Angel Eyes
Page 26
But in an effort to thoroughly clear his name, he has consented to an undetermined period of evaluation at a state psychiatric facility. Brielle and I take turns calling, and Canaan has invited him to stay with us once he’s released. I don’t know if he’ll take Canaan up on the offer, but I hope he does.
There’s something there. Something about Marco that continues to nag at my spirit. It’s a mystery I’ll have to unravel.
One of many, it seems.
“Jake,” Canaan called this morning.
I was at the kitchen table, alone, giving Cocoa Pebbles a try for Brielle’s sake.
“Could you come in here, please?”
I honestly didn’t mind abandoning the mushy chocolate soup, but when I walked into Canaan’s room I knew something was wrong. He was standing at the foot of his bed, staring down into the open chest.
“What is it?” I asked.
Canaan didn’t answer, which isn’t like him at all. A quiet Canaan makes me nervous. I moved across the room until I could see what had silenced his lips.
And then I dropped to my knees, their strength sapped by the sight.
The jewelry box was gone. The one with Brielle’s ring in it.
There in its place was Damien’s dagger. Dried, crusted blood—Brielle’s blood—still marked the blade.
I tried to make sense of what I was seeing. Thinking, rethinking, and still coming up with nothing.
“Has anything ever disappeared from the chest before?”
“No,” Canaan says. “Never.”
My hand trembled as I reached inside and withdrew the knife.
“What does it mean?”
Canaan shook his head.
“Does it mean I’m not going to marry Brielle? Has the choice been taken from me? Is something going to happen to her?”
My panic moved Canaan to action. He took the dagger from my hand and returned it to the chest. He replaced the lid and pulled me to my feet.
“It means that life is fragile, Jake. That God is wise. That we don’t have the whole picture.”
My breathing was coming quick and fast. Canaan pressed a hand to my chest, steadying me, reminding me of who I am.
Of who I’m not.
And I am not God.
“It means we wait.”
Reading Group Guide
Spoiler alert!
Don’t read before completing Angel Eyes.
1. Brielle knows what it’s like to lose a loved one. Has this ever happened to you or someone you know? How did you cope?
2. At the beginning of this novel, Brielle feels very much alone. In truth, she has a great support system: her dad, Kaylee, Miss Macy, Mr. Burns. Do you have a group of people you can rely on when things get tough? Who are they?
3. Mr. Burns tells Brielle that “It’s okay to be broken.” Do you agree with him? What does that phrase mean to you?
4. Ali was Brielle’s best friend but she was also someone Brielle admired and looked up to. Do you have a friend like that?
5. Ballet is Brielle’s creative outlet. How do you channel your creativity?
6. By placing an engagement ring with Brielle’s initials on it into the chest, the Throne Room seems to be indicating that Jake and Brielle will marry. Do you believe God orchestrates marriages? Can you think of a biblical example? What do you think happened to the ring at the end of the novel?
7. The halo gives Jake and Brielle different gifts: Jake the gift to heal; Brielle the gift to see. What challenges or responsibilities come with those gifts? Why do you think the halo affects them differently? If you put the halo on, what gift do you think it would give to you?
8. Jake quotes Proverbs 3:5-6. It says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Do you have trouble trusting what you can’t see? Do you have advice for someone who does?
9. Brielle’s father is adamantly against anything religious. How do you think he’ll react to Brielle’s new beliefs? Is there someone in your life who is adamantly against religion? How do you reach out to them?
10. Brielle is attracted to many things about Jake. Can you name a few? What do you look for in the opposite sex?
11. In this story, fear is portrayed as cold and clingy. It is portrayed as a weapon. Do you think this is an accurate representation? Have you ever felt attacked by fear? What did you do?
12. While this story is entirely fictional, the Bible speaks very clearly about the existence of angels and demons. Do you believe in guardian angels? Have you witnessed anything that would lead you to believe in their presence?
13. Brielle struggles to understand how a righteous God could let bad things happen. Have you ever wondered about this? What are your thoughts?
14. Human trafficking is a very real problem both in the United States and abroad. What are some things you can do to help?
Shannon would like to thank…
Matt. You make everything better. Everything. This story included. You helped me brainstorm and you talked me through my theology. Thank you for choosing me, for loving me, and for being my biggest fan. I’ve always been yours. SHMILY.
Justus. My little man. I gave Brielle your eyes and can only hope she’ll one day have your passion. You’re smarter than any one child should ever be, but it’s your heart that wins me over daily. Keep reading. Keep writing. And dream big, kid. God has plans.
Jazlyn. My angel fish. You were there when this story was born and your nose kisses have cured so many things along the way. I hope your desire for buried treasure extends to the Word. Hide it in your heart, baby girl. Keep it there.
Mom and Dad. You introduced me to Christ over Chinese take-out and you’ve endured my many passions through the years. For loving me and for never rolling your eyes, thank you.
Sharon and Steph. You are my heart and soul. Parts of you are in every beautiful character I write. I hope you see yourselves there.
Jacy. Faded jeans and long sleeve white tees make me think of you. I hope they always remind you of a God who heals and a love with no bounds.
Jenny and Joanne. Randa and Celeste. Team Root. Inspire. Where would a writer be without her writer friends? Because of you, my journey has not been a lonely one.
Alicia and Aaron. Thank you for late-night talks and copious amounts of homemade butterbeer. Both have changed my world. Lacey and Carla. Where would we be without you? You are family and I can’t thank you enough for being who you are. Jordan, Ty, and Pete. Superheroes extraordinaire. Thank you for keeping my husband sane. The Corringtons, Blacks, and Tubras. You dropped out of the sky when we needed you most. You’ll never, ever know . . .
My Living Way family. Thank you for letting me grow. Thank you for letting me change. Thank you for being my family regardless.
The Lukes and the Callahans, the Dittemores, Masons, and Delks. You’re all in here somewhere, in these pages. Your support means the world. I love you all.
A very special thank you to Jason Pinter for pulling me from the slush pile, and to Holly Root for being the best agent a girl could ask for. You chatted puppets when God-knows you had more than enough to do. I’m forever grateful.
And finally, to Becky and Ami, to Allen and LB. To Eric and Kristen, to Katie and Ruthie and the entire team at Nelson Fiction. What can a girl say to those making her dream come true? Words aren’t sufficient, but thank you. It’s a pleasure to venture into the great unknown with you.
For the latest news about the
Angel Eyes Trilogy, visit
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Facebook: Shannon Dittemore – Author
Twitter: @ShanDitty
To learn more about the tragedy that
is human trafficking and ways to
help fight it, visit
Author to Author Interview
Recently, Shannon Dittemore interviewed fellow Thomas Nelson author, Krista McGee, about her novels and her life. We hope you enjoy the discussion.
Shannon Dittemore
Krista McGee
SHANNON DITTEMORE: Tell us a little about your story development. The Esther parallels in First Date were a pleasant surprise. I didn’t see them coming. Did you set out to tell a story based on Esther or did that happen as you wrote?
KRISTA MCGEE: Esther was my inspiration. Girl from nowhere becomes queen and saves her people from complete annihilation. How cool is that? I’ve read Esther dozens of times, and for years I kept thinking, “I wonder what that story would look like if it were written today?” God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, right? The same God that called Esther to accomplish his purposes (to save a nation of people!) is working in our lives every day. I want girls to know that. Life can be tough. But God is always with us, working all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). He may call us to do things or go places totally out of our comfort zone, but His plans are always best! That is the truth taught in the book of Esther, and I wanted to mirror that truth in First Date.
SD: Addy is set several challenges as part of the competition. If you were in her place, which one would you excel at? Which one would mortify you?
KM: Worst first – I would stink at golf. In fact, “stink” is being generous. My eight-year-old son can kill me on the mini-golf course. And forget real golf. I can dig an amazing hole with a golf club, but make contact with the ball? Forget it! I’m a lot like Kara, so performing on stage in front of a huge crowd would definitely be my favorite. Bring on the spotlight. I’m ready for my close-up!
SD: Girl drama is all over this novel. You also focus a ton on true friendship. Addy has some exceptional relationships—girlfriends who are there for her through this ordeal. You’re a teacher. You see these types of things all the time. How important would you say true friendship is during our teen years?
KM: I have an amazing group of senior girls that meet with me once a week for Bible study and sharing. They keep each other accountable in so many ways and constantly encourage each other. I love watching them give hugs and pats on the back, and even a “girl, what are you thinking?” when needed. They have made it through high school with great testimonies and relatively few regrets, and I know that is because of the commitment they have made to God and each other.
SD: One of my favorite parts of First Date was the back-story involving Addy’s parents. Is missionary work something you can identify with?
KM: Yes. Our family had the amazing privilege of ministering in both Costa Rica and in Spain as missionaries. I loved living in other countries and seeing God at work there. Missionaries are my heroes, and I want to highlight them as much as I can in my writing.
SD: Addy is sucked into this reality TV experience quite unwillingly. Can you relate or are you a reality TV fan? Which reality show would love to participate in? Is there a show that would terrify you?
KM: Okay, confession time – I don’t even watch reality TV dating shows. I can barely stomach the commercials. All the crying and catfights and “oh, no she didn’ts.” No, thanks. I do love American Idol, though, and some of the other shows that allow talented, unknown people to have a shot at fame.
SD: What can you tell us about your next novel? Inquiring minds want to know!
KM: I am so excited about Starring Me. I had so much fun writing about Kara in First Date that I knew I wanted to tell her story when I had finished Addy’s. Hers is a modernization of the Isaac and Rebekah story. My “Isaac” is Chad Beacon, teen pop star, who is looking for a costar for a new teen TV show. Kara is picked to audition for the show, but, unknown to her and the other girls auditioning, there’s much more going on than just a talent contest.
SD: Dreamy boys, competing girls, millions of viewers, and a message for the ages. Thank you, Krista, for taking time to chat! I’m super excited to see First Date on shelves and can’t wait to pick up your next one.
About the Author
Author photo by Amy Schuff Photography
Shannon Dittemore has an overactive imagination and a passion for truth. Her lifelong journey to combine the two is responsible for a stint at Portland Bible College, performances with local theater companies, and a focus on youth and young adult ministry. The daughter of one preacher and the wife of another, she spends her days imagining things unseen and chasing her two children around their home in Northern California. Angel Eyes is her first novel.