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Protector's Claim

Page 7

by Airicka Phoenix

  “Don’t,” she whispered. “Please.” She licked her lips, lips still damp from mine, and my cock stiffened. “I’m really nervous,” she went on, her tone trembling despite her attempts at keeping it light. “Could ... could we keep the blindfold on? Please?”

  I should have said something. My mouth opened, her name poised on the tip of my tongue. I just couldn’t find my voice. It was completely absent. It had abandoned me, right along with every shred of decency I ever possessed.

  I pulled her to me.

  I plastered her perfect frame into mine, ignored her little gasp, and reclaimed her mouth.


  Every heartbeat shared between us thrummed with my impatience, with my inner self loathing.

  I wanted to do things to her that shamed even me.

  I wanted to strip her down, break her apart, and put her back together.

  I wanted to take her home, lock us up in my room and never leave.

  But all I could do was remind myself this wasn’t just some random girl.

  This wasn’t someone I could afford to lose.

  I started to break the kiss, mind made up. I would tell her. I would reveal myself. I would end this fantasy.

  But I was caught in her arms. I was captured in the lithe length of her settling perfectly against mine. I was drowning in the musky scent of her filling the room, begging me to keep going.

  But it was her eager mouth meeting mine, shy, but encouraging that sealed my fate. Her fingers wove into my hair, restraining me to her as she lit my whole world on fire.

  “Is this okay?”

  Her quiet murmur propelled me to take her, to show her just how okay she was. It drove me to lift her up into my arms and carry her to the bed.

  The mattress sank beneath our combined weight. The cool sheets came up against her back, eliciting a little sound from her.

  Stopping was no longer an option. I knew this was it. I had her on the bed, her legs wide around my hips. There was no turning back.

  I would take her.

  I would claim her.

  I would take everything she had to appease the fire raging inside me.

  But first, I needed to break her.

  I needed to taste her.

  I lowered myself to the soft flesh of her inner thighs. Their utter paleness drove me to color them pink, to paint them with handprints and teeth marks.

  But the rules had been clear not to hurt her, mark her. I couldn’t risk scaring her. So, I satisfied my urges by streaming kisses down her inner knee, following a fine vein all the way to where the hem of her slip hid her from me.

  The woman beneath me shifted, subtle little grinds of her hips against the mattress. Her toes curled and unfurled, mirroring her fingers twisting into the sheets.

  She was a bundle of sexual tension.

  She was a wet, horny mess waiting for me to fuck her.

  Christ, did I ever want to. My cock was screaming for it. The only thing stopping me was the lack of protection. I hadn’t thought to bring a condom. I hadn’t thought I would need one at an auction house.

  I reached for the end tables and found both empty.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered, having heard me rattling around with the drawers. “They have us on the pill. It’s in the paperwork as part of the package.”

  On the pill.

  God, they wanted me to come in her. They wanted me to leave her dripping ... the visuals alone were nearly my undoing. As if it wasn’t enough that I would take her virginity, but for days after, my semen would serve as a reminder that I’d been there, that I’d filled her with my dick and come.

  It was dangerous, a high-level risk. What influential businessman worth billions would ever allow his DNA to possibly be used against him? Unlike me, they didn’t know these girls. They didn’t know what could happen if their semen fell into the wrong hands.

  But I wanted it.

  Fuck, I’d never wanted anything more in my life.

  I wanted to see her at dinner tomorrow and only I would know she was leaking in her panties.

  The need was too great.

  The temptation too strong.

  I pushed her skirt up, unwrapping my present to myself. Gabby’s knees twitched as though she was attempting to close them, but I wouldn’t have it.

  It was mine.

  She was mine.

  If only for that single night, I fucking owned her and I would have her. I would not be stopped.

  I forced my shoulders in, wedging them between her thighs and forcing her apart, crude, degrading. Nothing hidden. All open to me.

  Gabby made a sound, something between a whimper and a gasp.

  I bought you, I wanted to remind her. You won’t keep me from taking what is now mine.

  But I didn’t. One murmur of my voice and the games would be over. I wasn’t ready for that.

  I touched her.

  I pried apart her soft, hairless lips with my thumbs, exposing the very heart of her. Folds of satiny pink flesh greeted me, a perfect, little hole never before touched, nestled beneath a pool of arousal created by me.

  Yet her willingness sparked an irrational pulse of blinding jealousy I had no right to feel.

  She was there with me.

  She was wet for me.

  She wanted me.

  But she had no idea who I was. To her, I was a faceless stranger, some man who bought her at an auction. But she was wet.

  The insanity nearly drove me to liberate her of the blind fold, fuck her request. I wanted her to see me, to see my face when I made her come, to know I was the first and the last man who would ever have her.

  I didn’t.

  It made me selfish and greedy, possibly even a bastard, but I wanted her too badly to allow her the option to leave.

  I stroked her clit with the tip of one finger. I teased the hard, little muscle, relishing the way her entire body seemed to coil beneath that single whisper of my touch. I was no longer keeping her knees apart; she was practically splitting herself in half for me.

  I pinched the bit of skin, hard enough to tear her hips off the mattress. Her wail sang through me as I rolled her clit like a bead between my thumb and index finger, pausing occasionally to tug.

  Clear, white liquid trickled from her slit. I watched the rush coat her perfect ass hole and soak into the sheets. The sheer amount of it had me dipping my fingers into her hot center and dragging the moisture to slicken her clit, her lips, everything. Everything I could paint with my fingers.


  I blinked. I’d forgotten all about her. I’d been so caught up in my new fascination I’d forgotten it was attached to a person.

  Drawing out of my single-minded obsession, I focused on her.

  I impaled her on a finger. Just one to get her started. I wasn’t sure what she was normally used to, if anything, but I would act on the side of caution.

  Her pained grunt had me easing the speed and depth of my pumps. I let her get accustomed to one before adding a second.

  Gabby cried out. Her back lifted in an arch. Her hands caught my wrist, not pushing it away, but not letting me in any deeper.

  I wanted to tell her it would be okay, that I would make sure she liked it, but all I could do was pull back enough to shed my clothes. Then I reached for her slip. It joined my outfit on the floor.

  She was trembling when I climbed over her. Her limbs circled me, tense but welcoming. Her thighs opened wide to allow my hips to align comfortably with her opening.

  I wanted to ask if they were taught to do that, but I didn’t want to know.

  I kissed her.

  I trailed my lips over her mouth, along her jaw, down, down to take a nipple into my mouth. Her breathy sigh pushed the supple mound deeper into my touch.

  I cradled both and took turns sucking each in time with the roll of my hips. My cock was drenched in her juices. There would be no need for lubrication. She was plenty wet.

  I slithered down her body to where I was dy
ing to bury myself and licked her, one good sweep of my tongue from hole to clit. I lapped up all her cream and even drove inside for the rest.

  Gabby sobbed and thrashed. Her nails bit into my scalp, urging me not to stop as I fucked her with my mouth, my tongue, my fingers. She didn’t even notice I had her stretched open on two.

  “I feel it...” she choked. “I think I’m...”

  The confusion and surprise made me think she’d never had an orgasm, or not a very good one.

  I pushed her over. I guided her straight off the cliff and held her there with a thumb over her pulsating clit as I scrambled over her and plunged my cock inside her seizing pussy.

  Gabby screamed. Her nails tore strips down my back but I was inside her. My cock was rocking against her fluttering walls, dragging out her release until she was moaning into my shoulder.


  My fucking Gabby.

  I love you, I wanted to snarl into the hammering little pulse at her throat.

  I kissed it instead as I continued pumping inside her warm heat. I kissed her mouth, claiming her every moan and whimper.

  I came in her.

  I expelled every ounce of my hot, sticky essence into her willing body and let it drown her. I kept my twitching cock buried where it was, a cork keeping her from spilling even as it leaked from around the seams.

  Gabby purred, a soft, feminine sound of pleasure that reminded me of a content kitten. Her body wiggled under mine, not for release, but a satisfied stretching of her limbs.

  “That felt amazing,” she whispered.

  Give me a minute and I’ll beat that, I wanted to say.

  But I pushed up on my elbows and peered down into her face. It glowed a misty pink I would have given my fortune to see radiating in her eyes. She smiled around the teeth she had sunk into her bottom lip.

  “Did you like it?”

  Her uncertainty had my hips pushing forward, emphasizing my answer with my new erection still buried inside her.

  Gabby giggled. “I don’t know how much time we have left.”

  I kissed her rather than tell her we could have forever if she wanted. I kissed her rather than tell her I wasn’t leaving until I’d had my fill, and neither was she. One fucking hour would never be enough.

  A phone rang. The gentle tinkle of bells interrupted the moment. I glanced at the phone I hadn’t noticed on the end table.

  “I think our time’s up,” Gabby whispered.

  I wrapped her in the sheets before answering the call.

  “Good evening, sir,” said a smooth, accented male voice. “Pardon the interruption, but this is your courtesy call. Would you like to extend your stay with us?”

  I took the phone with me across the room to the bathroom and muffled my voice with the water being wrenched on to fill the sunken tub embedded in the center of the spacious room.

  “Yes, don’t call back until morning.”

  “Very good, sir. Is there anything you require for your stay?”

  I thought about it.

  “A change of sheets.”

  “Right away, sir. I’ll have someone deliver those straight over.”

  I hung up and returned to where I’d left Gabby. She was still beneath the sheets, a tiny ball on her side, away from me. But I felt her pain even before I reached her side.

  I grazed her arm with my fingertips, alerting her that I was there.

  Her lips bowed into a smile that I didn’t believe for a second. It was too tight beneath the slightly damp blindfold.

  “Hey.” She struggled to sit up. “Is it time to go?”

  I took her face in my palms and brushed my thumbs over her damp cheeks.

  Her smile slipped. “I’m sorry. This is probably not very sexy—”

  I put a finger to her lips, silencing her. I replaced the finger with a nuzzling kiss. I pulled away and reached for my cellphone from the pocket of my trousers. With a few strokes, I pulled up the text to speech app and typed in, “What’s wrong?”

  Gabby jolted at the robotic, female voice, but she must have realized what it was, because she relaxed.

  “Smart.” She chuckled weakly. “It’s nothing.”

  I allowed her lie to momentarily stand while I helped her off the bed. She asked no questions, but took my hands trustingly and I led her into the bathroom where the tub was nearly full.

  I eased her into the water and joined her. My arms snaked around her waist and I pulled her back against my chest, tucking her between my legs.

  Once settled, I returned my focus to the device still in my hand.

  “Tell me,” I urged through the app.

  She sucked in a breath that expanded across her back. “I ... this isn’t how I imagined my first time to be like. I’m not complaining,” she insisted quickly. “You were far more amazing than I ever imagined. Believe me, I was expecting something completely different, so you ... I owe you so much.”

  I brushed my nose against the side of her warm cheek and shook my head in a clear, no, you don’t motion. But still, I repeated my answer through the phone.

  She sighed and melted against me. The simple gesture housed a level of trust I wasn’t sure I deserved, yet the cowardice in me refused to rectify.

  Instead, I remained behind my mask and cellphone, taking even more from her when I turned my face into the side of hers. My hand wandered with shameless ownership down the smooth line of her outer arm from shoulder to where the skin forked to the swell of her breast. The tiny, pink nipple taunted me from amongst a cluster of bubbles, begging my fingers to stroke.

  It was selfish.

  I was being selfish.

  She was new to all I wanted to do to her. I’d been with enough virgins in my life to know she would need a break, a time to rest and let her muscles get accustomed to the change to her body. I should comfort her, not make it worse. I should accept the time I was given with her and ask for nothing more.

  Gabby made a weak little sound that had her shifting against my chest. Her head turned slightly in my direction, her lips already parted.

  “What’s your name?” Her voice hitched. “What do I...?”

  I skimmed the nipple, a feather light kiss of my thumb gliding over the tip. The skin scattered with goose bumps. The points shriveled to a tight knot.

  With my free hand, I typed my name, but stopped. I went back, erased the obvious and replaced it with the first letter that came to mind.


  Gabby whimpered. Her back arched off my chest, pushing her breast harder into my touch.

  “M.” Her head dropped back against my shoulder with a gasp from her. “Michael? Mason? M...”

  I pinched the bud, silencing her. I waited a heartbeat before letting the hold go and letting my fingers drift downward.

  Her stomach muscles quivered, a jitter of her excitement. Her every breath came out ragged and desperate.

  At her mound, I paused. I let my touch linger.




  Her breathy plea rolled over me in a fierce rock of pure agony. I had never been a mute lover. There was nothing greater than the power of words, dirty words, words murmured into a lover’s ear in moments like that.

  I loathed the handicap.

  I loathed not being able to love her properly.

  But worse, I loathed that she would never know it was me, that I was the one slipping my fingers over her clit, that I was the one making her heart jump and her pussy wet


  No! I wanted to snarl. Kieran. Say it!

  But I settled for being a nobody, a faceless, voiceless stranger for her, because it was what she wanted. I busied my attention on stroking the pink muscle peeking out from between soft, smooth lips.

  God, I couldn’t stop. Not touching her. Not wanting her. I was lost in a reality that had, up until that moment, been no more than a fantasy, a late-night dream I’d come awake from, hard and reaching for the space next to me only to
find it empty. Whether she ever found out who I really was or not, I had this.

  I had this night.

  I had her.

  She came with a whimpering mewl that arched her body away from mine. Her hot core pushed into my palm, urging me for more. Water rolled over the concrete lip only to roll back in once she slumped against me.

  “My kitten,” I growled into her ear, madness momentarily claiming me, forcing me to break my silence.

  The voice was alien even to me. The demonic snarl reverberated deep at the back of my throat and vibrated between our bodies.

  Gabby panted weakly, her limbs limp, her head lulling. Her exhaustion spurred me to drain the water and swaddle her in towels. I kept one arm securely around her the entire time I patted her dry. Then I carried her bridal style to the bed.

  It had been remade while we’d been gone. The creases, the lingering stains of her lost innocence, were replaced with crisp, white linen. The pillows had been fluffed and rearranged.

  I set her down gingerly and drew the duvet firmly around her. I crawled in next to her and tucked her against my chest.

  I didn’t take her again that night. As much as I ached with it, I let her sleep with her face wedged against my neck and her tiny frame curled into my front.

  Like a kitten.

  I stroked her hair lightly and was rewarded with a deep purr that only solidified my amusement.

  My kitten.

  I chuckled to myself and drew her in closer, content to stay awake and simply caress her until dawn, knowing that our time was quickly drawing to a close and I may never get that chance again.

  Chapter Five — Gabrielle

  I woke up the next morning with a head full of disorientation and momentary lapse in panic before I remembered why I was blindfolded. The return of the previous night’s memories had my eyes widening behind the strip of fabric.

  I reached for the space behind me.


  I knew even before my fingers grazed cool sheets that he wasn’t there.

  The room felt empty.



  I willed myself not to cry as I liberated my first view of the room. It swam with the milky hue radiating from the windows on the other side of an ocean of space. I blinked to clear my vision, part of me hoping he would still be there somewhere, but knowing he wasn’t.


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