White Collar Wedding
Page 3
That was his last coherent thought.
Lauren tightened around him. “Gavin, please.”
Desire took over. He surged into her again. And again.
Their lips met in a rush of passion. Tongues seeking. Tasting. Devouring.
She stole his breath as sure as she’d stolen his heart. He belonged to her.
Body and soul.
Gavin pulled from the kiss, needing some semblance of oxygen to ease his burning lungs. His arms shook. His release hovered, sizzled through his balls.
Lauren’s pleasure-filled cries took him to the brink. And when she screamed, when the heat of her release washed over his cock, Gavin was a goner.
He thrust hard and held as his release pumped from his cock to fill her. His head spun; his breath was nothing but quick pants as he dropped his head to her shoulder.
They were both covered in sweat and the smell of sex. He should take her to the shower, but he lacked the energy.
It wasn’t even dark yet. They could catch a quick nap, then he would make love to her again before they showered and went in search of some dinner.
Lauren moaned in protest as he eased from her body and rolled to the side. She immediately rolled with him and snuggled against his chest. Seemed she was on board for the nap idea, too.
She hummed softly. “We should get married every day.”
He chuckled. They didn’t need a ceremony to have amazing sex.
And he’d spend the rest of his days proving it to her.
Chapter Four
Lauren woke the next morning to find Gavin missing from their bed. The digital readout on the bedside clock indicated it was far too early to be up on the first morning of their marriage. Especially since they’d spent most of the night naked and sweaty.
Maybe he’d decided to go for a run.
The thought made her smile.
The first time she’d come to this place, Gavin had been out for a run. He’d come into the house, wet from a post-workout swim, and deliciously naked.
She’d been half-naked as well—interrupted in the process of changing into a bikini. One look at his lean, muscular frame, and she’d allowed him to undress her and take her to the shower. Take her in the shower.
Hard to believe that had been just a few months ago.
Lauren was happy they hadn’t waited any longer to get married. It had taken Lauren less than a week alone with Gavin to realize he was the only man for her.
“Ah, there’s my sleeping beauty. What’s got you lost in thought this morning?”
Gavin surprised her by walking out of the bathroom, freshly showered and dressed. She admired the way the jeans hugged his hips. The gray T-shirt proudly sporting his college logo wasn’t too shabby, either. Lauren swore the man could make a burlap sack look sexy.
“I was just remembering our two weeks here over the summer.”
“Where it all began.” Gavin sat down beside her and caressed her cheek. “Would you do it all again?”
“In a New York minute.”
His thumb brushed over her lips. “You’re on Texas time now, baby. We like to take things a little slower down here.”
“As long as the end result is the same, husband, time can move as fast or as slow as you want. And why are you up and dressed so early? I thought we would stay in bed all day.”
Gavin laughed. “You’ve no idea how tempting I find that idea. We’ll have plenty of time to laze away in bed, I promise. For now…” He tugged on her hand. “It’s time for you to get a move on. We’ve gotta go.”
“What?” She fought to keep the whine out of her voice. “Where are we going?”
“I figured we might as well make sure our honeymoon wasn’t cancelled for no reason. We’re meeting the contractor at the house in two hours.”
Lauren felt horrible about canceling their honeymoon without discussing it with him. Gavin had been angry at first, but he’d agreed it was for the best.
“Come on, darlin’.” Gavin bent to peck her lips. “Go jump in the shower. I’ll throw together a quick breakfast. Let’s get this thing done.”
* * *
There wasn’t a vehicle in sight when Gavin pulled up to the house exactly two hours later.
Where was he?
Gavin’s stomach was in knots. Lauren was so happy, the last thing he wanted to do was spoil it with more delays.
From the outside, the house looked complete. The large brick structure sported two columns and a porch that went all the way around. There was still the issue of landscaping and if they were going to pour concrete all the way to the main road, but neither of those things would keep them from moving in.
“I thought you said he’d be here. Are we early?”
Gavin checked his watch. “No. Right on time.”
All the happiness drained from Lauren’s face. “And the contractor is late.” Her sigh nearly broke his heart. “Guess we had to come back to reality at some point.”
Gavin’s gut clenched. He’d rather lose a limb than see that pained expression on her face. “Let’s go inside. Maybe he parked around back.”
Lauren got out of the truck and followed him to the front door.
Gavin put the key in the lock and wished he’d had a shot of something stronger than coffee this morning. He pushed the door open, but stopped Lauren from entering.
“Oh no. We might not live here yet, but it’s still our house. Up you go.”
It killed him that her laughter was half-hearted this time as he carried her over the threshold … and into a floor-to-ceiling wall of milky plastic sheeting.
What the…?
Lauren swore softly. “I love you, Gavin, but please put me down. I need to be on my feet for this.”
Yes, she did. He hoped.
Gavin set her down. His blood pounded in his ears. His hands shook and his heart beat as though it were trying to escape his ribcage.
“What’s with the plastic? Was it hanging last time you were here?”
“I don’t know what the hell this is about.” Angrily, he jerked the plastic until it fell in a heap.
Lauren gasped, and her hands flew to her mouth as Gavin breathed a sigh of relief.
He’d revealed their beautifully finished living room, kitchen, and breakfast area—the only rooms visible from this vantage point, but he knew the rest of the house was the same. Finished.
Holy shit, they’d done it.
The night before the wedding, the appliances still hadn’t been delivered. It had promised to be a disaster and threatened all the plans Gavin had set in motion three weeks ago. His brothers had insisted he leave it to them. Jesus, they must have picked up the appliances and installed them yesterday afternoon after the wedding. And they’d delivered most of their furniture.
Gavin realized Lauren hadn’t said a word. He was just starting to get worried when she turned to him. Her eyes were shining with unshed tears.
“What did you … how…?”
Funny how seeing her upset made him want to punch something, but when she looked at him as she was now, he felt like a fucking superhero. Able to conquer any adversity for the sake of his woman.
“It wasn’t all me, I assure you. I had a lot of help, sweetheart.”
“All those late nights you said you and your brothers were working…”
“We were working. Just not at the ranch.”
“You were here?”
“We were. Every day. Every night. I fired the fucking contractor the day you canceled our honeymoon. The guys and I took it from there. We worked in shifts—pretty much ’round the clock—to keep you from getting suspicious. Even the ladies helped out. They were in charge of keeping you too busy to visit the site. They also did most of the painting. What we couldn’t do, I hired private laborers to complete. It’s all done, love.”
A tear escaped her lid. “Oh, Gavin. I ruined our honeymoon. I’m so sorry. I should’ve known you’d take care of everything.”
�Hey.” He pulled her against him. “Don’t cry. Nothing is ruined. Remember your two-for-one surprise special from last night?” He kissed her forehead. “Looks like it’s my turn again. Obviously, the house is your first surprise. Your second one is on the counter. Go check it out.”
Lauren wiped her eyes. She picked up the plain white envelope Gavin had asked Pax to drop off.
“What’s this?”
“Open it.”
Her smile lit up the room. “There’s a note in here from Paxton. It says everything is in order, and he figured we’d want to be alone. He’ll be at the ranch if we need him.”
Gavin owed his brother, big time. Owed his whole family for what they’d done for him. For them.
“There’s more.”
Gavin watched her expression change from confusion to pure joy as she pulled out the tickets. “We’re going to Bali?”
With their reservations in Hawaii down the drain, he’d decided to go all out.
“Got our own private villa for two weeks.” Gavin made a show of checking his watch. “And we leave in approximately twenty-two hours.”
Her gaze turned liquid. “Twenty-two, huh?” She set the envelope back on the counter.
“Yep. That’ll give us enough time to pack, although you won’t need much more than that sexy bikini you wore this summer.”
“Hmm. So that leaves us with about twenty hours to kill, right?”
She pulled her T-shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor. Her bra followed.
Gavin took full advantage of her breasts being on display. Her nipples darkened and puckered under his stare. He could hardly wait to get his mouth on them.
She walked backward in the direction of their new bedroom.
“Our bed been delivered?”
They’d ordered it months ago and had it stored in the warehouse at the ranch. His brothers were supposed to deliver and set the thing up yesterday. God, he hoped they did. “Should’ve been, yes.” If not, he’d take her on the floor. In every room.
She popped the button on her jeans and slid the zipper down.
“How about it, cowboy? You gonna help me break it in, or what?” A saucy smile played on her lips. “I won’t even ask to tie your wrists.”
Gavin burst into motion. He charged her, slung her over his shoulder, and marched across the house.
Lauren laughed and oompf’d at the same time.
“Damn good thing,” he warned and gave her a playful swat on the ass. “Since this time my hands will be very, very busy.”
Books by Parker Kincade
Romantic Suspense:
The Martin Family Series:
One Night Stand
Shadow of Sin
Contemporary Sports Romance:
Game On Series:
Spring Training
Southern Heat - COMING SOON
Contemporary Western Romance:
Shadow Maverick Ranch Novella Series:
White Collar Cowboy
Borrowed Cowboy
Cowboy Redeemed
White Collar Wedding
FREE Erotic Romance Anthologies:
Lucky’s Charms
Love in the Cards
Stand Alone:
About the Author
National Bestselling Author, Parker Kincade, writes edge-of-your-seat-sexy romantic suspense, hot and steamy sports romance, and erotic western romance. Her first novel, One Night Stand, won the 2013 Reader’s Crown Award for Best First Book, the category of Best Erotic Romance in the Celtic Hearts Romance Writers Golden Claddagh contest, and was named finalist in the Romance Writers of America/Passionate Ink Stroke of Midnight contest.
Parker lives in the southern United States. She loves to read, play golf, spend time with her family and friends, snuggle with her beloved boxer, ice cream from the ice cream truck, and watching old musicals.
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