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Bloodfire (Blood Destiny)

Page 7

by Harper, Helen

  I took my place at the side with the rest of pack whilst Lucy headed up to the gallery.

  Staines began to speak, his voice filling the space. “Tomorrow evening we will confirm the new alpha of the Cornish pack. In the meantime, in accordance with the Way, we shall evaluate all members’ skills to help determine who that shall be.”

  I rolled my eyes at the obvious procrastination. It was still going to be Julia. The evaluations were just the Brethren’s way of reminding us that they were in control.

  Staines consulted a sheet. “Nina and Betsy, take your places.”

  The two girls stepped forward, looking visibly nervous. “Begin,” said Staines.

  They circled each other warily. Neither had weapons, in accordance with the rules of the evaluations, but they could shift if they wished. I pegged Betsy as the winner. She had more of a tenacity about her than Nina. It was Nina who made the first move though, pouncing towards Betsy with a feline swipe. She caught her on the side of the head and Betsy took a staggered step back. Score one to Nina.

  I looked up at the gallery again. The blonde was making notes whilst Staines frowned down at the fight. Lucy at least looked down more encouragingly. The Lord Alpha was next to them, arms folded. This was the first chance I’d had to study him properly. His hair was pure black, as Julia had mentioned, and he retained a golden all over tan that didn’t look like it came out of a bottle. And, as advertised, his physique was…impressive, I had to admit grudgingly. He towered over the other two, filling the space. I could see what Julie had meant about having those arms wrapped around you and doubted that he ever had any trouble getting a girlfriend. I was equally sure that if he was your enemy then he’d squash you without breaking a sweat or giving it a second thought. I wondered what his were actually was and shivered involuntarily.

  On the gym floor, Nina squealed and I returned my attention to the fight. Betsy had her by the hair and on her knees. I smiled, before remembering that I shouldn’t know anything about fighting or appreciate a strong display of it in any way. Meek. Weak. Meek. Weak. Betsy looked up at the gallery for approval and the Lord Alpha nodded. With that the fight was over. The blonde took a few more notes then the next pairing began.

  The evaluations went by with unhappy swiftness. I could see that virtually everyone’s techniques lacked flair or skill but couldn’t decide if I was pleased or disappointed that there was no-one to impress the Brethren. Once Johannes’ and Fergal’s evaluation was over – Fergal won as Johannes’ fighting was about as impressive as his cooking – Staines called me and Theresa and we took to the floor. Our eyes locked briefly. Theresa knew that she would beat me with ease for the first time in her life but that she also had to make it look a genuine win, rather than that I was throwing the fight. I wondered if it annoyed her but figured probably not. She was a warm-hearted were-squirrel who I was pretty sure was content with her lot in Cornwall, not least because she had a huge crush on Johannes. Those two were going to be doing some serious mating before too long. Maybe she’d help him out in the kitchen then and we might get some edible food. One could always live in hope.

  I didn’t want to draw attention to myself by too obviously not trying so I took a step forward, making sure that I was completely open to a counter attack, and swung clumsily at Theresa. I managed a glancing blow off her shoulder whilst she retaliated with a fist to my face. The fire inside me started to rise but I managed to immediately dampen it down. It didn’t hurt much but I made a show of wincing dramatically before trying to feebly kick her off her feet. She sidestepped me neatly and launched out her arm. It wasn’t a great shot I but let it flip me onto my back and lay there for a second, giving her the win. Fast and painless. I peeked at the rest of the pack who had been following the fight closely. Anton had a smirk on his face but the rest kept their expressions clear. Good. I was pretty sure there was a glint of approval in Julia’s eyes as well.

  Theresa was looking up at the Brethren for confirmation so I followed her gaze. The Lord Alpha looked irritated so I aimed for embarrassment and shrugged as if there was nothing I could have done. The blonde murmured something to him and he nodded briefly at Theresa. She extended me her hand and pulled me up to my feet.

  On our way back to the sidelines, with our backs to the gallery, I mouthed thanks at her. She grinned at me and I exhaled softly. With the evaluation done there was just the interview to get through and then it would almost be over.

  Anton leaned over to me when I re-took my place, “Watch me make your boyfriend howl in agony.” He swaggered towards Tom in the middle of the floor.

  I counted to ten and gritted my teeth. It didn’t work so instead I envisaged breaking his nose with my fist. That was better.

  Tom had already shifted into his wolf form by the time that Anton reached him. I could feel the rest of the pack murmuring around me. He was the first one to make such a blatant show of intention about doing well in front of the Brethren. Anton grinned ferally but stayed human. By not shifting he was also signaling that he was more powerful than Tom and didn’t need any supernatural aid to win. For the first time in my life I found myself hoping the arrogant prick would be successful. Tom snarled at him and they began.

  Anton danced around Tom’s shape with light steps, teasing him by bluffing forward then stepping back. Even as a wolf I could sense Tom’s frustration. He snapped his teeth a few times but didn’t connect. Without warning, and in a blur of motion, Anton karate-chopped Tom’s back and then danced away again. Tom didn’t go down but he was clearly winded. He snapped again at Anton and launched himself at him so that they both ended up in a tussle on the floor. Anton managed a few jabs at Tom’s underbelly but it seemed as if Tom was gaining the upper-hand because all of a sudden he drew blood from Anton’s arm. I cursed silently. I’d expected more from Anton. Tom could have ended it there and then but he pulled back and Anton bounced back to his feet. They eyed each other up. Tom’s body tensed and I could tell he was going to go for Anton’s left. Unfortunately for Tom, so did Anton. As soon as he made his move, Anton spun round and scissor kicked. Tom collapsed and it was over. Anton swept a mocking bow in front of the crowd and despite my relief that Tom had lost I still wanted to knock that smile off his face. Meek. Weak. Meek. Weak. I continued to recite in my head.

  The remaining evaluations passed without incident. Julia beat her opponent with ease and, whilst other than Anton’s performance, no-one appeared particularly skillful, I felt proud that my pack had acquitted themselves without any real disasters. The few bites I’d had for breakfast had done little to fill my appetite and I was actually starting to look forward to some lunch. Because of the evaluations and his own forced participation, Johannes had ordered in some outside catering. Excellent.

  I started to move towards the door but Theresa caught my hand and shook her head warningly. Oh right. We hadn’t been ‘dismissed’ yet. It was as if we were bloody kids in a kindergarten. Staines’ head was bowed as the alpha spoke to him. He looked puzzled but nodded anyway and took a step forward.

  “Thank you for your efforts. We applaud the pack of Cornwall for their skills. To complete the evaluations, there will be a re-match. Fighting again will be Anton and,” he looked over his shoulder at the blonde’s notes, “Mackenzie.”

  Bugger. Bugger. Shit. Bugger. Why make us perform twice? I’d given them no cause to do this. The assembled pack on the gym floor murmured uncomfortably. Walking back to the centre of the gym floor, and trying not to look too pissed off, I decided that the Brethren just wanted to see the ‘weakest’ pack member humiliated further. Well, fine. I’d let them humiliate me by allowing Anton to beat me and then I could pretend to slink away and lick my wounds. The wankers.

  The pack members around me were clearly concerned and tense but I smiled graciously as if this had been expected and stepped forward to the marked out circle. Anton did the same. He licked his lips in anticipation. Yeah, suck it up, fuckwit because you’d never beat me under any real terms.
/>   Mackenzie…Julia sounded worried.

  Don’t worry, I’ll deal with this.

  Anton pulled off his shirt and raised his eyebrows at me before undoing the drawstring of his trousers. I was taken aback for a second. He was actually going to shift. He opened his hands out to me invitingly as if asking me to shift also. This time it wasn’t about an acknowledgement of power: he was trying to force the Brethren to realise what I was. Bastard. I smiled calmly back at him and shook my head. God alone knew what the Brethren thought about my actions after my dismal performance earlier. I’d have to think of a reason for not shifting later on.

  Anton was a black bear, which meant he packed a hell of a wallop in his shifter form. This was going to hurt. And once the Brethren left, I’d make him pay. I straightened my shoulders. “Let’s do this.”

  He transformed within a heartbeat and raised up on his hind quarters with a triumphant roar. I took a step back and tried to look scared. Be meek, be weak.

  He moved down to all fours and pounded towards me. I stood my ground and waited. He got closer and reached out with one heavy claw. I felt my body spinning through the air and twisted so that the fall wouldn’t hurt me too much. I would have stayed there and hoped that it was enough but he came at me again, teeth sinking into my side, their points piercing through into the soft flesh. The pain was excruciating. He shook me a few times then flung me against the wall, which I hit with a thud. I lurched to my feet.

  From across the room I heard Tom’s voice snarl something at Anton. Bloodfire pulsed in my skull, vainly attempting to rise, whilst I could vaguely sense Julia trying to use her Voice on Anton. With her status not yet confirmed as alpha, however, there was nothing she could do to compel him. For some reason, compulsion powers didn’t exist until after the confirmation ceremony.

  He came again. I dully wondered again how I was going to explain not shifting and regenerating when he hit me full on, knocking out my breath. He raised a paw and extended his claws and scraped them down my cheek before bringing the same claws to his mouth and sucking off the blood. My blood. I felt the fire coursing through my entire system. Anton’s face looked oddly surprised for a second then he did the same with the other cheek before lifting up his entire paw and preparing to strike. Through the haze of pain, I registered the power that he was preparing to put behind this blow and it occurred to me that this was his plan. He’d kill me with sanction and solve forever the problem of the little human. It hadn’t dawned on him that after I died the Brethren would investigate why I’d not shifted and they’d work out I was human. Then they’d kill everyone.

  The rage built up inside me and the flames took over. He was playing with the pack’s lives. I sprang to my feet in one movement, ignoring the sudden streak of dizziness. He was not going to do this. Anger took over me and flooded my system but I knew with cold clarity what to do. The fire won. I sprinted back to the wall, aiming just to the left of his crouched body and ran three steps up before using it as a springboard to spin off. I was too fast and Anton had no time to turn. I put my hands round his thick neck and twisted, snapping it in one movement. My bloodfire roared in approval and he collapsed to the ground.

  He was a shifter. He’d recover. I wiped a smear away from my cheek and turned and walked painfully out of the room.

  Chapter Seven

  I limped towards the stairs. My side, where Anton had bitten me, was seeping with blood and I was pretty sure that I had a couple of cracked ribs. I was hardly aiding my own cause at this particular point in time. I dreaded to think about the state of my face after his claws had drawn blood from my cheeks.

  Tom came running up to me. Clearly he’d decided that he was talking to me now. “Shit, Mack, I can’t believe that just happened.” He took my arm. “Let me help you.”

  “Fuck off, Tom.”

  He reared back, hurt, and I sighed at him exasperation. “I’m meant to be a shifter, remember? I have supernatural strength and healing powers. I don’t need help in getting to my own room.”

  “Oh, right. Yeah.” I could see his brain working through the implications of my non-shifter abilities. “What are you going to say to them when you don’t heal?”

  “I haven’t worked that out yet.”

  Mackenzie, they’re heading your way.

  No prizes for guessing who ‘they’ were. I cursed and tried to straighten. Pretty lights danced in front of my eyes for a second and I was filled with nausea. Now would not, however, be a good time to faint. Staines and the alpha came striding out of the gymnasium with the blonde and Lucy tagging behind. I wondered idly if that was because they were female and knew their place. The bloodfire returned momentarily at the thought, allowing me to regain some of my equilibrium.

  “Ms Mackenzie,” said Staines. “That was an…interesting fight.”

  “I’m thrilled that you found it so entertaining,” I responded drily.

  The Lord Alpha stepped forward, golden green eyes intent. “I’m curious as to why you put up such a poor showing in your first bout, given that you were able to dispatch the bear so summarily.” His voice was smooth and deep, faintly accented with an indefinable Celtic burr.

  I felt rather weak at the knees but I was sure that it was just from the pain and slight concussion. I swallowed. “Errr…”

  He came even closer so that I was forced to crane my neck to meet his gaze. “Could it be,” he purred, “that you are trying to avoid being invited to London?”

  “Yes! That’s it. Definitely,” I said, jumping on the excuse.

  “And why is that exactly?” His voice was laced with steel.

  I took a step back, hating myself for it but worried that the lotion might not be enough to mask my scent at these close quarters. I looked at Tom for inspiration. He jauntily hooked an arm through mine and beamed effusively at the alpha. “She just can’t bear to be without me,” he said, and stroked my hair lovingly. I tried not to jerk away and stuck a smile on my face.

  The Alpha’s eyes went cold. “I see. Well, you’d better shift so you can start healing properly.”

  I cast around for an excuse. “I’m…ummm…..I’m….. in mourning. I have taken a vow not to shift until our alpha’s murderer is brought to justice.” I silently apologised to John for the lie but kind of also applauded myself for my genius.

  “Indeed.” A muscle pulsed in his cheek. “What happens when it’s the full moon then? If his killer has not been found by that point, I mean.”

  “I possess unbelievable self-control,” I lied and tried to smile at him disarmingly, although my head took that moment to suddenly start pounding with pain again so it came out more like a maniacal grimace.

  He looked down at me unfathomably. I wondered if swooning onto his broad chest would be considered poor self-control. Probably should try and avoid it, I thought.

  “Well, I’d better get this gorgeous girl back to her, I mean, our room, so that we can get her fixed up for this afternoon,” said Tom, rather breezily, although I could hear the note of underlying tension in his voice, before he carefully swung me round to head back for the stairs.

  “Take care now,” the Alpha murmured at our backs.

  I knew that he was still watching with the others so I tried very hard to pull myself up the stairs without crying out. Tom did a good job of pretending to be a gentleman rather than just providing the support I needed so that I wouldn’t fall and somehow we made it up to the landing and round the corner.

  “Was that the best idea?” I wheezed.

  “What?” he said innocently.

  “Saying that we’re mated. And that we’re sharing a room.”

  “I didn’t actually say that,” he pointed out. “He merely inferred it.”

  “You said that we shared a room.”

  “Oh, that. Well, maybe it’s best I did. You shouldn’t be left alone in your condition. Besides what was that about not shifting because you’re in mourning?”

  “It was the best I could come up with at the
time. I thought it was rather good.” I clutched at his arm as we rounded another corner. “You do realise that you’ve lied to the alpha of all alphas and you’re screwed if he takes you to London? He’ll use the Voice and you’ll be compelled to tell him whatever he wants. He’ll work out in about five seconds flat that you were lying just now.”

  “That’s not going to happen now Anton’s beaten me, though is it?” Tom answered quietly.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “No, you’re not. But it’s okay.” He pushed open a door to one of the unused couples’ rooms. “Let’s use this one.” I sagged against him in relief and stumbled inside. He closed the door behind him and sat me down on the bed.

  “I’ll need to get some first aid materials. And some clean clothes.” He looked at me. “Can you wait here on your own?”

  I nodded back at him and lay down, closing my eyes.

  Two minutes later, the door opened again. Go away.

  A brisk voice filled the space. “Mackenzie? Are you okay?”

  I lifted myself up with a struggle and saw Julia. “Hey,” I said weakly, before sinking back down. “I’m fine.”

  “That was stupid,” she muttered.

  “I had no choice!” I protested.

  “I was thinking of Anton, but you could have handled it better too.”

  “How?” I asked, rising up again. “How could I have survived what he was doing? If I’d died and they’d found out I was human…,” I didn’t need to finish my sentence.

  “After that display, I think the human part remains to be seen,” she said softly. “All you’ve done is proven to them that you’re the strongest, fastest member of the pack. They’ll invite you to London.”


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