“Oh hell no.” I said. I snatched a weapon off the desk-a Colt 1911-and swung my arm towards Brooke. However, I saw an explosion of black and red, and darkness enveloped me.
Harley here. This woman is quite cute...
However, she may be slightly insane.
I like it…
“Brooke!” I complained. “I wanted Dominika to kill him.”
She looked at me. “I know, but he was gonna shoot me.”
“I know…” I replied, shrugging. “Well, one less traitor in our midst, I guess.”
She smiled. “Yeah.” I looked over, and saw Phoenix and Lance, looking at us.
“Called it.” Phoenix said.
Lance smiled. “Yes, yes you did.” They went back to working on Kaytie’s wounds. Brooke walked over to me, and sat in the chair she had previously occupied. We sat there in silence for a few minutes.
“Harley.” Brooke said. I looked at her, and she said, “You should be resting. You do want to get out of here, right?”
“Yeah I guess.” I said. I rolled over, and I closed my eyes.
I was walking on a deserted plain. All alone, unarmed, I was walking, nervous of what was to come. Suddenly, I saw a body on the ground. I ran over, and saw, to my horror, it was Eveline. I looked on with horror, and, glancing forward, I could see a trail of people: Faith. Eli. Dusk. Phoenix. Steven. My parents. My older brother, Joseph. Everyone under my command. I fell to my knees in shock.
“It’s your fault.” I heard a voice say. I looked up, and saw Ken, standing over me. He kicked me in the gut, sending me sprawling. “We followed your orders, and we died because of it. You should’ve died. We would be alive, at least.” I stood.
“I’m not fight-” I started to say, but Ken slammed his fist into my jaw.
“You're right.” He said. “You aren’t going to fight. We are going to kill you.” He pulled out a weapon-my Colt 1911-and shot himself in the heart. He crumbled to the floor, dead. I heard moans behind me, and I turned. My friends and family were stumbling towards me, their mouths agape, their dead eyes had nothing left in them but hunger.
They were hungry.
I was the main course.
A pair of hands grabbed my arm, and ripped a chunk out. I screamed in pain, and Zombie Eveline grabbed my shoulders, and started to shake me uncontrollably, calling my name-Wait, what?
“Harley!” Brooke shouted, shaking me. I heard footsteps, quick, coming towards me.
“What’s wrong?” Phoenix cried out.
“He was moaning in pain, and his heart rate was slowly climbing.” She said, pointing to the monitor attached to me.
“Guys…” I said. “I’m fine. Just a nightmare.”
Brooke looked at me. “Ohhhh, I would’ve never guessed.” she said. “I shook you awake because you were having a good dream. Not that you were acting like Freddy Kruger was attacking. I’m sorrrry.”
I looked at her. “Thank you.” She stuck her tongue out at me, then grinned.
“Anytime, handsome.”
“Okay, why do you keep calling me that?”
“Why do you think? It’s because you are handsome, even with the pubic hair dangling off your face.”
“Hey!” I protested. “I like my beard!’
“Well,” Phoenix put in. “It has been a few days since you last shaved. So it is a mess.”
I sat there, and crossed my arms, pouting. “You butts.”
They laughed, and even I smiled. I closed my eyes, and dozed off, thankfully into a good sleep, dreaming about the old days.
Ken here. New people buried.
Phillip helped me. Since Monte and Eveline are gone, this tall, white, blond, blue-eyed polish boy has become my second in command (he's my age.)
We buried Jada and Sophia next to Steven, carving “JADA” and “SOPHIA” above them.
Madison sighed. She was standing by us, and had stood there as we buried our dead. I took a glance at her. Standing at around five foot five, this big-boobed, athletic blond with beautiful blue eyes has been was the star of more than a few special dreams a few years ago.
“Well, this world will miss Jada.” she said sarcastically. “We all needed a bit of her bright, complaining, and unhelpful light to be with us every day.”
I looked at her. “As unhelpful as Jada was, she was still part of the team.” I said.
“A deadweight.”
“It doesn’t matter, she still was a person.”
“A useless one!” Madison exclaimed, “Think about it. What if she didn’t die, and was shot in the arm. She would’ve over-dramatized it, probably getting you killed!”
“I know! But, regardless, she was a human being! Our numbers are small enough; we need to hold on to all of the ones we can!”
“You are a soldier, Kenneth.” she said, “You guys are all trained and fit, because, here in the real world, it's survival of the fittest.”
“Madison, what happened to your humanity?” I asked.
She looked at me, and calmly said, “It died, alongside this town.”
“Madison, if you allow yourself to believe that, then all is lost. We are here as the last of humanity. However, if we lose that humanity, then what is the point? We may as well as kill ourselves then, and save the zombies the trouble.”
“Oh Ken,” she said. “You still are as gullible as ever. We are here to survive. The first humans were survivors. Now, we must break past our ‘civility,’ and do whatever is necessary to survive. The sooner you understand that, the longer you will survive.”
“Alexis taught you that didn’t she?” I asked. “You know, you never followed her before, why now?”
“She proved to be the toughest of us.”
“She saved each of us from large groups of the dead.” Madison replied.
“What about you?” She asked. “You never followed him before. What’s the deal?”
Phillip stepped forward. “If I may speak.” He said. “We elected Harley, after he proved to be the worthiest candidate, first gathering us up, then setting in motion the building of the base. Alongside his four lieutenants, they have done their best to make our base a comfortable place to live. He has never let us down, and has never led us astray. Why wouldn’t we listen to him? He even puts the huge decisions up to a vote, between all of us. Does your precious Alexis do that?”
“No.” Madison admitted. “She makes a decision, and we all follow.”
“Just as I thought.” Phillip said, nodding towards me.
“I know Harley’s not perfect though,” she said with a smile. “Is it not true that he once took a sledgehammer to a wall in a fit of rage?”
Phillip and I looked at each other, shocked that she knew that. The expressions on our faces must have been enough for her, for she continued, saying, “That’s a sign of mental instability. Doesn't that make you feel unsafe?”
“It was a stress-induced rage.” I said. “You try leading a group of twenty people. Besides, if it was mental instability, he would’ve taken the hammer and started hitting us with it.”
Phillip nodded. “Do you even psychoanalysis?”
“Besides,” I said. “How do you even know that?”
“Frank told me.” She said. “I asked if Harley has done anything insane-I’ve known him for a while, I figured he would’ve-and lo and behold, I was correct.”
I shook my head. “You just wanted to make Alexis seem a better leader. Trust me, she’s not.”
Madison shrugged. “She’s my leader.”
She started to head inside. At the doorway, she turned and said, “Oh Ken? You’re hot when you are muscular. I noticed that.”
Phillip looked at me, wearing his famous sexual grin. I shrugged, confused.
“Women.” I muttered, shaking my head. “C’mon man, let’s go inside.”
September 26th, 2018
My name is Oliver Kramer. They’ve healed.
Ryan was out of recovery five days ago, and was anxious to find Dominika. He left without permission, and amazingly came back with Dominika, and they are both unharmed (other than an arrow wound to Dominika’s shoulder, but I was told Jon-Francis gave that to her.)
Harley? He is just now finally walking around. That new chick, Brooke, seems to have appointed herself to be his personal bodyguard. Eveline and I, however, believe that she just wants some of the D. We actually placed bet on how long before she makes a move on him. Eveline bet that she will after Harley talks to Dominika (Regardless of what Christina did, Dominika shouldn’t have killed her, and there will be consequences.) I bet that when she sees Harley leading our group (He displays a powerful stance of confidence in front of the others, so they won’t worry. I actually wouldn’t know that either, but he told Eveline, Kaytie, and me. I don’t even think he’s told his lieutenants, because he needs them to believe that he knows what to do, all the time.) Anyways, with him not being a skinny little man anymore, I believe that she will go for it then. Whoever loses the bet has to do something the other wishes (I’m going to make her kiss Ken when she loses.)
When Dominika returned with the information that we had caught and shot the one responsible for her sister’s death, she was furious. However, she didn’t fight about it when she heard Jon tried to kill Harley and Brooke.
Monte is getting accustomed to missing two fingers. He was lucky that they were on his left, so he can still fight and shoot. However, he does not stop cracking jokes that it will be easier for him to finger someone.
Kaytie was given stitches by Phoenix. One of her lungs was damaged, but Phoenix says that she still will be able to fight; she will just get winded faster, due to the less oxygen flowing through her system. She has also been spending a lot of time helping carry orders from Harley to us.
It’s become quite difficult to use the restrooms here, because it seems that Ryan and Dominika, Faith and Eli, or Jose and Maria are constantly in one of them. And I’m the unlucky guy who seems to constantly walk in on them. I was taking a shit once, and Ryan and Dominika started fucking in there. I walked out anyways, and stepped over them to wash my hands and leave. The look on their faces was priceless…
Me? I’ve been doing a lot of target practice on the third floor. Phoenix told me of this pretty sweet compound bow that she had found. Now, I took some archery classes for fun, so I’m not clueless on how to use it. With 100 pounds of draw weight, it’s a pretty damn powerful bow.
Harley called us to a meeting. The attendees were: Me, Eveline, Monte, Faith, Eli, Kaytie, Dusk, Harley (duh), and the ever-present Brooke. The subject was Dominika’s brutal murder of Christina. The meeting place was the Middle School Band Room.
Brooke leaned forward in her chair, and declared, “Personally, I feel that she was right in killing Christina. From what I’ve heard, she was volatile and obsessive.”
I leaned close to Eveline, and whispered, “Not to mention that she was all over Harley.” Eveline chuckled.
“That may be, but it’s not Dominika’s job to be the executioner.” Monte said, “She took matters into her own hands, and we lost a member of our team.”
“Can we really call her a member of our team?” Kaytie asked. “I mean, Christina was kind of a useless. She made loud noises, but she never really any help.”
“That doesn’t matter though.” Eli stated. “If Dominika hadn’t killed her, we would be debating on what to do with Christina. But, since Dominika decided she was the judge, jury, and executioner, we have to deal with this.”
“Christina was a decent person.” Dusk said. “She didn’t deserve a chainsaw to the head.”
I shook my head. “She attacked Ryan, who is not only a more useful person; he isn’t even in our group. He’s in Phoenix’s group.”
“Phoenix and I have combined groups.” Harley stated, from his spot in the center of the room.
“Ryan spent several days in the infirmary.” Eveline said. “We needed him to be active.”
“Yeah, but now we are another person short.” Eli said.
“Alright guys.” Harley declared. “Here are the rulings. If found that her attack was unnecessary and a waste of life, she will be banished. If not, she will be reprimanded.” We all nodded. “All in favor of banishment?”
Eli and Monte raised their hands. “Alright.” Harley declared. “She will be left with a warning. However, the next time this happens, she will be stripped of all her weaponry, and banished. We cannot have someone killing our people. Agreed?” We all agreed, and he said, “Okay, meeting closed. I have to go find Dominika. Dusk, Oliver, Eveline, and Kaytie, meet me in the Main Office in a half hour.” He walked out of the Band Room, with Brooke close behind him. Kaytie approached Eveline and I.
“She really was useless.” Kaytie declared. “This trial was unnecessary.”
I shrugged, and Eveline said, “Come on guys, I want to see if Brooke makes a move on Harley.” We ran, excited,
Half Hour Later
“Told ya so.” I gleefully to Eveline. “Told you it wouldn’t be wouldn’t be then.” She stuck her tongue out at me, while Kaytie laughed.
“You’re still going to lose.” Eveline said to me.
“Going to lose what?” Harley asked, as he and Brooke walked into the office. “You know what? I don’t want to know. Alright, so this is the deal. The four of you will need to go back to the GHS, and tell them that we are okay. Alright?”
I nodded. “Alright.”
“Dusk, you are in charge.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
“Get ready, leave soon.” Harley said.
20 Minutes Later
We left after a little, because we were in no hurry. The danger of other people seemed to have passed, so we weren’t too concerned
I had my new bow, and I’ve kept it strung. I keep playing with the line as we casually walked towards the HS.
“I told you so.” I said to Eveline, who looked upset. “Now you will have to kiss Ken.”
“Whoa buddy,” she said, “You haven’t won yet. You still might be wrong.”
“In which you will still have to kiss Ken.” I responded cheerfully.
“Uh, no. I never agreed to that.”
“Hey, I want in.” Kaytie said. “What are the terms?”
I looked at her. “If you are right, then Eveline and I will have to do whatever you want. If you lose, you have to do whatever the winner wants. Agreed?”
“What’s your bet?”
“I bet that she will make a move if he saves her.”
Eveline and I looked at each other. “Alright, that’s a good one.” We shook Kaytie’s hand.
“Guys.” Dusk said. “Look.” She pointed, and, looking in that direction, we saw we were back home.
Upon approaching the High School, we saw Ken walking towards us, with Madison closely behind him.
“Dusk!” He cried. “You guys are alive! I was worried! You guys were taking so long!”
She nodded. “We are fine. Harley was recovering from some injuries.”
Ken opened his mouth, about to speak, when Gianna ran up, and spoke.
“Where’s my sister? Where’s Alexis? She exclaimed.
“They are dead.” Kaytie spat. “They tried to have me killed.”
Gianna stepped back, stunned. She walked away.
“Alright.” Ken said. “So, since you guys are here, I’ll take it he’s recovered?”
“Yes.” I said. “He has a new friend. This cute chick named Brooke. She’s appointed herself his bodyguard, and even stopped Jon from killing him.”
“What?” Ken asked. “What don't I know?”
As Dusk quickly filled him and Madison in on the details since her group, the flare group, left, I looked around. I saw Gianna, Nelson, and my little sister Racheal standing around, muttering qui
etly. Then, in one fluid motion, they pointed their guns at Dusk, Ken, and Madison, and fired. Someone slammed into me, knocking me backwards.
“Madison!” I yelled. “Get off me!”
“Dusk pushed me!” she shouted back. We jumped to our feet, and pulled out our rifles. We pointed it towards the shooters, and, to our surprise, we saw them on the floor, filled with multiple gun wounds.
“Oh no…” we heard Ken say from behind us. We spun, and Madison gasped. Dusk was on the ground, with a bullet hole to her stomach.
“She pushed us out of the way.” Ken said sadly, looking at Madison.
“Yeah,” Madison agreed, “She must’ve seen them when we didn’t.”
“Oliver, move!” Kaytie shouted. I leaped out of the way, as Kaytie charged forward, picking Dusk up. She dashed inside.
We walked over to burial site. As we passed my sister, I picked up her Winchester Model 37 shotgun, pointed it at her head, and fired, blowing her head off. I then reloaded, and fired again, this time at her torso.
“You little traitor.” I said, reloading, and pointing at Nelson’s head. “You gladly killed my friend.” I fired, reloaded, and continued, pointing at Gianna. “You would’ve killed the others.” I fired again, reloaded, and pointed it back at her. “You would’ve gladly killed me. Well, guess what? You are not my sister.” I fired again, and then I left, keeping the gun. As I walked away, I could feel moisture, slowly falling off my face.
A reprimand was worth it.
I mean, she shot Ryan, and in an area that could’ve been fatal if not for Phoenix’s and Lance’s amazing medical skills.
Also, her obsession over Harley was disturbing. He had quite a few stalkers before this, and she was still the most insane.
“I don’t regret it.” I said to Harley, who was standing in front of me. “She was absolutely insane. She shot Ryan because she felt like he didn’t do enough! She didn’t even believe it was his fault, she just wanted revenge, for something he had no control over!”
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