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Systematic Attrition

Page 7

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Mike came back in and sat down next to Brad and whispered into his ear. After that the room went silent including Wendy as she took off her headset and listened to what the boss had to say. Brad said, “I will know more later but it appears we are not seeking what we are calling a Ninja, but a more sophisticated and ancient form of shall we say martial arts. In sum it could well be a person selected to sacrifice himself for the good of his religion and family which is much extended. On a rare occasion they hire out an assassin for gold in return. It is not Japanese, but Chinese across the mountains near Chung du where at one time Chang Ki Sheik was located as they fought the Japanese to the east. If this is the case I would presume this would be a suicide mission as the tape suggests a new assassin would appear after this hit.”

  Nancy and the others except Mike either stared at him or their hands trying to assimilate what they had heard; and how would this assassin make the hit knowing the security precautions set in place. To Nancy even if they caught the guy, another assassin was coming to fulfill the total of six. This was beginning to be too much for her and Brad seemed to sense her losing contact with the present thinking of the future. He said, “First we must protect the secretary and then see if we can break one of the members by scaring the hell out of him. A simple whisper in his ear about losing his family will put the strongest of men to their knees praying to God. No, if you are thinking one of your people will do this the answer is no; my team will take care of this and I think soon is the time for it to happen,” he said with eyes of so intense most had to look away as for the first time Nancy saw what he was capable of doing. Even Rocky had sat up taking note of his master’s voice that filled the room with authority and conviction.

  The meeting continued with the prints of the press room and after all was gathered up, Brad told them they would fly to Washington and set up shop at the FBI headquarters. The meeting was over and Brad told Nancy to fly along and they would meet at the airport in a few hours time.

  On the way back to the hotel, Wendy sat in front while Brad and Mike sat in the back. Mostly whispers were heard and no real words of their conversation drifted to the front of the car with an agent driving. Later on the way to the airport it was obvious that only she, Billy and Brad were going to New York. Mike was staying here and she wondered if that was part of the plan to put the heat on one of the members of the PAE group. She shuddered at the thought of what or how he might make one of them talk. Even more likely it was against the law and now she realized she too might be outside the law. Can I justify this she wondered? She realized there were times when laws must be bent to seek an end to a means. And this is one of them as she settled into her seat on the plane looking out the window at the fading light of the day. It was cold, but no snow. Freezing temperatures would just about equal the atmosphere of the upcoming meeting with Steve and maybe the president she thought.

  Brad spent most of the time on the phone to his wife. Rocky sat next to Billy as Billy with the news of gold being transferred somewhere in China was pounding the keys like a mad man. Once in awhile Wendy noticed, he reached for a cigarette and then realized he couldn’t smoke he looked at Rockies eyes of sympathy stroking his nicotine stained fingers through his fur. Wendy smiled at the sight and then she reached into her bag for a present she picked up at a drug store. From her seat she handed Billy a nicotine patch and he broke out in a grin from ear to ear showing an off white set of teeth going brown before much longer from the four packs a day habit he had with his beloved Marlboros.

  The buckle up sign went on as Brad closed his cell phone and laid his head back waiting for the landing. His thoughts went over the conversation with Sujin. She had told him her Master made a long story long and gave her a history of a sect with a combination of religions: Taoist and Buddhism with an unnamed religion only the sect new. Now he must digest what was told him and later he would tell the team in its entirety, but now first things first as the wheels hit the runway in a perfect landing. Steve was waiting for them with a van and driver to whisk them to the White House for a meeting with all the principals including the Secretary of Defense Whitey Martin. Brad briefed Steve on what he learned and his plan to put some pressure on one of the PAE members, but leaving out any details. Of course Steve could read between the lines and just nodded when he listened to his friend and team leader.

  Arriving at the White House they were ushered into the same conference room next to the Oval Office. Brad and team took their seats and looked at the room full of high ranking cabinet members from the vice president on down to the attorney general. Brad quickly noticed Mr. X was sitting at the end of the conference table looking his stoic self. His jowls hung like side bags on a motorcycle and his eyes were rheumy and half closed. However Brad realized what looked a sack of potatoes was in fact one of the most intelligent and connected men in Washington. No one knew his party line and no one much cared. He ran his agency quietly and efficiently never going below his second in Steve. Brad glanced at his watch and what seemed like it should be later than it was, but it was only six thirty. There were no windows in this room and the outside wall was protected from listening devices.

  In walked the president followed by his chief similar to Rocky following Brad. The president did his usual eye contact around the table and finally settled on Brad. He nodded to him and Brad stood up to give his report. It took him twenty minutes and when he was finished with the part of the Chinese assassin he took his seat to a very quiet room. Even the president was at a loss for words. Surprisingly the secretary leaned forward putting his sleeveless arms on the table and said, “So, Mr. Pratt, you say the assassin is going to attempt to kill me on February 17th at my press conference. I don’t doubt your Intel but with our security in place how could this guy possibly get to me?”

  “Mr. Secretary, it’s been my experience that a person like this can find ways no other human can possibly foresee. If he can fit his head through an opening that is enough for the rest of his body and he has the ability to dislocate a shoulder if needed and put in back in place at will. Like a chameleon he blends in and is completely invisible. He can move at a speed that almost defies friction. The only thing he won’t use is a disguise. Also as I understand it from a direct source he has the ability through touch to immobilize a human body sort of like putting you to sleep in a standing position. It only lasts a few seconds, but that is all the time he needs to complete his task. We believe as I’ve said, this is a suicide mission and he has nothing to lose and everything to gain for his belief in family and religion.”

  The president spoke up saying, “Brad could you or do you think we can stop this guy? It is hard for me to believe he could even get into the press room let alone the building.”

  “Yes, I think he can enter without being seen or heard. I know this sounds absurd, but he could be somewhere in the building now waiting. Waiting twenty days is nothing for him. He could hide out during the day and at night exercise and return to his hiding place which he probably changes every day.” By now the talk was flying around the table thinking the assassin might be in the White House as this meeting was taking place. The president told them to settle down and then he referred back to Brad,

  “Brad, do you have a plan for securing and if so I think the directors and heads of security agencies need to be informed of what your plan might be. I know my next statement is going to ruffle a few feathers, but if what you say is true we are dealing with something our current security and intelligence agencies are not used to. Therefore, I’m putting you and your team in charge of security and to an agency,” as he looked at the FBI director, the CIA and all the other agencies and continued, “will take their orders from you.” Once more he looked the table over and said, “Are there any questions,” as all thought it redundant and the president strode from the room leaving a buzzing sound behind him like a nest of bees bringing home the honey or in this case the vinegar.

  Once again Nancy was waiting for Brad along with Billy and Wendy
when word came to them the president wanting a few minutes of their time. Nancy and Wendy were petrified as they entered the Oval office and saw the president Samuel Bates sitting at the famous desk so many had sat at before. In the room was Mr. X and Steve. Brad and team sat down where they could and the president said, “I have confidence in you all and Brad one more thing before we call it a night tell me about the second assassin that you mentioned to Steve as being a replacement for the Chinese assassin if he is indeed on a suicide mission.”

  “Mr. President, at this time my sources tell me that only four or five such men and one woman capable of bringing off a major attempt on a prominent politician here in the US. We will have to pull some rabbits out of our hats with some European agencies to see if they know the whereabouts of any of them. In the meantime, we must not get ahead of ourselves and we have a very real threat upon us and we must focus on what is at hand while we do some research for the future.”

  “I like what you doing and what I’m hearing so keep me in the loop and thanks for enlightening me and my cabinet,” and that ended the meeting with the president standing up with tired looking eyes with his patent grin.


  Chapter 8

  Back at the hotel, before dinner, Brad was on the phone to Mike. With the help of Wendy and Billy, Mike had found the squeaky voice he was looking for. He told Brad he would meet Mr. Squeaky on his way to work in the morning. Meanwhile he would digest all the information on him and the others. After the contact in the morning he told Brad he would call and update him.

  Enjoying a hot shower Brad afterwards went down for dinner with the team including Nancy. Billy was holed up in his room on the computer trying to track some gold shipments. This was proving a daunting task and he’d called on his friend from George Washington University to help him.

  Dinner was a quiet affair as so much had gone down in one day it was almost overwhelming. Wendy’s head was spinning and what she really needed was a run on the beach. Somehow Brad sensed her mind set and said, “Wendy, I want you to catch the Red Eye to Portland and a flight to the Round House. No this is not to get you out of the way, quite the contrary, I want you to observe and learn what Sujin and the Master are doing. Learn as much as you can. Research the East Asian religions and talk all you can with Sujin and her sister for that matter. After that our plane will pick all of you up and bring you back to Washington.”

  Nancy said, “I’ll make the flight arrangements and get her on a flight with FBI priority.” Wendy nodded her agreement and looked rather relieved to be going back to the Round House to regroup.

  After dinner Rocky and Brad with Nancy went for a walk in the cold clear evening. Rocky was on a leash which he really didn’t like, but accepted the link to his master. Brad felt that Nancy had something on her mind and waited patiently for her to speak. Finally almost slipping on some ice and having Brad grab her arm, she almost twisted her ankle. Holding on to Brad she felt an electrical charge flow through her body. It wasn’t a sexual feeling, more like a safety catch from a dangerous position escaping death. She wondered later if it wasn’t what she needed to draw from his strength as he radiated such power and confidence. She felt safe not being alone and grateful for the support as he held on to her walking slowly back to the hotel. An agent met them at the door and helped her to a room. She hated herself for feeling so helpless when she so wanted to show Brad how strong she was under pressure. Later soaking in a hot tub of water she let loose with a sob and tears rolled down her cheeks feeling lower than a snake’s belly.

  Back in his room he knew it was late when he called Sujin to tell her Wendy was coming and how the meeting went at the White House. He filled her in on the outside possibility that a new player might enter the game. Sujin listened and finally said, “My husband, you’re not to worry as when the time comes we will have outside help and if another assassin enters the picture, well we will take care of him or her too.”

  “I know that and how is the little guy doing?”

  “He couldn’t be better. I’m having trouble making enough milk for him so we have supplemented some formula and he loves it. This turn of events will help when we come to Washington in February," she said with a voice he loved to hear

  “Honey one more question and that is do you think it is possible to ask the Master how the gold is retrieved once it hits China?

  “I’ll try but I have no idea how he will respond as you know he is from that area and those are closely guarded secrets handed down from Master to Master. I know he could care less about a politician in Washington DC.”

  “If we said we would protect the secret, but only trace the sender, do you think he would agree?”

  “I will tell you later your son’s looking for a midnight snack.”

  After a night without nightmares, Brad woke early and he and Rocky went for a run on a very cold morning long before daylight. He noted no stars in the sky and wondered if another snow storm was coming. While running he thought about the presence of the Master at the press conference and what, if anything it might have when the assassin saw him. I doubt it, he thought. He’s on a mission and nothing would distract him from his assignment. Would the Master interfere or just observe? What he didn’t want was his wife involved in a fight in the press room. Too many people and distractions for the surroundings might endanger her life and others. Come on Brad think about another solution to the event coming. There is always an alternative and take it from the top and run it again and again he thought as he made his way back to the hotel.

  Down in New York, Mike sat across and up the street from Squeaks house. He’d been there since four am. It was cold as he didn’t want to run the car as clouds of heated air would be a dead giveaway. Even with long handles and a giant overcoat and gloves on it was still cold as he sipped hot coffee from a thermos. Mike had seen the lights come on in the house at six and now it was seven as Squeak came out of the house dressed in a long black overcoat and wool ski hat. Brad started the car and when Squeak reached the corner and turned left blocking the view of him from his house he followed him to the bus stop where he took the public transportation to work. Mike went past the bus stop and then parked leaving the car running. Squeak was approaching the bus stop when Mike with a warm smile told him good morning as if walking past him swinging around quickly sticking his gun in Squeaks back saying, “Don’t be foolish and just keep walking towards the car you see sitting there with clouds of white rising off it. We have a man in your house and if you value the life of your family, say nothing and keep walking like we are friends.” Squeak did as he was told and when they approached the car Mike said, “Now you drive and make no mistake if you do something stupid your two kids will die first with your wife watching and then the wife will die a death you can’t imagine. Follow my instruction to the letter and you will live to tell your grandchildren the story from a rocking chair. Understand?” Squeak nodded his head because when he opened his mouth his throat was so dry nothing came out but a shrill squeak.

  Driving slowly down the street Mike told him to find a parking lot like a Mc Donald’s so they could have a little friendly visit. Squeak did as he was told and they found a Burger King and parked leaving the motor running.

  Squeak found his voice and said, “What do you want. I doubt if I know much, but I will tell you what, if I can, what you want to know, but leave my family out of this.”

  “Very noble of you Squeak and now you have ten minutes to tell me all about your cute little group of assassins or your family dies one at a time,” as Mike pointed his silenced gun at Squeak with a look of man who would love to kill just for the fun of it. “We especially want to know how the gold is transferred and how you make contact with the Chinese assassin.”

  “I have no idea about either one of those questions. Another member takes care of that.”

  “Okay, let’s try this one. What is his name?”

  “His name is Ronald Evans.”

  Mike thought, he ans
wers like a lawyer: short and to the point. “Squeak, where does the money come from to support your group?”

  “Donations from supporters with like interests.”

  Mike looked at his watch and said, “You have five minutes left to start supplying me with names and,” Taking out his cell, “it better be good. Do I make myself clear? Who do the fuck you think you guys are anyway? Do you think you can run around killing citizens and think the government is just going to sit back and let it happen? What did happen, Squeak, is that you pissed off the very man you shouldn’t have. You left a clue near his house and now you assholes are going to die one by one. Not today, but when you least expect it. Not one will have the opportunity to have his name carried on. You hide behind the church and from the safety of your homes, which by the way the government provides your safety, so your God is not going to save you. Sinners like you go where sun block does no good. Now I want names and start now. You have three minutes.”

  The cars heater was on full and as Mike felt warm his soon to be informer was sweating. For the next few minutes Mike made notes while Squeak spilled his guts. Still playing the role, Mike raised his hand to stop him and pretended to make a call to his associates to hold off a while until he called them back. “Now tell me about the second assassin who is scheduled to take over from the Chinese guy.”

  Squeak had a look of amazement at how this guy knew so much about what he thought secret. Is there another informer, he thought. Well, who cares, my family is more important than ideals. Quickly he said, “What I know is that it is a she from Europe. I heard contact is made through France. Really that is all I know.”


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