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Burning Hearts: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance

Page 131

by Vivien Vale

  She’s probably here for a fucking date. I mean, why wouldn’t she be? She’s too gorgeous and hot to waste a perfectly good night not being out with a handsome man. I even wish I was that guy. I imagine her getting all pretty like this for me. She’d be going back to my apartment with me, that’s for fucking sure.

  Whomever her ‘date’ is supposed to be, I’m sure I can top this fucker and beat him at his own game. It’s what I fucking do.

  I’m certain that by the end of the night, I could make Chloe forget all about him. If our night together turns out to be anything like the time we spent fucking at District 21, then I’m home free. Just call me a professional NBA star because I’m getting ready to slam-dunk that shit.

  Chloe gives me a sexy yet subtle wave, and I notice a rush of relief flush her cheeks. She begins walking towards me. Hmm. That’s a good sign. It means her date might not even show up. Though what kind of motherfucker would stand her up? The thought enrages me almost as much as the idea of her meeting another guy in the first place.

  I need a moment to prepare myself to be in her presence because, fuck, she’s ridiculously hot.

  When she approaches me at the bar, I do as any true gentleman would. I stand up and greet her with a peck on the cheek, softly drawing her in and giving her a hug. I place my palm on the small of her back and imagine ripping this dress right from her fucking body.

  I bet if I made it a competition with myself, I could actually make that work. Maybe later I’ll get to find out. Wink, wink.

  “Chloe, you look absolutely ravishing. Stunning.” I take a step back to soak in and absorb her surreal beauty. “You’re just a classic beauty.”

  She blushes from my burst of enthusiastic compliments but keeps the mood and the conversation light for now.

  “A classic? You sound like you are describing a car.” Her laugh twinkles through the room.

  “A classic car doesn’t hold a candle to you,” I tell her and flash her a sexy smile. Her eyes dance with flirtation.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks.

  I gesture to the bar.

  “I’m here probably for the same reason as you, and every other patron in the place.” I’m teasing her in a light sarcastic tone.

  “To get shit-faced?” she quips back with a smirk.

  “There’s nothing wrong with relishing in a divine scotch.” I swish my empty glass in the air, pretending to be an elitist.

  Chloe rolls her eyes, but I can tell by her playful expression that she’s having a fantastic time already. As she moves, I get a whiff of her perfume and it floors me, throwing me right into Extreme Lust Mode. This woman has such good taste in fucking everything.

  “Well, anyway, to answer your question seriously, I’m actually supposed to be meeting someone.”

  “Oh.” Her face drops in disappointment.

  “Now that I see you, I’d much rather dine in your company.” I quickly try to recover before she bolts.

  She lets out a small laugh.

  “Well, actually, if we’re opting for honesty tonight, I’m actually supposed to be meeting someone here too.”

  She bites her lips in sheepish awkwardness, but all my eyes can see is how delectably adorable she truly is. I can tell she also wishes her date wouldn’t show up anymore.

  At that moment, the bartender breezes past me and I call out to capture his attention.

  “Excuse me, can I get another scotch and a…”

  I turn to face Chloe.

  “For you, ma’am?”

  I grin at her with the full force of my charm while I try to remember what she was drinking the night we met at the club.

  Chloe’s grin is provocative, but she still refuses my initial advances.

  “Nothing for me, thanks.”

  She waves her hand dismissively to the bartender and nervously glances back at the entrance to the restaurant. Now, I’m curious what kind of guy she’s seeing tonight.

  “Don’t break my heart.” I pout my lip and give her my saddest puppy dog face.

  “Oh please.” She checks me out and scoffs lightheartedly. “I’m here to enjoy my date, not play drinking games with you. Remember?”

  She grins at me and I take the opportunity to lay on the charm.

  “It’s a cosmo, isn’t it?”

  “What?” Chloe laughs and shakes her head as if she has no idea what I’m referring to.

  “That’s your drink!” I say and point a finger at her. “Bartender, she’ll have a cosmopolitan, please. Put it on my tab.”

  “Stop it!” Chloe says and slaps my thigh. She’s smiling at me, so I know I’m at least entertaining her while she waits for Mr. Douchebag to show up. I have to up my game before he gets to step in.

  “I’m right, though, aren’t I?” I grin widely at her.

  Chloe rolls her eyes.

  “So what if you are?”

  “So…” I begin with a smile. “Since I’m right, and I’m paying, at least do me the honor of enjoying one drink.”

  “You just want to get me sloppy again,” she teases, reading through my intentions clearly.

  “I’m sorry, did you say soaking?” I say friskily.

  “I said sloppy!” she exclaims and giggles. “You know exactly what I fucking said so don’t play games.”

  “I think soaking is better, though…” I trail off and give her a wink.

  She blushes and flicks her eyes to the floor. I’m enjoying our flirty banter, but I desperately want to take it to the next level now that I’m with her.

  She pulls out her phone and I see it flashing.

  “Interesting,” she acknowledges as she scrolls through her messages.

  “What is it?” I ask with curiosity.

  “This is going to sound crazy…” she trails off.

  “Try me, I’m the king of crazy.” I lean in and smile at her.

  “My date is unable to make it.” She shrugs as if she’s totally unaffected by this new development. Fucking wonderful for me. “So, it looks like I’m free tonight after all.”

  “What a coincidence,” I whisper in her ear. “Me too. My date canceled on me before you walked over here.”

  Chloe gives me a seductive glance which I return with a wild grin. Her date’s loss is only my gain. I won’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers because I plan on slipping something very hard her way.

  “Excuse me, waiter?” I call out as a staff member passes by.

  The man spins around and looks at me.

  “Can I help you, sir?”

  “Yes.” I stand up and offer a hand to Chloe. “We would like to be seated now.”


  Being seated outside, under the stars, must really be doing something for me. I’ve never been in a picture perfect setting with a gorgeous guy like Aaron. It’s like a movie, or a dream.

  “How did I get so lucky to be spending the evening with you?” I blurt. Oh, shit. Am I being too forward?

  I can’t help it. Aaron really made the best of a bad situation. Scoping out Ms. Winters is still such a romanticized fantasy in my head, but I can’t help but be excited about what I’m experiencing right now.

  There’s classical music playing through the speakers surrounding the dining area, and the air is crisp with a gentle breeze occasionally rolling through. There are candles on every table. It’s really a perfect romantic setting.

  “Well,” he says, “Sometimes coincidence just brings the best of a situation. I’m really glad to be here with you.” I blush as he lifts his fork to his mouth, taking another mouthful of food.

  It’s funny, I neglected ordering pasta because I’m a notoriously messy eater. He makes it all look so easy. To have such grace has me envious.

  I watch his strong jaw move up and down to chew and do all I can to not stare. I redirect my attention to the table and spot my glass of merlot.

  I grab my wine and bring it to my lips, trying to distract myself from my thoughts of our previous evening together.
I’m doing a terrible job...Fuck.

  How am I supposed to not think about that? His big strong arms around me, his giant cock inside of me…how he made me whimper at his every touch with those firm hands.

  I’ve never had such exhilarating, passionate sex with anyone, let alone an almost stranger. I shiver at the thought of his touch again.

  I feel a pulse of straight-up horniness shoot through my body. My clit is fucking aching. It seems I’ve lost my appetite for dinner and am ready to move straight to dessert.

  “How is your food?” Aaron asks politely. I put my wine down and place my hands together in my lap under the table, barely resisting the urge to press them against my pussy and relieve some of the pressure.

  “It’s been incredible. Aaron, I have to say that I just really appreciate the company you’ve shown me tonight. It’s truly a pleasure to converse with you,” I say. It’s the truth. The guy is an amazing conversationalist. It’s crazy. He’s like some kind of fantasy—a great fuck and a brilliant mind? Fuck me sideways. (Literally, too.)

  “I feel the exact same way, Chloe.” He smiles. As he gazes at me, making me even more hot and bothered, our waiter approaches us.

  “Dessert is served, folks,” he says. Our waiter places an elegantly plated slice of dark chocolate cake on a round dish, drizzled with chocolate ganache and with strawberries on the side in front of me.

  I wait for Aaron’s final course to be set in front of him before I grab a strawberry and put it in my mouth. I wrap my lips around the fruit, sink my teeth in slowly, and pull the stem away from my mouth.

  I smile at Aaron and notice he’s not touched his dessert. Clearly, he’s more interested in what I’m trying to do for him.

  “Mmmm,” I say as I chew my strawberry and swallow. I bring my napkin to my mouth and blot it, clearing any strawberry seeds or stickiness from my face.

  It’s funny, if it were anyone else that approached me in this entire restaurant, I probably wouldn’t have given them the time of day. But Aaron has won me over tonight, even more than he did on our first encounter.

  He’s able to be on my level at all times. I make a joke, he has a witty comment to follow. He picks up on any of my facetious comments.

  He really understands my message each time I communicate.

  And that’s how I know he’s picking up what I’m putting down here at our little table at this restaurant. I take my foot and brush my shoe against his pant leg. I raise an eyebrow just slightly at him.

  “Chloe, you’re fucking amazing. But you already know that,” Aaron comments.

  “What makes you say that?” I ask coyly. I take a bite of my cake and scrape every bit of chocolate from the spoon with my tongue before slowly drawing it from my mouth. I swirl the chocolate ganache around my taste buds as I chew the dessert.

  “Well, for starters, I’ve never seen a woman so...sensual with her desserts. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to try my own with all of that you have going on here,” he explains.

  I knew he was getting my hints. I’m not usually so forward with men, but I’ll be god damned if I let this guy go home without having given me round two tonight. I need it after the stress of being stood up.

  As a fictitious man, my ego is hurt. Why do I keep missing the opportunity to see if Ms. Winters really does fit the image she portrays? It really is frustrating not getting the satisfaction of seeing Ms. Winters, so I’ll have to keep trying.

  But, for now, tonight, she’s barely on my mind.

  Aaron is what’s clouding my thoughts. Every breath, every kiss, every touch we shared at the club was pure bliss. He’s addictive, and I need my fix. Right fucking now. I stick my tongue out and flick it against my spoon.

  “Seriously, Chloe. This is too much to’re teasing me again,” he says. I love hearing those words. You’re teasing me.

  Yes, yes I am. Give me a reward. I’ve earned it.

  “Teasing you? Is it really teasing when there’s an offer on the table?” I say, boldly. I see his eyes widen for a moment and watch his Adam's apple move in his throat as he gulps.

  “What’s the matter, Aaron? You’re well aware of what this mouth can do,” I say.

  “Chloe, you are fucking amazing,” he says.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been seduced in public to this degree, or fucking at all, for that matter. I can’t say I’m not enjoying it. But well, there’s not exactly anything I can do in this setting, don’t you think? There’s just so many people here.”

  “Oh yeah?” I remark. I twirl the spoon around and lick it all over. I take it deep into my mouth and drag it out again slowly. I look Aaron straight in the eyes. “What are you going to do about it?”

  Aaron leans in close, with an incredibly serious look on his face. “Keep this up, Chloe, and you just might be walking home sideways.”

  If my face wasn’t red enough before, it is now. I hold on to Aaron’s words, so similar to what I thought just moments before.

  A knot forms in the pit of my stomach and my pussy aches from his proposal. I grin at him widely and flick my tongue against the spoon again.

  Game on, Aaron. Game on.


  I watch her tongue lick her lips and catch the bit of chocolate just in the corner of her exquisite mouth, a mouth begging to be kissed. Her eyes are blazing with lust.


  This girl knows how to turn on a guy. My dick’s pushing hard against the material of my pants and it takes all of my self-control not to jump her bones—right here, right now.

  It would not be good for my public image, so, I restrain myself. But, I need to do something.

  I lean across the table until my lips are only inches from hers. They part in anticipation and her tongue’s hovering just between her teeth.

  “How about we see if we can get a room?”

  Luckily for us, this restaurant is located in an exclusive five-star hotel.

  Her face flushes a little as my warm breath caresses her cheek.

  Unable to speak, she simply nods.

  A few deep breaths in and out and I think it’s safe for me to stand up and signal one of the staff I’m ready to pay.

  My credit card is returned to me and I pull out some notes to hand to a smiling waiter.

  Chloe reaches for my arm and I pull her closer toward me. I don’t know what it is about this woman, but I want to touch her everywhere.

  There’s a bit of a queue at the front desk of the prestigious Palace One and I feel anticipation gather in the pit of my stomach.

  Part of me just wants to push past the waiting customers and say something like ‘Don’t you know who I am,’ to open-mouthed personnel who will instantly do as I command, but it seems childish. Surely, I can wait just a few more minutes.

  But I feel like a kid at Christmas who can’t wait for Santa to arrive.

  When it’s finally my turn, my brain is just about mush and it takes me a few seconds to string a proper sentence together. Normally, I’m a master of words. But apparently Chloe is my undoing.

  “We’d like a room, please,” I say before I add, “One of your finest, please.”

  Not only do I want to fuck Chloe, I want to fucking impress her.

  “Do you have a booking?” the young man with too many pimples asks, and impatience rises in me. If I had a booking, I would fucking say so, wouldn’t I?

  I shake my head so as not say something offending. It might not pay to offend this bumbling teenager in front of Chloe.

  “I’m afraid, sir, we’re all booked up.”

  His words are like a fucking cold shower. They can’t be booked up. I always get a room at this exclusive hotel if I need one.

  Now, anger threatens to take over. I want to punch the pimply faced kid right between the eyes.

  “Ahem.” I clear my throat and my eyes catch those of someone more senior looking. “I think you may need to check that again.”

  Carlos, the manager comes over and smiles.

/>   “Is there a problem?” he addresses his underling.

  “This gentleman wants a room but...”

  “Good to see you again, Aaron.” Carlos greets me like an old friend. Damn right. “We’ll have something for you in just a few minutes.” He smiles a knowing smile.

  I feel Chloe’s hot body pressed into mine. Her fingers have started to travel beyond my waistband and are rubbing my lower back gently. Little electric pulses run through me.

  “Thank you,” I croak and turn to look at Chloe.

  Her eyes leave me under no illusion where her mind is right now. I bet her fucking pussy is already dripping down her thighs. I want to lick it up.

  I can still taste her from the other night. Her juices a mixture of salty, sweet and delicious rose-scented bubble bath. Involuntarily, I lick my lips.

  “Room sixteen hundred and thirty-five on the sixteenth floor, one of our presidential suites, is ready, Aaron.”

  Carlos hands me the key and I smile at him.

  “We hope you enjoy your stay. And keep up the good work,” he adds, and I give him a wave.

  Outside the elevator, Chloe holds her head up toward me and I lean forward. Our lips meet. I press down on hers gently at first, but then harder. My tongue forces entry to find hers.

  She groans and leans right into me. Like the missing puzzle piece, she’s a perfect fit. Her body molds against mine and I feel my insides melt and my fucking cock defy gravity and stand at full attention.

  By the time the door opens up and I push her into it, my hands are on her fleshy ass. If I don’t get to feel her naked skin in the next fucking minute, I think I’m to explode from the inside.

  The doors shut and my fingers don’t want to leave their position. They’ve come home.

  But I force myself to peel them away from her luscious ass and I press the button for the sixteenth floor. With a soft purr, we start our journey upwards.

  Frantically, her fingers now fumble with the buttons of my designer jeans.

  It takes her less than a few seconds to free my throbbing cock, and I growl, wolf-like. Fuck. She’s so goddamn fucking hot.

  Briefly, I wonder if she’s cast some kind of spell on me. I’ve never felt such pure animalistic lust toward another woman in my life. Of course, to cast a spell on me she needs to be a witch, and I have enough thinking power left to know there are no fucking witches. But the pull she has on me is strong.


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