Book Read Free


Page 8

by ML Ross

  I swallow hard. I believe him but fear is creeping through my body. What if it was him? What if he was so drunk, he doesn’t remember.

  “You have doubts. I can see it in your eyes.”

  “What if you were so drunk, you don’t remember?”

  “Vanessa! I remember having sex with those girls. I was a college kid and I was drinking but I remember leaving them with smiles on their fucking faces. I remember going home. I remember Kim coming home.”

  I nod my head. God, I want to believe him without any doubt but there is just a very small part of me that is so scared. “Maybe if I can talk to Kim, I can figure out what really happened that night after you left.”

  “You can’t. They’re looking for you and they know we’re connected now. If they find you, they find me.”

  “I’ll disguise myself. I’ll go under a different name. Ryan, it’s the only way. If I can find out what really happened, maybe we can prove you’re innocent. It’s worth a try. I can pretend I’m going to be a new student at Western and maybe she’ll take me under her wing. Is she nice?”

  “She’s more than nice. She’ll be your best friend.” He says sadly. “She works at a coffee shop called Perky’s on campus. She’s always there Saturday mornings.”

  “When we go out tomorrow, I’ll get hair dye. This will work. It has too. So, what do you think? Redhead or Brunette?” I run my hands through my long strands.

  “Brunette, but don’t cut your hair.”


  He shakes his head. “You have to get some clothes too.” He says, staring at my bare legs again.


  He suddenly gets a pained expression on his face. “Vanessa, you’re my only hope. If you turn me in, they’ll stop investigating and I’ll go to prison for something I didn’t do.”

  “I’m not going to turn you in. I believe you didn’t do it. Trust me. Is there anything else you can think of? Anything out of the ordinary?”

  “Believe me, I’ve gone over this a million times in the last month. I have no idea.”

  We clean up our dishes from dinner and I’m feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. I just want to lie down.


  “Hhmmm?” He says as he finishes drying the last dish.

  “I need to lay down.”

  “Sure. Go ahead.”

  “Um, listen. I hate that you’re sleeping in that tiny chair. I know it’s not that much better but you can sleep in the bed. With me. I know you’re not a creep. I trust you. If you’d be more comfortable, I’m okay with it, really.”

  “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.”

  I wait for him to change his mind but he doesn’t so I nod and head for the bedroom. I tuck myself in still wearing his t-shirt and his boxers. They smell like him and it does funny things to my belly.

  It’s completely dark. I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping but I hear the door open and quiet footsteps. I feel the bed dip and I feel his warmth even though he doesn’t touch me. I have no idea how he isn’t touching me in this tiny bed. I smile and close my eyes and let sleep take me.

  I wake the next morning and turn slightly because I can feel him there. He’s on his back fully clothed with one foot on the bed and one foot on the floor. His hands rest behind his head. Half of his body is hanging off the bed, only supported by his foot on the ground. I slowly get up and make my way to the kitchen. I need coffee. There has got to be coffee here. I see the coffee pot on the counter and scream a big “yes” in my head. I’m as quiet as a mouse searching the cabinets for the coffee and filters when I see Ryan practically run from the bedroom. His hair is sticking up all over the place and he still looks sleepy. He comes to a screeching halt when he sees me in the kitchen. His chest is heaving rapidly.

  “What happened?” I’m thinking he had a nightmare or he smelled fire.

  “I thought you left.” He says breathlessly. I can see the fear in his eyes.

  I walk over to him slowly. He’s rubbing the back of his neck trying to calm himself. I step right up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. I place my face on his chest and inhale his scent. He wraps his arms around my back and I feel his chin rest on top of my head. “I’m scared.” He confesses.

  “I know. I’m going to help you. I’m not going to leave you.”

  He lets out the breath he’s been holding and squeezes me tighter and oh, good morning!

  “Shit! Sorry.” We both laugh as he takes a step back. I’m not sure why but I step up on my toes and I peck his mouth. “Don’t be sorry.”

  Chapter 9 - Vanessa

  “This seriously looks like the family truckster from National Lampoon’s Family vacation!” I squeal bending over in laughter.

  “I know but I can’t drive my FJ. It’s all dented up and they’ll spot it immediately. We have to use Gramps’ car.”

  We drive away from Gunnison to a smaller town for some clothes, food and stuff. We both have hats and sunglasses on. Ryan’s hair is poking out of his hat, flipping up over his ears. Adorable. He has an old pair of faded jeans on that hang a bit from his waist and an Affliction t-shirt that hugs him in all the right places. He looks like a movie star trying not to be recognized. We both realized this morning that I have no pants. So, the plan is for Ryan to run into a store and get me pants so we can finish getting everything else we need.

  “How about this store?” He asks pulling in front of a small boutique.

  “It’ll work.”

  “So, what size are you? I never bought a girl pants before?”

  “It would be easiest to just get me leggings or yoga pants and a plain t-shirt in a size medium.”

  “What the fuck are leggings? And you are not a medium. You are definitely small or extra small.”

  “You’re sweet but I’m a medium. Just get any stretchy cotton pants in black. I’m not picky.”

  He glances back at me before he disappears into the store. He still doesn’t trust me. Hopefully this small town won’t be suspicious of a boy in a hat and sunglasses buying girl’s pants. Less than ten minutes later, he comes out with a small bag. The way he’s rushing out, you’d think he just robbed a bank.

  He gets in the driver’s side and throws the bag at me. “That was fucking embarrassing.”

  “I forgot to ask you to get me underwear.” He quickly turns his head towards me and just glares.

  “I asked the lady where the yoga pants were and every lady in there stopped to stare at me.”

  I can’t help it, I bust out laughing.

  “When I asked for a medium, they looked at me confused.” He says as he holds his arms out to showcase his “not so medium body”.

  “Oh come on, they knew these were probably for your girlfriend.” As the words spilled out, I couldn’t get them back. They were out there. He doesn’t say anything but my face is red again.

  I pull the pants out and hold them up. ”Good job.” I reach under his shirt that hits me mid-thigh and I pull his boxers down my legs. “Whoa! What the fuck! A warning would be nice!” Playfully, I throw the boxers at his face. I pull the yoga pants up and then pull the shirt out of the bag. “Nice!” It’s a gray v-neck t-shirt with Miss Me in rhinestones across the chest.

  “The lady picked it out. Must be damn special. It was $50. For a fucking t-shirt.”

  “I said plain. This is an expensive brand. I lift his t-shirt up and over my head. Thank goodness I do still have my bra and it’s not too ugly. It’s white but lacy. He doesn’t turn away. I can feel his eyes on me and my body immediately warms. I pull the Miss Me shirt over my head and look at him. Yep, he’s staring at me like I’m a cheeseburger. He does that sexy thing with his tongue, where he touches it to the top of his lip. Kiss me, I say inside my head. I think I’m saying it with my eyes as well but maybe not because he’s looking at me funny.

  “Are you okay?” He asks me. The ring in his eyebrow raising slightly.

  “Yep, peachy.” I feel the need to fan my fac
e but I quickly distract myself. “There’s a grocery store across the street. We can get food and hair color and stuff there. I need a toothbrush too!”


  It’s a mild 43 degrees today but sunny as always. Every time the sun goes behind the clouds, I shiver.

  “Here, take this.” Ryan removes his button down flannel he wore over his t-shirt and hands it to me. “I should have gotten you a jacket in that store. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “It’s okay. Thanks for this.” I pull on his flannel and refrain from shoving it under my nose to inhale his scent.

  We travel quickly through the grocery store and only buy what’s necessary. Ryan has to use cash and he knows if he makes a withdrawal they can trace him. We buy basics like bread, peanut butter, soup, and coffee. We buy a Nice and Easy brunette color that Ryan picks out, a toothbrush and a hairbrush. We pass the condom aisle and he slows down giving me bedroom eyes. I know he’s playing with me but a blush spreads across my face anyway. I think he loves embarrassing me. He buys stamps and I watch as he drops the letter to my Mom in the mail slot.

  We head back to the cabin and I pay attention to where we are now and how we get to and from the cabin. He glances over at me knowing I can leave and find my way. I won’t. I want to help him. My Mom will know that I’m okay and I will be home soon.

  We unpack the car and put the groceries away. Ryan sits down in the chair with a newspaper he bought. I grab the box of hair color and look at the directions. I’ve never colored my hair before and I am so nervous. I start to think I should cut it as well. I need to look different. My face is all over the news, although the pictures they chose are not great. I disappear in the bathroom with the box and look for some scissors. Not the greatest but they’ll work. I pull my long hair into my fist. I close my eyes and open them again. Before I can think anymore, I cut it. I pull my hand away holding about six inches of hair. Looking into the mirror, I feel my eyes start to burn with salty tears. My hair is hacked right up to my shoulders. It’s shocking. I can’t even remember my hair ever being this short. I do my best to trim it up until it looks decent. I even give myself a long bang. It’s amazing how the cut changes the shape of my face. I open the tubes of color and mix according to the directions and massage it at the roots, having to rest now and then. My arm is still sore. I spread the color to my ends. Tears are rolling my down my face now. I don’t recognize myself anymore. I sit on the toilet crying into my hands until I think twenty minutes have passed. I bend over the sink to rinse, condition and rinse again. I brush it out, grab the eyeliner and mascara I bought and try to change the look of my eyes. I don’t usually wear a lot of make-up so it makes a huge difference. The reflection in the mirror is no longer me. If I don’t even recognize myself, I guess I did a good job. I take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom.

  Ryan turns around in the chair and then puts his newspaper down. He can tell I’m upset. He walks over and studies me. “Wow. You look totally different. I didn’t think you were going to cut it.” He takes a piece of my hair and rolls it in his fingers before letting it go. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  “For us.”

  “I like it.” Then he smiles at me.

  It’s a panty soaking smile. It lights up his whole face and makes his blue eyes sparkle. His hair is so long and the scruff on his face covers his features but I’m undeniably attracted to him.

  “Thanks. Are you hungry? I can make us soup while you start a fire?”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m okay.” He nods his head.

  “Soup sounds good. Do you like wine?”

  “Yes! Why?” I could use a drink. I could really use a drink!

  “Gramps must have too. I found his stash. Reds and whites. I’m not a wine drinker but I’ll open a bottle and have some with you.”

  “Mmmmm….that sounds so good.” I say with my eyes closed. When I open them, Ryan has a look of hunger in his eyes. “You look at me sometimes like I’m a cheeseburger.” This time the words actually leave my mouth.

  He studies me a minute with that tongue doing that thing again! “That’s because the sounds you make sometimes…I don’t know.” He shakes his head running his thumb over his scruff. “They fucking make me crazy.”

  I don’t know what to say to that and the look in his eyes makes my belly flop so I smile and head towards the kitchen to cook our soup. As the soup is heating on the stove, my mind drifts off. I think about how my heart flutters every time Ryan looks at me with his piercing blue eyes. I think about how comfortable I feel around him. He makes me feel safe. I think about the wetness between my legs right now when I think about him touching me. Would he be gentle? Would he be in control? Would he handcuff me? My nipples stiffen at the thought. I know Ryan is holding me here against my will. Kind of. I probably shouldn’t have these feelings for him but I haven’t thought of James once since I woke up here and I’ve never felt so overwhelmed with desire just being in a man’s presence. Ryan is rock hard and handsome as hell but there is something else about him. Something that draws me to him. I wonder about his relationship with Kim. I’m not really sure where they will stand when this is over.

  As Ryan gets the fire started, I’m looking for a wine bottle opener in the drawers when I feel his body heat behind me. I immediately freeze and my heart rate skyrockets. Whispered breathe blows from my slightly parted lips. He presses himself against my back and I feel his dick press against my ass. He cages me in with his arms on each side of me on the countertop. His breath his warm as it caresses my neck, blowing stray strands of hair as he softly breathes. A tingle spreads from my head to my toes and I close my eyes to gain control of my body’s reaction to him. My knees feel weak so I grab onto the counter. His wet lips barely touch my neck and I swear I have an orgasm. Tiny noises escape my mouth.

  “I want you so bad. Say you want me too.” He whispers into my ear as he drags his lips over them. “I can smell your arousal, are you wet?”

  “Yes.” I breathe out.

  He spins me around by my hips and lifts me onto the counter. His large hands push my knees apart and then he wedges himself in between them. He grabs my face with his hands spread on each of my cheeks and not even thinking twice, he devours my mouth. My hands reach up and cover his holding them to my face. His tongue dives in, exploring me. His wet, full lips sucking my lips into his mouth, tasting me. He nips with his teeth. His thumbs massage my cheeks as he continues his assault. He tilts my head back and drags his lips down my neck sucking and licking a path down to the V in my t-shirt, the hair on his face tickling me. He grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head in one quick motion, throwing it to the floor and then he grabs the back of his own shirt and adds it to the pile. My bra is off seconds later as he fills his mouth with my small breast. I can’t help the loud moan that fills the room. My body feels super sensitive to his touch. My panties are completely drenched. Swirling his tongue around my nipple until I feel the tingle, he sucks it hard into his mouth and then blows his warm breath over it. He does the same to the other. I balance myself on the counter with my hands behind me, leaning back on them and arching myself towards him so he can feast on me. He wraps one arm around my lower back holding me to him as he sucks on my tits mercilessly. I watch his tongue flick across my nipples as embarrassing loud moans mix with the sounds of the fire crackling. I start to feel a strong pull happening low in my belly.

  “Oh God. You’re gonna make me come.” I’m so embarrassed. I feel like an in-experienced teenager. He’s probably so turned off. I just can’t help it, I’ve never been so turned on in my life. As the pull becomes a throb, I start to move my hips towards him searching for something more. I need to come. I move my hand slightly to steady myself and scream as I feel hot liquid burning my hand. I jump and Ryan quickly lifts me off the counter and sets me down on the floor.

  “Shit! The soup. Are you okay? Are you burned?”

  “It’s okay.” I assu
re him as I’m jumping around shaking my hand in the air and blowing on it. Shit, that hurt. I then realize I am bouncing up and down topless as Ryan is watching me. He laughs and throws my shirt at me.

  “Come here.” He hooks his finger reeling me to him.

  I pull my shirt on and walk over to him. He takes my hand and kisses it lightly and then looks at it closer. “You’re going to get blisters. I’ll put that antibiotic shit on it and a bandage. It’s gonna sting.” He pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. I hide my face in his bare chest.

  “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be. You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  He leads me to the bathroom to rub some ointment on my burn and bandage it up. I feel stupid but most of all, I have a terrible ache between my legs that needs to be dealt with still.

  “I’m going to clean up the mess and then we can eat, okay?”

  “Okay.” He walks out of the bathroom. I think he knows I need a moment. I sit on the toilet and try to calm my nerves. My heart is beating super-fast and my stomach is doing cartwheels. My body is burning up. This is what it feels like. Passion. I take a deep breath and walk back into the kitchen.

  “Did you save the soup? Is there enough for us to eat still?” I say trying to steady my shaky voice. As if I’m really worried about the soup.

  “Yep. Let’s eat and then we can sit by the fire with some wine.”

  I lost my appetite. For food. He’s sitting at the table shirtless. His chest carved like stone and his biceps flexing every time he lifts the spoon. How does he expect me to eat? I scarf down a couple bites and almost break the bowl tossing it in the sink when I’m done. I grab my glass of wine and head towards the fireplace. Ryan slumps himself in the chair with his legs spread wide.


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