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Page 6

by Corwyn Martinez

  Faith’s eyes filled with tears. She pulled Eli to his feet, and exclaimed “Of course I will!” before fiercely kissing him. We all clapped (Except Harley, who kind of can’t.) They broke apart, and he put the ring on her hand. “I love you Faith.” He said.

  “I love you too.” She responded. I looked down at Harley. He was watching with an odd half-smile. He shook his head.

  “What?” I asked him.

  “Look at us.” He said. “People dying, the dead trying to eat us, and yet simple things such as an engagement are still happening. It’s beautiful.” He sighed. “You know how they say there’s plenty of fish in the sea?”

  “Yeah.” I said.

  “Well, there isn’t any more. You gotta make a move while you still can.”

  I looked at him. He wasn’t looking at me. Was he talking about me?

  Faith and Eli walked to us. “Congrats!” I exclaimed, hugging the both.

  “Thanks!” Faith said. Eli just smiled at me.

  “Congratulations guys.” Harley said.

  “Thanks dude.” Eli said. “I didn’t want you to miss it.”

  “Thanks dude. I would hug you guys, but I kinda can’t.”

  “Yeah,” Faith said. “Don’t get up. We don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  Phoenix spoke. “C’mon, let’s go back to the Medical.” We took Harley and Ryan back, and I pulled up a chair, and sat by Harley’s bed.

  “So how’s the food here?” I asked him.

  “No clue. I haven’t eaten.” He said. He looked at me. “Eveline,” he said, “Take Dominika, Jade, Dusk, Joselito, and Maria. Go search for William and Kaytie.”

  “How do you know-?”

  “Ryan told me.” I glared at Ryan.

  Ryan shrugged. “You guys are his people. It’s his right to know what happened to you guys.”

  I looked back at Harley, who said, “He’s right. Now, bring Jose and Maria here.

  I stuck my head out of the office, and shouted for Jose and Maria. They came over.

  “Yeah?” Jose asked me.

  “Harley wants to speak with you guys.”

  “Alright.” He said. Him and Maria walked in, and went over to Harley. I left, going to tell those who were coming with us, and to prepare my own equipment.


  My name is Dominika. The worst possible thing happened.

  We were going out, going to search for missing people. It was me, my sister, Dusk, Eveline, and the newcomers, Joselito, and Maria.

  We went to the last place they were seen, on Ray Street. We walked, and when we got there, we saw something that probably should’ve horrified me.

  Zombie Anthony. He was stumbling towards us.

  “Oh my god…” Eveline cried. She stared at him. “How is he alive?”

  I just stood there, and thought “These sentimental people.” I lifted my M16, and fired, shooting him in the head. He collapsed, now dead again.

  Dusk looked at me. I shook my head, and patted Eveline’s arm. “I’m sorry. Had to be done.” I stepped forward, and heard something whistle past my ear. I spun, and saw that Jose was shot in the arm.

  “What the fuck!’ I yelled. I dived behind a car, swinging my M16 out. I then pulled out a grenade, pulled the pin, and tossed it out towards the gunfire.

  After the grenade exploded, I stood, and I could see people, shooting at us. I fired, taking down person after person. After emptying my clip, I ducked beneath cover to reload.

  “This is awesome.” I thought.

  “DEAD BEHIND US!” my sister shouted. I looked, and saw a horde approaching. I tossed another grenade at it, freezing a few of the dead.

  “Get on that roof!” I yelled, pointing at a house with an emergency escape. We ran towards it, and we climbed up, one by one. I was the first one up, and everyone else followed. I looked down at my sister, and I could see the fear in her eyes as she desperately climbed up. When she was halfway up, she was shot-shot by an arrow, right to her forearm. The pain must’ve been intense, because it was enough to make her release the rung she was holding on to-

  And fall, right into the crowd of the dead. I desperately shouted her name, and fired my rifle into the crowd, but it was too late. I saw a zombie bite into her leg, ripping out a chunk. Then another into her arm, stomach, chest. She screamed. She must’ve been in excruciating pain! I heard her crying and sobbing for help, as I could see the dead scooping out her intestines, and greedily eating them. The last thing I saw on my sister’s beautiful face was pain and fear, and then an ugly face leaned over her, and took a bite out of her face. I sank to the ground, sobbing, as an arrow flew towards me, and slammed itself into my arm.


  My name is Jon-Francis. And I am a traitor.

  I turned on my group. I had found this sweet crossbow, with black arrows, with green and yellow fletching. I went to the High School, planning on killing Ken, and I saw Jada and Sophia on the roof, keeping watch. I quickly killed Sophia with a nice explosive arrow, and followed up with a regular arrow to Jada’s head (She was an easier target.) I was going to enter the High School to attack the others, when I saw another group of people coming to the school. Therefore, I decided to retreat, going back to the Middle School, figuring I could kill someone there, maybe even Harley. I was heading back, when I heard voices, so I climbed onto a roof, and scoped the situation out. I saw a small group of people, including Jade. Suddenly, someone started shooting at them, and a small horde was behind them, so they retreated to an emergency exit, to climb onto a roof. They were all up, except Jade. She climbed fast, almost too fast for me to act. I shot her, right in the arm, and she fell, fell into the horde, and the bitch was eaten alive. I laughed, seeing Dominika weeping in despair. I pointed my bow towards her, aiming for her heart, and fired. However, she turned, so it slammed into her right shoulder instead.

  “Damn.” I thought. I reloaded, and fired again. I missed this time. I sighed. “You know what? They don’t know I killed these people. I’ll go back to the GMS, and act natural. Maybe I’ll be able to kill someone there.” So, I stashed my crossbow, because it would be too obvious, (or suspicious, whatever) and climbed down. I ran back to the Middle School, and went to the side. There was a door that was unblocked. Quietly, I entered the building.


  Eveline again. This mission started bad, and moved on to horrible, real quick.

  First, undead Anthony. Then, Jade got eaten alive. Now, Dominika was shot in the shoulder. Shit was going down.

  “Dominika!” I heard Dusk shout. “Are you okay?”

  She ripped the arrow out of her, and snarled angrily, tears streaming down her face, “I’m fine. But when I find this asshole, I’m going to tear his throat out.”

  “I’ll help.” Maria said viciously.

  “Guys.” I said. “Let’s go back to the Middle School.” I pulled out a grenade. “Let’s toss these... DOMINIKA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” For she picked up her equipment, and took a running leap. She landed on the crowd, breaking her fall. She pulled out her chainsaw/trombone, and cut a path for herself. She took off, running in the opposite direction of the Middle School.

  “Guys!” Dusk shouted. “That’s our opening!” We climbed down, and sprinted back to the Middle School.

  “What am I going to tell Jon... “ I thought.


  I stood by Ken as he spoke to Alexis. As it seems, Alexis survived, and is leading a separate group, including Madison, Kaleb, Nelson, Jay, Rachael Kramer, Gianna, and her sister, Jillian.

  “So let me get this straight.” Alexis said. “You aren’t the leader here?”

  “No, I’m not.” Ken said.

  “So who is?”

  “He’s out on a mission right now.”

  She looked at him. “I didn’t ask where he is, fool. I asked who is-” She cut off, because I stepped forward, and punched her in the face.

  “What the fuck!” she yelled, blood dripping
from her nose. I heard people on both sides drawing their weapons, and I heard hammers cocking and weapons being loaded. However, I didn’t care. No one talks to my family like that.

  “You idiot.” Alexis said. “Do you want to die?”

  “Harley guides us.” I snapped. “However, he left Ken in charge while he is gone. Anything you have to say, bitch, you can say to him.”

  Jay stepped forward. “Kaytie let me ask you. Are you in charge?” I cautiously shook my head. “So why don’t you shut up?”

  “Why don’t you mind your own business?” Monte said.

  Jay pointed his rifle at Monte. “I will shoot you.”

  Monte pointed his rifle at Jay. “Bring it, you lowlife.”

  “Quit it!” Alexis shouted. She looked at Ken. “I will not forge any sort of alliance with you. I must speak to Harley then. How long has he been gone?”

  “Two days.” Ken said. “I had sent another group behind them, to try to find them. Two died, one is missing. Only Kaytie made it back.”

  Alexis narrowed her eyes. “How do you know that Kaytie didn’t kill them?”

  “Because she told me what happened, and I trust her.” Ken said.

  Alexis shook her head and snorted. “Trust.” she said.”Trusting is how people die.”

  Ken shook his head. “I don’t know what happened to you Alexis. You used to be a kinder person.”

  “Exactly. Used to. Now, I’m not as idiotic as I used to be.” She waved her hand. “But sure, I’ll help you guys out for a little while, until Harley returns. Then, we will see what happens from there.

  “Alright.” Ken said. “I actually was going to attempt to send another group out to find Eveline… And Harley’s group, of course. Would some of your people help?”

  Alexis looked at him. “Sure, but their main priority is going to be Harley, not Eveline. I don’t give a fuck how important she is to you.” She turned around. “Jillian, Kaleb, and I will go.”

  Ken nodded. “Kaytie, Monte, and Oliver, you go too.”

  Alexis looked at him, disgusted. “Why aren’t you coming?”

  Ken glared at her. “Soldier 101. Follow the CO’s orders. Harley is our leader, and has never given us a reason to not trust him. Therefore, I follow his orders. I was left in charge here, so I will stay here.”

  Alexis shook her head. “Alright, let’s move out.”

  Monte stepped forward. “Excuse me, but you aren’t in command of me.” He looked at Ken. “Who's the squad leader?”

  Ken looked at us, and said, “Oliver.” Oliver nodded, and shouldered his weapon.

  “I guess I’m working with you.” he said to Alexis, who laughed.

  “Hell nah, I’m in charge. I don’t work with anyone but the leader.” she said. “Madison, you are in charge till I return.”

  I shook my head. “Yup.” I thought. “She’s gonna die.”

  About 30 minutes later

  Annnnnd I knew it.

  You will see.

  What I mean.

  We were heading to Ray Street. The EXACT place where my group was going through when we were ambushed. The idiot just won’t listen to me though. Whatever.

  Oh, and I got a new weapon, a one-handed sword. I took it off of Jamie’s body.

  Anyways, so we were going through Ray, when suddenly, a small group of people stepped in front of us-I even recognized a few-Omar. Jimmy. Allison. And Jason Dickson. They stood there, waiting for us to approach.

  I glared at them, before looking at Oliver and Alexis. Oliver seemed to be saying something, and, as usual, the know-it-all refused to listen. She stepped forward, motioning for us to fan out behind her.

  “Jason.” she called out. “Come here.” Jason walked over, and I looked at him. Honestly, I wasn’t surprised he was a double agent. Little asshole couldn’t stay loyal to anything. What did surprise me, however, is when he reached us and kissed Alexis.

  “Alrighty then.” I thought.

  Jimmy cleared his throat. “Alright. Alexis, is it? There’s your guy. Give us ours.”

  “No problem.” Alexis replied. She snapped her fingers, and Jillian and Kaleb seized my arms.

  “What the hell!” I shouted, struggling. They dragged me halfway, when someone shot Kaleb in the throat. He fell to the ground, grasping towards his neck, and I swung my arm, and punched Jillian in the breast. She stumbled back, and I drew my S&W. I fired, shooting her in the skull. I spun, pointing my gun at Alexis, when I saw that Jason was holding Oliver prisoner, and Monte was on the ground, knocked out.

  “Drop it.” Jason said. Gritting my teeth, I complied. “Turn around, and walk to Jimmy.” I did, and as I drew closer, I could see a devilish grin on his face.

  Right as I was going to reach him, I heard someone shout “NOW!” Gunfire surrounded us, and I saw Jimmy die, right in front of me. However, I just spun around, and charged towards Alexis. I saw Oliver was released in the confusion, and was carrying Monte’s unconscious form to safety. I saw all of this, but didn’t see a fist slam into me. I stumbled back, winded. It was Jason, who was holding a katana in one hand, with Alexis beside him, holding a similar weapon.

  She sneered. “We are going to kill you. Your reinforcements are occupied, and Oliver is busy with Jay, who I had follow us. You are all alone. You versus us.”

  Jason grinned. “I found these weapons for me and my babe. I particularly like decapitations, and so does Alexis. After we kill you, I think we will put your head on a spear, to show we are the superpower in this area.”

  I drew my sword. “I’ll kill you both first.” I figured I should be able to beat them. I mean, I was trained, and, judging how Alexis was standing (too-tight grip on the sword, with a tense, unstable stance,) that, in spite of the two on one, I might have a slight edge.

  Alexis swung first, which I easily blocked. I swung at Jason, who quickly jumped back. I then proceeded to use a downwards slice to the side of her head. She clumsily blocked it, and I followed with a lightning-quick jab into her stomach, the blade going completely through her.

  She gasped in pain, and, with an upwards flick of my wrist; I cut her open, from her stomach up to her shoulder. Her body collapsed, her organs spilling out her, all into a rapid-growing pool of blood.

  “NO!” Jason shouted. I spun, and barely deflected his strike-a swipe to my neck. We attacked, again and again, each time blocking each other. We stepped back, gasping for air and looking around.

  I saw them. The missing people. Eveline. Dusk. Faith, Eli, Jon, and even-was that Maria and Joselito? I shook my head, and looked back at Jason.

  He lifted his head to face me, and stood ready to fight. I too, reformed my stance, prepared to fight. I swung from below, the silver of my blade going for the most painful place imaginable-his balls. Unfortunately, he blocked, and responded with a slash to my arm. I deflected, and landed a cut-a quick slash to his leg. He responded, stabbing me in my shoulder. I grimaced in pain, and I quickly took advantage of his temporarily opened guard-spinning my blade, I cut his sword hand off, slashed downward at his stomach. He fell, dropping his blade, which I kicked aside. I stood over him, when I heard a loud bang, and felt a tearing sensation in my left knee. I ignored it, and I slashed his head diagonally, into his skull and through his eye. His body collapse, his brain sliding out of its place in his now destroyed skull. I looked at my friends, weakly smiled, and fell to the ground.


  Jon here, acting helpful in spirit of my greater plans.

  I offered to carry Kaytie back to the Middle School, because I wanted an excuse to enter the nurse’s office. I was actually surprised that Oliver survived his fight with Jay, but it seems that he used Jay’s own bowie, and stabbed Jay in the heart, and then he slammed it into his head, and left it there.

  I carried Kaytie into the nurse, where Phoenix and Lance were.

  “What happened?” asked Phoenix from beside Harley.

  “Two in-and-out injuries, one to the leg, the other to the shoulder.�
� said Lance. “Probably blood loss. Oh, and babe? It’s Kaytie.”

  “Kaytie?” Phoenix said, running over. I slowly edged myself over to Harley, whose back was actually looking better. That means I have to act now. I stood beside him.

  “I know you are there.” He said, rolling over. “What do you want?”

  I said nothing. I upholstered my gun, and pointed it at him. “Your demise.” I was about to shoot him when someone tackled me. “Who the fuck!” I yelled. Phoenix and Lance were on the other side of the room! I pushed the person off, and glanced around for my gun. When I couldn’t find it, I looked up. A girl I had never seen before was standing there, pointing my gun at me. She was a small girl, only around 5’2”, with a slight build, light skin, and pitch-black hair. And her eyes? They were electric blue, and had a harsh, cold light about them.

  “This is Brooke. (It sounds like Brook)” Harley said. “She stumbled upon us while Eveline’s group was out-which you would have known, if you were here. You know, instead of killing Jade?” I guess the shock must’ve shown in my face, because he nodded. “Yeah, we know.” he said. “Maria saw you, but didn’t recognize you at first. When they came back here, she was suspicious, and informed me that it might’ve been you. Brooke here volunteered to protect Ryan and me, just in case you came after one of us.” He looked at her. “Thank you, Brooke.”

  “Anytime handsome.” Brooke said, never once taking her eyes off of me. He blinked in surprise, and shrugged.

  “Brooke.” he said. “Don’t kill him. But make sure he won’t hurt anyone until Dominika returns.”


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