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Systematic Attrition

Page 10

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  “Yes sir, I’ll see you when I return and don’t spoil the dog!” They both laughed and he signed off. Brad thought about what his father didn’t say and that was he was afraid someone might be listening and he was ordered to see his father.

  Brad turned his attention back to the suspected traitor in Washington feeding information to the enemy. Brad flashed back on the defense secretary and the secretary of state in a whispered conversation at their last meeting in the White House. What made him suspicious he thought? Nothing unusual about two high level cabinet members talking to each other, but why a whisper and that was what was bothering Brad as he closed his eyes for a nap while Rocky sat patiently in his seat curled in a ball taking a nap.

  A demon free peaceful sleep was interrupted by the co-pilot telling him that they would be landing at Hong Kong in about thirty minutes. Brad rubbed his eyes and thanked the pilot leaving for the head for a wash up. Rocky had his own place to relieve his self and Brad cleaned up after him.

  Brad was carrying a diplomatic passport and quickly went through customs without incident as he was carrying his usual hand gun and assorted other weapons. The airport in Hong Kong is extremely big and spacious. Brad, always on the lookout for a tail saw and felt nothing as he caught a taxi for downtown. However he was watched and followed to a hotel in the middle of the business district used mostly by business men.

  Brad loved the city of Hong Kong and the smells in particular. Walking around the streets one couldn’t help but smell the cooking that filled your nose making your mouth water. But today his thoughts were not on food, but a meeting with an unknown Chinese man he knew nothing about. His instructions were to hole up in his room and wait for contact. He checked in and took a room with a view of the city. He would spend the day and night and then return home was the plan. He was on the tenth floor and there was nothing unusual about his room. He’d had a little trouble with Rocky after showing the desk man his passport, nothing more was said. Walking to the elevator another white man approached the desk to check in. He asked the desk man for a room next to that other white man so they may enjoy each other's company while in Hong Kong. The desk man thought nothing of as he accepted a fifty dollar bill from the rough looking man, handing him a card for the room next to Brads.

  Brad took a shower and left the TV on for Rocky without sound. Brad never took a chance while so exposed when showering in a hotel no matter where in the world he was. After his shower he looked at his watch and it was three pm local time and doing the math, it was around midnight back home. He called home and found his wife feeding the baby. Asking how things were, she told him that all was fine and that the team was busy working. Nancy told her that the FBI had tails on the list of names, but nothing unusual was reported. Billy was still working on the list of names and then laughed when to quote Billy, “I’m finding information that could be useful for blackmail, but nothing out of the ordinary, if gay or having an affair is ordinary.” “Also, agent Jones and Wendy are becoming more than friends and do you think that will be a problem, she asked him.”

  Brad said, “I’m not sure, but you and I seem to love each other without the job getting too much in the way.”

  “Never mind, oh Mike said he wants to go to Europe and find out about a hit man or woman. He says he has a contact in France and I told him to do what he felt best for the operation. The last thing he told me was he would call you after he was on location and fill you in.”

  “Thanks honey, give the baby a kiss and big hug from me. I’m just waiting for a contact to make itself known and then I will call you after that.” They said good bye and Brad returned to thinking how he might be contacted.

  Five hours later after he had room service bring some dinner up and six cans of corned beef for Rocky, after an argument with the kitchen staff about having someone go to a market and buy the corned beef, a non descript Chinese girl knocked on the door announcing in Chinese room service. Brad, the ever cautious, held his Glock behind his leg when he answered the door. Rocky sat back away from the door on his haunches. Brad opened the door and the room service girl came in pushing a cart. Brad looked out the door and saw nobody. The girl was placing the covered dishes on the small table and setting out chop sticks and a spoon. Under the cart sat six cans of Argentina corned beef for Rocky. It was obvious to Brad the girl was not a threat as Rocky sniffed the cans and paid her no attention. Brad thanked her and gave her some Hong Kong dollars. She bowed and took from her pocket a folded piece of paper and handed it to him and scurried out the door. Brad chained the door and set the dead bolt while he opened the note. It said: Mr. Pratt, you are being watched from the room next door to you. At precisely eight pm enter the elevator and take it to the basement. It’s marked “B” and a Chinese man will lead you to the exit where a car is waiting for you. Anyone who follows will be slowed up by the kitchen staff: A friend.

  Brad looked at his watch and had about forty five minutes to eat and make the appointment. He opened a can of corned beef and placed in on a plate for Rocky. For himself, he wolfed down the great tasting Chinese noodles and rice. Some cashew vegetables rounded off a nice dinner for him. After that he changed into night clothes of loose fitting dark pants and a polo shirt. On his feet a pair of Nike running shoes made for stealth and speed felt good. He double checked his Glock and when the time came, put Rocky on a chain leash. The leash was a chain, but in the last link to his collar was a lead link designed if he took off after a bad guy it would separate and he would be free to pursue at will. Before eating Brad had turned the TV sound up so whoever was watching him might think he was settled in to watch TV for the night. A small ruse, but sometimes small things do work out. But then again, few knew he was in Hong Kong and the TV ruse would not be useful he thought. Well, let’s go with what the note tells us to do he told Rocky who was finishing off his third can of corned beef and lapping up a bottled water from a bowl.

  They, at the allotted time, slipped out the door and strolled down to the elevator. Brad never turned around to look, but felt eyes on him as the door opened and he pushed the B button and down he went to a heart racing adventure that gave him the thrill of a chase. The elevator door opened in the basement kitchen and a man was waiting for him. He was led from the kitchen humming with activity and a strong smell of garlic and onion filled the steamy kitchen. They walked quickly out the door to the exit and waiting for him was a stretch limo with the door being held open by the driver. Brad and Rocky quickly got in and the driver shut the door running around and off they went. He found out later two guys tried to follow having run down the stairs only to run into the kitchen staff spilling bowls of noodles on the floor blocking their way out the door.

  In the limo Brad sat opposite a young executive type man one sees nowadays of Chinese businessmen. He smiled at Brad and in reasonably good English introduced him as Chang to hang. He worked for a Chinese bank he told Brad. Brad shook his limp hand and in Chinese told him who he was and his friend Rocky. The man was pleased to hear him speak his own language, but told Brad he needed the practice with English. Brad switched to English and as they drove through the night making for the hills above the city, Mr. Chang talked about the new China. One thing he did say that stuck in Brad’s mind was the relationship with the USA. Mr. Chang was a little out of character Brad thought when he came across as a little arrogant about the role China would play in the future global economy. However, he took it in stride as they pulled up to a guarded gate where the guard checked the inside of the car before he pushed a button and a steel gate moved sideways to let the car pass. A short drive through some large trees brought them to the front door of a circular driveway. As they got out a beautiful Chinese lady greeted him with a bow and again good English was spoken. She welcomed him to their house and led him to the back where a sunken living room decorated in both Western and Eastern motif felt comfortable. Rocky was on his best behavior and Brad had no feeling of being threatened. A tall silver haired Chinese man stood looking at
him standing in front of a large window overlooking the city. He held out his hand for a greeting and introduced him as Mr. Yang. When Brad gave him a bow and a greeting in Chinese a big smile crossed his aged face. He told Brad to have a look at the view as few foreigners were blessed with a view of Hong Kong from this position. Brad did marvel at the view and said so as the lovely Chinese lady brought in a tray of tea. Mr. Yang was dressed in a Western business suit very much in vogue as was his Chinese wife who must have been thirty years his junior. The floor table made of hardwood sat gleaming on the western carpet. Earth tones made the large room with ceiling fans feel both cool and comfortable in the tropical climate.

  Sitting down at the table she poured tea for the two of them and quietly left. Mr. Yang spoke of China and the same stories that came from the young man who brought him to his boss. Mr. Yang said, after two cups of tea and, Billy would love this, a Marlboro cigarette, he turned to business, “Mr. Pratt, I’ve been instructed to provide you with some details of a valuable nature by my customers who are also stock holders in our bank. This is very unusual and before I tell you what you are expecting please let me ask a question or two. As you know we are privileged to have up to date communications these days and follow your countries news with an open mind knowing your two party systems is very different than ours. We are alarmed at the recent deaths of two of your politicians recently and realize something very serious is happening in your country. My sources tell me you have a special relationship with the president and we are honored to have you here in Hong Kong. First I would like to ask you if your assignment will vastly affect the global economy and if so what we can do to help you. What I’m saying is we can always work with the USA if a radical is not in power. Your political system, good or bad is something we can always work with. A major change will have negative effects on Asia and the world in general.”

  Brad’s eyes never left Mr. Yang’s and he replied. “I’ll be frank with you and if you want to invite your other guest to our table I would be happy to tell you what I know.” Mr. Yang’s face turned red and then a smile crossed his face as he stood up and went to the sliding doors where another late middle aged man came through the door head held high and looking directly at the Brad.

  Mr. Yang introduced the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Brad was shocked and pleased at the same time. Mr. Wu Fong graciously said, “Forgive us Mr. Pratt for not being forthwith upon your arrival. We were a little taken aback as you say in your country with the request and your subsequent coming to Hong Kong. Only just recently have we known about your relationship with the president? Also your president sent his thanks for allowing you to enter China some months ago on a covert mission. Now how did you know I was, or someone was outside the door?”

  “Well first of all I’m honored to meet you and if you are more comfortable speaking Chinese I can work with that language fairly well. Now our host here was talking more loudly than necessary and especially for an Asian is a little out of character. In addition, my dog is specially trained and he kept looking at the door knowing someone was there, but he also knew it was not a dangerous person.”

  “I’m also under the impression your dog was instrumental in thwarting an attempt on your life and Steve Lewis. Mr. Pratt we are as you just heard from Mr. Yang very concerned about recent events in America. I don’t know how much you can talk about, but whatever you can tell please do.”

  “Mr. Foreign Minister I’m not sure how much to tell you but I will tell you what I think is important to you and China and the great Chinese people I’ve come to respect. It appears we have some radical politicians and a small sect of people taking drastic action against the very foundations of our system. We know who they are and under our laws we can’t touch them without evidence to support the belief they are responsible. However, if I’m successful tracing the payment for an assassin who have murdered at least three people to the source, we can shut down this revolt.”

  “Thank you Mr. Pratt. Could you enlighten us about how the president views the pressure he is under with his policies having a very serious effect on one side of your two party systems?”

  Brad struggled with this question as he wasn’t a diplomat and this was one loaded question. Here I am in China talking to one of the highest ranking people in China asking me a political question that I’m not sure I can answer fairly. He took a breath and said, “I think most Americans believe a balance is best for our country when it comes to politics. If one moves to far to the right or left, an imbalance occurs. Consequently one side has too much power that leads to a one party government and that is one thing I don’t want to get into here in your country. What works for one might not work the other. We have only two hundred years of history where China has thousands. We must follow our forefathers who thought it best when the constitution was developed. Good or bad we must have trust in our system and if anyone or any group threatens our way of life, then it must be put down.”

  “Thank you Mr. Pratt. If there is anything we can do to help, you only have to ask. We support your president and as you know we have many US corporations investing billions of dollars in China. We don’t want to see that disrupted. Change disrupts and if the most powerful country in the world has major political problems it will trickle down to business and the global economy will come to a standstill. Now Mr. Yang has a name for you and may it help to quell the bloodshed and rid the world of power seekers. I understand one of our Masters is at your home. He along with other elder Masters enjoys their own lives without outside interference. There is nothing we would or want to do to change that. Their history is older than old. Good luck to you and when it all over and you have put down the insurrection come back at our invitation for a state visit.”

  The minister rose and shook hands and looked at Rocky while short stepping his way out the door in his socks. Brad remained standing as if to take his leave also. Mr. Yang told him to wait for a few minutes while the minister took his leave. He handed a folded plain piece of paper to Brad and without looking at it he placed it in his pocket that felt like it was burning his leg.

  The ride back to the hotel was a quiet one as he was alone with the driver. Brad came to full alert when he exited the car at the front of the hotel. Rocky felt the vibrations coming from his master. Brad would have rather come through a back door, but maybe they were counting on that as he walked into the lobby. All of his senses were running on all eight cylinders as he took in the lobby person by person as only a few were around at this time of night. It was close to midnight and nothing gave off any warning signals as he bypassed the elevator on his way to the stairs. He sent Rocky ahead of him as he silently jogged up the stairs listening for any sounds. Rocky was sitting at the top of the stairs on the tenth floor. Brad waited until his breathing returned to normal and drew out his Glock and cracked the door for a look. Rocky had his nose, eyes, with his ears standing straight up, as he was trained, sensing what was out there, as Brad opened the door and looked both ways saw nothing. Brad expected his next door watcher to open their door with a gun or guns blazing away hoping for a quick kill. Quickly he sent Rocky pass their door and raised his hand for him to stop. Next he cleared his throat and made for his door with gun in hand behind his leg. Just when Brad thought all of this stealth was in vain, the door flew open and one after the other would be killers started to fire at Brad. Brad who was hugging one wall rolled to his left to the other side as Rocky took out the lead man while he shot the other guy before he got a shot off. Rocky was not happy and he had the lead man on the hall carpet with his jaws around the back of his neck. By the time Brad checked the other guy he shot and confirmed he was dead, blood was starting to spread on the hall carpet. Brad called Rocky off as he placed a knee on the shooters back telling him to spread his arms and legs or die. The man did as he was told and just for these occasions Brad had a small rope in his back pocket to tie his hands with. Strangely enough no one came out of their rooms as Brad reflected he let off two shots a
nd the assassins never got off a shot. He believed he was lucky as the door remained open as he quickly drug the dead man inside and then grabbed the other by the scruff of the neck and drag him inside the room as Rocky shut the door as Brad ordered.

  The intended assassin lay quietly knowing a struggle would be fruitless. Brad once again caught his breath and went to the phone while taking out Mr. Yang’s card. Mr. Yang picked up on the first ring like it was early in the day at the office. Brad identified him and then spoke in Chinese telling him the story. Mr. Yang told him to leave it to him and when he was finished just close the door and go to bed. Brad thanked him and then turned the guy over and asked him a question. “Who are you and who are you working for? No answer or a wrong answer and my dog will eat your balls and dick.”

  He told Brad his name and that he was freelancing for the bounty on Brad’s head and then he said, “I followed you from North Bend where your pilot filed a flight plan to Hong Kong.” Brad knew the guy told the truth and no real information could come from further questions. Without another word Brad grabbed his head and gave it a quick twist ending the bounty hunters life. Brad left the light on and closed the door behind him putting out the “Do Not Disturb” sign.

  Back in his room he almost forgot about the note in his pocket and now he dug it out while sitting on the bed and looked at the name: the current Secretary of State Janet Cortez. Brad would later find out she carried the gold in her bag and walked into the bank and gave it to Mr. Yang. She was in Hong Kong tracing the hard currency of North Korea and the ten kilos of gold must have made her a little side heavy he thought. “Well Rocky what say we take a flight out of here and go home for some salt air?” He called the pilots and told them he would be at the airport in an hour and file a plan for North Bend.


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