held back a smile as I stood and walked over to her. Tucking my fingers under her chin, I forced her to look up at me.

  “I think you like it.”

  She kept her mouth shut. Her eyes told me exactly what she was thinking. She didn’t just like it, she loved every moment. Tilly was a tad embarrassed by it all. I’d remedy that soon enough.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  I stepped back and grabbed my coat, shrugging it on before holding my hand out to her. She looked at it like I’d grown two heads all of a sudden.


  “I’m not holding your hand. People could see.”

  I didn’t give a shit if anyone knew about this. Relationships amongst colleagues were merely frowned upon, not against policy. And I most definitely intended to make Tilly mine.

  “Would that be such a bad thing?”

  “Yes. I don’t even know what this is.”

  “Right now this is two people who grew up next to each other getting reacquainted. So hold my hand or don’t, but let’s go.”

  She didn’t hold my hand. I could tell she wanted to, but Tilly was holding back. She walked out, leaving me smiling and shaking my head as I followed her. Tilly was determined not to let me have the upper hand. Little did she know I’d always had it when it came to her. I’d always known how she felt about me and that gave me far more leverage than anything she had.

  Perhaps it might appear as though I was taking advantage of her feelings, but I wasn’t. I wanted her just as much. Needed her. It was as if someone had reached inside my chest and squeezed my fucking heart when I looked at her. What would she even say if she knew the truth? That I’d always wanted her on some level even when she’d been so fucking young. This girl had always been mine. It’s only now I had all the reasons in the world make sure she stayed that way.

  I shook myself as we walked out of the courts together towards the tube station. I knew exactly where I was taking her and it wasn’t far from where I lived. I’d have the perfect excuse to bring her home afterwards. She wasn’t going to escape me. I’d have her one way or another.

  Since it was rush hour, the carriages were packed and Tilly had to stand right up against me. I used it as an excuse to wrap an arm around her back. Her green eyes peered up at me, her tongue darting out to wet her lips as if she wanted me to kiss her. There would be time enough for that later. It didn’t matter if I was desperate for another taste. Kissing her in a packed tube wouldn’t do either of us any favours. Not when it’d only make me want to fuck her even more than I did now.

  “Where are we going?” she asked when we stepped out onto the street after leaving the tube and riding up the escalators.

  “Somewhere quiet.”

  I looked down when her fingers slipped into mine.

  “Lead the way then.”

  I met her eyes. I saw the vulnerability in them. She was scared of this. Scared of what was happening. Scared I’d drop her like I had done so many other girls when I was younger after I’d had my fill of them. That’s all she’d seen of me and it was true. I had dropped them one by one because they weren’t her. And I couldn’t have her.

  She didn’t know that yet. Maybe I’d tell her. Maybe I wouldn’t. All I knew was I had to make sure she wouldn’t run first. I’d spent twelve years without seeing this girl once. I wasn’t about to let another twelve go by without making her mine like I should’ve done when she was sixteen and I realised I wanted her. No matter how sick and fucked up that sounded it was the truth.

  This time I wouldn’t make the same mistake. This time I’d show her I was the only one who’d give her everything she needed. This time I’d make sure she knew who she belonged to.


  Chapter Five


  Going out to dinner with Adrian was a terrible idea. I’d been in two minds about it all day after he’d pinned me against his door, kissed me and made me come all over his fingers. And holy shit could Adrian kiss. As far as first kisses go, it was intensely passionate. To be honest, as far as any kisses went, it had been life changing. I’d never be able to go back. Kissing Adrian was like kissing a god.

  Despite my doubts, I was with him anyway, holding his damn hand whilst he led me up the street. I’d never held hands with him before and it felt kind of right. Being next to him felt right.

  I glanced at the restaurant’s name before he hustled me inside. Haze. I hadn’t heard of it before. It was very busy when we walked in.

  “Welcome to Haze,” said the hostess who was standing by the counter at the front which looked like it was made of driftwood.

  “I have a reservation under the name of Sanders.”

  She looked at her screen for a moment whilst I stared at Adrian. He’d booked us a table. That I had not been expecting.

  “Of course, right this way.”

  She led us past most of the diners towards these huge wooden booths at the back. I slid into one side and took the menu she handed me.

  “Your waitress for tonight will be Jamila. Enjoy your evening.”

  “Thank you,” Adrian said before she left.

  I opened the menu and looked down, my eyes widening at the prices and the fancy-looking dishes. Meeting his eyes over the menu, he smiled at me.

  “Is this a date?” I blurted out without thinking.



  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Did you think I’m only interested in having sex with you?”

  Why did he have to be so blunt? My face was on fire which seemed to happen all the time in his presence.

  “I don’t know what you want with me, to be honest.”

  He reached across the table and took my hand.

  “This is a date, Tilly. I’m treating you so order anything you like and try to relax a bit. I won’t bite.”

  I ignored his comment about not biting and looked around the restaurant. It was very trendy with lots of exposed wood, low hanging lampshades and the staff were all in black jeans with white t-shirts sporting the Haze logo.

  “I thought you said you were taking me somewhere quiet.”

  He shrugged.

  “It not up to your standards?”

  I turned back to him, eyes wide.

  “What? No! It’s nice.”

  The twinkle in his eyes told me he was winding me up. I pulled my hand away from his and looked at the menu again. I
don’t think he liked that much since I saw him pouting a little. And pouting on Adrian looked sexy as hell.

  You’re so damn crazy about this man.

  I couldn’t deny it. Even though I still didn’t know what Adrian’s intentions towards me were, I couldn’t help the happiness blossoming in my chest at him taking me out on a real date. Who’d have thought the bad boy from all those years ago would want to spend time with me. And I couldn’t deny I was looking forward to seeing if he was still a bad boy underneath the calm, collected persona he seemed to wear at work.

  When our waitress came over and asked if we were ready to order drinks, I shifted in my seat.

  “Do you want some wine?” Adrian asked me.

  I shook my head.

  “I don’t really drink,” I mumbled before looking up at the waitress. “Could I just have an orange juice please?”

  Adrian watched me for a moment. Whilst I’d used to more than overindulge during my early twenties, I hated the way it made me feel now. I was such a lightweight even one or two had me tipsy. I wanted a clear head.

  “And for you, sir?” she asked.

  “Just a bottle of still water for the both of us.”

  I was about to object when she asked if we were ready to order our meals. He had told me to order anything I liked so I went with the roasted beetroot starter followed by this chicken dish I couldn’t actually pronounce. Adrian ordered the beef carpaccio and the duck for main.

  “You could have a drink if you wanted,” I said quietly when she left.

  He reached out and took my hand again.

  “I know.” His eyes ran down my torso. I refrained from squirming. Just. “I want to remember every moment with you with complete clarity.”

  I was stuck for what to say to that. His pursuit of me now seemed so at odds with the way he’d treated me when we were younger. Though I suppose since I was twenty-eight, our age difference wouldn’t be frowned upon. I wanted to ask him, but then I might have to admit just how long I’d liked him for. Why did I keep questioning this? Couldn’t I let it be? We couldn’t erase the history we shared even if we were different people now. But were we even that different?


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