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Earthlight Space Academy Boxset

Page 53

by Heather Lee Dyer

  “And my brother. But how will they get in?”

  Kai shakes his head.

  I stand up quickly. “Wait. Those engines below. I thought it was so weird they’d put the shop with the largest parts in the deepest level.” I turn to Philip. “Can you hack into the academy’s main frame? I need to see if you can find the original blueprints for Earthlight.”

  Philip looks thoughtful. “Yes, I think I did see their plans last time I was in there.” He pulls out his tablet and his soon lost in his newest challenge.

  “What are you thinking?” Rand asks.

  “I think it might not be so strange for those engines to be down in the lowest level. Have any of you been down there? It looks like a huge mech shop.”

  Josh steps forward. “I was there last year.” His gaze skitters over Katrina. “I often went down there by myself to tinker on the engines.”

  “You can work on engines?” For some reason I imagined Josh never getting his hands dirty.

  Redness creeps up his neck. “I’m not very good, but I enjoyed it when my father wasn’t around.”

  “His father didn’t approve of manual labor,” says Katrina before I can verbalize my question.

  I nod.

  “When I was down there, I found huge doors, kind of like the ones up in the space dock. I could never get them open, though. But it could lead to some sort of tunnel out.” Josh shoves his hands into his pockets.

  I snap my fingers, startling him. “That’s how they got the engines and other supplies into the academy.” I turn to Kai. “And that’s how the general is getting in.”

  He looks thoughtful. “The base is less than an hour away. And they couldn’t have evacuated far with my father being so sick.”

  “I found it,” Philip exclaims. He shoves his tablet in front of me and pokes at a section. “Here.”

  There on the screen is the floor plan for the lowest level. Two large rooms connect past the lift Kai and I took down there. The large engines were in the first room closest to the lift. I trace my finger across the screen as it leads to the second room, marked “Storage.” There, on opposite walls are two more exits. I zoom in to see that one is a large cargo lift and the other leads away from the academy.

  I look up at Philip, goosebumps rising on my arms. “Nothing on where this tunnel leads to?”

  He shakes his head. “Nope. Just that exit.” His eyes sparkle just like when he first hacked into the academy’s computer.

  “You love this stuff.” I laugh. “Hacking is your drug.”

  Philip blushes and ducks his head.

  I hand him back his tablet. “It’s all right, I admire that about you. You’ve found something you enjoy. And are amazing at.”

  He smiles and takes his tablet.

  “Now what do we do?” asks Alex. He’s been sitting quietly this whole time.

  I grin. “Now we prepare for company. Can you, Sean, Katrina, and Josh check on the status of our project with the other students? I think we’ll need to have something to give the general.”

  “I’ve got the program ready. We can try it as soon as we get the parts availability lists from the Year Ones.” Philip joins Alex and the others around the small table in the corner.

  “And me?” asks Rand.

  “You feel like a late-night trip to the cafeteria?” I grin.

  “Always. But why?”

  “From the looks of the general, they haven’t slept or eaten much the last few days. See if the cafeteria crew will give you a bunch of protein bars and fresh fruit for our guests.”

  Rand’s handsome face softens. “I think I can get them to do that.”

  “And water bottles. They might need water.” A cold twisting pain settles in my stomach as I think of what Cam might’ve been through the last few weeks. I take a deep breath and grab Kai’s hand.

  “Meet us down in the mech shop. If you need help, ask someone from our group. I don’t want to worry the other students.”

  Rand nods and hurries toward the lifts.

  Kai and I walk slowly.

  “Is it strange we haven’t heard from the commander?”

  I shrug. “Maybe? I guess we’re so used to taking care of ourselves I really didn’t think about what he’s doing.”

  The lift door opens just as a loud screech sounds from my pack. Kai pulls me away from the lift and we hunker down against the wall. The floor feels like it drops underneath us, and I let out a startled scream. Kai tugs me closer and I close my eyes until our world settles down.

  We stand up and stare at one another.

  “They’re getting closer.” I adjust my pack.

  Kai’s eyes widen. “The general. What if they were in the tunnel during that?”

  A stab of pain goes through my chest as I mash the button to recall the lift. The doors open and I step in.

  Kai hesitates. “You think it’s safe after that much shaking?”

  I look around at the lift. “There aren’t any alarms going off. I think we’re fine. We don’t have time to find another way.”

  He steps in and gathers me in his arms as we ride down into the bowels of the academy.


  Real Nightmare

  When the lift doors open safely at the lower level, I realize I’m holding my breath. I take in a few steadying breaths as we hurry into the large room. We zigzag around the large engines as the lights snap on ahead of us.

  The door between the two rooms slides open as we approach. The next room is empty except for a dozen or so boxes stacked against the far wall. We stand in front of the large double doors to the left.

  “Josh said he tried to get them open,” Kai says as he runs a hand across the rough metal door frame.

  “But he didn’t have a hacker on his side.” I point to the bio pad next to the door. I get out my tablet and send Philip a message. “Maybe he can get into the security protocols to access this door.”

  “I hope so.” Kai starts pacing.

  “The general will keep them safe,” I say more to assure myself than Kai.

  My tablet pings. “He did it.” I place my hand on the bio pad and wait.

  We stare at the door.

  “Maybe?” I readjust my palm, my pulse increasing.

  Kai lets out a strangled noise as the doors crack open. The metal doors scraping across the floor is loud and we cover our ears. When they stop moving, we peek into the tunnel.

  “No lights?” asks Kai.

  I take a small step inside. With a soft popping noise, a string of faint bulbs turns on one by one down the long tunnel.

  I look at Kai. “Ready?”

  He nods. I tuck my tablet into my backpack and start walking. Kai grasps my hand and we hurry down the damp tunnel together.

  “At least we don’t have to crawl,” I joke as I inhale the familiar earthy smell.

  Kai doesn’t respond. He pulls me to a stop, and I turn to face him. He tilts his head, listening. I hold my breath. That’s when I hear faint voices.

  We take off jogging. The voices sound closer and we slow down before a sharp curve in the tunnel.

  A light bobs ahead and when we come around the corner we’re blinded by the light in our eyes.

  I shade my eyes with my free hand.

  “Anja?” My heart stops when I hear Cam’s small voice.

  I’m tackled to the ground. The wind is knocked out of me and I hear shouts down the tunnel.

  “It’s all right,” says Kai to the others. “He does this to her all the time. She’s used to it.”

  I grin into Cam’s out of control hair and hug him to me. Kai helps us both up and I keep a tight hold on Cam. “I’m happy to see you too, Cam.” I ruffle his hair.

  He growls under his breath but doesn’t let go.

  “Is everyone all right? That was quite the shaking we experienced,” Kai asks into the darkness.

  The general steps out of the shadows after the lights are lowered. “We’ve suffered a few bruises, but nothing too bad.”

  “And my father?” Kai asks. His hands are balled up by his sides, the only sign he’s worried.

  “Back here. I’ll take you to him. There aren’t any lights down this part of the tunnel.” He hands Kai a flashlight.

  I reluctantly turn with Cam and we head back toward the academy.

  “So, how’s Mr. Chao?” I squeeze Cam.

  “He’s doing better. He’s upset because they have him in a grav chair. And because Mom was sent to the spaceport without him.”

  My heart spikes at him calling someone other than our mom that. I swallow. “Why did they do that?”

  “The general says everyone needs to go to the spaceport as soon as we can. She took my kitten with her too. But Dad’s heart isn’t ready for the kind of G-force needed to leave Earth.”

  I frown. “I guess it’s better we found out now than if he just went straight there.”

  “The general says Dad just needs some rest, then he’ll be able to fly.”

  A lump forms in my throat at the sound of familiarity between Cam and Kai’s parents. Cam deserves to have real parents.

  We step into the storage room and Cam relaxes under my arm. We’re both startled as the doors between the rooms open.

  Rand steps in, his arms loaded with boxes.

  I smile. “Hungry, Cam?”

  “Starving!” He lets go of me and races over to help Rand lower the boxes to the floor.

  I roll my eyes. “You’re always on the edge of starving.”


  Rand laughs as Cam inhales a protein bar. “Good thing your sister knows you so well. The cafeteria was already closing up for the night. Had to bribe them with private lessons.”

  “Private lessons in what?” I narrow my eyes at him.

  He gazes over at me and bats his eyes. “Nothing sinister. Just lessons on getting past the last few sims.”

  We hear voices behind us and turn to see the first of the general’s soldiers coming out of the tunnel loaded with large metal boxes. The boxes thud on the floor as they drop them near the far wall.

  Next I see Mr. Chao navigating his grav chair toward us. Kai walks beside him looking annoyed. I lean toward Cam. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that expression on Kai’s face before.”

  “I told you he doesn’t like being in that chair.” He lowers his voice. “I stayed up front with the scouts, so I didn’t have to hear him complain.”

  I stifle a laugh as the pair enters the room. Kai hurries over to us and grabs Cam up in his arms. I grin as I watch Cam hug him back. Mr. Chao heads straight over to the soldiers stacking the crates. In between Cam’s squeals from Kai tickling him, I hear Mr. Chao giving orders. The soldiers glance around and shrug.

  “I’d better go rescue them.” Kai puts Cam down and with a roll of his eyes he strides over to his father.

  “Where’s the general?” I look down the empty tunnel.

  “Probably getting our father,” Cam says darkly.

  I twist to face Cam. “What?”

  “He’s here. Where else would he be?”

  “On his way back to Starlight Max.” I wave my arms.

  Cam snags an apple out of one of the boxes. “He’s been with us since we abandoned the base.”

  A cold chill runs down my spine. “Did he try to talk to you?”

  Cam swallows before answering, knowing I hate it when he talks with his mouth full. “Yes, all the time. That might be another reason Dad is so worked up.”

  My stomach threatens to heave up my last meal. “You know our father isn’t well. Mentally. You shouldn’t listen to what he says.”

  “I know. The general told me. I didn’t understand half of what he talked about anyway.”

  I pull Cam into a hug. “I’m glad you have Mr. and Mrs. Chao.”

  I hear a muffled “me too.” I let him go as I hear the general’s voice coming down the tunnel.

  “Why don’t we have Rand take you upstairs? You can hang out with my friends until I get back up there.”

  “All right,” says Cam and shoves the last bite into his mouth. He looks up at Rand with an adoring expression.

  Rand grins down on him and nods toward the boxes on the floor. “There should be enough for everyone down here.”

  “Thanks, Rand. I need to talk to the general for a bit, then we’ll be back up there.”

  I watch as they hurry across the big room, with Cam running around the engines like an obstacle course. I turn as the soldiers come to attention when the general comes out of the tunnel. He waves at them to relax and maneuvers another grav chair into the room.

  My mouth goes dry as I see my father for the second time since he left our family. Was forced to leave, I remind myself. His hands and feet are shackled again. But this time he’s gagged.

  “I couldn’t stand hearing him talk about all that crap,” the general offers when he sees me noticing the gag.

  My father turns to give the general a glare. His red hair falls over his face ruining the intended threat.

  Kai joins us and slips his hand into mine. I smile up at him gratefully.

  “Sorry, I should’ve warned you I still had him with us,” says the general. He then orders four soldiers to surround the grav chair as we make our way out of the storage room.

  I glance back to see one of the soldiers close the tunnel and stand at attention next to it. “Don’t they need to rest?”

  “They’ll take turns guarding the tunnel. I have more at the other end as well.”

  “Will you at least let them eat?” I point to the food boxes Rand brought down, that are now being carried by several soldiers.

  “Yes, they’ll take turns with that too.” He slows his pace. “Have you heard from the commander?”

  “No. Have you?”

  The general shakes his head. “I sent him up north to our other base.”

  Kai and I weave around one of the large engines. “I didn’t know we had another base up north, other than the one near the spaceport.”

  “Officially we don’t. It’s been a secret for a long time.”

  “Is he getting the Leviathan?”

  The general stops walking. “How’d you know that’s where we keep it?”

  I stop and turn to face him. “Good guess?” My palms start sweating.

  He scoffs. “You and your friends are security’s worst nightmare.”

  I smile and glance at Kai. “I’ll take that as a compliment. But I also heard they’re disbanding the Security Intelligence Agency.”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “You heard that too?”

  I shrug not wanting to say anything else that might get Alex in trouble.

  “Never mind. Here’s something you might not know. I can’t send your father back to Starlight Max. They’ve got it locked down due to a facility-wide riot.”

  I gasp. “Seriously? And our government was going to send someone like Josh there?”

  “He would’ve been in a less secure wing in the upper levels.”

  “But aren’t those on lockdown too?”

  The general nods, frowning.

  “So, what are you going to do with him?” I point at the grav chair ahead of us.

  “I could use him to experiment on.” I turn to see Mr. Chao has caught up to us. He’s smiling as his chair drifts next to Kai.

  “What kind of experiments are you working on?” I smile back, glad he seems healthy despite just having a heart attack.

  He glances sideways at me. “Maybe combining human genes with frogs?” he says loudly.

  Muffled protests come from my father.

  I laugh. “I didn’t realize you were so funny.”

  “Ask your brother. He’s always laughing at me.”

  I grin. “Better you than me. I’ve had my years of humiliation from him. Your turn.”

  “I’ll take it.”

  Kai laughs, shaking his head.

  We stop at the lift and wait for everyone to catch up.

  “Where are you going to s
tay?” I ask the general.

  “The Seven have temporary housing behind the auditorium we can stay in.”

  I picture the lavish decorations and carpeted hallways I discovered last year. “I thought there had to be other reasons for an overly decorated seating room.”

  The general grunts. “Yes, let’s hope my soldiers don’t get too comfortable.” He maneuvers my father onto the lift with the four soldiers. He steps in. “It might be safer for Kai’s father to stay on the residential levels with you two.”

  I nod. “Of course.”

  The doors close. We let the other soldiers go up next. When the empty lift opens again for us, we push the grav chair straight in. We stand at the back wall so that we can face Mr. Chao.

  He looks at Kai. “I’m sorry things are so bad right now. I really hoped for a better life for you.”

  Kai shakes his head. “None of this is your fault. If we were still back in China, we’d be facing the same problems. But worse.” He raises our clasped hands and kisses the back of mine. “At least here I’ve found my best friends.”

  I feel warmth work its way up my neck.

  Mr. Chao smiles. “Yes, I can see that.”

  The lift opens and I hurry out ahead of them so my cheeks have a chance to go back to normal. Kai gets the chair out and facing the right way. I walk ahead since the corridor isn’t wide enough for the three of us.

  I turn the corner that leads to the community room and see Cam running toward us. I have just enough time to move out of the way before he barrels past me and into the wall.

  “Ooph!.” He slumps to the floor winded.

  I stand over him, my hands on my hips. “You really need to be more careful. You can’t keep doing that to me without paybacks.” I stick my tongue out and help him up.

  “Safe now?” asks Kai, grinning as he leads his father around the corner. “I held back just in case.”


  We continue down the corridor and find everyone still awake. Kai introduces his father and we end up talking until the early morning hours. Cam falls asleep on the couch.

  “I don’t want to wake him. I’ll just stay out here with him.”

  Kai nods and hands me a blanket. “I thought you might say that. I’m going to get my father settled into my bunk and come back out and join you two.” He kisses me before escorting his father back into the dorms.


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