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TMD Page 10

by Corwyn Martinez

  Seeing nothing, I turned and climbed up, following Ken and Alice to the roof.

  When I got to the top, I saw Ken was looking through his sniper scope, keeping a close eye out for the dead. Alice was sitting on the floor, gasping for air.

  I walked up to her. “Hey.” I said softly. “You are alright now. You are safe with us.”

  She looked up at me, breathing heavily. “I been by myself… for a month...”

  “Really?” I asked, shocked. I glanced at Ken, who was staring at us, looking as surprised as I felt.

  “Yeah…” She said, standing up. “Hasn’t been easy. Look.” She rolled up the leg of her jeans, and we saw a large wound on her leg-probably a 10 millimeter (mm) bullet.

  “Let me see.” I said, walking over. I examined the wound. “It not infected. It actually looks like its healing well.” I stood up, and walked back to where I was.

  “Where are you guys headed?” She asked.

  “The HMU.” Ken said. “Harley, there is no dead around right now. We should leave while we still can.”

  I nodded absently, looking at Alice. “Are you good to travel?” She nodded. “Alright, we should be there soon.”

  “Let’s go!” Ken urged.

  “We’re going dude.”

  We climbed down.


  Monte here. Remember me? I am useless now.

  I sit around, doing nothing, except helping Faith, Eli, and Eveline.

  Right now, however, everyone is outside.

  All except Eveline and I.

  I sighed, jabbing at my stump leg with my finger. It is healing pretty quickly; I just have to keep changing the bandages to prevent it from getting infected. However, I am still missing my leg.

  “Monte, poking it won’t make it come back.” Eveline said.

  I looked at her. She had managed to approach me without me hearing. Oops.

  “Yeah, I’m aware.” I said with a sigh. “I just feel-useless.”

  “Monte.” She said gently. “You aren’t useless. You are the best advisor we have. We need you, able to fight or not.

  I snorted. “Bullshit. Eli is the best advisor. That is literally what Harley calls him.”

  “Well, you are a moral compass.”



  “Is mostly useless.”


  She slapped me.

  “You know, you are being impossible!”

  I sighed. “I’m useless now Eveline. Unnecessary.”

  “Not to me.” she said quietly.

  I looked at her, surprised. “What?”

  She leaned forward, and lightly kissed me. “I do need you. And you aren’t useless. And when Harley returns, I’m sure he will know something to help.”

  I chuckled. “Unless he has a Deus EX Machina leg sticking out of his ass, I am going to say no.”

  “He will think of something. You’re family.”

  I smiled. Knowing Harley, he probably does have a prosthetic leg somewhere hidden.

  “Thank you Eveline.”

  “What for?”

  “Giving me some hope.”

  She paused, and then smiled. “Always.”

  I pulled her head towards me, and kissed her. “I need you too.” I whispered.


  My name is Emma Anaria Guerrero. However, everyone I knew is dead, so I changed my name.

  Now I am Brooke.

  You see, for the first month of this Apocalypse, I was with these two girls, named Emma and Alice. However, Emma died, and Alice was separated from me soon afterwards.

  So I was alone.

  Barely surviving at first, I camped out in this old pizza place, across from the town Middle School.

  Then, a month later, I saw something.

  A group of people entering the school. Chased by a zombie hoard. I was terrified, so I climbed to the roof of my pizza place. However, the dead slowly dispersed (which was strange,) and I was curious, and thought about going over there. However, before I could, they left.

  While they were gone, a group of guys arrived, and were raiding houses. I killed them without a second thought. I was going to protect this base.

  When they returned, I saw that one was injured. They reentered. I heard shouts, and soon after a body was carried out for burial.

  About four hours later, a small group, consisting of six people, left. That’s when I thought “I’m gonna go for it.”

  I walked to the middle, and entered. I was greeted by a white dude, who I found out later is named Oliver Kramer. They brought me to the medical wing, where I saw that the guy, who was injured earlier, is in fact, the leader.

  He is fucking handsome, by the way. Even with that shit hanging off his face.


  Anyways, he introduced himself. His name is Harley. We spoke, and I was informed that there is a traitor running around, so, being the one almost no one knew about, I was to hide here, to protect handsome.

  And now, almost two weeks later, I am sitting around, watching Eveline and Monte kiss (they have no idea I am here,) worrying, because the guy I care about should’ve been back, but isn’t. And I have no idea what to do. I asked Faith to send a search party, but, since she doesn’t know which way they went, she will not risk anyone.


  She won’t have to.

  I’m leaving.

  I have all my equipment gathered.

  Stole a M-9 Bayonet multi-purpose knife (Like a bowie, except I can attach it to my M16 rifle.) from handsome. He had it hidden under some tiles in the girls restroom (which, when I think about it, that is kinda creepy. I mean, did he go in there himself?)

  I stood, and very quietly gathered it up (not surprisingly, Mex and Danny didn’t notice) and walked out.

  I walked out through the Football field, turned the corner towards 7-11, and-

  Madison was standing there, a bag on her back, and a M16 in hand.

  “You’re going after them.” she stated.

  I didn’t stop walking. “How’d you know?”

  “Cuz I am too.”

  I nodded. “Let’s not waste time.”


  We will find them.

  We will.


  Well, we kept traveling after that. Even with Alice, we still made good time. By nightfall, we had made it to the HMU. However, we decided to camp outside, because it would slightly risky to go inside at night, so we rested on a roof across the street.

  The next day, we finally entered the HMU. As we were unaware of what may be lurking inside, we entered as quietly as possible. We snuck upstairs, towards the storage room, when we heard someone groaning in one of the rooms. Ken and I glanced at each other.

  “It’s most likely a zombie.” I whispered.

  “But what if it’s not?” He asked. “What if it’s someone who needs help?”

  I sighed. “Fine, we will check it out.” We walked in, and saw-

  “What the fuck?” Ken gasped. “That’s Amy!” I stood, shocked. “How is she alive!” he continued. “Didn’t she shoot herself in the head!”

  I walked towards her. “Kenny... “I whispered, gazing at her in horror. “Look.”

  He and Alice walked over. “HOLY CRAP!” Alice shrieked.

  “That-that explains it.” Kenny said. “She didn’t hit her hypothalamus… She lobotomized herself.” For as we gazed at her, we could see a huge, gaping hole from the side of her head, right through the front of her head.

  She looked up, and jumped at Ken, grabbing at his throat. However, Kenny reacted to quick, and slammed his hand into her chest, knocking her back onto the bed, winded. He then jumped onto the bed, seizing her arms, holding her down. Alice then jumped onto her legs.

  “What the fuck Amy?” I asked. “It’s us!”

  “I’m sorry…” She said. “Last time I saw you Harley, you were dying. You guys might’ve been dead.”

sp; “We aren’t.”

  “I know that now.”

  “How are you alive?” Ken asked in amazement. “You were buried!”

  “I’m not sure…” she said. “All I remember was shooting myself. This is the first time I’ve awoken.”

  “You’re frontal lobe is damaged.” I told her. “Do you feel any different?”

  She looked at me. “I feel-emotionless. I mean, I remember caring. I remember caring for you, and for Ken, and Monte… how is he?”

  “He lost his leg because of Dominika.” Ken said flatly. “A lot has happened.”

  “Tell me.” Amy stated.

  “Alright, since you ‘died’...” Ken began.


  Hey… Dusk here… I’m in pain…

  I awoke in extreme pain, surrounded by the beeping of-Life Support Systems? Where the hell was I? I tried to get up.

  I saw a face over me. It was Phoenix.

  “Don’t try to get up.” She said. “The bullet wounds to your stomach are still trying to heal.”

  “Where am I?” I murmured.

  “You are it the art room at the GHS. We set up here as our medical center.”

  “Oh… When did we get the LSSs?” I asked.

  “I brought them here from the GMS.”

  “Oh, alright…” I groaned in pain.

  “Get some rest.” Phoenix ordered. “I’ll be here when you wake.”

  “Alright, I will.” I agreed. I was already drifting off into slumber.


  Eveline here.

  So, Brooke and Madison left, probably in search of Harley and Ken.

  This is funny, because not even a day later, Harley and Ken returned, with Alice and strangely, Amy.

  They had quite some story, too…

  Amazoning someone… Hahaha…

  However, we have some more serious issues.

  Time to talk to Harley…

  I found him outside, looking at the graves. He was with Ken, Faith, and Eli. I was with Maria and Oliver.

  “Harley.” I said. “We have some serious issues to discuss.”

  He looked at us, anger and disgust on his face. “Trial by combat? Really? You guys allowed Alex to challenge Kaytie?”

  “Hey, she was going insane.” Maria pointed out. “We needed better leadership.”

  “I’M the one in command.” Harley said. “Kenneth is my second-in-command. Faith and Eli are my advisors. Dusk is my strategic commander. Kaytie is the head of weaponry.”

  The three of us looked at each other, and then Oliver said, “So?”

  “Were your names anywhere on that list?”

  “No, and?”

  “So you guys don’t make that decision. Faith and Eli were threatened to be killed, then you try to kill the one I left in charge.” He shook his head. “Kaytie may be going a little out of it, but who isn’t?”

  Ken stepped close to Harley, and said something quietly. Eli and Faith moved over and join the conversation, muttering quietly. We looked at them, waiting.

  They separated. “It’s your first error.” He said, the anger in his voice subsided. “If this happens again, I will banish you. If you try to go all ‘Dominika’ on us, I will personally kill you myself. Do you understand?”

  I nodded my head, and Oliver said, “Yes.”

  “Maria?” Eli asked.

  She sighed. “Fine.” She and Oliver headed inside.

  “Harley?” I asked. “May I speak to you?”

  He nodded. “Go inside guys. I’ll meet you.” His lieutenants nodded, and walked inside. He looked at me. “Yes?”

  “First of all, Monte.” I began.

  “His leg.”

  “Yea. Is there-”

  “Anything I can do about it? Maybe. Follow me.”

  We walked inside, all the way to the woodshop room. He looked around, and pulled a key out of his pocket, and unlocked a closet door. He walked inside, and pulled out a box. Pulling out limbs.

  “These are called prosthetic limbs.” He said. “I studied how to make the basic ones in my spare time last year. However, I changed it.” He pointed to the thin wires. “These are military-grade, the wires are to connect to the damaged nerves, and allow the limb to function as if it was never lost. It would be really painful to connect though. However, these are untested.”

  “How many do you have?” I asked in amazement.

  “Twelve pairs of legs and arms, feet and hands included, of course. Six pairs of hands and feet. Sixty fingers, thirty for each hand, six for each finger.”

  “What are they made of? And why haven’t you used them yet?”

  He turned away from the metal limbs to look at me. “They are made of a pretty strong metal called titanium alloy. I’ve been collecting them from camps for some time. Also, I’ve been either traveling or injured. This is the first time I actually have time.” He turned back. “Only an arm and leg are completed anyways.”

  “That’s what we need right now anyways!” I cried. “An arm for Kaytie and a leg for Monte!”

  “I’m aware, that’s why we’re in here. I need to put the finishing touches on them. Is there anything else you need?”

  “Yes, actually…” I said nervously. “Some people feel you should replaced as the leader.”

  He slowly turned to face me. “Who? Why?”

  “They feel as if you are going insane… And the who, I will not say.”

  He sighed. “What about you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you think I’m off my rocker?”

  I shook my head, and replied. “No, I think you are stressed and overworked. You are only eighteen, and you are leading a group of people in a zombie apocalypse. The main basis of them thinking you are insane is the whole smashing-the-wall incident. They can’t seem to understand that you needed stress relief.”

  He laughed. “Thanks. However, you are wrong in one thing.”

  “And what is that?” I asked.

  “I am crazy. I always have been. I was just able to hide it better before now. However, I am not crazy enough that you guys will be harmed because of me. I will always try my best with you guys.”

  “I’m aware.” I said. I stepped forward, and hugged him. Stepping back, I said, “I am sorry for what happened when you were gone. There was nothing I could do there.”

  He frowned. “Just make sure it doesn’t happen again.”


  “Now leave please, so I can finish this and attach it to your boyfriend.”


  “Close the door behind you.”


  Brooke. Confused.

  “Why are you so determined to find these guys?” I asked Madison, as I impaled a zombie with my knife. “You don’t really have any loyalty to Harley, and it looks like you very much hate Ken’s guts.”

  “I don’t hate him.” she responded, shooting a zombie in the head. “He just kinda annoys me. However, he’s kind, and he can be quite endearing.”

  “Not to mention hot.” I stated.

  “That too.” she agreed.

  (A Short While Later)

  We sat near a building, resting.

  “You know what I want to know? Madison said aloud. “The hierarchy of this group. What is the reason Harley keeps these people here?”

  “I don’t know completely myself.” I responded. “I haven’t really been here much longer than you.”

  Madison studied me carefully. “You seem to be closer to the lieutenants. I thought that you were like Oliver and Eveline, here from the beginning.”

  I shook my head. “No, I’ve only been here for a few weeks.’

  “So why are you so high up? They seem to respect you. What did you do?”

  “I saved Harley’s life from a traitor who was going to attack Harley when he was unable to protect himself.” I responded.

  “So what are you know, his bodyguard?” she asked.

l, yes, something like that.” I said. “Then there’s Faith and Eli. They are like his advisors. He’s rational, and she’s emotional. They usually give him two points of view to look at in a decision.”

  “That makes sense.” Madison said. “Dusk is his best strategist. I heard a rumor that when she was in military college, she was actually above-average in combat strategy, better than some of the staff-sergeants.”

  “Yea, I heard that, too.” I said. “Kaytie is the weapons expert. She took classes in many forms of combat, including swords, and is in great physical condition.”

  “She has nothing on Ken though.” Madison said. “He’s like halfway to Hulk-mode.” She paused for a second. “Hey, what is Ken’s specialty? I know he’s the second-in-command, but what does he do really well?”

  “I think he does everything the rest of the lieutenants do, just on a smaller scale. He’s the person Harley trusts more in the world, other than his sister. Harley confides almost everything in him, and Ken helps him, in Harley’s own words, from ‘going off the deep end.’”

  “Ah.” Madison said. “Then you have Eveline, Oliver, Phoenix, Lance, and Phoenix. Phoenix and Lance are obvious. They are the group medics. Monte is the group’s moral center. But what about Eveline and Oliver?”

  “He trusts them, and they are excellent fighters. How he’s going to react when he finds out they stood aside and let Alex attack Kaytie, I don’t know. However, I do know he will not be happy.”

  “Is he ever?” Madison asked.

  “Hey, that’s cruel.” I sat quiet for a minute. “Let’s continue moving. We can talk as we walk.”

  “Good idea.” Madison agreed.

  We stood up, and continued walking, “What about Harley?” Madison asked. “And don’t say leadership, I am very aware of that.”

  “He’s an engineer.” I said.

  She waved her hand. “Yea, he’s always wanted to be a gamer designer. But how’s that useful now?”

  “He studied robotics and prosthetics, too. Those are useful skills. Especially the last one.”

  Madison nodded her head. “That is very useful. Now, if only he would act upon it.”


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