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TMD Page 11

by Corwyn Martinez

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, looking at her.

  “It means-” she began, before she was cut off.

  “HALT!” someone shouted.

  Our heads shot up, and we saw a well muscled, dark-skinned Caucasian female, standing at around my height, with long blond hair, with steely gray eyes. Also…

  “She’s missing a breast.” I noted.

  The woman stepped forward. “My name is Cahira! Who are you, and why are you on my property?”



  So, I finally finished the prosthetic arm and leg. Now, I just need to attach them.

  “These are about the areas where the nerve ends will be.” Lance said, pointing at a few spots on Kaytie’s arm.

  “Alright,” I said. “I just need to get close, because the wires are meant to attract to the signals sent to the receptors at the end of her nerves. That’s why this will hurt, but it will allow her the full use of her arm. Same thing for Monte’s leg.”

  “Is this tested?” Kaytie asked. “Probably not, right?”

  “No, it is not.” I said. “That’s why Lance offered you the anesthetic, because this is going to hurt.”

  “I rather be in control of my own body.” Kaytie said. “I will deal with the pain. How are you going to get the wires into my skin? The wires won’t be able to.”

  “I am aware of that.” I responded. I then pulled a circular tool out of my pocket. “This will. With a push of a button, red-hot razor-sharp needles will shoot out and create holes in your arm. Are you sure you want to be awake?”

  Kaytie gulped. “Yes, I am sure.”

  I shrugged. “Alright.” I offered the tool up to Lance “May you?”

  He grasped it, and positioned it against her shoulder. “Ready?” He asked Kaytie.

  “Do it.” She said. He pushed the button on the side, impaling her. She grimaced in pain, and he stepped back. “There you go.” He said. “Do it, now.”

  I stepped forward, and, very carefully, I inserted the wires into the holes. Kaytie shouted in pain, and punched me in the face, breaking my nose. I stumbled back in pain. However, the arm was already attaching itself to her. She screamed louder.

  “What the fuck is it doing!” Lance shouted.

  “They are attaching to her nerves. After that, more wires will creep through the holes and attach themselves to her muscles, this way it will keep the arm attached. I did warn her.”

  Lance winced as the screaming intensified. “What if it doesn’t work?” He shouted over the screaming. “How are you supposed to get it off then?”

  “With a very hot and a very sharp knife.” I replied.

  “You are so fucking indifferent!” He shouted. “You’re going to hurt her more!”

  “She knew it’s untested.” I said. “Besides, I’m not indifferent. I just have a less extreme reaction to see others in pain now. Comes from seeing multiple people die in front of you, including family and close friends.”

  The screaming stopped. I walked over to her. “Hey,” I said gently. “Are you okay?”

  “That fucking hurt.” She said.

  “I did warn you.” I examined the arm. “Moment of truth. Try it out.”

  She rolled her shoulders, and then lifted her right arm. “This is amazing.” She said. “It works just as well as my actual arm”

  I sighed in relief. “Awesome.”

  “I have a question though.” she said.


  “Can it play Disney music?”

  I gave her an exasperated look. “No.”

  “Could you…”

  “Not even if I wanted to.”

  “Damn it.” She jumped out of bed. “This is awesome.” She looked at me, and winced.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.

  “Sorry about your nose.”

  “Oh, yea. That. It’s fine.” I grabbed a tissue, and wiped my face. “Can you get Monte, please?”

  “Sure.” said Kaytie. She hugged me, and said, “Thanks” and walked out.

  Lance walked up to me. “Can we please use an anesthetic on him?”

  “It’s his decision.” I said, grabbing more tissue.

  “Hey guys.” Monte said, rolling in. “Kaytie is looking like the Winter Soldier out there. She seems to love that arm.”

  “That’s good.” I said. “Now, this is going to hurt.”

  He nodded. “I heard.”

  “Do you want an anesthetic?” Lance asked hopefully.

  Monte thought about it, and said, “Nah. Save it for someone who needs it.”

  “Alright.” I responded. “Lance, help me here. Where would the nerve endings be?”


  My name is Madison, and this woman is missing a breast.

  “My name is Madison!” I shouted.

  “And my name is Brooke!” Brooke exclaimed.

  “Come forward.” Cahira shouted. We cautiously walked to her, keeping our weapons drawn. “Relax.” she said. “I don’t mean you any harm.”

  “I don’t want to be rude, but we just met you. We don’t know that.” Brooke said.

  “I just want to talk.” Cahira protest.

  “Maybe this will help.” said a very familiar voice. Dominika stepped forward, and stood by Cahira.

  “Dominika!” I exclaimed, surprised. Brooke raised her weapon, and pointed it at Dominika.

  “Didn’t you swear to kill me?” Brooke questioned.

  “I was upset. I actually just want Monte and Eli dead.”

  Brooke, paused, and then seemed to accept the explanation. She lowered her weapon. “What are you doing here?”

  “She found us last week.” Cahira said. “After my men were killed by two strangers, the same strangers left me missing a breast.

  “Who were they?” I asked curiously.

  “Harley and Ken.” Dominika said.

  I looked at Brooke. “Why did he cut your breast off?” I asked.

  “I challenged him to combat, because they killed my men. Now, Yams (That’s what it sounded like) had it coming, but he shouldn’t have killed them.”

  “Where did they go?” I asked.

  “Towards the HMU. However, we saw them return in the direction they came, followed by two girls.”

  “Alright, let’s go back.” I said.

  “Wait.” Cahira declared. She pointed at Brooke. “Dominika and I want to speak with her. Just her.”

  Brooke looked at me. I shrugged. “Alright.” Brooke said.

  “Wait here.” Dominika told me.

  (A half-hour later)

  Brooke stepped out. “Madison, I’m staying with these guys.”

  “What? Why!” I exclaimed. “I thought you wanted to find Harley!”

  “I did…’ Brooke said. “Listen, you will not understand my reason. Nor will the others. So do me a favor.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Tell them I’m dead.”

  “I’m not leaving without you.” I declared.

  “Yes, you are.” Cahira said. “Leave, or we will kill you.”

  I locked eyes with Brooke. “Would you let them?”

  “Yes I would.” she responded. “Leave.”

  I glared at her. “Fine. I’m leaving.” I spun around, and stormed out of the camp.



  Madison returned… Only Madison.

  It was the day after I gave Monte and Kaytie new limbs. I was sitting in my sleeping area, working on my intercom project with Ken, when we heard shouts. We looked up, wondering what was causing the commotion, when Madison walked in.

  We walked towards her. “Your back.” I greeted her. “Good.”

  She nodded her head, and looked at Ken. “Hey.” He stared at her.

  “Why the fuck did you leave!” He suddenly shouted.

  She stiffened. “I was worried about you guys!”

  “We said not to follow us!” Do you know how worried
we’ve all been! Do you know how we would’ve felt if you never returned! The orders were supply run, and then return here. What if you were killed! We need you!”

  She laughed. “Kenny, you just described how we were feeling! You guys were gone for days! Kaytie was injured! I-We needed you!”

  “But the orders were-”

  “Fuck the orders! God damn! Kenneth motherfucking Ramos! You are so fucking blind!”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “THIS, YOU IDIOT!’ she ran forward, grabbed his neck, pulled him to her, and kissed him.

  I glanced around, and saw the crowd. Monte looked like he approved. Kaytie seemed to be saying “Finally.” to Eveline, who was laughing. I felt as if someone was missing… I returned my focus to the people in the center, who had just separated.

  “Now do you understand?” Madison asked Ken.

  “Yes, I do.” He said. “That was- pleasant.”

  She smiled. “I care about you Ken.”

  He smiled, and leaned to kiss her again. I applauded. “Now this is beautiful. I hate to be a buzz kill, but if you guys don’t take this elsewhere, I will kiss the both of you.”

  Everyone laughed. They separated. “You wouldn’t kiss Ken.” Madison declared.

  “Yes, yes he would.” Ken said. “He may be straight, but he will do it.”

  “Umm… Alrighty then.”

  The crowd dispersed, seeing how the spectacle was over. Madison approached me.

  “Where’s Brooke?” I asked.

  “She’s-she’s dead.” Madison said hesitantly.

  I stood there, and smiled bitterly. “Of course she is. I mean, why wouldn’t she be? Just when I was getting happy again.”

  “Harley-” Ken started, placing a hand on my shoulder. I pushed it off.

  “I don’t have any luck. Every time I get close to someone, something happens.” Ken opened his mouth to speak. “No, I don’t need comfort. I am going to go and wallow in misery and my own self-pity for a bit. I think I’m able to do that.” I pulled the basement keys out of my pocket. “Here, you guys my need this. Have fun.” I turned, and walked away.

  “Harley!” Madison called. I looked back at her. “I’m-I’m sorry.”

  I gave her a bitter smile. “Don’t be. A broken heart is something I’m accustomed to.” I turned back again, and walked away, with tears slowly rolling down my face.


  November 8th, 2018


  Hey, Ken here.

  The last month has been pretty quite compared to how September was. No one has died since Brooke.

  Dusk made a complete recovery last week, and she was quite anxious to return to helping us. We were getting pretty worried, too.

  Faith and Eli got married on October twelfth. Since it couldn’t be done properly, Harley married them. They have been quite happy, which is good. Even with all of this crap going on, their love has stood the test of time.

  Amy has recuperated well. She still can’t actually feel any emotion, however, she does seem to be imitating pretty well. No one even knows about her brain damage except me, Harley, Alice, and Eveline.

  Kaytie and Monte mastered the use of their artificial limbs pretty quick. Kaytie had fourteen lines painted on her shoulder. When I asked her what they were for, she responded by saying, “They are there to make sure I never forget.” She refused to say anymore. Monte also had some fingers attached to replace the ones he lost (makes me feel bad for Eveline) and he quickly started being active in the group again, too. He’s actually been leading quite a few raids and supply runs.

  Eveline and Monte are doing pretty well. Madison and I are doing amazing. I can’t believe it took us this long to start going out (I’ve known her since I was a sophomore.)

  Harley? Hah. That’s a difficult subject. Ever since Brooke died, he’s withdrawn into a shell, having me give out orders for him. He hasn’t smiled since Faith and Eli’s wedding, and I’m pretty sure he had to force those out. When he does talk to other people, he’s indifferent to how the way he talks makes them feel. It’s very annoying. The only one he seems to get along with is Kaytie.

  Today is the eighth of November. Tomorrow is Harley’s birthday, and he is turning eighteen. Amy, Madison, Faith, Eli, Dusk, Monte, Eveline, and I have planned a party. Eveline even made a Diabetic cake in the cafeteria kitchen.

  If he doesn’t enjoy himself, I am going to kick his fucking ass.


  NOVEMBER 9TH, 2018


  So everything was good.

  We woke him up in the morning with a happy chorus of “Happy Birthday” and Eveline came in with the cake. He was actually surprised, and he actually looked happy. We then started playing some party games (spin the bottle, truth or dare, monopoly.) We were having a good time, and the day was actually uneventful.


  That was the best time I’ve had in a very long time. I love these guys for that.

  Too bad that was the last good day.

  The next day, when I woke up, I had an uneasy feeling, like something bad was going to happen. When I looked around, everything seemed fine. I tried to shrug it off, but I just couldn’t…

  “YO!” Ken shouted. “Good afternoon!”

  “What do you mean, good afternoon?” I asked. I looked at my watch. It fifteen twenty-eight. “Oh crap.”

  He walked over to me, grinning. “N*****, chill. It’s alright. Everything was fine this morning.”

  I sighed. “Alright, thanks man.”

  He clapped his hand on my shoulder. “No problem.”

  I walked over to where Dusk was. “Has the scouts returned?”

  “The ones I sent this morning? No.” she said. “I’m getting worried. They were only supposed to walk a few blocks, and come back.”

  I frowned. “Who’s on watch?”

  “Ace has the staircase. Frank is at the back. Maria is at the staircase. Why?” She examined my face. “You’re acting odd.”

  “I have an odd feeling, that’s all… Come with me to check on them.”


  We walked out, and stopped by Frank first. “Hey.” I called. “How are things?”

  “Everything’s quiet.” He answered.

  “Alright, thanks.” I replied. “C’mon, let’s check on Ace.”

  We turned to the staircase, when Ace entered the hall. “Harley.” she hissed.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.

  “There is a group of people outside. One of them is a Caucasian woman missing a tit.”

  “Cahira.” I sighed.

  Ace nodded. “Yea, her. The other one is…” she hesitated, and then said, “Dominika.”

  “HARLEY!” someone shouted. “WE KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!”

  “Shit.” I said. Ken burst out of the Band Room.

  “That was-” he started angrily.

  “I know.” I said. “Dusk, Go inside, and have everyone prepare to fight. Send Phillip and Kyanna to Maria, and have Jose and Madison come help Frank. I also want Kaytie, Ace, Amy, and Alice to come with me and Ken. You are in command of organizing the others. Ken, we will be talking to Cahira.”


  “Dusk, go!” I urged her. When she ran towards the door, I turned to Ken, and asked, “Ken, grab my rifle and sword please. The one I took from Cahira.”

  He nodded. “Alright.”

  “Hurry, please!”


  “I really should figure out to build a robot.” I thought. I ran to the art room. Phoenix and Lance were in there.”

  “Don’t move!” Phoenix shouted. “We are armed, and we will shoot!”

  “Alright, you guys are good.” I shouted. I closed the door, and ran back. They we waiting for me. Ken was holding both of my swords, and I noticed that he must be intending to use one,
because he had left his scythe in the Band Room.

  “You guys ready?” I asked, taking one of the swords from Ken.

  Kaytie finished loading her 682, snapped it closed, and loaded it. “Let’s fuck these bitches up.”

  “COME OUT-there you are.’ Cahira yelled. “Finally!”

  “What do you want?” I shouted.

  “How about your head!” She yelled. Her men laughed.

  Kaytie took aim. “I will shoot you, whore!”

  “Harley!” Dominika exclaimed, “Muzzle your bitch!”

  “I am nobody’s bitch, you fucking traitor!”

  “Who cut your arm off?” Dominika asked, “Please tell. I want to send her flowers.”

  “That would be really easy.” Ace shouted, pointing at Alex’s grave. “Right there!”

  Cahira laughed. “What did this animal kill the person who cut your arm off?”

  “No!” I exclaimed, “Kaytie killed her all by herself!”

  That quieted her for a minute. “Impressive. Care to join me?”

  “I will never join you, whore!”

  “Why am I a whore?”

  “Your group consists of two girls-You and Dominika.”


  “Whore!” Kaytie spat.

  “Chill.” I told Kaytie. “Why are you here!”

  “Came to wish you happy nineteenth birthday.” Cahira said. “Then, well, kill you.”

  I laughed. “You can try! OPEN FIRE!” I shouted. Gunfire started to rain out of the windows.

  At the same time, Dominika roared “SHIELDS!” Everyone pulled out something we didn’t notice before-large misshapen masses of metal-from behind their back, and covered themselves with it. Then, the mass moved towards us.

  “Get inside!” Ken shouted. We ran in.

  “Ken!” I yelled. “Cover this area! Frank! Madison! Jose! Come and help!”

  “Where are you going!” Amy yelled.

  “I will be right back!” I promised. I ran inside, and saw the Band Room was completely empty. I ran to my intercom project. I completed it yesterday, but never had the chance to test it. “Here goes nothing.” I thought. I flipped the switch, and I could hear static over the intercom.


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