Chrissel's Fire

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Chrissel's Fire Page 3

by Mark Edwards

  “WOMAN, you are wicked!” Thames shouted as he aggressively pulled her petite body towards him holding on tightly to her curvy figure while she elevated her right knee to the height of his chest. She really became intrigued when she noticed his tantrum.

  “So Mr. Lover of fruits,” she said as she stared him in the eyes, “Are you going to make my ripened fruits go to waste?” she continued as she dangled her hips in slow motion.

  Like an octopus she wrapped her long legs around his torso as he aggressively hand-lifted her from the ground.

  “Oh Thames, I’m yours, whatever you want, however you want.”

  He tried to touch her lips with his but she teased by moving hers away and started nibbling on his chin. He tried again and this time moved her lips away and started nibbling on his ear. She knew she had ‘Mr. hard-to-get’ tortured; she could feel his pulses beating in turbo mode while his chest was firmly embraced by her full-grown fruits.

  He covered her mouth with his as they kissed each other passionately and aggressively until her feet became weak.

  “Just look at my prince so, adorable, I wish his wife was here to see what he is doing to me,

  Oh wow, just look at how his hot topless body sporting only blue denim gleams in the rainfall. He is so charming; he is going to cover me with his shirt.” She thought as he approached her, but much to her surprise he placed his shirt on the wet grass and made a hay for them both.

  Even though the rains poured, they continued shedding apparels just like an oak tree exfoliating its leaves in autumn.

  “So tell me, can Jilean do this to you?”

  “Oh Chrissel, you are crazy.”

  “Does she make you do this…?”

  “Chrissel you are wicked!”

  “Thames, does she know what she is wasting?”

  “Oh….Chrissel you are a natural beauty, you don’t even need any attire to look pretty”

  She wrapped her entire frame around him as they rolled aggressively but passionately a few meters in the wet grass until they ended up by the lake.

  “Come on, talk to me...”

  “You’re simply the best!...”

  The rains started pouring harder and harder as the two were so inseparable by the lake side.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, it’s getting wetter and wetter around here– the rain is coming harder -it is time we go.”

  “Oh yes! Oh Yes!”

  Chrissel jumped on his back causing him to fall to the ground as they hurriedly headed back to the cabin.

  “Come here sweetie,” she chuckled as she they laid on each other in the wet grass. She tried to kiss is wet lips but he placed a guava fruit before his lips so as to prevent her direct access. She nibbled away most of the fruit and placed the remainder on his chest using her mouth.

  “Oh girl, you are wicked!” Thames shrieked as he knew what was coming next – or thought he knew.

  They became so shaken up after a loud thunder came crashing which was preceded by a lightning bolt. They ran as fast as they could heading back to the bungalow.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You really filled my tank Mr Big guy,” Chrissel chuckled as she wiped her hair dry while falling in love with his inviting smile.

  “ I just gave you the antidote you were looking for since we've met,” Thames replied as he tried to put his soaked wet shirt on his back.

  “I sure do hope you have the cure for an overdose, I eat a lot,” she quipped as she stared at the wet hairs laying down on his abdominal muscles just above his soaked blue denims.

  “Well, this is officially the end a successful and productive house inspection and it is time to hand this man back to his owner. I just feel like calling her to introduce her to his new mistress.

  I just can't send him home as yet, my fire is still burning, it is still raining heavily outside, plus the way he just can't keep his eyes of my wet curvy rear end tells me he is not ready to go home just yet.”

  Before she could finish her thoughts, she felt his pair of wet hands holding her hips; before she could even respond to the physical phenomenon he had his mouth behind her ears. He massaged her thighs as they slow danced to the tango like taps that the raindrops made as they hit the roof top while they both watched the water drops slowly running down the glass windows of the cabin that was filled with passionate energy and tension even though things were so wet and chilly outside.

  “Oh Chrissel, this is so wrong.”

  “Thames, just take your hand from off my rear … if you can.”

  “I just can't seem to.”

  “So what's your problem?”

  “Too much spark.”

  “Just put my fire out – you've got what it takes.”

  “Despite being humble and soft spoken this guy is just simply a great performer and knows when to dominate with his actions. Despite my fiery passionate rage he took full control as his every wish became my command. I just love the way Thames takes me apart and puts me back together – bit by bit, piece by piece.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “You have a cold honey, are you catching the influenza?” Jilean asked as she ended her one hour phone call with Carla - the rep from the Silk Modeling Agency.

  “So how did it go at the modeling agency?” Thames asked as he would rather not talk about how he contracted the cold.

  “Well I didn’t really like the offerings; I really could not find the perfect models to push my new clothing line.”

  “Oh shook! Look at these scratches all over my body, my chest and back; why did Chrissel do this to me? I look like I was fighting with a beast; anyways it was a pleasure Chrissel.” Thames said to himself as he removed his shirt to go to bed. Well knowing how busy and taken up his wife was with her work, she would be too tired as usual to come near his body to even discover that it had been tampered with.

  Three hours after about 11:55 pm that night a beeping sound came from his phone; luckily for him Jilean was dosing off to sleep - it was a text message from Chrissel:

  [I really treasure the times we had today, I am home alone and this is the first time my bed feels too big for me – I don’t want to be alone in this big bed; can’t wait for my new hero to share my sack with me]

  [You can’t be sending me text; I am married]

  [Mr Casanova, my legs are still weak, I wish you could be around to see what I am doing now –Mr Big Shot]

  [Come on, go to bed]

  [ I can’t, my bed is not the only thing that feels empty]

  [Chrissel, you must go now! I am gonna turn my phone off]

  [I know you don’t want to]

  [Yes I am going to turn my phone off]

  [You replied, which means your phone is still on – I know exactly what you want right now]

  [I have to turn my phone off now, no more texting – so Chrissel what do you think I want?]

  [You want the stuff your Jilean isn’t giving you]

  [How do you know that?]

  [You wouldn’t be returning my text, and your phone is still on…..So now I figure what you want at 12:00 am; just look at the pic of me that I have attached to see what I want]


  [I am coming over]

  [Chrissel, are you crazy what for?]

  [a bedtime story]


  It about 2:00 AM that morning when Jilean Snowy was awaken by the consistent barking and growls by Sally Joe.

  “Thames, I think you need to wake up, the dog has been barking for some time now.”

  “Chriss… oh Jilean, she is probably hungry.” Thames replied as he became quite edgy about what he just did.

  “Who is Chris?” Jilean probed as she gave him a vicious stare.

  “Just a nightmare I had about my publishing partner Chriss Furlong,” he answered as he glanced at the vibrating movement of his phone. “Oh shooks, why didn’t I turn that darn thing off?” He said to himself as he concealed it with his pillow.

  “How about go
checking out why Sally Joe is so angry at 2:00 AM?” she asked as she rolled over and covered herself with the sheet.

  “Ok honey, will do,” Thames replied as he took up his pillow with the hidden phone and went out to the hallway downstairs. He read the last message from his phone which was from Chrissel which said :

  [Thames my prince, I am at the doors of your fortress; though it is chilly outside, I am so burning on the inside].

  Thames really could not believe his eyes when he saw Chrissel at his front door wearing a fur coat.

  “Honey,” he shouted to his wife upstairs, “she has been trapped I am going outside to release her.” Thames continued as he headed outside.

  “Just be careful dear.” Jilean hollered back as she made another turn in her bed.

  “Is this woman crazy, what the heck is she doing at my front door at this hour- I have a wife, can’t she see that? Is she a stalker – or am I that good? This girl is Hott!” he said to himself as he approached this uncanny beauty; she was like nothing he has ever seen as the full moon casted a shadow on the left side of her face while her right side glowed in golden radiance as her brownish colored hair sparkled.

  “Chrissel, what the heck are you doing at my home at this time of the night.. day..?”

  “Stop acting like you are not happy to me.”

  “Happy to see you- my wife is upstairs are you crazy?”

  “Don’t you like this moonlight,” Chrissel asked as she rid herself of her solitary attire.

  “Oh Chrissel, don’t let me do this…”

  “Mr Big guy, just hold me – the way I love to be held and talk to me the way I love to be spoken to. My body and soul yearn for your raunchy male domination!”

  Sally Joe was obviously not pleased with what was taking place on the front porch of her master’s residence as she raged until she busted her leash. With a fierce look resembling a moonlight white wolf she headed towards the odd couple wielding her sharp teeth.

  “Chrissel run, head to the wall!” Thames shouted as he was totally in shock.

  “Thames get this hungry beast away from me!” Chrissel shouted as she covered herself and headed towards the wall. She bumped her leg after attempting to do a high jump which did not go so well; she ended up in the prickly shrubs behind the wall which caused some bruises on her hands and chest.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Later that morning...

  “Thames, I really need to talk to you about Miss Parks.” Jilean spoke while getting dressed to leave for her appointment.

  “Do you mean Miss Chrissel Parks – our real estate representative?” he asked as his trembling lips indicated that he was becoming edgy or it was just the way they behaved at seeing, thinking about or hearing the name Chrissel.

  “Yes, I’m talking about that Chrissel girl or whatever her name is,” she jibed.

  “Oh Jilean you look so hot,” he countered as he tried to change the subject while she was pulling up her pants.

  “Do you want me to pull them the opposite way –down?”

  “Wow what has gotten into my wife? She never usually responds like this. Is this a trap?” Thames thought to himself as he approached her with some degree of caution.

  “Aren’t you going to be late for your appointment?” Thames asked as he noticed the teasing smile he has been getting from his wife.

  “Well this appointment with my husband is long overdue and we have unfinished business to take care of,” Jilean replied as she approached Thames in her black victoria. “Don’t you like these honey?” she asked while bracing him to the lavender colored wall.

  “Jilean, what has suddenly gotten into you?”

  “Why don’t you find out – what has suddenly gotten into me?” She asked of him while slinging her black lace before his eyes.

  “Jil you must be up to something, what do you want now?” Thames asked as he was confused even though he was happy to see his wife finally wanting him. “Ok Jil, you can have the property on Elk Street,” he continued.

  “Well how about the property to the south of your border? That’s the one I am interested in right now.” Jilean whispered while nibbling downward from his weaker ear to his neck.

  “Oh wow!” He shouted as she used the ice cubes from the smoothie she was having to knead his chest.

  “I wonder if she knows about Chrissel and I, why is she so sensual? This is not like Jilean; It really feels good seeing my wife so hot for me but I got to keep her away from me as my body has been tampered with and there are scratches as evidence.”

  “What is going on Jilean, you don’t normally do this kind of stuff.”

  “Come on! Don’t let me have to spank you,” Jilean shouted as she gave him hard slaps on his rear end.

  “You said you wanted to talk to me about Chrissel Parks right?” Thames interjected in an attempt to get her away from his body, as well as the fact that he was so curious.

  “Yup, I think she is attractive and has a gorgeous figure, I believe she would wear my clothing line well, I think I could hire her.”

  “Jilean, I don’t think that is a good idea, I believe it is best if we let her be our real estate advisor – and nothing more,” Thames replied.

  “Anyways Thames, I will deal her when I am finished with you, I am just wanting my husband so badly right now.” Jillean responded while removing his shirt even as he started putting up subtle resistances.

  “THAMES! Why are all those scratches in your chest? What happened?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Thames, where the heck did these come from?”

  “Chriss… oops Jilean let me explain please.”

  “Chriss? Who heck is Chriss? Is it the same Chriss from your nightmare? Are these nightmare scratches?” Jilean asked as she became infuriatingly suspicious and new something was definitely wrong.

  “Jil dear, could you please calm down and let me explain please?”

  “I hope this is not what I am thinking!” she interrupted while throwing the glass of smoothie leftover at him; having missed his face by a few inches it ended up in the mirror of her white wardrobe causing it to break into fragments.

  “Jil, are darn crazy why are you trying to hurt me?”

  “Are you going to tell me what happened or not, I am still waiting. Where did those come from?” Jilean enquired as she held a tin of spray starch in her hand with tears flowing from her eyes.

  “If you would just calm down then…”


  Thames managed to skillfully disarm her of the tin of spray starch as she came closer to him.

  “I truly love you honey, I honestly do,” Thames reacted as he held her closely in his arms while trying to prevent her from hurting him; this did not work as she forcefully kicked him in his groin area and gave him a ruthless slap in his face when he took his hands off her.

  “I think I’ll take care of this,” she said as she ran from the room.

  “Jilean, where are you going?”

  “About my business, you have been about yours!” Jilean replied.

  “Jilean, you are over reacting!”

  “I have business to take care of!” She replied as she slammed the doors and headed off.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The pink plaid and purple and white stripes that Jilean wore to her office heralded the fact that something went terribly wrong at home. She was just not her usual self; she behaved rather reserved in contrast to her usual up and about demeanor.

  “Are you Ok Mrs. Snowy?” Jeanette asked while they sat at the cream colored table in the violet painted cafeteria. Jeanette was her designer who was very engaging and was also quite nosy but very eagle-eyed.

  “Boss you can talk to us, we know this is not you; you are not ok.” Tia engaged after supping her hot coffee. Tia was her secretary who had quite
a free spirited bearing.


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