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Page 13

by Corwyn Martinez

  “KAYTIE-” Ken started, but I had already closed the door behind me.


  I growled in frustration, as I pushed another failed attempt to the side. You see, I was trying to create a delicate micro-chip to connect the nerves in Ken’s spinal cord, which, in theory, will enable him to walk again. Unfortunately, it is actually something that has never been done before so I have nothing to reference, nothing to help me complete this project.

  I have failed twenty times already. I have failed Ken. I have failed the man who stood beside me when I realized that my family had died. The man who has constantly stood beside me as I slowly built this group from the ground up. The one who helped pull me out of the constant darkness my MPD (multiple personality disorder) has inflicted on me.

  Already, it is affecting me. I can feel it. Eveline noticed it, and I have noticed that she refuses to look me in the eyes.

  I failed Ken, after he has always been there to help me.

  I looked down at my pile of failures. I scooped them up and angrily threw them across the room, roaring in frustration. I grab a screwdriver, and chucked it across the room. I pulled my Colt out of my holster, and fired at the wall, until my clip was empty. Scowling, I then chucked that across the room, too. I grabbed the table in front of me, lifted it over my head, and slammed it on the ground breaking it, causing splinters, the tools, and the mechanical parts to fly everywhere. I shouted in pain as my soldering iron struck my leg, melting through my pants, and burning my skin.

  “Wow.” someone said behind me. I spun around, and saw Kaytie standing at the open door. Behind her, I could see a small crowd, including Eveline. Kaytie continued speaking, “That was an impressive adrenaline rush.”

  “Do you need something?” I asked her.

  “You do.” She said. She turned around. “Go away!” she shouted to the crowd behind her. She stepped in, and closed the door behind her.

  “I’m not in the mood to talk.” I growled. “I need to pick this mess up.”

  “You mean the mess you just created?” she inquired.

  “Yes.” I muttered. I knelt, and I started to pick the mess up. Kaytie stepped forward, and began to help me.

  “Harley.” She started. “It’s not your fault.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Yes, I-”

  “NO, YOU FUCKING DON’T!” I raged, the pain and the anger boiling over. “You don’t know! I spent so much time with Cahira; I should’ve been helping Ken! I was so-so consumed, by vengeance, I allowed Ken to be paralyzed! AND I CAN’T FUCKING FIX IT!” I seized the side of another table, and threw it across the room. It slammed into the desk that had the prosthetics on it, sending them flying.

  “Again.” Kaytie remarked. “That’s an impressive adrenaline rush.”

  I growled. “Too bad it can’t help Ken.”

  “You are being ridiculous.” Kaytie declared.

  I faced her, narrowing my eyes. “How so?”

  “First off, Harley, you don’t scare me.” Kaytie declared. “I’ve known you too long for that. Secondly, yes, you are being ridiculous. You are blaming yourself for something you couldn’t prevent. Dominika is an excellent fighter. You both could have been injured. Besides, Cahira deserved what she got.”

  “That does not help.”

  Kaytie simply shrugged. “You need to focus on the things you can change, not the things you can’t.”

  I looked at her. “I was trying to build something to help Ken walk again. I kept failing.”

  “Why?” She asked me.

  “It’s something that never has been done before.”

  “That doesn’t matter. You are insanely good with electronics. You need to focus.” she gestured to the scattered prosthetics. “What makes these work? What are they built with?”

  “The frame is made from a mix of materials called carbon steel and titanium alloy. The wires that connect to the nerves are copper lightly coated in iron and a waterproof substance I created. It helps prevent the harmful metal from entering the bloodstream. I call it C241.” I strode over to a prosthetic arm, and pointed at the wire end. “These ends have little devices in them that detect and attach themselves to the nerve endings.” I gestured at the side of the arm. “After connecting to the nerves, these carbon fiber rods, also coated in C241, then twist themselves into the body’s muscles. It does not harm the muscles, because it is thin enough to twist itself through the muscle fibers. However, it does hurt like hell.”

  Kaytie nodded encouragingly. “What’s different with the other one?”

  “The microchip?” I walked over to where I threw the last table, and picked up a blueprint. “In theory, it’s simple. This hook with attach itself to Ken’s back, over the damaged area, These razor-sharp needles will poke holes into his back, and allow the same C241-coated copper wires to attach themselves to the ends of his spinal cord, serving as a conduit for the signals from his brain to connect to the end that will allow him to walk again. However, I cannot complete this stupid thing.”

  “Maybe you need a break.” Kaytie suggested. “You’ve been working at this nonstop. Go lead a raid or something. It’ll help you out.”

  “But Ken-” I started.

  “Will still be here.” Kaytie countered. “You are useless to him if you are always in here, wallowing in your failures and self-blame. Isn’t there anything you need?”

  I looked around. “I am running out of my proper wires. I need more.”

  “There you go.” Kaytie said. “Let’s go tell the others.”

  I walked over to the other side of the room, and picked my Colt up, and holstered it. “Alright.”

  We walked out. “Kaytie?” I quietly said. “Thanks.”

  “Not a problem.” She replied, smiling.

  A Half-Hour Later

  “GUYS!” Madison shouted. “SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS!”

  As everyone quieted down, I glanced at Madison, and nodded my thanks. “Alright,” I started, but was quickly interrupted.

  “What, the actual fuck, was that!” Jose exclaimed.

  “Stress-induced rage,” Kaytie snapped at him, “Now shut your trap.”

  As he glared at her, I continued, “I will be leading a supply run to Micro Center in Paterson. Now, due to scouting meetings, we know the highways tend to be extremely dangerous around the river. However, there is a small bridge about an hour out, and the walk from there is only a half hour. Now, I know that it sounds quick, but, due to previous events, the people I am bringing will have to bring a week’s worth of supplies, just in case. I am bringing Faith and Eli for sure, and four others. Any volunteers?”

  “Me!” Amy shouted immediately.

  “I’ll go.” Alice said.

  “Me.” Monte said.

  “I’ll go.” Eveline said.

  I nodded. “Alright. Get ready, we will leave tomorrow.”

  As I walked over to my own supplies, I thought about what Kaytie had said. “I need to focus on what I can fix.” Then, I thought of Ken, unable to walk or fight, and I felt the rage building up. “Ken.” I thought. “I will help you walk again. Don’t you worry, my friend.”

  “Harley.” A voice said. Turning, I saw it was Kaytie.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I’m proud of you Harley. Taking control of your situation.”

  “Kaytie, you sound like my mother.”

  She laughed. “I’m definitely not your mother. Just someone who cares.”

  “Thanks. I don’t have much of that.”

  She smiled, and, out of nowhere, leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. “Come back safely. I wouldn’t want to have to take your role as leader.”

  “I will, don’t worry.”

  Next Day

  November 18th, 2018


  My name is Eli Nunez.

  I was walking alongside my wife, Faith. Harley was in front of us, Amy beside him, and Alice, Eveline, and Monte behind us. We were al
l quiet, because Harley could swear he heard something. We prowled forward, silent as snakes, all listening carefully for a sign of danger. We had been walking for an hour already, and, according to Harley’s map, we were almost to the bridge.

  Harley silently pointed towards a building where he had heard sounds out of. I nodded, and he called out.

  “Come out with your hands in the air! You are surrounded!”

  There was a groan, and the door toppled over, revealing a horde. It poured out of the building, and stumbled towards us.

  “FALL BACK!” I shouted. We retreated, shooting into the horde. Harley called my name. I looked at him, and he pointed upwards, towards the building. I looked, and I saw Dominika, with a dark smile on her face. I raised my rifle, shooting at her, but she ducked away. I ran inside.

  I looked around the dark hallways, the lights flickering. “DOMINIKA!” I shouted. “Is this your attempt to scare me?” I continued to cautiously move forward, M16 in my hands.

  “Eli…” I heard. “Elllllllliiiiiii….”

  “That’s not scaring me!” I shouted. Unfortunately, that didn’t even convince me. I climbed the staircase to the next floor, and when I stepped forward, Dominika was standing there.

  I raised my M16, and was about to fire when something impaled my arm. I gasped in pain as the rifle slipped out of my hand. She charged forward, and punched me in the jaw, knocking me to the floor, stunned.

  She laughed crazily. “Hello, Eli.”

  “What the hell!” I yelled. “You have been on this murder spree ever since you were threatened with banishment!”

  “It’s not just about that.” She angrily stated. “Jade, Cahira, Ryan, Brooke…” Everyone I cared about is dead. Your turn. Stand up.”

  I stood, and she pulled me forward, right into the blade of her sword, impaling me in my stomach, and then she tossed me back to the floor.

  “You don’t get to die easily…” She muttered, turning around. She walked to her bag, and took something out. She then turned around, and I saw her putting Brass Knuckles onto her hands.


  I walked towards Eli, pulling the Brass Knuckles onto my hands. When I stood over him, I could see the fear in his eyes.

  I nodded, and quietly said, “Good.”

  I punched him in the face, breaking his jaw. Then again. And again. Over and over, blood flying around as I beat his face into a bloody pulp.

  “Don’t worry,” I whispered into his ear. “I will take care of Faith.”

  I then moved to his chest, breaking his ribs, hammering them in, making the broken bones impale his lungs. I grabbed his arms, and bent them backwards, breaking them, twisting them all out of shape. I was about to move to his legs, when a bullet flew past my head. I combat-rolled to the side and pulled out my revolver, and returned fire. I faced my assailant. I frowned. He looked like Harley, but different. Shorter, broader, more muscular, with a tattoo encircling his right arm… I shrugged, and I fired. He rolled to the side, shooting back.

  This went on for a few minutes, with both of us unable to hit the other. Finally, we stood, and he called out, in an incredibly deep voice.

  “Hand to hand?”

  “Why not?”

  He walked forward, dropping his equipment. I did likewise, even dropping my knuckles. I swung a powerful right hook to his face, which he deflected. He returned with a jab to my chest, knocking me back. I growled, and ran forward, attacking him. Left, right, jab and cross, he deflected every hit. I then kicked at him, landing a strike to his chest, He stumbled, and I punched towards his face, breaking his nose. I kicked upwards, going for his jaw, but he caught my foot. He tugged me towards him, and, grabbing my arm, he lifted me over his head, throwing me across the room and into a wall. I lied there, stunned, as he walked to me, and hoisted me over his shoulder. He walked over to the unused elevator shaft, which was open, and threw me in. I fell, unable to do anything, unable to save myself.

  I blacked out before I hit the ground.


  My heart has broken.

  It was just another day, killing zombies. However, Eli had charged into the building the zombies came out of. I had tried to follow, but there were too many dead, so I couldn’t get past.

  We fought, until I finally had a clear path to the door. I ran towards it, when a man, who looked very familiar, stepped out of the front door.

  He had my baby in his arms.

  “Eli!” I yelled, running over. When I got close, I realized… Eli was dead.

  “OH MY GOD NO!” I sobbed, burying my face into his chest.

  “I’m sorry, miss. I did my best. That crazy bitch really wanted him dead.” the man said stiffly.

  My head shot up. “Dominika…” I hissed. “Where is she? I”LL KILL HER!”

  “My apologies miss; I tossed her into an elevator shaft.”

  “She’s dead?”

  “I would believe so. It was quite a fall.”

  “Good.” I shook, and looked closely at his face. “C’mon, I’m taking you to Harley.

  “Wait…” he said, grabbing her arm. “You wouldn’t mean Harley Martinez, would you?”

  Surprised, I asked, “Yes, why?”

  The man laughed. “Miss, my name is Master Sergeant Joseph Martinez, and Harley is my younger brother. Take me to him.”


  I am UNBELIEVABLY angry.

  Eli is dead. That blood is on my hands. I should’ve gone after her myself.

  But something happened.

  Faith brought a man before me. And I had a pleasant surprise -it was my brother, Joseph.

  “Joseph.” I announced. “I thought you were dead. I can say I am happy to find out I was wrong.”

  Joseph studied me, and then looked around at the people around us. “I haven’t seen you since I was stationed at Fort Lee your junior year. I am having difficulties reconciling you with that kid.”

  “Why? It wasn’t exactly that long ago.”

  “You’re-Different. Older. More mature.”

  “Well, what the fuck did you expect? I had to take care of things at home after you and Phoenix left, and then I became a leader of a group of survivors. I’ve seen and have done unspeakable things.”

  “No need to get all aggressive. I didn’t know that.”

  “How did you get here anyways?”

  “I’ve been traveling up here since this all started in July. I had others with me, but they slowly died off. Anyways, is anyone else alive?”

  “Only Phoenix.”


  “I have something of yours.” I declared. I upholstered his Colt 1911, and handed it to him. “I found this in your bedroom, back when this started.”

  He took the Colt, and looked at it in astonishment. “This was my first gun. You’ve kept it, all this time?”

  “Yes. It’s helped me survive.”

  He handed it back to me. “Keep it. You’ve been using it for so long, it yours now. I would never separate someone from what must be their most reliable firearm.”

  I took it back, and holstered it. “You always were passionate about weaponry. Thanks.” I turned around. “Guys, come on back. We are going home. We need to bury Eli.”

  Everybody murmured in consent, and I took Eli’s body from Joseph’s arms, and, Faith beside me, I walked in the direction of home.

  Two Hour Later

  We returned after an hour. We buried Eli beside the rest of our dead, and tried to comfort Faith as she broke down into tears, sobbing her heart out for her lost love.

  When I entered the building, Kaytie was standing there, waiting for me.

  “It’s not your fault Harley.” she immediately declared. “You are-”

  “Kaytie, quit it. This time, it is my fault. I should’ve stopped him from running in that building. I should’ve run in there with him. I should’ve killed Dominika when she was attacking us with Cahira, when she injured Ken. There are multiple reasons why this is my
fault. His blood is on my hands.”

  “So what are you going to do? Give up?” Kaytie asked me. I started to speak, but she cut me off. “Harley, even though you believe it’s your fault, it is not. Eli made his own decision when he ran into that building. He made his own choices. There was nothing you could do to stop him. And sure, you tried to kill Dominika. But she got away, and that happens to even the best of people.”

  “You don’t understand! He was my res-”

  “Shut up.” Kaytie angrily snapped. “Quit blaming yourself for everything, it does you no good.’

  I sighed in defeat. “I don’t know what to do anymore.”

  “Just keep on fighting.” Kaytie encouragingly said. “You have grown to become an excellent man, Harley. You are no longer that idiot who dated Christina, nor are you the child you were when we met.” She paused for a minute. “It isn’t in your blood to give up. I know it’s not. You’re better than that.”

  I sighed. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right.” she declared, a large grin on her face. “Don’t worry, I’m here if you-”

  “Harley!” Joseph shouted from outside.

  “What!” I shouted back, running out, Kaytie hot on my heels.

  Joseph pointed, and I could barely see Faith, running back the way we came. “I tried to reason with her, telling that revenge isn’t worth it, and that the chick that killed her husband is most likely dead, but she called me a heartless bitch and ran off.”

  “Why didn’t you chase after her?” I demanded.

  “She took my pistol and shot me in the leg.” He replied, pointing at his leg. We could see the bullet wound.

  “How the hell didn’t we hear it?”


  “Crap.” I said, thinking fast. “Joseph, go inside, and get me Monte and Amy. Tell them to be fully armed, because we are leaving.

  “What about me?” Kaytie asked with indignation in her voice.

  “You are coming with me, of course.”


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