“Well this is tiring.” complained Amy. “We have been walking for hours.”
“It's only been 30 minutes!” I exclaimed.
“Yeah I know…” she said. “You guys are all so quiet, and we are moving so slow, I was trying to make someone laugh.”
I looked at her and smiled. “It's appreciated Amy. We will stop for a few minutes by the Middle School, alright? This equipment is kind of heavy.”
“Yeah it is.”
I turned back. ‘C’mon guys, it's a block away.”
“-and yeah baby I know.” I overheard Eli say, “You liked that? Awesome.”
“Hey,” I said. “I’m standing right here.”
Faith looked over her shoulder. “Yeah, you weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“I guessed that much.” I hear snickering behind me. “What is it?”
“What is what?” Jade asked.
“I heard laughing.”
“No one laughed.”
I looked around. “Hmm…” I said. ‘Must be hallucinating. Let’s go, we are almost there.” Sure enough, we turned the corner, and there it was. Garfield Middle School, in all its air-conditioned glory. We walked to the front entrance, bypassing all of the shut-down cars and blood.
“Guys!” someone shouted. “Undead! Right behind me!” I spun around and saw-Dominika.
“What are you doing here!” I shouted. “Guys, get inside!’
“Never mind that, just get inside!”
I growled, until I saw the horde. Not only was it huge, but the dead were-Running?
“The door is already unlocked!” shouted Faith. Jade and Jon took out their respective instruments- Her Alto Sax and his Bass Clarinet. She pulled what looked like padding out of hers, and began to play, “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel, and flames shot out at of the bell. Jon then started to play “Kerosene” by Miranda Lambert, and kerosene did indeed shoot out of his Clarinet, with the strength of a fire hose. He then crossed streams with her, creating a very powerful and long ranged flamethrower.
Don't ask how I know what the artists’ names are off the top of my head, Shit happens.
“Hurry Dominika, hurry!” I shouted, drawing my M16. I proceeded to fire into the horde, careful not to accidentally hit her. When she ran past me, Jon, Jade, and I ran, tossing grenades into the horde.
“Harley! Move!” Jade shouted. I moved aside, and she played again, pointing towards the ground two yards away. I guess they put kerosene when I wasn't looking, because the ground burst into flames.
“Close the door!” I shouted.
“It won’t lock!” Amy yelled. “The lock is malfunctioning!”
“Eli! Come!” He ran with me to the doors controls. We ripped the panel off, and, to our horror, saw that someone had cut a wire.
“Fuck!” I shouted.
“Do you have electrical tape and copper wire!” he shouted.
“Of course I do!” I pulled them out of my munitions bag. “Never leave home without them!”
I realized what he was doing. “Get the right length of electrical tape! I’ll do the copper!” I pulled out my safety gloves, and tugged them on, and immediately began to measure out the right length of wire. I cut it, and was placing it on when I heard someone shout.
“They are closing in!” Dominika shouted.
“We are almost done!” Just slow them down!” I responded, keeping my eyes on the wire. It sparked as I finished attaching it. “Okay! Attached it! Your turn!” I stood and looked at the control panel. Thankfully, one of the security guards must have had a memory problem, because the command prompts for the doors and school security were all on a sticky note on the desk, along with the authorization codes.
“Done!” Eli yelled.
“Get! Back!” I responded. “Everyone! Inside! Now!” Everyone charged inside. I typed in the prompt to close the door, along with the authorization codes.
“We are safe.” said Dominika. Suddenly someone gasped. We spun, raising our weapons, when the person stepped out.
“Dominika?” said Ryan.
She looked shocked. “RYAN!” she yelled as she ran towards him, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.
I was stunned. There he was. Tall, dark, with a powerfully built figure, it indeed was Ryan.
“Well then.” I said, after regaining my voice. “Nice to see you too.”
“Harley?” another voiced gasped.
I froze. “It couldn’t be…” I thought. I slowly turned around, and I saw yes, it was.
I would recognize her anywhere. The dark hair. The tough, tanned figure. Those dark eyes, the ones I always associated with a hawk, due to the fact she always seem to pick up on the smallest details.
My sister, Phoenix.
She survived.
She’s alive.
After my eyes processed what they were seeing, I felt tears start welling up. Dropping my rifle, I ran over, and gave her a hug.
“I can’t believe it…” I said shakily, “I thought you were dead!”
“I thought you were dead!” she cried out. After we released each other, she looked around. “What about Steven? I went home and I saw-well, you probably know.”
I nodded. “Yes I'm aware.”
“But what about Steven?”
I reached over my shoulder, and grabbed the stock of his sniper for comfort. “He died fighting.” I said quietly, turning away.
“Oh no…” Phoenix whispered. She sat down, and someone walked up, and put his arm around her.
Yup, it was him. Tall, dark, now-built man, with those sharp, hawk-like features.
“It's alright babe.” Lance said.
“Nice to see you survived.” I said.
“Yeah thanks… Charles didn’t though. He turned. He got away so he is still out there.”
“What about your family?”
“Not sure. They weren’t home when this started.”
“Sean? Cindy?”
“Not sure.” Phoenix said, looking up. “Nor Kaytie.”
“Oh, she’s alive and kicking.” Faith said.
“Well, punching would fit the description better.” said Amy, yet again attempting at humor. I smiled.
“So is anyone else with you guys?” I asked.
“It's me, Lance, Ryan, Anthony, Kyanna, and Alex.” Phoenix said.
“Cool.” I said.
“You?” she asked. As I told her, I could see Ryan and Dominika trying to sneak away. I looked at them.
“Guys? If you succeed in sneaking away, which you haven’t, we would have noticed you missing and probably gotten worried. Just tell us. Say something like ‘we are going to go and have sex in the bathroom’ or something.”
Dominika smiled. “Alright, sorry.” Ryan just shook his head and walked away with her.
“So. Where is everyone?” I asked, turning to Phoenix.
“Band and Chorus Rooms. We fortified the doors so; we can sleep in both areas.”
“Nice” I said.
“Where are you guys based?” she asked.
“High School Band Room.” I responded.
“I told you so.” Lance said.
“No you did not, I am the one who said it.” Phoenix said.
“Said what?’ I asked.
Phoenix looked at me. “When we were passing the High School, we saw light and movement. I said we should go check it out, but I was out-voted three to one to not check it out. So we didn't.” She turned to Lance. “You butt.”
I shook my head and laughed. “At least you guys are the same.”
“Some things never change,” Phoenix said, smiling. “Alright, I'll show you guys to my base.”
As we walked, Dusk walked up to me. “Harley, not to be a buzz kill, but don't forget about the flare.”
“I kno
w.” I said. “We are just checking this out and leaving. I'm going to ask her to go back to base.”
“She’s not going to like that.” Dusk said.
“I'm aware. I'm still going to ask.”
“Here we are.” Phoenix announced.
I looked around and nodded. “Pretty nice.”
“Hey, he is alive.” said Kyanna.
“That’s awesome!” Alex said.
“Hey dude!” Anthony cried, bumping my fist.
“Yeah, Ken said I have nine lives.” I said with a smile. They laughed.
“Okay, Phoenix.” I said, looking at her. “I am actually going to Elmwood Park, following a flare.”
“Okay.” she said. “Kyanna, Alex, Anthony, pack up and go back to GHS.”
They nodded. “Alright, but what about you?” Kyanna asked.
“What do you think? Lance and I are going with my brother.” She said.
Alex smiled. “Figures.” She looked at me, and said, “She’s been going out of her mind, hoping you guys were alive, and looking for signs of you and Steven.”
I half-smiled. “That sounds like her. Alright everyone, pack up, let's go.
Two hours later
We said our goodbyes to the others and continued on our way to the flare (Which someone had re-lit), but now we had four more people to our numbers: Phoenix, Dominika, Lance, and Ryan.
“Nice bo-staff.” Dusk said to Phoenix. “How’d you get it?”
“Thanks, I made it.” Phoenix responded. “I found a metal pole, and I attached sharpened blades to the ends with duct tape, a hammer, and some really powerful glue.” She spun it around. “Color guard skills are helping me out right now.”
“Sweet.” she said, “how well does it work?”
I let their conversation fade as I looked at Faith. “You guys banged, didn’t you?”
She laughed. “Hell yeah.”
“I noticed when you guys went to the office and didn’t come back for a little while.” I said.
She shrugged. “When a girl wants it, she gets it.”
“I’m not judging.” I responded. “You do you… or him, whatever makes you happy.”
I turned and saw Dominika and Ryan talking, and Jon and Jade silently walking, side by side, holding hands. Amy was behind then, keeping lookout, Lance was by Phoenix and Dusk.
“Where’s Christina?” I thought to myself.
“Hey.” A voice said from beside me.
“There you are.” I said. “I was wondering where you went.”
“Can we talk?” she asked.
“I swear if you are trying to-”
“I’m not.”
I looked at her. “Okay then. What is it?”
“I was thinking about us yesterday. Harley, I miss you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Christina, I will not deny that there was once-”
“Let me finish. It wasn’t all bad, right? I mean, we did last a while, and I had fun. Harley, don’t you miss me too?”
I looked at her directly in the eye. “Christina, I will not deny that we had something. When it was good, it was great. However, you destroyed that. You broke my heart, multiple times. And yes, I missed you at first. The first month was awful… I loved you at one point, and I gave you millions of chances. You fucked up, really, really bad. There is no coming back from that, ever. At least not in a romantic sense. And you know what? Think about this. Maybe, if you stopped trying to be with me and finally realize that we aren’t compatible anymore, we can be friends.” I looked forward before speaking again. “We aren’t going to happen. You need to move on.” I looked back at her and I saw tears welling up at the corner of her eyes. “Hey, I’m sorry, but it has to be said! It’s been two years, and you are still pining after me. You should move-” I broke off, because I had noticed something glinting up on a roof. “Eli?” I called, “Where are we?”
He pointed at a charred sign on the side of the road. “In Elmwood Park now.” He noticed me looking around. “What’s wrong?”
“I think I saw somethi-” I broke off. Now I really do see something-a tell-tale glint of the sun off a missile launcher... I instantly went through what I call an ‘ADHD panic’: I grabbed Christina, shoved her behind a barricade; swung out my rifle, ran back and leaped the highway barrier; and shouted, “ROCKET LAUNCHER ON THE ROOF! GET UNDER COVER! NOW!”
My order was met with multiple responses. Most people obeyed, but Ryan, Phoenix, and Lance did not. Lance and Ryan pulled out M24 sniper rifles, like the one I had, and Phoenix pulled a weapon off her back, a M249 Light Machine Gun (again, don’t ask why I bother identifying them right now, my brain works in odd manners). They then proceeded to either get under cover by jumping the highway barrier or using some old military barricades.
“Where?” Ryan whispered to me, as he was the closest.
“Up there.” I whispered back, pointing to the top of a red building.
He looked through his sniper scope, and said, “I don’t see anyon-” He broke off, shoving me to one side, and rolling off to the other. I took the hint, and I kept rolling back.
The spot where Ryan and I were violently exploded, sending debris everywhere.
“HOLY CRAP!” I faintly heard someone shouting.
“I’LL CHECK ON RYAN! THE REST OF YOU, UNLOAD ON THAT GUY! DO NOT GIVE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE TO FIRE!” The report of gunfire told me that my orders were being followed. I crawled towards Ryan, who was by a truck, looking like a man who was trying to focus. “You alright? Are you good?”
He nodded and shouted “I’m fine. You?”
“I’m good thanks to you!” I answered. “Let’s kill the fucker who tried to kill us!”
“The fuckers.” He said. He then shoved me to the side, jumped on me, grabbed my arms, and executed an impossible roll, keeping us both from slamming our heads on the asphalt.
I looked back where we were a second ago, and saw that the spot we were by was hit by another rocket, and resulted in the truck beside it exploding, alongside a few cars.
“FUCK!” I shouted. I heard a moan, and looked beside Ryan and me, and saw a zombie, lying on the ground. I pulled out my Colt and shot it in the head. “Shit!” I looked up, and saw something flying towards us. I shoved Ryan to the side, and jumped forward, but not far enough.
“BOOM!” was the last thing I heard, before the asphalt rushed up to meet me, and the darkness quickly overtook me.
My name is Amy. And my life has completely turned around.
A month ago, my biggest worries were if I was playing my drum parts right, my grades, and that hot guy in my PE class. Nowadays, I have other concerns, like that guy I’m shooting at, who is busy trying to kill us.
“BOOM!” I heard. I looked over, and saw a fireball coming out of the spot I knew that our group leader, Harley, and Dominika’s hot Black English boyfriend Ryan was.
“HOLY CRAP!” I shouted. I ran over, firing at the bitch who fired the rocket. I jumped behind the highway barrier, reloaded, stood, and fired, killing the bitch who shot at Harley and Ryan. I jumped over the barrier, and, upon reaching the spot, was greeted with a horrific sight.
“Oh no…” I said. Harley was on the ground, the shirt burned off of his back. His skin was badly burned, and he had some-something sticking out of his upper thigh.
“HARLEY!” I shouted, swing my rifle over my back as I ran over. “HARLEY!” I reached him, and, as I raised my hand over the burns, I could feel the heat coming off of him. I knelt beside him and I placed two fingers on the side of his neck. “There’s a pulse.” I thought.
“Oh my fucking god no,” said Ryan, lumbering over. “That looks awful.”
I turned to look at him. “Good, you are alive. Now, I have questions for you-AHHHHHH!!!!” I shouted, as something bit into my leg. It was a zombie! I grabbed Harley’s dropped pistol and shot it in the head.
“Oh no.” said Ryan. He to
ok a step forward, and picked Harley up. Harley groaned in pain as he was lifted off the ground. Ryan gently held him in his arms, and took a step back from me. “Amy…”
“Stay away from me!” I shouted. I limped back, and looked at the wound. “That creature took a chunk right out of me!” I thought furiously. I looked up, and saw Ryan walking towards me. I pointed Harley’s pistol at Ryan. “Stay back!”
“I can help you.” he said desperately.
“No you can’t!” I cried. “No one can! Just, get him to safety and stay away!” I backed up, and I hid behind a truck. The sound of gunfire re-registered itself to me, telling me that the combat was still ongoing. “Shit.” I thought. “What am I going to do?” I looked up, and I could see one of the shooters. I watched, and saw as Eli was shot in the leg. “No… my friends…” I came to a quick conclusion. I stood, swung my rifle off my back, took aim, and fired. “Yes!” I cried. I aimed and fired again, taking out another one. “Yes!” Suddenly, I felt a tearing sensation in my stomach, followed by one to my right breast, then to my left shoulder. I glanced down, and saw blood. I collapsed, and the sounds of combat faded into a dull roar. I struggled to sit up, and managed to prop myself up on the tire of a car. “This is it.” I thought. “This is the end of the line.” As I pulled Harley’s pistol out, I thought to all of the happy times I had with Monte. Hanging with my friends. “Goodbye, my friends.” I whispered. I lifted the gun to my temple, and I pulled the trigger.
My name is Faith Kelsey. And I am going to kill a bitch.
“ELI!” I shouted. Someone just shot my baby! I lifted my gun, spinning, looking for the person who fired. I saw him, aimed, and was about to fire when they collapsed. “DAMN!” I shouted, “THAT WAS MY KILL!” I angrily growled, and dove behind cover.
“Babe!” Eli shouted. “I’m alright! ‘Tis but a scratch!” I sighed in relief, spun out of cover, and unloaded a full clip out on the enemy. I saw as I hit two guys, eliminating at least one of them. All of a sudden, it stopped. The gunfight was over. Time to see the damage.
I checked around. By the most part, it seemed we did pretty well. Eli was indeed was only grazed by the bullet, and Dusk and Christina had cuts on their arms, but that seems to be it. I just needed to find Amy, Harley, and Ryan.
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