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The Love of Vincenzo: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles)

Page 6

by Scarlett, Rosalind

  My hand creeping inward, I located the enticing crevice which led to her sex. My fingers slid over the slickness there, causing her to moan freely into my mouth.

  I could not wait any longer. I had to know this woman more intimately.

  “Giuliana, I must taste you now,” I said roughly. Without waiting for a response, I lifted her up so that she straddled my chest.

  As I delighted in the display of her right there above his eyes, she looked down at me with trepidation. My eyes raked over her gorgeous form, my hands moving to her breasts. Touching my finger first to her mound, and then to my lips, I commanded lustily, “I want your sex right here upon my mouth.”

  Her eyes widened with modesty at my lascivious suggestion. “I have never done that before,” she said softly, lowering her eyes demurely.

  It pleased me to know she still retained some of her innocence.

  “Well then, I shall be honoured to be the first to show you the pleasure! Now perch your succulent pussy upon my mouth so that I may devour its nectar.”

  Smiling modestly, to my delight, she lifted off my chest, and moved forwards to place her knees on either side of my head. Placing my hands upon her hips, I urged her upwards. Inhaling her in, I remarked, “Oh, Giuliana! How your scent enflames me!”

  Inhaling deeply, she lowered her sex to me, my lips eagerly greeting her flesh. She gasped when I wasted not a moment in seeking her out with my tongue. I devoured her as a man who had been long deprived of food.

  At last, she seemed to relax and submit herself to the pleasure which I was so willingly bestowing upon her.

  Closing her eyes, she moaned as my tongue deftly explored the soft petals of her flesh. Making my tongue rigid, I pressed it up inside of her, moving it in and out of her.

  What is it about her? Giuliana tastes far more delectable than other woman I have had!

  Then, she did something which stunned me, even as it delighted me. She grabbed hold of my head, impelling it firmer against her, as though demanding to feel my tongue deeper.

  What else could I do? I yielded, thrusting my tongue as deep as I could within her, savouring the taste of her all the more. Her resulting moans made the centre of my own sex ache with want for her, the sounds of her pleasure driving me to intense yearning stirring the blood within my veins to rush to my core.

  Managing to escape her grasp, I took control back, and shifted my attentions to the budding pearl at the uppermost portion of her flower. Commencing to flicking it with the tip of my tongue, Giuliana’s lips began to quiver, a lurid moan escaping them as I drew it between my lips, sucking upon it devotedly, my tongue brushing against it rhythmically.

  As I persisted in adoringly bathing her succulent flesh with my tongue, I sensed her breath shortening, coming more unevenly. And then, yet another defining moment of my life, wave after beautiful wave, my love gave herself over to me. Her ecstasy reverberating through her, she writhed atop my face, as insatiably I drank in the nectar of her sex liquefying right into my mouth.

  My hands clutching onto her hips, I lifted her once more, setting her to straddle me, the feel of her moist flesh prompting yet more blood to rush to my already engorged organ. Giuliana whimpered with need, rising up to position herself over me. Hot and beyond ready for her, my sex sprang up in response. She glided her sex against it, as the tip slid effortlessly into her. As though unable to hold back any longer, in one swift move, she impaled herself upon my cock, instigating both of us to groan.

  Moaning heartily, Giuliana moved herself back and forth on me luxuriously, leaning forward to press the softness of her breasts into the firmness of my chest, gazing into my eyes. As we made love, I suddenly felt overcome with a mixture of emotions which I, in all the countless times I had had a woman, never had felt before. To combat the strange sensation of hot moisture which lay threatening behind my eyes, my mouth reclaimed hers once more, conveying to her in the ferocity of that kiss the depth of passion I knew no other means of expressing.

  Determined to recuperate the control of my masculinity, quite suddenly I flipped her over so that she now lay beneath me. Her eyes wide, she gazed up at me, looking so deliciously vulnerable, as I hovered over her. I reclaimed her mouth as I plunged myself deep into her with long, unwavering strides.

  Giuliana’s lurid moans filling the room, her ecstasy rushed forth once more, the exquisite sensation of it gripping about my cock the most intoxicating feeling ever.

  Fueled by the intensity of her pleasure, I groaned involuntarily, feeling my own climax swiftly rushing forth. With one final hard thrust, my seed spilled deep into the abyss of her, her sex still clamping about my cock, milking it of everything I had.

  As we lay there in the afterglow of our love, my head whirled, my body left to tingling. My arms engulfing her, I held Giuliana tight as she nestled snug against me. Engrossed in this novel feeling of affection, though the needs of my physical body had been well satisfied, still it seemed I needed more, could not get quite enough of her.

  My hands never ceasing their light caressing of her skin, I planted soft kisses upon her hair, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Very soon, I felt her grow heavier, her head and body melding into mine. As she lay sleeping there in my arms, I was amazed at the depth of my feelings for her. As I felt myself join her in blissful slumber, I knew without question that I had never known love before she had come along.

  Chapter Seven

  I was awoken to the early soft hues of dawn filtering through her chamber window. Though I wished to remain in that blissful state with her endlessly, the stark reality of the direness of the situation in which I was intruded. It would be only a matter of time before they came looking for me, and I was certain it would not be to merely administer a slap on the wrist. The proprietors of Sanguelascivia had made it painfully clear to us many times before that they would go to whatever lengths necessary to preserve their coveted standing among Vampire society. Insolence of any kind would not be tolerated.

  Not even for the purpose of our own self-preservation.

  Well aware that any Vampires would now have retreated to the shelter of their chambers, I knew what I must do. My eyes fell upon Giuliana, slumbering sound as a babe within my arms, her head nestled against my chest, a contented smile upon her face. I thought she was beautiful to me before, yet that was so trivial, so utterly blind, compared to how immensely beautiful she appeared to me in this dreamlike moment, now that I knew how she felt, now that she had willingly given of herself to me.

  She trusted me.

  And that is why I must do what I knew had to be done…

  Oh, but God, she feels so wonderful here in my arms, the softness of her skin against me, her warmth melting away any hardness left in me. How can I possibly think about leaving this unbelievable woman?

  I was struggling hard against myself, against the part of me which had only just discovered the beauty and magic of genuine love for the first time in my life with the part of me that told me if I truly loved her, then I needed to be a real man and do what must be done, in order to protect her.

  Gazing down at this enchanting creature resting snug within my arms, I stroked her chestnut hair, feeling it like silk slipping through my fingers and let my lips graze the skin of her forehead, careful not to wake her. Then I slipped out from under her, laying her head softly upon the pillow.

  Finding a piece of paper upon her writing desk, I scribbled a few quick words upon it before leaving her chamber.

  My beloved Giuliana,

  You have altered me more than you shall ever know.

  However, fate has dictated that I must leave here.

  I hope you will accept my deepest apologies.

  I love you.

  Eternally Yours,


  How it devastated me to turn away. I could have gazed upon her sweetness forever.

  But alas, forever I did not have.

  I wished I could be mesmerized by her soulful eyes one last time. But that w
ould only make it all the more difficult to leave. No, rather it would be impossible. I would not be able to be strong enough under her entrancing gaze which, with one look alone, had already captured my heart and soul so effortlessly.

  My swelling heart ascending into my throat, I tried to swallow back the pain, tried not to allow my unaccustomed emotions to override me.

  I must go now lest I make the grave mistake of falling to my knees before her and compromising the both of us.

  Quietly, I gathered my garments— and one of hers— and slipped through the door. Wish as I might, I dared not look back just one last time. The memory of her vision would be forever ingrained upon my heart. With each look at her, my fortitude weakened a little more, threatening to be the downfall of me.

  Slipping into my trousers in the corridor, I quickly made my way to my chamber, praying that they would not be there forebodingly waiting inside for my return. Upon opening the door, I was relieved to see that it appeared empty. Hastily, I shoved some garments into the old satchel I had brought with me upon leaving the farm six years earlier, along with the gown I had taken from Giuliana’s chamber and a few other personal effects.

  Just holding her garment for that second was enough to detect that it was heavy with the scent of her and, though I longed to, I knew I could not pause to relish the aroma of it now. I would savour it later, when my heart needed the reminder that she had indeed been real.

  Chapter Eight

  The satchel thrown over my back, I opened the back door at Sanguelascivia. I was rather surprised to have gotten this far without any trouble. But then they were Vampires and it was daytime. What could they do? Still, I half expected someone to be lurking in the shadows to apprehend me, to drag me back and administer my illfated justice.

  I glanced down at the calling card clutched in my hand. It was my ticket out of there, my only hope for a second chance. There was no question that I could not stay anywhere near Venice, or likely on the streets of any city. Word of a human man killing a Vampire would spread fast among them. They would be out for blood.

  Well, more than usual, that is.

  Niccolò seems like a decent enough guy, for one of them, that is.

  I was not out of danger yet. I still had to get from Venice to Florence safely. Depending upon how I was to travel, that would be a long journey. At least, I had the entire day of knowing the Vampires would still be tucked away.

  If I can just make it there by twilight…

  With the little bit of money I had been able to stash in my bag, I was able to hire a coach to drive me there.

  It was dusk when I arrived in the city of Florence, the place which gave birth to the Renaissance. It was an undeniably beautiful city. Somehow I had missed coming through it on my way to Venice six years earlier. Had I visited it then, I may very well have just stayed on there. It possessed a sort of comfortable ambiance which made even a newcomer feel right at home.

  Easily finding the house by the address listed upon the calling card, I stood before the impressive double door grand entrance of a stately Renaissance building. Even after all this way I had come, I hesitated a moment before knocking, to reassess myself.

  Is this is what I really want? Well, no, not exactly. I know what it is I truly want. Though alas, that cannot be. As it was with Romeo and Juliet, Giuliana and I are star-crossed lovers, destined to love one another divinely, yet never be together.

  Though the vast majority of the performers at Sanguelascivia had been waiting to pounce at the chance to be offered a permanent arrangement with a Vampire— particularly since forming a lasting bond meant the human would enjoy a fleeting taste of immortality for the duration of the bond—never had I possessed any desire to enter that type of covenant— especially not with one of them. I had always prided myself on electing to retain my free will, rather than submitting to the will of one of those creatures.

  So what the hell was I doing here now?


  This woman really had altered my course, in more ways than I wanted to admit. But, I did not exactly have many other options at that moment, now did I?

  Before I could think myself out of it, I raised my hand and knocked upon the massive dark wooden door.

  Perhaps he will not even remember me. I have heard of how these Vampires can be so fickle in nature. Perhaps he has already claimed another for his servant.

  An older female house servant answered the door, her expression expectant.

  I cleared my throat to speak. “Buona Sera, Signora. I am Vincenzo of Venice. I have come to call upon Signor Niccolò.”

  She turned to relay the message, however, the distinguished Vampire was already striding up to the door, his face beaming with joyous astonishment. At once, I felt more at ease within myself.

  Perhaps this will not be so terrible, after all— save for the fact of having to abandon my sweet Giuliana.

  “Ah, Vincenzo! Do come in!” he exclaimed, his arms open in welcome. “How are you, Ragazzo?”

  The interior of his home was even grander than I had expected. Or perhaps it was simply that many years had passed since I had been in a grand home such as his. Sleek marble floors lining the foyer, the walls were adorned with paintings by several famous artists from the Renaissance era. The showpiece in the centre of the room was a larger than life size statue of a nude young man standing proudly.

  “I am well, Niccolò, grazie,” I answered, affecting a grin, though I could clearly see he was not altogether convinced. “And you?”

  Niccolò gazed at me with a focused expression for an extended moment as though he was attempting to perceive my inner thoughts, but then appeared to have shrugged it off for the moment. “I could not be better than I am in this moment!” he suddenly answered full of enthusiasm. He thought a moment before adding, “I must say, Vincenzo, I did not expect to ever see you at my door. You look well!”

  I look well? Hmph! Yeah, right! It is hell I am certain I look like. But it is kind of him to suggest otherwise. That is the kind of man he is.

  I wondered whether I should tell him what happened. While Niccolò seemed like such a fine gentleman, I had to remind myself that he was still a Vampire. His reaction to hearing that I had slain one of his own kind may be too unpredictable. I could not take my chances.

  “Well, after some heartfelt consideration, I decided I could not pass up your gracious offer,” I answered simply. “That is, if it still stands?”

  A great smile broke across his face as he clasped his hands together with glee. “But of course, Vincenzo! Nothing would delight me more!” Then I watched his face alter to one of concern, his infectious smile fading away as he enquired, “If I may ask, I am dying to know what happened with your ladylove?”

  The mere mention of her revived my carefully placed glorious image of the woman I could not be with to the surface of my fragile mind where it merged with the ever present throbbing ache and flared, making it impossible to maintain my already faltering pretense any longer.

  Swallowing back the emotion already brimming to my throat, I answered him cautiously, “Things were just not meant to be between us, that is all.” I wanted to be sure to terminate this conversation before it could go any further, or there was no guarantee I could remain composed as I had somehow managed up to this point. I could not talk about Giuliana, to Niccolò or anyone else. It was much too painful. I had to keep her locked safely in the depths of my memory if I was to get through this and go on with my life.

  Seeming to comprehend what I was endeavouring to do, he merely smiled at me sadly. “Well, I am sorry to hear that, Vincenzo.” His smile turning exultant once more, he added, “Nonetheless, I am overjoyed to have you here!”

  Returning his smile, I responded, “As am I, Niccolò, thank you for having me.”

  I was a bit surprised that someone as distinguished and seemingly kind as Niccolò still remained without a devoted servant of his own. But then I realised that due to that very fact, he must be rather dis
cerning with his offers. That knowledge should be very flattering to me, and I suppose it still was. Just not as much as it would have been several weeks ago. Now my mind was clouded with just one thought.


  Stop it, Vincenzo! You must not dwell upon her!

  As I had now committed myself to being the sole lover and blood servant of a male Vampire, I vowed never to be with another woman again, waiting until fate would reunite me with my Giuliana.

  “Vincenzo,” Niccolò said cheerily, interrupting my self-torturous musings. “Please, if you will allow me to show you to your personal bedchamber.”

  “Certainly, Niccolò. Grazie.”

  He led me up the grand staircase, overlaid with an intricately patterned exotic carpet. The upstairs corridor was flanked with a seemingly endless line of tall doors. I had to wonder how many rooms his house must have. At last Niccolò stopped in front of a door. When he opened it to show me in, I was astonished.

  And I thought my chamber at Sanguelascivia was elegant! That was no comparison to this!

  At least twice as large as my chamber at Sanguelascivia had been, the room showcased a majestic hand carved four poster bed in the centre, swathed with down filled embroidered bedclothes in imported ivory silk. Every angle of the room was trimmed in elabourately carved woodwork. The walls, which were ensconced in a luxurious gold jacquard fabric, presented yet more fine paintings, most of them featuring dashing young gentlemen.

  “Will this be sufficiently adequate for you, Vincenzo?” Niccolò enquired kindly.

  Adequate, he asks?

  I had to laugh to myself. It was a chamber fit for royalty!

  I was nearly speechless. How in the world had I gotten so fortunate? God knows I did not deserve such good fortune, especially after what I had done to Giuliana.

  She should be here with me! Not still at Sanguelascivia, being subjected to engaging in all of those shameful acts. My angel is so far above that. And I have left her there in hell. Which is where I deserve to be! In hell for my selfish sins.


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