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Knights of the Three Kingdoms- Volume 1

Page 14

by Brian Davis

  “You… you have fought bravely!” Sir Cedric complemented. “It is of shame that you are with the Oracles Knights instead of with the Castilians… we are much stronger.”

  Sir Mathews sighed as the blood was pasted on his thick reddish-colored beard that hung down, covering his throat.

  “I am a knight… like you… bound to serve my king. I have served with the best intentions so it matters not if I live. If it wasn’t for that cursed Merlin’s aid of creating a thunderstorm and raising the dead to do his bidding, the Castilians would have lost.”

  “You are sure of your pride?” Sir Cedric smirked.

  “It is not pride for the likes of you wouldn’t understand… it is the heart of a knight that makes him of what he is… pride is only in the mind of a man. Not of a knight.”

  Sir Cedric’s lips twisted while giving off a smirk.

  “Pin him against the pole!” He ordered.

  The knights lifted Sir Mathews to his feet and escorted him to the pole. They placed his back on the pole and tied his body around the pole. Sir Cedric approached with a dagger in his hand. He stood in front of Sir Mathews as the Oracles Knights watched helplessly.

  “This is for the heart of a knight! So he says?” Sir Cedric mocked.

  He then placed the blade of the dagger against Sir Mathews’ neck and slid the blade across his neck, slicing it as blood instantly poured down, covering his beard. Sir Mathews gagged and choked. His body tensed and his eyes widened in shock. Sir Cedric turned and faced the Oracles Knights while pointing the bloody dagger at them.

  “Take the prisoners away… this fortress is ours!”

  Sheena stepped out onto her upper deck where she saw Sir Vladimir standing at the front end of the ship with some of her sailors. She approached them as her eyes were affixed to the shores.

  “We will be arriving on shore soon.” She said. “The land is called, Eoferwic.”

  “Eoferwic?” Sir Vladimir asked.

  “It is a village… a town. I know the governor of this town. He is buried in riches.”

  Sir Vladimir gave a short nod while his hands were propped on the edge of the ship.

  “Prepare the sailors. We are approaching the shoreline of Eoferwic.” She ordered a sailor.

  “You…” She made eye contact with Sir Vladimir. “Come with me. I have a plan that I would like to share with you.”

  Sir Vladimir arched his eyebrow while shifting his eyes and watching her walk away back to her lower deck. He caught another sailor’s gaze as he watched him. Sir Vladimir arched his eyebrows and silently walked away to the lower deck where Sheena waits for him.

  Sir Vladimir stepped down the wooden stairs into the lower deck. He faced Sheena as she stood in front of her cabin.

  “In here…” She said while entering her cabin.

  Sir Vladimir gave off a short sigh and followed her inside the cabin. He looked around, marveled on what appeared to be a luxury bed with drapes dangling down. He propped both of his hands on his hips and with his hair slicked back, he shifted his eyes at her with one eyebrow raised.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” She warned. “I have a proposition.”

  “A proposition?” He blinked.

  “Yes. The governor, Aimeric is a hothead, but he is blinded by lust. His love for women is unmatched for the untamed and unneutered.”

  “So his greed of romance oversees his judgments?”

  “Precise. That is his downfall.”

  “So what’s the plan?”

  “Simple… I am going to be the pawn… pretending that I am infatuated over him. I will lure him to his room. You on the other hand, will sneak past his guards… be present inside the room where you are not noticeable. When his back is turned, and his attention is drawn to me, you will intervene with a sword to his back.”

  “A sword driven in his back?”

  “No. Pointed at his back. I need him alive. We will rob him of his riches. He will tell us were his chest of loot is.”

  “And if he doesn’t?”

  “Then you have the honor of putting that blade of yours to use again.”

  “I’m sure it’s becoming tired of being stained with blood.”

  “Not when the price is right.”

  “And my half?”

  “Half of the loot he has.”

  “What about our escape plan?”

  “The sailors will be on the ship waiting for us. As soon as we aboard the ship, we set sail.”

  “I am surprised you are still alive for trusting these sailors?”

  “My trust is in Calvin the Terrible. On this ship and in these terrible days of age… that’s all a woman can give.”

  “So you think…” Sir Vladimir smirked while turning around and walking out of her cabin.

  Sir Vladimir stood at the front end of the upper deck as the ship now landed on the shorelines. Calvin the Terrible approached Sir Vladimir and stood next to him, gazing throughout the city and town.

  “Sheena puts her trust in you. I’m starting to think that the ocean is clogging her thoughts. She’s making poor decision in trusting a dog like you!”

  “I take it that you have jealousy in your heart… or maybe it’s the simple fact of whom she really is… once a master is tired of the pet dog, the master gets rid of it and claims a new one… I take it that you’re the old dog.”

  “I would like to see if you would try to say that to the tip of my blade!” Calvin the Terrible snarled.

  “All is ready!” Sheena said while gaining their attention.

  Sir Vladimir’s eyes sparkled in lust as she slowly approached them, wearing a loose skirt with a tunic. Her long curly black hair was pulled up into a bun with her side bangs dangling down to her jawline like springs. The skirt was a dark blue and her tunic was a wine color.

  “My-my-my.” Sir Vladimir mumbled.

  “It seemed that your tongue has been caught?” She addressed Sir Vladimir.

  “Aye… indeed it has along with my eyes.” He smiled.

  She quickly shifted her eyes over at Calvin the Terrible.

  “Stay aboard the ship. I shall return. Have the sailors prepared… just in case of any surprises.”

  “Yes my queen.”

  She now looked at Sir Vladimir.

  “Come… let us journey off.”

  Chapter 16


  The city seemed busy… along with the town. Sir Vladimir and Sheena walked together side by side through the streets. All eyes were glued to them, as the people of Eoferwic knew that they were strangers of Eoferwic.

  “This area…”

  “Full of riches.” She quickly interrupted. “And soon it will be ours to share. Up ahead is where the castle where the governor lives. His guards stand guard at the gate.”

  “So how am I supposed to…?”

  “Simple… you’ll have to sneak in through the side of the castle. There, follow your gut on where his room is kept. Usually it is kept in the keep… the right tower of the keep.”

  “And how do you know this?”

  “Just a simple feeling.”

  “Some simple feeling you have.” Sir Vladimir added.

  They now approached the castle where two guards stood, guarding the front gate.

  “Here’s where you and I depart.” She mumbled while walking away from him.

  She approached the two guards.

  “Halt!” One of the guards demanded. “State your name and purpose!”

  “I am here to see the governor, Aimeric… it is of urgent matter.”

  Sir Vladimir walked around the castle. He noticed that the right side of the castle was unattended. He scanned the side walls of the castle and noticed a wagon with hay inside. He also noticed two guards standing with their backs turned, lost in their own conversation. Interesting, he looked around and noticed no one was watching. He also noticed two horses that were tired to a long post.

  Sir Vladimir quickly approached the wagon from the rear and c
limbed into the stack of hay. He felt the wagon being pulled by someone. He felt the movements of the wagon slowly moving and then, turned to the left and continued to move forward. Now, the wagon stopped. Sir Vladimir dug his fingers forward through the hay until he felt the cool air with the tips of his fingers. He continued to peel through the hay until he could now see.

  Sir Vladimir slowly crawled out of the stack of hay and landed on his feet in a squatting position. In front of the wagon, three guards were lost in their own conversation. One of the guards, he knew must have pulled the wagon inside the Courtyard. Sir Vladimir saw a barrel to his left. He quickly raced over to the barrel and hid behind it, waiting for his opportunity to step out from behind the barrel when the guards depart.

  Sheena continued to wait outside of the gates. One of the guards returned from inside the gates.

  “Let her in. Aimeric wishes to see her!”

  The guards waved their hand to the side, for Sheena to enter the castle. She followed the guard to the long hall that led to a chamber where Aimeric sat at a table. She paused with the guard as she watched Aimeric attention was caught on a paper that he was writing with an ink feather.

  “Lord, Aimeric. I am here with the visitor who wishes to see you.” The guard announced.

  Aimeric sighed as his eyes were still glued to the paper he was writing on. Perhaps a letter, Sheena thought. His hand that held the ink feather paused, as if he was frustrated over the interruption. He laid the feather down and lifted his gaze off the paper. His eyes widen as lust struck him like a bolt of lightning. He blinked and slowly stood. She knew he was in a trance over her beauty. And so, her lips crept upward into a short smile.

  “And what may your name be, my beauty?” Aimeric asked while approaching.


  “Ah… Sheena… that name is as beautiful as a chime. What can I help you with?”

  Sheena gave a soft sigh.

  “The taxes that you have raised. My family cannot afford such high taxes my lord.”

  “Ah… such a pity.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “How can I accommodate you, because my father can’t pay this month’s taxes? Please have pity on us.” She begged.

  “Well… perhaps I can accommodate you, or should I say… you accommodate me?”

  “Anything my lord.”

  “Good. Accompany me in my keep. I can explain more of what you can do for me, yes?” He asked.

  “Anything my lord.”

  He shifted his eyes over at the guard.

  “You may live us. I do not wish to be disturbed for now.”

  “Yes, my lord.” The guard walked away.

  “Come my dear…” He extended his hand for her to reach.

  She grabbed it while feeling his lips on the back of her hand. Her throat tightened over feeling disgusted over his lips. She now followed him up the stairs to his room. She now walked behind him on the top tier, passing two guards that stood guarding the stairs. She now paused as he reached a closed wooden door. He opened it and waved his hand, signaling her to enter his room.

  She slowly stepped inside the room, hoping that Sir Vladimir was here before her. She looked around and saw the large bed that waited for her body to lay naked in. She heard the door closed behind her. She turned and faced Aimeric who now slowly approached her.

  “You are so lovely.” He mumbled while his eyes never left hers.

  She examined him quickly… he was short, plumbed belly and the crown of his head was bald with hair growing on the sides of his head.

  “I take it that you would like to touch my body?” She asked.


  “And if I give in to your desires…?”

  “Than your father would not have to pay this month. And if you satisfy me… than I will make it two months.”

  “I promise you will be satisfied… I will not disappoint you.”

  She slowly reached to pull her tunic down. Her fingers paused and her lips slowly stretched into a short smile as her eyes shifted away from him and gave a quick glance behind him, where she saw Sir Vladimir slowly stepping out from behind a curtain.

  He’s here, her heart raced with excitement of his presence. She slowly continued while Aimeric quickly removed his clothes, showing his naked round body.

  “I cannot wait to feel your body on mines.” He exhaled.

  “But I can wait.” Sir Vladimir said while standing behind him with the tip of his blade pointed in the back of Aimeric’s neck.

  Aimeric froze in shock. His eyes widen and his mouth opened.

  “And I’m sure the lady can also wait, too.” Sir Vladimir added.

  “Wh-what’s happening?” Aimeric nervously asked.

  “You turn around and you will be swallowing the tip of my blade.” Sir Vladimir warned. “Make one noise to alert your guards, and I will silence you forever.” He added.

  “You…” Aimeric drew his attention to Sheena.

  “The loot, you fat bastard. Where is the loot?”

  “I… I don’t know what you’re talking about I…” He paused and his teeth gritted when felt the tip of the sword pinched his flesh.

  “The loot or you will taste a blade of iron.” She advised.

  “It-it’s behind the closed door to my right.” He nervously said.

  Sheena quickly walked to the closed door and opened it where she saw a large chest. She approached it and opened the lid. Her eyes widen. She turned and faced Sir Vladimir.

  “It’s here. All of it is here.” She smiled.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear.” Sir Vladimir said while instantly with the bottom of his left ridge hand, chopped down in an angle on Aimeric’s neck. Aimeric’s body fell hard to the floor unconscious.

  “Do you have the bags?” Sheena asked.

  “Of course.” He approached.

  She quickly filled the black cotton bags with gold and gems. She handed a bag to Sir Vladimir.

  “That’s your share. Now, how do we get out without being spotted?”

  “Easily… we walkout of this room.”

  “But there’re guards out there!”

  “Two of them are unconscious.” He smiled.

  “What about him?” She shifted her eyes over at Aimeric who laid on the naked on the ground.

  “What of him? He is of no threat to us.”

  They approached the front entrance of the door. Sir Vladimir slowly cracked the door opened and peeped out. The hall seemed clear. He opened the door and hurried out to the right end of the corner where Sheena trailed behind him. He paused and ducked while two guards stood guard with their backs facing them. He turned right and hurried down the hall where both guards laid unconscious on the floor. They stepped over the unconscious guards and continued down the hall.

  Sir Vladimir paused and pressed his back against the corner of the hall. To his right, two guards were approaching up the hall. Sheena clenched her jaws and remained motionless behind him. Sir Vladimir waited. As the guards approached the corner, Sir Vladimir sprung forward while throwing a hard left punch, striking the guard in his face. The guard fell on the floor motionless.

  Sheena quickly swung her right foot up, kicking the guard between his legs. The guard grabbed his groin in pain. Sir Vladimir threw a hard left punch, striking the guard in his face. The guard fell unconscious to the floor. Sir Vladimir faced her.

  “Let’s move. We don’t have much time until the others are alerted.”


  Inside the large Catholic Church, the Pope, Luis the Fifth sat on the altar. King Adam stepped up and kneeled on one knee while lowering his head. The pope stood from the altar while holding his hands out.

  “Your Highness. It is of great gratitude to be here in Bathum under your rule.”

  “Yes, and I am here to request anything that you ask for.”

  “Why of course. I ask that the taxes of this city and town be given to the church, every Sunday. None shall practice any other religion except
Catholicism. Everyone will attend and practice on Sunday beginning at sunrise to sunset… all shall study the doctrine that only I shall give; verse by verse. Any who does not recall each verse shall be punished by beaten, and given another chance to learn each verse. If he or she shall fail to do so, than they shall be put to death. None shall leave the church, and all offerings shall be made to the church. None shall have bibles except for I. All shall listen to the doctrines that I read out of. If any refuse, they are to be sentence and be put to death by the state of the church. Let it be known throughout Bathum.”

  “As planned.” King Adam smiled.

  “All newborns will be baptized. Every peasant will be baptized and only eat the meals that are required by the church. If refused, they will be sentence and put to death… burn at the stake. All who oppose the pope and the king will be excommunicated from the church and be put to death. Let it be known.”

  Sir Vladimir and Sheena continued to race down the hall and down the stairs that led to the Courtyard. They paused when they saw six guards walking in the center of the Courtyard. Sir Vladimir and Sheena quickly hid behind two barrels.

  “What are we going to do now?” She asked.

  “There’re two horses that are tied at the stable. We steal the horses and race to the ship.”

  “But the guards will see us!”

  “It’s our only chance.”

  The guards continued to walk closer without knowing that two intruders were behind the large barrels.

  “Wait…” Sir Vladimir mumbled. “On my command I’ll cause a distraction, and then you run for the stables.”

  The guards continued and suddenly, Sir Vladimir sprung out from behind the barrels, startling the guards who stood in the center of the Courtyard. Sheena quickly sprinted out of the Courtyard towards the stables. Sir Vladimir yelled with his sword in his hand. The guards quickly pulled out their swords from their sheaths and charged him.


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