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Systematic Attrition

Page 3

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  * * *

  Something was bothering Brad and the whole team felt it, but didn’t want to ask any questions. Brad must have sensed their nervousness as he said, “How do they know our every move? Where and how are they getting the information? Something or someone is tapping into our system.” Brad was more or less looking at Billy for an answer as were the others. Billy was pacing the floor and had an unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth. Brad told him to go outside and have a cigarette or two and come back with some speculation on this very real problem. All knew having lost their advantage of the enemy not knowing their every move; they were on a fast sinking ship without a lifeboat. Meanwhile Brad went on to say, “Next we have to figure out what PAE stands for. And even if we know what it stands for how do we know it isn’t a ruse to throw us off course, speaking of sinking ships. Somehow we have to get a line on this guys and somewhere or someone knows something they shouldn’t know. That is, someone heard a whisper about something in the wind and I believe between Agent Jones and Mike we will have a nibble on our fishing line.” Billy, pounding down the stairs two at a time and breathless, not so much from tobacco laced lungs, but from what he thought about outside smoking with wild eyes slowly regained his composure.

  “Boss I think I know where the leak is coming from. As you know I have friends back east who collaborate on our cases, but none have betrayed a confidence to date. I don’t think he or she is doing it for money, but for status.” His face turned red and with an aw-shucks look at his face as he said, “I’m considered the top hacker in the nation and maybe someone is out to prove they are better than I am.”

  Brad warmed to that notion and said, “Let’s feed some disinformation and see where it leads?”

  “I’m on it and see you later,” he said moving into the computer room.

  Steve meanwhile had been in his room talking to Washington. Now he returned and sat down with a long look on his face. The room was quiet except some crying from the bedroom where Sujin was tending to little Brian. Steve looked up and then went around the room with his eyes finally settling on Brad saying, “All hell has broken loose in Washington. The president is like a rooster in heat screaming at anyone who comes near, thinking someone is out to wipe out his cabinet. The only thing rational he is saying is he wants you and your team on this like yesterday. He’s ready to fire the new FBI director and the assigned security that was placed on the former Speaker. My boss says to carte blanche and makes every effort to locate and stop anymore killing before the press gets wind of it. Already the press is snooping around knowing something is rotten in Denmark.”

  Wendy chipped in and said, “These people are arrogant and boastful. The first murder is the hardest and now I believe they are confident from the slick way it turned out. The clue was left and the hit took place under the very eyes of many security people. I believe we can expect the next clue to give us more time to put in place some special, whatever that might be, security precautions. Additionally, if history is any judge, they will let us know through a medium flaunting their success to date.”

  Brad was focused on what she was saying as Sujin came in and sat down next to her husband. Brad laid a hand on her leg and said, “From what you said Wendy, we can expect them to leave a clue somewhere, but I think the clue will be left at another location. We need to get Mike and Agent Jones to Washington soonest,” as he looked at Steve.

  Steve with a voice that was obviously forceful, belying his true strength said, “I have to return to DC and Jones and Mike best go with me from what you said Brad.”

  Brad looked at his watch and said, “Mike will be back just after lunch and then you had better take the Gulf to Washington. Wendy, Billy and I will stay here for the time being. I think my wife has a plan of her own she needs to work on, but the timing is not quite right yet to fill you in on. We both need a week to prepare and then we will see what develops. Meanwhile Agent Jones will find his place and don’t you worry much about Mike as he is quite capable of finding his own way around the haunts where whispers hang in the stagnant air of a meeting place on like thinkers.”

  Both Wendy and agent Jones didn’t miss a word of what Brad said about Sujin and him needing a week to prepare for what, she thought. Agent Jones looked at Wendy and like they were thinking the same thing about when Sujin said the bamboo was connected to the Ninja sect. Could this have something to do with that, Agent Jones wondered as the meeting broke up? Never in his life had he been involved or read about a case study of this nature. He’d read the case files after case files of the FBI past cases, but nothing came close to what was on the table and about to come, as he went up the stairs and outside to catch some salt air.

  Wendy followed outside and suggested they take a walk on the beach and maybe a rock climb to clear their heads. Agent Jones smiled and maybe for the first time Wendy noticed what a good looking guy he was. Wendy said, while a slight mist fell next to the shore line, “I saw the look on your face and I think we were both thinking the same thing when Brad mentioned needing some time to prepare. But, what do you think he meant by that prepare statement about Sujin and him needing a week to get ready?”

  Agent Jones deftly dodged a large wave coming in and Wendy was a little slow getting her feet wet. Agent Jones laughed and as they approached the climbing sea stack next to the high tide mark, he leaned against the rock and said, “You know both of them are experts in martial arts and maybe this has something to do with the Ninja part of the puzzle.”

  Wendy said, as she started climbing backwards up the rock showing off to agent Jones, “Well, you are going to DC and I’m staying here. I’m not sure why, but he has a good reason I believe. I’m expecting another one of those weird videos,” as she made it to the top of the rock while agent Jones followed her sitting next to her while a steady wind blew on shore quickly making the two of them shiver. Neither one knew whether the shiver was from the cold or the future. After only a few minutes of reflection they climbed back down and made their way back to the roundhouse.

  Coming up and over the trail to the house, Rocky sat wagging his tail and Mike just got out of his car with Julie. Mike put his garment bag in Steve’s car and all of them went inside for lunch.

  As usual a healthy lunch was served. Hot stone pot kimchee chaga, a spicy cabbage soup with tofu, onions, and garlic and beef bones warmed the body and cleaned out the sinus. Side dishes, Korean style held sweet and sour cucumbers; radish in a vinegar base and many other vegetables kept the body healthy. American food consisted of crab and cheese sandwich with a beef barley soup, which Steve and Billy made short work of. After lunch preparations were made for departure of Steve, Mike and Agent Jones. Billy and Wendy locked themselves in the computer room while Brad and Sujin put on running gear and left for a long stint on the beach to practice a form of martial arts.

  While the other team members were leaving and Billy and Wendy were working on the acronym PAE, Brad and Sujin sat on a log protecting them from the cool breeze off the ocean. Brad sat and waited for his wife to speak as he knew she had something important to say about the killer or assassin. Playing with a stick in the sand drawing lines with Sandy sitting next to her probably wondering what the tension was between them. Truth is known there was in fact no tension just the inevitable confrontation with the assassin that was just over the horizon. Sujin looked up at her husband and found caring eyes surround her aura. His confidence in her raised her to a higher level and the look was saying, “I’m with you and you can do it.” Now she was ready and even though the wind was blowing her straight black hair a voice he could hear over the wind said, “I need a month to get into shape after the baby took its toll on my body. I believe we have about that much time before I meet the assassin in combat. I called my Master and he is on a plane now to put me in training. My sister will take most of the responsibility caring for Brian along with the halmony. This is my destiny and not yours. I know you want to take my place, but it is my place this time and good always surv
ive over evil. It is a man I’m sure, but I will not cloud my mind with that thought. Man or woman makes no difference, the strongest mind with prevail. I had a dream last night and we will meet at my place of choice. Like his message, I will leave one for him when the time comes. My husband, I see by your eyes you think you will lose me. Yes it will be a fight to the death and my Master will make sure I’m prepared.”

  Brad sat and stared at his wife as she lowered her head to her chest looking ever so fragile. Like most Asian women she was small at under five and half feet tall and weighed about fifty five kilos. Brad remembered her in action and she was much faster than he was. He felt she was wrong when she mentioned losing her to the assassin, but quite the contrary he felt sorry for the assassin as his days were numbered. A smile crossed his face as he held out his hand to continue their walk on the beach with Sandy.

  Back in the computer room Billy and Wendy were hard at it. Billy had narrowed a search down for a fellow hacker back east. Two of his friends were former George Washington University grads. One worked for a large security firm and the other was a consultant to various companies needing someone who ran to the edge of legality when it came to computers and protected information. Billy said to Wendy, “I suspect if one of them is leaking information about us, it would be Eve Brawn. She is good, damn good, but not in our league when it comes to deep background information. I suspect she found a wormhole and well, I really doubt if I tried to explain it to you I fear you would be lost. I’m not insulting your intelligence, but basically it involves math and how to bend the curves.” Wendy realized he wasn’t insulting her, but she was trying to profile the traitor for future knowledge.

  At that moment, as Billy was downloading something, the screen went black and once again his face appeared on the monitor only this time he was expecting it. Wendy’s mouth dropped open and stared at the monitor. Billy, hands flying waited for the voice to begin then he sat back as a voice unlike he ever heard came from his mouth saying, “Billy my boy, how’s it going. You can search all you want, but finding me is next to impossible. I learned from the best and the best is not you. Here is the next clue for the famous Batt Team: George was a bad boy with a hatchet, we all know that, but what happened to the fallen tree? Lenin has one, however, not so big. From above we are watching you.” The screen faded and the whole time it was only Billy’s face that was seen.

  Both sat silent and then Billy made for the top floor and out for a smoke leaving Wendy staring at a blank screen. She had scribbled the clue and now she sat studying it. She’d been to the monument several times and on a nice spring day had sat looking around the spacious grounds watching people come and go. It was a peaceful place and why would they leave a clue there, she wondered while slowly following Billy upstairs. Nothing startling came to her and what she needed was some fresh air like Billy. Outside Billy was staring off into space. He never acknowledges her presence as Wendy squatted down and rubbed Rockies ears. Rocky was a little upset due to his favorite playmate ignoring him. Wendy decided to take a walk down to the beach and do some thinking of her own. The last she saw of Billy he was lighting one cigarette from another sending blue clouds quickly dissipating in the wind. The only sound was from the roar of the ocean, which never ceased and the wind blowing contained the ever familiar smell of salt and decayed seaweed and other things going back to nature.

  A View from Above

  Chapter 4

  Mike Henshaw really liked this new Gulf Stream. This was his first ride and unlike most small jets, this one was much quieter. He noticed Steve was taking a nap and he was thinking how to make an inroad into liberal society in DC. He realized his military conversation would be a dead giveaway, so he decided maybe he would take on a hate the military and save a whale disguise. What he would need, he thought, is a lifetime membership of Green Peace and a California address for his other life time membership in the Sierra Club would do nicely. Or maybe he would represent some foreign country in Europe who lobbied against Global Warming like Denmark. Maybe both, he thought while Steve rubbed his eyes and left for the head. Steve might have an idea when he gets back.

  * * *

  Inside the climate controlled room that housed a main frame the PAE group sat discussing the current Undersecretary and what the ramifications of the next kill would bring upon the Capital. One thing they were divided upon was the press. Two out of five wanted it publicized, but the other three were not in favor of exposing a group bent upon eliminating prominent right wingers. It was finally decided they would let it develop and see what happened after the news of the secretary’s death. Currently the Undersecretary was in Europe and scheduled home at about a weeks’ time. Their assassin told them it was an easy hit and not to worry. From his jet lag the sixty nine year old man would be sound asleep when the hit took place. They had all agreed a suicide would make it look like he took his own life, but in fact he would be forced to take an overdose of strong sleeping pills. He slept alone as his wife died of breast cancer some years ago.

  Now the discussion centered on the Brad Pratt team. One member said, “As you know, this guy is not a dummy and commands respect. Anyone who underestimates him is just plain stupid. I don’t like the idea of leaving clues around. That Billy guy is damn good and our mole will probably not remain a mole for long. My suggestion is we eliminate her now before she leads them to us. In my opinion she is the weak link in our chain. What do you guys think of this suggestion?”

  A few seconds went by as the hum of the air conditioning was the only sound in the room. Then another member said, “I agree.” Then all gave their agreement and once again they left the room to go home to their families safe and secure in well protected areas.

  * * *

  They had bowed to each other and then backed off circling looking for an opening. Both were bare footed on well-manicured grass ringed with Japanese maple trees. Sitting under a pagoda with an extended porch, six gray haired old men with long silver beards stared at the two fighters. Brad was about to make a move when his opponent turned into two opponents like magic. The two spread apart and one attacked and Brad countered with a nice kick to the throat killing him instantly. The other backed off and they circled again. This time in a blink of an eye, three guys appeared before him. The old men were laughing and all of the bird sounds were silenced. Three spear like weapons appeared in a group exactly in the middle of the three fighters. Brad was first on a hard roll coming up sticking one in the body and then a flying kick in the head of the one of the others while regaining his feet ready for an attack. He circled and four appeared where one was left. Then eight appeared and he was surrounded as a constant stream of laughter made him cover his ears while sixteen black Ninja clad fighters charged. Suddenly his eyes popped open with Sujin on top of him and Rocky whining licking his hand. Sweat ran down Brad’s face onto his neck as his wife whispered soothing sounds into his ears. Slowly his breathing returned to normal and once again he had raised his demons to a fight in his head. Nightmares were too frequent, he thought. Mostly since Afghanistan his struggle with staying alive during a battle with infection and fever still haunted him when he was challenged on a difficult case. He wrapped his arms around his wife and hugged her tight telling her he was fine now and would take Rocky and go for a run on the beach.

  Brad dressed in sweats checked little Brian, found him sleeping peacefully, wishing he had that ability, and smiled at his wife leaving the room with Rocky in tow.

  Sujin lie there with her heart aching for him. He cared so much for her and little Brian. No one knew except her how deeply he cared for family and friends, along with his precious patriotism for his country.

  By the time Brad hit the beach his eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness. He knew without looking it was around four am as he ran up the beach towards the jetty. The night was clear with only a sliver of moon in the distant sky. No wind was blowing off the sea as Brad suspected a calm before the storm was coming. For now he and Rocky enjoyed the solitud
e of the beach with the only sounds were his breathing and the small waves rolling onto the beach making hissing sounds as they retreated across the sand. As he and Rocky saw the jetty in the distance, his better than twenty-twenty vision saw a person walking on the jetty. Kind of early he thought to see someone out walking on the jetty. Even Rocky was alert to the walker as they got closer. Finally Rocky took off on a faster run towards the walker. Brad realized it must be someone Rocky knew or he wouldn’t have barked. He could see an outline squat down and pet Rocky and then she waved at Brad as from her hair he could tell it was Wendy. He climbed the rocks to the top of the jetty and waited for her and Rocky to walk down to him. The cold was starting to seep into him as she smiled and told him good morning. He said, “You’re up early and the bird and worm thing?

  She laughed and said, “Not really. I’ve been out here since last night trying to research who and what these guys are. I can’t for the life of me remember a case in my studies or files that resembles this one,” as they walked back to the parking lot and a trail down to the beach.

  “Wendy we are in uncharted waters, keeping the same metaphor we been using, and I for one have confidence in you coming up with a profile of this group. Other fanatical groups have surfaced over the years and this one should have some similarities to compare. Give me what you have. Think out loud,” as they made their way home down the beach.


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