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Systematic Attrition

Page 12

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  “Thanks Pete and Kitty,” as he learned her name when she came home from work, “I promise Pete is in no danger. His job is finished and so will mine after tomorrow unless something comes up I’m not aware of. Now if you would like to it would be my pleasure to take you both out to the restaurant of your choice.”

  After dinner Pete and Mike sat talking after Kitty went to bed. Pete told him that when he went to the museum he was to have a yellow flower in his overcoat. “I agreed no weapons and the caller said you would be covered by someone else watching them. She added that one false move and you were a dead man.”

  “Fine by me and if she is as good as she thinks she is then what I have to say to her should put the fear of god in her. We have a plan with the Asian assassin that should forewarn her as to what will happen if she takes on a contract to kill one of our citizens.”

  “I see jet lag in you my friend and that sofa pulls out into a bed. Let’s call it a night and tomorrow I want to hear more of your team and its members.”

  The next morning Mike looked out the window at a clear cold looking morning. Cars were zipping by ignoring the dangers of ice. Kitty had left for work and once she was gone Pete and Mike had coffee and rolls talking about the day's events. Pete said, “Mike you want me to back you up? I hate to see you go this alone. If she has a guy with her maybe it’s a good idea if I hung back out of sight just in case something happens.” Pete left it hanging out there and waited for Mike to think about it.

  Mike said, “I would never forgive myself if something happened and I had to face your wife. Now if you waited downstairs, maybe that would make me feel a little more secure knowing if all hell broke loose, I could justify you being a long ways off and we were to meet after the appointment.”

  Pete grinned and nodded his head. Mike knew he needed some excitement in his life and wife or no wife he was going to back up his friend. They spent the rest of the morning talking and at noon they left for the museum walking. It was only a short walk and Mike left Pete down in the lobby and made his way up the spiral staircase following the glass pyramid to the roof. Not many tourists around, but because it was a sunny day, what looked like office workers ringed the outside of the shallow water sitting eating lunch. Mike had his yellow flower and nothing else but gloves on his hands stuck in his pockets to show the person he was meeting that he had no intention of using a weapon. Gloves would make a nervous person at ease knowing how difficult it would be to fire a hand gun with gloves on. Mike walked to the opposite end where few people sat around and sat down waiting for contact. Upon arriving on the roof Mike had no trouble spotting the backup guy sitting in the best location if trouble came up. It wasn’t a long wait by French standards as his contact arrived shortly after one.

  The description Zeke had given him was good and he saw right off she was right handed as she sat to his right. Mike had anticipated it correctly as his Glock was in his left hand pocket. She turned and looked him in the eyes and what he saw was Eastern European with blue eyes so intense it would make most fear her. She said with an eastern accent in English, “What do you want?”

  Mike said staring back at her, “We want you to cancel out the contract that has been let with your payment in gold.”

  “Why should I do that,” she said with contempt in her boyish voice.

  “Because you want to live and not die a rich woman.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Here is our offer. A hit is scheduled for the 17th by your same employers. This time he will fail. I suggest you wait until the 17th before you decide what to do. My boss will match your offer with a direct deposit into your bank account and walk away. Refuse this offer and you’re a dead woman. Not today or tomorrow, but realize I’m giving you a chance to retire and live the good life above ground.”

  “I’ll think about it Mike Henshaw of the Brad Pratt team. I will wait and contact your friend here with my answer on the 18th. Is our business finished?”

  “No more conversation is necessary unless you have something on your mind that needs clarification,” he said in a more friendly tone. She shook her head and stood up walked away with her side kick meeting her at the end of the stairway that led to the real world.

  Back at the same deli they had lunch the day before Mike and Pete enjoyed another lunch. Mike filled him in and Pete told him she looked right at him as she walked out of the museum. Mike thanked him for the back up and said he would catch the next flight to America. Pete understood his need to return and after lunch they stopped off at a travel agent who booked Mike to Washington DC at five pm. Before he caught the plane he called Brad and told him briefly in code that he failed in his mission and would see him in Washington DC.

  Brad slept well with no nightmares and woke up to another bright sunny day in his mother’s house. The smell of bacon cooking permeated the house as he took a shower and made his appearance. His father was with Steve drinking morning coffee by the pool. Brad’s mother had his favorite green tea and he took his mug of tea after giving her a good morning kiss on the cheek and joined the men.

  Sitting down he noticed Rocky trying to ignore Greta as the she wanted to play. Once in a while they heard him growl at her, but she ignored the warnings. Brad turned his attention to his father and Steve. He said, “Mike called and made contact with the assassin. The details I will get in Washington DC. Meanwhile I still think grabbing the secretary is still on the table. I want to hear again what you guys think of this idea.”

  Brad’s father spoke up first saying, “I’m still not liking it much, but what if you just made contact covertly and placed a bug in her ear along with a bug or two in her house?”

  Steve added, “What do you think of making her a double agent?”

  Brad gave that some thought and replied, “I thought of that and one problem might be that they put her in some kind of protective custody. Or maybe accelerate their plans. I like the idea of turning her and if you two men think that is better then I will follow your thinking and plan.”

  Steve said, “Brad, we are only suggesting and if you like what your plan is then run with it. I like what Mike did with the lawyer guy in New York and if it worked once maybe it works again. Kidnapping is a serious offense and risky.”

  Brad got up and walked around the pool playing with Greta much to Rockies chagrin. He tossed the tennis ball and Greta was a great fetch dog while Rocky sat and stared at them. Brad’s mother came out and announced breakfast was ready and scolded Brad for spoiling the dog that was running through some of her flowers.

  After breakfast Brad told them he would go back home and then on to DC. Steve told him he would go with him and father said, “Once more it is hard for me to believe our Joints are traitors. Give me a couple days Brad to call some friends who might have an idea or two.” Brad of course told him that was fine with him and said goodbye to his mother and left for the airport after alerting the pilots with a go signal to North Bend, Oregon.

  On the way to the Oregon coast Steve briefed Brad on the president’s decision to grant a meeting with the Chinese Master. When he informed the president the president laughed breaking a tense discussion with Mr. X and himself, he told Brad with one of his rare grins. “Brad we must count on the fact that the PAE group knows our movements. I told your father to have one of his contacts arrange transportation for your team in DC. You and I will take the Gulf Stream to throw off the pursuit and like we did in Seattle catch a Red Eye to DC from Portland. I leave the details up to you, but a helicopter will land on the beach south of the Round House on the day you want the team to transfer to DC. We have already a safe house for all of the team along with the Master and of course computers for Billy.”

  Brad liked it and told him so. Now he changed the subject and said, “We need the fingerprints from the main man to confirm his duplicity. We nail him and we can follow the trail downhill putting all of them behind bars.”

  “I’ve given that some thought and if a message is sent for the European assa
ssin to take out a minor player to prove she is worth the price, but payment is needed up front for deposit in Switzerland at a bank who leans to the West, we can intercept the courier. What do you think of that idea my young friend?”

  “If Mike confirms what he thinks is going to happen, that is, she will think twice about hiring out to the PAE group, we can then ask her to send the go ahead notice.”

  Both left the conversation there as the plane made ready for the landing at North Bend.

  It seemed everyone was happy Brad was back. His presence welded the team together and if he was gone, something felt lacking around the Round House. Billy was more than excited as he looked at Brad telling him he was on to something important. However, that could wait as Brad took from his wife the baby and drank in his smell. The weather was cloudy but no rain. A cold wind blew from the Northwest making the inside wood stove the center of attraction. It was early afternoon and the Master was sitting cross legged next to the stove meditating. Brad and Sujin left for their room and Brad told them he would be back soon to bring them up to date on happenings.

  Lying on his back with the baby on his chest Brad stared into his eyes. He wondered what the old Chinese man saw and little Brian looked like any other baby to him. Sujin told him what had been going on while he was gone and that the Master was enjoying himself staying here on the beach. “He’s taking a few walks on the beach when it isn’t raining,” she said to him while she lay next to him playing with the wisps of baby hair on Brian. “I’ve been training every day and am now almost ready. I even saw the Masters eyebrows raise yesterday when he was standing at the window looking out and I moved next to him without him hearing me. He told me he was just getting too old and not to brag to anyone about this incident.” Brad laughed and the baby started crying. Sujin took him and Brad put on his running gear and told her he would be back in an hour or so. His team, except Nancy and Billy, was ready anticipating his need to exercise.

  Brad took Sandy and set a fast pace making everyone struggle to keep up. He pushed hard to make the pain feel good. First they ran to the jetty and then back to their climbing rock scrabbling up and down and around the rock climbing backwards and then pushing off south across the creek on down the beach. By the time they crested the trail to the house all were spent. Wendy thought her lungs were coming out of her chest and blood pounded in her head. She was in good shape as was Agent Jones who kept looking at Wendy with love struck eyes.

  A shower later, sitting at the floor table having a mid afternoon snack of tea and homemade biscuits, Brad filled the team on his trip to Hong Kong leaving out the attempt on his life. Next he told them of his plan to rock the secretary of state’s boat and then he asked Billy to tell him what he was so excited about?

  Billy said, “I’ve been searching for connections from the list of names of PAE members and the joint chiefs. First the members on the list, at first glance they all appear to be clean, but from their tax returns and investments they are all to a person living way beyond their incomes. Now the generals were easier to trace as they have fixed incomes for the most part and all appear to be above board except for two of them. One general is from the Army, Al Roark and the other is Navy, Ben Southford. Now these guys aren’t too smart as they bought property in Argentina under their wives names, both properties total fifty thousand acres next door to one another. I checked the sale and it totaled over two million dollars and not pesos. Strange as I can’t find a trail of dollars, but the deeds or titles are bona fide. Well, that’s about it boss; what do you think?”

  “I think I’m getting a little hungry and my tea went cold while you were jaw jacking,” he said with a grin on his face. Billy jumped up and made for the door to dig into his Marlboro pack for a breath of life. Steve listened carefully and sat thinking while Sujin poured fresh tea for her husband.

  * * *

  It was Feb 10th and seven days to go before the press conference. In Virginia George Williams sat at his desk looking at the five principals discussing the upcoming event at the press conference and the future events that would unfold once the assassination of the secretary of defense rocked the world. George said through a pipe smoke filled room that was airless as is most old people's houses trying to keep the draughts out and heat in, “The Brad Pratt team has been holed up on the West Coast for days now. I don’t like it one bit. He is not to be underestimated, but I feel we have all in place and our man is on location. Now Janet you are closest to the president and what do you have to report to us today?”

  “The president is taking a lot of heat in the Middle East as you well know. Security is tight including me. I’m scheduled to fly to Switzerland for a secret meeting with the Russians and the Chinese about North Korea and the nuclear issues we face from the despotic leader. Also the president is applying pressure on all of our intelligence agencies to find the assassin. I can tell you this all of the cabinet and other prominent politicians are scared as hell.”

  “I love the sounds of this and you going to Europe are perfect as once again you can deliver payment to our next assassin who has requested payment in gold to her bank in Switzerland. Our next person to exit this world is the president chief advisor on foreign affairs. He carries too much weight and his far right policies are bringing our nation to its knees. I’ve made arrangements for a special person to take care of Mr. Lee Horwitz.”

  One of the other principals spoke up asking, “Do you have a date yet when we make a move to take over with the backing of the military?”

  “No, not yet, we must look at the results of the defense secretary and the fallout after Horwitz is eliminated. My guess is the time will be ripe right after that. Let’s keep to our timetable and watch and wait with patience. Wait now until I send word for our next meeting. Take the usual precautions leaving and return to your jobs,” as he stood up and moved to the window looking out at a clear sky and warm day in early February. He noticed some early green on the trees signaling spring was coming early this year. A good sign he thought as he lit his pipe sending a blue cloud of smoke against the window.

  President’s Day minus Three

  Chapter 14

  Valentine's Day and the Batt Team were making preparations for leaving for Washington DC. Before the helicopter arrived Brad made a drive up and down the Beach Loop Road and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, made a phone call for a midnight pickup of his team including the Master. After that he and Steve made for the airport for their deception filing a Seattle flight plan and then stopping off in Portland taking a commercial plane on to DC. The Gulf Stream would follow on the 18th after the press conference to Andrews Air Force Base.

  All went smoothly and Sujin later told Brad the Chinese Master enjoyed the flight and loved the excitement that went with it. Rocky was left home none too happy as Sandy went with Sujin making it easier for Brad to not have to explain his dog on a commercial flight. Besides it was her turn to take a trip.

  Mike met Brad and Steve at the airport and whisked them away through diplomat customs and out a side door where he had a rented van parked being watched by FBI agents. By the time they arrived at the safe house, all the team members were sleeping except Billy. He had a room upstairs next to a window where the smoke from his Marlboros could keep the room fairly fresh. Brad didn’t disturb him and found his wife in a nice bedroom with Sandy sleeping on the bed with her. He snuggled up to his wife and fell into a dreamless sleep.

  Early the next morning Mike and Brad with the other members had spread the White House drawings on the floor and were checking out possible ways the assassin could get close enough for a hit. Sujin and the Master sat mediating with mumbles of Chinese words occasionally heard. With three days to go, Nancy was in her office coordinating the FBI with the other security agencies. She’d called Brad and told him about some new ideas that had come up for security and later she would be over to fill him in. Steve was in a meeting with Mr. X and the president.

  Brad felt the time was right to broach the
subject of the secretary of state and her involvement it the coup. Brad said to Mike, “Do you think you could pull off again what you did with the lawyer dude on Janet Cortez?”

  “What is her family,” he asked. Billy was called in for an update on the life of Janet Cortez. Billy told the group that she was married to a stock broker with three kids ages sixteen, seventeen and twenty. Her age is forty five and touted as brilliant holding a PhD in International Studies. The family net worth tops two million mostly from stock investments and other stuff not worth mentioning. The two kids live at home going to a private high school and the twenty year old is at the Georgetown University. Oh by the way the oldest is a boy and the two younger ones are girls.”

  Mike digested the information and then asked, “Where do they live?”

  “They live near the university where the son goes to school in a brown stone up and downstairs with a fenced hedged property.”

  “Okay let’s give this some thought. Mike let’s you and I take a walk with Sandy.” Wendy and Agent Jones went back doing what ifs with the blue prints of the press room and surrounding rooms. A half hour later they left the prints on the floor and went for a walk together. Sujin could see love blooming between agent Jones and Wendy. After they left, the Master and Sujin took their positions over the prints. The Master with a long fingernail traced a few paths on the inside of the complex and then to the outside spending more time looking at the outside than the inside. Sujin followed his long finger nail and when he stopped at the garden area, he smiled with his eyes at her.

  Brad and Mike at first walked down the sidewalk not saying anything. Mike said, “Brad, how do I get her alone to put the pressure on with her secret service all over her. I will look the house over, but so many kids home will be a problem. My best bet might be catch her in her bathroom at night. But that is really risky too. Damn, you got an idea?”


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