“How will sleep help?” I asked. “It’s not like I’m getting any rest, seeing how it doesn’t matter if I am awake or sleep. Everything is a nightmare.”
“If you live like that, it will be.” Ken shot. “You are being too negative dude. I’m very aware that this isn’t something anyone should have to live through. Not to mention, you have the extra stress of leading a group of idiots. However, the fact that you are leader is why you should be resting as much as you can. You are useless to us if you can’t function properly. Get some rest.”
I sighed. “As usual, you are right. I’ll try” I turned and slowly walked back to my sleeping area, and fell asleep.
Next Morning, September 18th, 2018
I opened my eyes and, the first thing I saw was Eveline standing over me.
“Good morning puta, how does your face feel?” she asked.
I chuckled. “It's bruised, thank you very much, you ass wipe”
“No problem, asshole” she responded cheerfully.
I stood and stretched. “Tell everyone to pack their things, we leave in 10 minutes.
She nodded. “Alright.”
I stood and pulled a protein bar out of my bag. I bit into it and started packing my things.
After packing up, I walked over to the edge. “Hey guys,” I called, “Come see this.”
They ran over. “They are all gone!” Monte exclaimed, surprised.
“Awesome!” Ken declared
“Let's go, while they are still gone.” I stated. They all sound their agreement and we all climbed down.
“We are almost there, and there better be someone guarding the back door.” I stated. “Let’s go!”
We sprinted as fast as we could, and for sure, Eli was standing there. He saw us, and beckoned us over. We kept running till we were inside.
As soon as we were inside, he closed the door, grabbed Faith, and kissed her.
“Yes it's good to see you too. How was it? It was great.” I said to Eli’s back dryly “We are all fine, minimum injuries. Does this mean we all get kisses?”
“Yeah! Give me a kiss too man!” exclaimed Ken.
Eli pulled his head back, and looked at Ken. “Eveline, he wants a kiss.”
“What the fuck man.” Eveline said
“He wants a kiss.”
“I’ll kiss him when the sweat drips down my balls.”
“You don't have balls.”
“Oh, fuck you both.” Ken sighed
“Faith, Ken wants to have a threesome with Eveline and your man!” I exclaimed, laughing.
“You all can eat a large bag of dicks” Ken stated.
“Where would one find a large bag of dicks?” Monte questioned.
“In your asshole.” Ken stated
“And how would you know that?”
“Because…….. Oh fuck you too.”
Monte spun around. “I’m open.”
As everyone busted laughing, I said, “Alright guys…” I laughed, “Let's go tell the others that the mission was a success.”
We all walked into the Band Room, and were greeted with cheers and hugs.
“What did you guys get?” Jada called, after everyone calmed down.
“Food, water, and coffee!” I announced aloud. Everyone cheered again. I handed my bag to Eli. “Here, give everyone their rations for the week.”
“Sure man.” He responded. “Everyone line up!”
As he handed out the supplies, I turned around and walked to my sleeping area, which is in a corner under a window in the band room. A mess of wires and a damaged mic greeted me.
“Once I finish rewiring the intercom system, I'll be able to talk all over the school,” I thought, sitting by the mess, “And then we will be able to spread out to the rest of the ground floor, and we won't be so cramped… That would be an-”
A voice overhead interrupted my train of thought. “Harley?”
I looked up. It was Christina. “Yes?” I asked.
“I wanted to ask you something.”
“You just did.”
She looked at me, exasperated. “Really?”
I smiled. “Sorry. What happened?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to, you know-”
“Let me stop you there.” I said, “No, I do not want to get back with you. I am quite fine alone. You broke my heart before all of this, why would I put myself through more stress during this crap?”
“Well I thought-”
I snorted, “No actually, you didn't think.” I angrily walked off.
“Harley!” She called. I just kept walking. I was angry. Why the actual fuck, would I put myself through that crap again? Especially now? I have enough to deal with. I stopped in the hallway, and, out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. I glanced up.
It was by the bathroom. And sure enough, Faith and Eli were making out. He seemed to be struggling with something. I sighed, and walked over. Sure enough, it was the door.
I walked over and said, “Let me get that.” They jumped apart, startled.
“Get what?” Eli asked.
I held up the bathroom key. “The bathrooms are locked to make sure no one wastes power or water, remember? Here.” I unlocked the door. “Have fun, turn off the light when you are done.”
Faith half-smiled. “Alright, thanks”
“No problem.” I walked down the hall. I smiled. Guess that no matter what is going on, love will go on.
That sounded corny as hell, didn’t it?
“Hey Harley,” I heard in front of me. “Watch where you’re going.” I realized I almost crashed into Kaytie.
“Hey Kaytie.” I greeted her.
“Hello.” she replied. “What’s with the stupid look on your face?”
I shook my head. “That, dear woman, is called a smile.”
“Why are you being so nice?”
“Cuz I’m in a good mood, duh.”
“Huh.” She paused a minute. “Stop it. It’s weird.”
“What?” I asked, surprised. “Would you prefer I was being a bitch?”
“Eh, not really.”
I looked at her, annoyed, when I saw a light smirk on her face.
“Asshole.” I muttered, walking away.
“Thanks!” She called. “That’s very sweet of you!”
“Fuck you!” I called.
“Ew, no thanks!”
I shook my head. It was nearly impossible to have the last word with her.
“Harley! Get up!” I realized someone was shaking me, “Get up now!”
“How am I not dead” I asked weakly as I looked up to see who was speaking. It was Dusk, flanked by Amy and Jon. “There was a horde…”
“You are covered in blood and zombie guts. They probably thought you were one of them. Where’s Steven?”
I sat up and pointed at the body next to me. I could feel the tears streaming from my eyes.
“Oh no, that isn't-” Jon broke off, clearly horrified. I put my head in my hands, and just sat there. I felt someone hug me. It was Dusk.
“Oh Harley, I’m so sorry. But you need to get up.” she said. I refused to move though. “C’mon man. Get up, please.”
“I just want to die. I have nothing left. No family. No home. Nothing.”
She looked at me. “Harley, get up. You do have something to live for. You have us. We are your family, and we depend on you, just as you depend on us. You are our leader man. We need you.”
“Yeah man, we are here for you.” Amy said. Jon simply nodded, looking torn between grief for his best friend and concern for me. However, I still just sat there.
“What is left?” I thought to myself.
Dusk stood. “Harley Fucking Martinez. Get your ass off the ground.” I look at her, surprised. She adopted a kinder tone. “My family is gone, too. But I have you guys. We all love you man.” she stretched out her hand. “Get up, please.” I looked at her, and, grasping her arm, I sto
“Harley,” a female voice spoke above me.
I looked up, and saw Dusk standing over me. “What time is it?” I asked.
“Like, 4 in the morning?” She responded
“Do I have watch?”
“No, but Frank is on watch with me, and he saw something interesting. He wanted me to come and get you.”
“Alright, let's see it.” I got up and followed her to the back door where Frank was indeed waiting for me.
“Come and see this.” he said. I went over and looked out. Faintly, in the distance, I saw green smoke.
“A flare…” I said quietly.
“Yeah, but is it a friendly?” Dusk asked.
“It's worth checking out.” I said. “But in the morning. Dusk, wake William and have him take your place on watch. Frank, I'll cover you. Get some rest guys.”
“Alright.” said Dusk.
“Thanks.” said Frank.
As I stood there, deep in thought, I watched the smoke rise, and I had the most stereotypical thoughts a leader can have:
“Am I leading them into a trap?”
Next Morning, September 19th, 2018
I stood in front of the group, waiting for them to quiet down. Finally, I raised my Colt into the air and fired it into the ceiling.
“Guys!” I shouted “C’mon!”
As the rabble quieted, I silently cursed at myself, for I now had yellow powder falling on me from the ceiling.
“Ok. So, as some of you may have heard, last night, a flare was spotted some distance away. Now, after studying some maps, we have decided that it is coming from the Elmwood Park-Saddle Brook area. Now, that is far away enough that I decided that I should get your opinions before making a decision. Now, what are your thoughts?”
“I'm down for it.” Amy called.
“I'm not sure. It sounds dangerous.” William said.
“Everything is dangerous now” Kaytie said. “Are you gonna be a little bitch and shrink back when danger comes your way?”
He stood walk up to her, directly in her face. “I'm not shrinking back, you fucking whore. I'm concerned for everyone’s sake here. I don't believe that we should run headlong into unnecessary danger.”
She looked at him for a second. “I'm not running into danger either, you idiotic prude. I feel that danger is a necessary part of all our lives, and we shouldn’t be hiding in this hole. But you wouldn’t think that. I’ve seen you in combat. You barely attack and spend your time running. You are a fucking coward. But you know what? The rest of us aren’t. Stop trying to disguise that fact that you are a fucking pussy by acting like you care about us.”
He stood there and glared at her for a minute. Then, he swung his fist at her in a strong right hook and a jab to the stomach, knocking her to the ground.
She kneeled there, winded, as William said, “Who’s weak now, huh? Who’s the pus-” He broke off as Kaytie uppercutted him in the dick, and punched him in the head. She then jumped on him and started punching him in the face until Ken and Monte grabbed her arms, and pulled her off of him.
“Kaytie! Calm down!” Ken shouted.
“He hit me first…” she growled “I'm gonna hit him last!”
I walked over. “Kaytie. Calm. Now. You already hit him last. William. You idiot, why would you hit her?”
“She called me a coward!”
“So you hit her? When she can so obviously kick your ass?”
“You think I'm a coward too, don't you?!”
“I didn't say that. However, what I do know is you are going to need some medical attention. Sophia, Jade, tend to him please.”
Sophia nodded, and Jade said “Alright.”
“Thanks” I said. “Now, any other thoughts?”
There was a brief silence, then Eli stepped forward. “I believe that we should go, just because of this single reason: what if it's someone in need? What if it's someone that can help us? We should send a few people, but the people sent should absolutely use extreme caution the entire time.”
I nodded. “All in favor?” Everyone raised their hands. “Good. Now, I will be taking a total of seven of you lot, in favor of a group of eight. I want Dusk, Faith, and Eli. That leads four spots. Any volunteers?”
Amy called out first “Here!”
“There’s one.” I stated.
“Here!” I looked and was surprised-Christina was number two.
“Two.” I stated
“Here!” called Jon
“And me!” called Jade.
“And four. Okay, so I am leaving Ken and Monte in charge of you guys. Everyone else, pack up. We leave in an hour.” Everyone nodded, and walked in different directions, getting ready to go. Ken approached me.
“Dude, I actually wanted to go.” he said.
I shook my head. “I know man, but we are going to be gone for a while. Everyone else here knows you better than they know Faith, Eli, or Dusk, so they are more likely to get along with you. I made sure Monte and Eveline are here too, because I want you to have some help, just in case.”
He sighed. “I guess you are right.” He stuck his hand out and I shook it. “Good luck man, you will need it.”
“Thanks, you too.” He walked off, and I went to my own area to prepare. “Hmm….” I thought. “I'm going to leave my…. Rocket Tuba here. It's too heavy to carry all that distance, and will slow us down greatly.” I grabbed my rifle and strapped it on. I then looked at a large case on the floor. I sat down and opened it. “Steven’s M24 sniper.” I thought sadly. “He spent so much time modifying this gun.” I could feel tears welling in my eyes. “Steven, I will bring this weapon with me to honor you. Your weapon of choice will protect me better than any god can, and I will use it to carry your spirit with me.” I placed it in the case and picked it up. It wasn’t too heavy, unlike the tuba. I grabbed the munitions belt that I “borrowed” from an army camp and placed it in place of my old leather belt, and I made sure it was loaded.
After wiping my eyes, I thought, “Alright, now for ammo.” I was in the process of checking my ammo boxes was someone spoke.
“Harley.” Dominika said
“Yeah?” I asked, without looking up.
“May I ask you something?”
“You just di- ah whatever. What is it?”
“It's about my sister. I know she volunteered, but still, I'm worried. She is still a child, and she doesn’t know all of the dangers.”
I stopped looking at my ammo, stood, and turned to face her. “Dominika, your sister is one of the most capable sixteen-year olds I have ever met. She is a damned good shot, and is one of the best at protecting herself in this entire group. She is the last-”
“So was Steven,” she said quietly, cutting me off, “and look what happened to him.”
I stopped cold. I felt a familiar feeling- the rush of guilt, anger, and sadness that comes to me every time I think of Steven. “Dominika, Jade will be fine. Nothing will happen to her. I promise.”
“Don't make promises you can’t keep.” She warned.
“Who said I was?” I sighed. “Look, not only is she with some of the best fighters we have, she is one of the best fighters we have. She will be safe.”
“I sure hope you’re right. Good luck.” She turned away and left, leaving me to finish packing. Again, I had that stereotypical feeling. “I hope I'm not leading them into a trap.”
“You are being negative, aren’t you.” Kaytie queried from behind me.
“Are you psychic?” I asked her, turning around.
“No, I just know you very well. You have made a habit of mistrusting yourself after what happened to Steven. Don’t worry about it. You may be leader, but these people can make their own choices, too. They choose to follow you, making them responsible, too. However, if you make idiotic decisions, then yes, you are a bad leader. You make good decisions, though. I trust you.”
“That was a mouthful.” I responded. “Thanks, I’ll keep that in
“Good.” She patted my arm. “Best of luck.”
One hour later
I looked around at my group. First of all, Amy, who is Monte’s girlfriend. She proved Ken right. She grew from a cute little girl to what people like to call an ‘Asian Beauty.’ Now a taller, stronger person, she does have the stereotypical Asian looks and bust. However, it is her eyes that set her apart from the rest. Her dark eyes have deep, dangerous steel to them, like someone who stared in the face of Death, and Death blinked first.
Christina, however, is somewhat different. Lean-muscled and tall, with straight black hair falling between her shoulder blades, with a pointed face and brown eyes. It’s her eyes that make her different. As of now, they look normal, but I’ve seen a fanatical, obsessive look in them, the look that would do anything for a certain-somebody. It is that fantasy that makes her somewhat of a loose cannon, because if something happens to her-I’m gonna say it-SENPAI, someone is going to get hurt, possibly killed.
Now for Jon. He is dark, well muscled, stands at an average five-foot-six. However, he always has the deep, haunted look about him, and it is that very look that makes me not want to know what happened to his family.
Jade and Dominika- They look mostly the same, both having long blond hair, the same blue-gray eyes, with soft, kind faces. They aren’t weak though. Years of Taekwondo training has made them tough, fierce fighters. Now, the few main differences between them are as such: Dominika is at least half a head taller; Jade’s face is more hawk like, and Dominika has the eyes of a killer, while Jade is still innocent, having not killed a human being.
I looked at their equipment- Faith with her clarinet, Jade with her Alto Saxophone, and Jon had his Bass clarinet (they had their instruments in their respective, if slightly modified, cases,) and everyone had standard weaponry, except me with my Colt, and Christina, who had a-Katana? Ok then.
“Alright guys, you all ready? Yeah? Faith, Eli, you guys finished fucking? Jon, Jade, you done making out? Amy? Said goodbye to Monte? Good. Don’t worry, because I am absolutely certain that you guys will figure out a way to do it again while we are traveling. Except you Amy. Sorry. So let's go!”
A Half-hour later
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