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TMD Page 8

by Corwyn Martinez

  “Yes, I know.” He said. “I know why you did it, and I understand. However, I cannot have someone killing other members of the team. You should’ve left her for us to deal with! That is Dusk’s, Faith’s, Eli’s, Ken’s, and my job. Not yours! We are the ones in charge here! Do you understand Dominika?”

  I nodded. He wasn’t mad that I killed her-he probably would’ve done the same thing. He was mad that I undermined the authority that had been set up by him and his lieutenants.

  “It won’t happen again.” I promised.

  “It sure as hell won’t. Next time this happens Mika, and I will have to banish you. That’s what we decided.” He turned and left. Brooke looked at me, then turned and followed him out.

  I sat there, furious. A threat of banishment? What the fuck?

  “You know what?” I said aloud. “I’m outta here.”

  I stood, and walked to me sleeping area.

  20 Minutes Later

  I quietly stepped outside, breathing in the fresh air. I had gathered my equipment (M16, Chainsaw, Beretta M9,) and I even stole three weapons from Harley’s emergency supply: a Colt Python Revolver, and a M24 sniper rifle, and a two-handed double-edged sword (They were tagged for some reason. Also, this Python looks familiar, but I can’t place where from…)

  Anyways, I turned to look back at the school. Then, with a sigh, I started to walk away.

  “Dominika!” I heard a voice shout. It was Monte. He approached me. “Where are you going? You weren’t given a mission! And don’t lie; I’ve been with Harley since he finished talking to you.”

  “Screw him. I’m leaving.” I said coldly.

  “Why?” Monte asked, shocked, “its safer here with us!”

  I pointed at his hand. “Yeah, sure.” I thought back to what Harley said “That’s what we decided.” I slowly drew my sword, and place the point of it on the ground. Monte eyed me warily.

  “You were in the conference to decide my fate, right?”

  “Yeah….” He said nervously.

  I laughed. “So who was against me?”

  “Me and Eli. We felt that you shouldn’t have killed her.” he replied.

  I chuckled. Then, before he could react, I swung my blade upwards, slicing through his right leg. He fell to the floor, screaming, as blood spurted out of his leg.

  “Tell them I’m coming, for them!” I shouted over his screams.

  “Help me!” He screamed. “Dominika’s gone insane!”

  I cursed. Knowing that there would be people coming out, I turned and fled, running away from this God-Forsaken hellhole.

  Running from it all.

  Swearing to return.

  To kill them. The ones who would have me banished.









  And I will save Harley for last, so he could see everyone die.

  Then I will kill him


  September 28th, 2018


  Harley here. And I have a secret, one that may cost me my life.

  You see, when this all started, I had enough. A three month supply. And you know what? Put us in a situation, such as an apocalypse, and people will forget things about the past. Even those closest to you will forget that someone has a disease. Take me, for example. Everyone, even my sister, has forgotten-they have forgotten that Phillip and I have the deadly disease, the one known as Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.

  And now, we have a problem.

  A serious one.

  We were heading back, finally going back to the High School. Of the original eight I had brought with me, four were dead; Dusk was at the High School. I also had Ryan, Phoenix, Lance, Maria, Joselito, Monte, and Brooke with me.

  Monte’s leg has been stitched, and Ryan is carrying him.

  Ryan is going a little crazy though… It worries me…

  When we arrived back to base, we were greeted by Ken, Eveline, Kaytie, and… Madison? Okay then. Anyway, Ken stuck his arm out, and I grasped it.

  “I’ve been worried sick about you.” He said.

  I smiled. “I’m alright dude.” I looked around, and I saw everything was pretty much the same. “You did an excellent job dude.”

  He looked at me with pain in his eyes. “We lost people…”

  I sadly looked away, and nodded. “I know… So did I. I lost Christina, Amy, and Jade. Jon is dead too, he killed Jade and attempted to kill me. Also, Dominika went crazy, attacked Monte, and ran away.”

  “Is that why Ryan is carrying him?” Ken asked.

  “Yeah.” I responded. “You?”

  “We lost William, Anthony, Sophia, and Jada.

  I put my hand on the wall, and leaned on it for support. “Take me to the graves.” I said shakily.

  I stared at the graves. The name “JADA PENN” was carved into a wall, above what I could tell was a freshly dug grave. I stood beside Ken and Brooke, who were silent. I knelt beside the grave, and whispered. “Jada… You were one of my longest friends in life. Now, I hope you get the afterlife you deserve.” I stopped, feeling tears start to roll out of my eyes. However, I managed to choke out these last words. “I will miss you.”

  I felt a hand on my shoulder, and was lead away from the grave. We stepped inside, and Brooke hugged me. I patted her on the back, and said, “Thanks. Let’s go back inside.”

  Back in my sleeping area, I saw my old intercom project still sitting there, untouched. However, I couldn’t work on it, because I needed to check something really, really important. I walked over to the three office rooms, and walked into the one furthest to the right (The other two were barred off, and no one enters this room without my consent)

  I looked around. My two dismantled computers were still sitting there, and underneath the desk they were on, I saw my tiny mini fridge was still sitting there. I opened it, looked inside, and cursed. My supply of insulin was almost gone.

  Someone gasped at the door. I slammed the door closed, and stood. It was Kaytie.

  “I knew I forgot something crucial about you!” She said. “You’re Diabetic!”

  “Shh!” I whispered. “Don’t say anything. Can’t have people worried.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us before!?” she exclaimed angrily.

  “You guys already knew.” I retorted. “You guys are the ones who forgot.”

  “But you-” she started to say, and then stopped. “You are right. We are the ones who forgot. I’m sorry.”

  I stood. “It’s okay. C’mon, things need to be done around here.”

  I started to walk forward, when Kaytie gave me a hug. “I’m

  glad you are safe. I’ve been worried.

  I hugged her back, and reassuringly said, “Don’t worry.

  Ken said I have nine lives.”

  She laughed. “And when exactly did he say that?”

  “Eh, a few years ago.”

  “And you are still repeating it.”

  “Hey, I like to remind him that he once said that.”

  She chuckled lightly. “Yea, alright. Let’s go.”

  As we walked out, I asked, “Can I see Dusk?”

  “No,” Kaytie responded sadly, shaking her head. “She’s still in recovery. Phoenix said she cannot have any visitors for at least a week.”

  “Fuck…” I muttered.

  The group quietly sat in front of me, as, I looked around, and said. “I am so proud of you guys. Even when our comrades were dying, you still kept fighting. I could not wish for a better team.” After a brief period of cheering, I called for silence. “Alright, now, time to get a few things in order. First off, I want a squad consisting of Phoenix, Oliver, Eveline, Joselito, Kyanna, Alex, and Phillip to go to Price-Rite. Be careful, and make sure you bring back as much supplies as you can.” They nodded, and I proceeded. “Ken, Brooke, and Madison, See me after this. And finally, o
ur new lieutenant, Kaytie, will be in charge in my place, because I will be leaving temporarily.”

  Kaytie blinked, and then happily smiled, and said, “I won’t let you down.”

  I smiled back, and nodded at her. “I know you won’t, Xena.” She laughed.

  I looked back at everyone. “Oh, and if you see Dominika, shoot to kill. She has sworn to kill us and it the one responsible for Monte’s missing leg.” They all nodded again. “Alright, conjure.”

  I beckoned Ken over, and Brooke and Madison followed. “Come with me to the hall.” They followed me, and we stepped outside. “Alright, we are splitting into two groups. Ken, you are with me. Brooke, you are with Madison. Girls, you guys will be silently going around town, collecting as much ammunition and weapons as you can carry.” They nodded.

  “What about us?” Ken asked.

  “We are going to Hackensack Medical Hospital. “ I said.

  “Wait, why?” Brooke and Madison asked in unison.

  I looked at them. “Guys, you have forgotten something about me.”

  They stared at me, until Ken suddenly remembered. “Oh crap... “He muttered. “Your diabetic.”

  “Correct.” I said. “And HMU is the most likely place where we will find insulin, because they were always well-stocked on it.” He nodded, but Brooke was still looking concerned, and her usual cold gaze softened to something that looked like- Care. However, I continued speaking, because, I wanted to leave as quickly as I can. “Guys, grab your equipment, and leave as soon as you can. Ken, meet me outside in no later than twenty minutes. No Bari Sax, it will slow us down. However, you can trade any weapon you want from my munitions bag. Alright?”

  They all mumbled their consent, and Ken and Madison left to go get ready. Brooke, however, approached me.

  “Hey, can you meet me here when you are ready?” she asked.

  “Sure.” I said. I walked off to get ready.

  After grabbing equipment (My Colt 1911, a Sawed-off Shotgun, a Beretta M9, my M16, and a hand-and-a-half sword,) I walked out to go and see what Brooke wanted. I saw her in the hall, facing the wall.

  “Is that you, Harley?” she asked.

  I grinned. “So you do know my name.”

  She turned to face me. “Of course I do. You told me it.”

  “Yeah I’m aware. You just never say it.” I chuckled. “What’s wrong?”

  “Well…” She said. I looked at her carefully, and, unless, I was imagining it, she was blushing. “Harley, I am going to be dead honest. I am scared.”

  I looked carefully at her. “It’s okay to be scared. You are going on a dangerous mission, after all.”

  “I’m not scared for me.” she stated. “I’m scared for you.”

  I leaned against the wall, and looked at the other wall, the one I had smashed about a month ago, in a fit of rage and despair. “What are you trying to say?” I asked, although I had an idea of what she was trying to say.

  She took a step forward, getting closer to me. “You’re a smart man. I’m sure you know.” Another step forward.

  I shook my head. “I’m not a man yet. I am only eighteen.”

  She shook her head. “And yet, you have done more in your life than most full-grown men ever have.” Another step, right into my personal space. “You have seen and suffered more than most eighty year olds.” She wrapped her arms around my neck. “If that doesn’t make you a man, what does?”

  “Ummm, the thing I was born with that hangs between my legs?” I said.

  She lightly smiled. “You are amazing, handsome.” She pulled me down to her, and kissed me. I kissed her back, a wonderful feeling of warmth flowing though me, a feeling I had not felt in a very long time. (No, not that feeling. It’s a non-physical feeling. Get yall heads outta the gutter.)

  She pulled back, looking at me. “Come back to me, handsome. I can’t bear to lose you.”

  I looked at her, and kindly said, “Don’t worry, Ken said I have nine lives.” She laughed, and walked away. I looked after her, smiling. Ken walked out, and looked at me.

  “Get that idiotic grin off your face. Let’s go.”

  I looked at him, still smiling. “You’re right. Let’s go.”

  About an hour later.

  We had been trudging along in the direction of Hackensack, So far, nothing had gone wrong.

  I looked at Ken. He was walking along, with a scowl on his face. I shrugged, because he refused to tell me what was wrong. Instead of asking him again, I looked at his equipment. He had traded his M16 for a M249 Light Machine Gun, took another Beretta to match with his, and M24 sniper. He also had a long black scythe on his back, which we ‘liberated’ from a house three weeks ago.

  “Dude, have I ever told you that scythe is awesome?” I asked him.

  He grunted, and replied, “Once or twice.”

  “Well,” I answered, smiling, “Three times the charm.” He just grunted again. “Dude, tell me, what happened?”

  “How long is this walk?” He asked me, ignoring my question.

  “An hour and fifteen minutes, but don’t ignore my question buddy.”

  He stopped and looked at me. “Why do you need to know?”

  “I rather not enter battle with a cranky and distracted teammate. What’s wrong?”

  He stopped walking, and sighed. “Fine, I’ll tell, but I still don’t see how talking will help. It’s Madison.”

  “What about her?”

  “We were arguing about leadership, who’s a better combatant, and all this other nonsense.”

  “So basically, like old times?” I asked, chuckling.

  “Yes. But right before I left, she kissed my cheek and said, ‘Get home safe.’ She’s confusing me! First it’s like she hates me, then she’s concerned! She’s bipolar as hell, man!”

  I doubled over, laughing. He stood there, glaring at me. “Man…. that’s what’s bugging you?”

  “Yes!” He exclaimed. “How’s that funny?”

  “Because I think she has crush on you, you sexy beast!”

  “Why the fuck does she act like she hates me? Care to explain that Mr. Woman expert?” he asked, sarcasm dripping into his voice.

  “Dude, I’m never going to say I’m a woman expert. In fact, even now, I still get confused. I just decided that imma just let what happens, happen. Then I would decide what to do next.”

  He shook his head, exasperated, and smiled. “That’s a sensible philosophy, bro.”

  We continued to walk. “How were things when I was gone man?”

  “It was all good. Phillip, Eveline, Monte, and Oliver were a load of help.”

  I nodded. “That’s good. I figured you would need some assistance, that’s why I left them with you.”

  “Well, it was a good decision.”

  We fell silent, and walked on for another few yards before I spoke again.

  “Hey, Ken.”

  “Yeah man?”

  “Who was that chick you were dating before this all started? “

  He laughed. “The blond?”

  “Yeah. What was her name?”


  I chuckled. “You don’t remember?”

  “Yeah, like you remember every girl you’ve been with!” He retorted.

  “You right.” I admitted. “But-” I heard a sound off to the side. “Wait, did you hear that?”

  He nodded. We drew our rifles, and pointed them in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, someone stepped out, pointing a shotgun at me. He was dark, tall, and powerfully built, with a jagged scar running down his cheekbone.

  “Put the guns down, or my men will blow yall heads off.” He said. His voice had a Hispanic accent, but I couldn’t place where from.

  “What men?” Ken asked. He pointed behind us, and there was two guys standing there, rifles pointing in our direction.

  “Cool down guys.” I said. “We mean no harm.”

  “I don’t care.” the man said.

  “What’s your name?” I as
ked. “I should be able to know the name of the man trying to kill me.”

  ‘It’s Yams. (That’s what it sounded like to me.)

  I nudged Ken. “Ready? Go.”

  Ken roared, and leaped forward, slamming into Yams. I lunged, spun, and charged behind cover, shooting and killing one of the guys before hiding. As more guys poured out of hiding, firing their weapons, I looked for Ken. After looking around, I saw he had Yams in a headlock, and was behind cover. He looked at me, and I nodded, telling him to kill him. Ken then proceeded to snap his neck, and pull out his Berettas. He stood up, firing, and then, he unbelievably pulled a Deadpool-style barrel-roll flip over the car in front of him, shooting and killing two guys, and then, after landing, he pulled a grenade from his belt, pulled the pin, and tossed it towards the enemy. I started to count.

  ONE. Ken ran towards me.

  TWO. He reached me, and I spun around.

  THREE. As we both ran away from the cars, we heard a series of explosion, and the force of it tossed us forward. I landed on my elbows, scraping them both.

  “Ouch!” I yelled.

  “Are you okay?” He shouted, looking at me. I nodded, and we both jumped up. As we spun, we saw the destruction. An entire area of the street had been blown open, and there were cracks in the streets and pavement. We saw the enemy regrouping, when someone shouted “HOLD!”

  A person stepped forward. A well muscled, dark-skinned Caucasian female, she was average height, with long blond hair, and had steel-gray eyes.

  “She has large tits.” Ken muttered.

  I punched his arm. “Really dude? Now?”

  “She does!”

  “Yeah, she is covered in weapons, too!”

  She indeed was covered in weapons. I spotted rifles, shotguns, snipers, pistols, and she was holding a one-handed sword with a silver hilt, a dark red blade, and had a large gem studded into the hilt.

  “My name Cahira!” She shouted. “I am the leader here! Which of you are in command?”

  I stepped forward. “I am! My name is Harley!”

  She spotted my sword, sheathed, and hanging on my belt. “Good, you have a sword!” she pulled off all of her equipment, and pulled her shirt off. “For the murder of Yams (it may be something else, but it sounds like Yams to me) I challenge you, Harley, to a duel! Discard all weapons, except your sword? And remove your shirt!”


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