Chrissel's Fire

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Chrissel's Fire Page 2

by Mark Edwards

  “The way Thames’ mouth trembled when he saw my thighs and then stared directly into my brown eyes when we were at Elk’s street brought an explosive reaction followed by quivers and frissons inside my deepest and darkest creases and rumples. Why am I so in love with somebody else’s husband and we have met in less than three hours? My physique is just waiting impatiently for a single strum from those long well groomed fingers to stimulate that perfect harmony. This guy is so hot and he has my soul on fire, I swear I am going to hurt him if he doesn’t put my fire out – I am ready to fight fire with fire.”

  The tension was so high as they went through the hills and curves without saying a word to each other.

  Chapter Five

  “Well, Mr Snowy, welcome to Pear River Drive, here is the property, do you like it?” Chrissel asked as she tried her best to prevent a direct face to face eye contact with him.

  “Finally, well yes, it is a beauty, this is something I have always wanted – the scenery is spectacular, lush and green, the air is so fresh, I could write great novels and make beautiful music here,” Mr Snowy reacted.

  “Shall we go inside sir?”

  “After you madam,” he replied.

  The air became even edgier as two people who desperately wanted to tear each other apart (even though they were strangers) were alone in a luxury bungalow, both waiting for the right opportunity to make that move. They both continued to explore the interior of the bungalow which was a bit low keyed compared to the property they viewed in Elk Street, it however had a comfortable and unique cottage feel with an air of luxury. The walls were well painted in contrasting colors of darker hues which made it feel like a romantic place to be in. This probably would not be the best place for two people who don’t belong together despite having crazy objectives. The kitchen was nice and spacious and was marvelously adorned with ceramic tiles.

  “Gosh, this kitchen is so nice,” Thames said as he looked at Chrissel’s brown eyes after taking pictures of the kitchen. She really did not want to look at him directly as she knew how defenseless she was to the sight of his lips and the invite of his smile.

  “This kitchen was designed by the famous company from Sweden sir,” she answered while avoiding the risk of a face to face contact.

  “You can call me Thames,” he said smiling while looking through the viewfinder of the camera. He became tired of taking photos of lifeless objects in the cabin. He really would not mind taking a photo of the only other living being in the building.

  At this statement she could not avoid staring him in the face. “Does he have to smile?” she asked herself as she felt wild reactions going through her soul.

  “I am beginning to hate this man, I think he eventually realizes what he has been doing to me and has figured how to make me defenseless; he has gotten better at it each time he does it. The amount of fire this man has caused I wouldn’t need a match to boil some tea.”

  “That might not be a good idea Mr. Snowy,”

  “But why?” he probed as he gave her another dose of his uncanny smile.

  The stiff-necked and unyielding nubile that she was just could not keep her strong enough from falling for him each time he served up a smile.

  “Well, it is our company’s policy to address our clients and prospective clients by their surname,” she retorted.

  “Well, I feel a lot more comfortable doing business with companies who have that personal touch,” he countered as he smiled and glided his eyes from her heels and did not stop until they made direct contact with her brown eyes.

  “Ok then Thames.”

  “Thames, oh shooks, this really feels good; just by calling him by his first name really feels like I have him, or I own him. Who is this man, why am I feeling all of this for him? He is so happily married. We just need to inspect the bathrooms and the bedrooms and then I will be out of here. I need to get the heck away from Mr. Snowy, but I really want Thames!”

  Chapter Six

  “Mr Snowy..ooops.. Thames over here we have the bathroom.”

  “Wow it really looks great,” responded Thames as he marveled at the way her slim curvy rear wobbled through her corporate grey tweed skirts. As he knelt down to look at the cupboard below the washbasin so as to see what was inside; Chrissel sat on the edge of the bath tub away from him.

  “Find what you are looking for Mr… Thames?” she asked as she crossed her long legs giving him a more than clear view.

  “Sure, it is really a great view inside… the cupboard,” he responded as he remained stooped.

  “I believe this woman is begging for trouble, she is going to make me into a beast up in here,” he muttered to himself.

  While he was still stooped Chrissel went over to the washbasin and stood, positioning herself directly before him. His eyes ascended from her heels, up her long legs, slowly passing her curvy waist, upward to her chest until they came to a halt when they reached her warm brown eyes.

  “So Thames, do you like this?

  “Oh yes I am so impressed ….with this bathroom,” he replied sharply.

  “So are you going to take this?” Chrissel engaged.

  “I want this….house!” Thames replied while still trying to play it safe.

  “I am just dying for this man to take my fruit; I just want to be down there with him for the rest of the day. If he does not put out my fire I am going to seriously hurt him. He is already taken so I can’t be his queen – but who says I can’t be his princess? I wish his lungs could just inhale the strong steam of emotions that my body is just desperately waiting to exhale.” These thoughts vapored through her mind as she watched his cute lips trembled while he was looking up at her as he was still stooped at the cupboard below the washbasin.

  “Shall we go to the bedroom now?” Those were the only words that Thames could utter after seeing the fierce look of desire and desperation in her deep brown eyes.

  “Ok, come with me,” she said with a noticeable change in her tone and word per beat rate.

  Thames became quite intrigued with her now husky voice as he discerned that she was now hoarse with emotions of passion and this turned out to be added aphrodisiac for him.

  Chapter Seven

  As Chrissel Headed attempted to open the door to the bedroom the keys fell to the ground. As she slouched over to retrieve the keys from the ground Thames stooped over stretched his hands a few centimeters from her thighs and retrieved the keys for her. She exhaled a sigh of intensity and fervor as an extreme vigor of energy caused condensation from her innermost core when their hands touched after Thames handed her the keys. She just had an allergy to this man which she just can't seem to cure. They stared at each other passionately while they both stooped before each other in the entrance to the bedroom; even there was no smoke there was enough fire between the two strangers.

  'I need a shower to cool this steam off,” she said to herself. “He doesn't have a clue how hot I am for him, I want to be his slave, whatever he says, I will do.” Chrissel muttered to herself while biting her lips as she stared on the nonpoisonous lips of her target.

  “Shall we?” Thames asked.

  “Oh sure!” she countered.

  “....Shall we view the bedroom?” he clarified.

  “Could this be all that this stupidly attractive fellow could ask for in this hour of desperation? I think I need to make my move if it even means that I have to hurt this bloke,” she muttered angrily to herself.

  It became so obvious that she had gotten tired of the property inspection and wanted a lot more from the visit to the cabin at Pear River Drive.

  “This king sized bed is of the finest quality furniture but I believe it would look a lot better over here where we can have better view of the blue lake – don't you think?” he asked as he lifted the outer feet of the bed and relocated it to his desired destination.

  “OMG, look not only does he have a mesmerizing smile, he is strong; an ounce or length of that strength he is carrying could do me well rig
ht now. Oh just look at how comfortable he looks; I just wish I could join him in his king sized hay.” These thoughts flowed through Chrissel's head as she watched him sitting and testing the mattress on the huge lair.

  As Chrissel observed his blue denim it became more than obvious that Thames had grown firm interest in her but he was just trying to play it safe as he still remembered that he has a wife despite the fact that he was starved and desperate.

  While he sat there on the mattress looking a bit too cozy, it became too unbearable for Chrissel to see her prey so close yet untouched.

  “So are you going to take this? She probed as she stared him in the face while biting her lips.

  “Well, sure this is what I want... I hope Jilean likes it.” Thames answered

  “Why is he playing with me? I think he knows what he is doing, he knows what the heck I want; he won't get away!” Chrissel bleated to herself as she bit her lips harder.

  “What do you think about this package?” she asked

  “I believe it is the best I have ever seen.... I think it is a lot more value in comparison to the property on Elk's Street,” he replied as he served her up another of his hypnotic smile.

  “What do you like best about this property?” she asked as she sounded even huskier.

  “Well, I believe I would have a lot of memorable moments on this property.”

  “This property has a lot of ripen fruits ready for you to pick,” she advised.

  “Speaking of which, let us go outside and check out the fruit trees and the landscape,” Thames repelled as he got up from the bed while she came closer to him.

  “I know he wants this but he is playing Mr. Hard to Get. Ok let us play this his way. I hate this simpleton but want him – I guess he is the grape and I am Miss Fox.” Chrissel whimpered to herself as she was quite disappointed and was becoming extremely impatient for what did not belong to her.

  “Well sure sir, let us go outside and look at fruits.” Chrissel replied as she tried to jeer Thames.

  “I hope he realizes he does not have all day to eat of the fruits from my tree.”

  They both headed outside.

  Chapter Eight

  Chrissel, this time around allowed Thames to take the lead while she followed with her hands folded as she watched her target moving away from her. It seemed as if he had forgotten her as he pulled out his camera and started taking pictures of the scenery. Thames really loved and appreciated nature and this would be a major factor in his decision to purchase this property.

  “I'll wait right here while you go site seeing Mr.Snowy,” she notified.

  “But why, I really don't mind your company.” Thames replied without even look behind as he walked over to the apple tree.

  “My legs are tired and weak.”

  “Ok I will wait on you, you just need to rid yourself of some of the extra gear and you will be fine,” he answered as he turned around and looked her in the eyes.

  “And what should I remove?” she asked

  “Well, you could take those shoes off; they may be a bit too tall.”

  “But the grass is gonna rip my stockings.”

  “Well remove those too.”

  Thames covered his head in his hands as she pulled her skirt up and removed the stockings and her heels. “This chick is so daring,” he said to himself as he held his head up looking quite confused. “Oh my, this chick has gorgeous feet and perfectly toned legs; how do I fix this situation once and for all?”

  Thames could not help but admiring her as she approached him, she became a prettier girl without the heels and stockings. She was like a beamy beauty he has never seen before as she slowly approached him; her brownish hair glowed in the sunlight while the green hills behind her provided a sharp contrast to her caramel tone and her grey tweed suit.

  “Oh stop right there!” Thames exclaimed.

  “Oh what is it now?” she enquired.

  “Just let me take a picture,” he replied as he pointed the camera at her.

  “A picture of what?”

  “A picture of you,” Thames retorted.

  “Why is this a part of the house deal?” Chrissel enquired as she halted her movement while getting a firm grip of her own curvy hips.

  “Shall we strike a pose for the camera?”

  “Yes sir,” she replied as she removed her Jacket and started posing for the camera and for Thames.

  Thames wanted this woman even more than ever; she gave him the poses he has never seen at home. This chick just knew how to flaunt it for the sorry, desperate Mr.Snowy; he really had to fan himself even though the air was so cool and fresh outside. Things got really hard on Thames as realized he had a flame before him that he had to control, because if he didn't he was going to end up with a wild fire which may be more difficult to put out.

  “Chrissel,You seem to be very good at this,”

  “Well, I was a professional model before I entered the real estate business.”

  “You are one super-hot chick!”

  “Can I see them?” she asked as she braced Thames with her chest. He was really not that type of guy(the player type) but it would have been much easier for him to purchase ten cities than to resist the strong forces of attraction that ignited when both bodies came in contact with each other.

  “Oh I got real issues, issues that only Thames can fix; this is the only way I can free myself from Thames or I am going to be his slave forever. There is no point in hiding the way I feel for him; there is no point in not telling him what flows from my deep dark core throughout my curves and creases whenever he smile and move those lips; there is no point in hiding from him the chemical combustion that charges my soul at high temperatures when his skin even brushes against mine; there is no point in hiding from him the fact that I am in love with someone I don't know.”

  Chapter Nine

  She breathed heavily while they both looked at the photos that Thames had taken of her; she was just too close to him to remain calm or well-balanced.

  “OMG! Does Jilean know what she’s got? Does Jilean know that she is going to lose mr iron man?” These thoughts ran through her mind as Thames stood firmer as she chest-braced him.

  The sun disappeared as the skies turned gray which was a sign that there would be rainfall; the roaring thunder that supervened was a more than warning that it was time to head back inside and wrap things up (the property inspection) but she may have had other plans.

  “Well, this property is great, a nice cabin, fresh air, the lake, lovely scenery and great fruit trees.” Thames said while standing up much firmer to her chest-brace.

  “So can I pick a fruit from your tree?” she asked as she stared on the site visit’s main attraction –his lips.

  “Oh sure,” he whispered in a low deep tone as he held an apple fruit before her lips.

  “Oh, so this man knows how to tease, it would be too sad if he doesn’t know how to please.” Chrissel said to herself as she attempted to eat the fruit.

  ”Oh not so fast, it is has to be washed first, then you eat after,” he teased as he pulled the fruit away from her (closer to him). The rains started pouring down immediately and he used this opportunity to wash the fruit.

  “OMG! This guy is so darn clever, he even uses the rains as his props, who is he, why am I the chosen one? Am I going to get this fruit or not?” These thoughts flowed as she watched how he held the fruit with his mouth.

  Chapter Ten

  She nibbled on the fruit while it was still on the lips of her target; she became so wet as the rains poured. The poor fruit (which was still held by his lips) became less than a quarter of its size as the predator nibbled and pecked bringing her lips too close to those of her prey. Which was louder, the 4 inches of constant raindrops beating the ground or the heavy puffs of breath from escaped from Chrissel?

  “OMG this guy has the perfect six packs, he is a complete package,” Chrissel said to herself as she tore his black shirt open exposing the meanders of his abd
ominal muscles. Thames wobbled his waist as she used her long fingers to play honky-tonk on his chest of treasures. The rains kept pouring down and she really got wet while she felt the agitation of his rigid structure; it was time to change gears as she buried her head in his chest and moved it around in circular motions.


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