Page 15
“We aren’t an army.” I told him. “We are young adults, and most of us never dreamed of killing anything, or even having to ever hold a gun. But look at us now. Fighting for our lives more times than not, forced to survive. Harley is the person who was able to kinda bridge the gap for us, seeing how he came from a militaristic family, but never aspired to enlist like the rest of you.”
Joseph eyed me. “You are pretty much saying he is more human.”
“No, I am saying he is more humane.”
Joseph stood, and walked closer to me. “Harley is my younger brother.” he replied. “When he was thirteen, he got Diabetes. That day, I swore that there never will be anything that will prevent me from protecting him. Not foe I wouldn’t kill to get to him.”
“What are you trying to say?” Oliver inquired, his hand inching towards the holster on his hip.
Joseph glanced at him. “Take your hand away from your gun. There has been enough bloodshed with us fighting amongst ourselves. I’m saying that, injury or no, I am going to find Harley. Nothing will stop me.” Joseph began to walk away. “You are welcome to join me. I am going upstairs.” He walked out the door.
I looked at Dusk and Oliver. “Follow him?” Dusk suggested.
“Yea. Let’s go.” Oliver decided.
Upstairs, we could see that the combat had stopped, with Joseph standing over two bodies. He looked towards both sides, now separated. He looked back at us, and pointed at the bodies on the floor. “Names?” He asked, stepping aside. I looked closely, and I saw the fallen forms of Ace and Kyanna.
“Ace and Kyanna.” I answered, pointing at their respective bodies.
He nodded, and shouted, “GET YOUR FUCKING ASSES OVER HERE!”
Clearly nervous, the survivors ran over- Phillip, Jose, and Alice.
“Wait, where is Frank?” Oliver asked.
he first dead.” Alice said, sneering. “He thought I was an easy target. He wrong.”
“So let me get this straight.” Joseph asked. “You guys realize that Harley and Kaytie, your leaders, may be gone, and instead of trying to figure out where they are, you rather fight amongst yourselves? You just killed three of the people who you’ve been standing alongside!” He took a deep breath, and continued. “Listen, I know that for most of you, this life is not what you would’ve chosen for yourselves. However, this is the hand that life has dealt you. You need to deal with it, and move on. You are all better than soldiers in my eyes. Sure, you are undisciplined, but you know what? The army is gone. It’s scattered and destroyed. You guys aren’t. You are still here. You are still alive, and you are still fighting. You guys have never given up, and you mustn't start now.” He looked around. “Now, I will be leaving to rescue Harley. I am tasking you guys with the rebuilding of this base. First, bury the dead. Dusk is in charge. Kenneth Ramos is still injured. He cannot help in combat. Dusk is the only remaining lieutenant, so clear logic says she is in charge.” He turned around. “Hasta la vista. I’ll be back with my brother.”
My sword clashed repeatedly against Dominika’s, causing a metallic ring to echo through the room again and again. No matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to gain the upper hand, but fortunately, neither could she.
“Give up, Kaytie.” Dominika growled, “Why do you fight to defend him? Why risk your life in this battle, for him? Is he worth it?”
“Yes.” I snarled back. Our blades slammed into each other, and slid down to the guard. We pushed against each other, both struggling to gain the upper hand.
“Is this… Love? Do you love Harley, Kaytie?” Dominika taunted.
“Yes,” I answered, “But not in the way you think. The one who had my heart is dead.” I strained against her, and she pushed back.
“So… What is it then?” She hissed, breathing heavily through the exertion. “Please do explain.”
“It’s not complicated.” I answered. “He is like family to me, more than Faith ever was to me. Harley isn’t a backstabbing, betraying, heartless bitch, unlike some people. Harley is my brother, and I will fight to defend him till my last breath, just as he would do for me, for his siblings, for the rest of the group. Just as he would’ve for you, before you started to kill us.”
“This is good to know.” Dominika declared, an evil grin appearing on her face. She released the grip on her sword, and dodged to the side. My sword slammed full-force into the ground, causing vibrations to painfully rattle my arms. She swung her fist at my temple, and there was an explosion of light.
The darkness that followed was actually quite peaceful.
November 27th, 2018
I lay in bed, listening to the sound of arguments outside. Dusk and Oliver were going at it again, trying to decide the best course of action.
Phoenix walked around, checking Ken’s vitals, making sure he was alright.
I closed my eyes, and, yet again, replayed the events of the previous week in my head.
After my defeat at the hands of Dominika, they left me alive for some reason. Harley was gone, but the signs of struggle were evident, from the broken M16 to the bullet holes. His body was nowhere to be found, so we assume he may still be alive.
Joseph and Lance had found me, lying exactly where I fell, all my equipment on or around me. Joseph stood with me, and Lance went ahead to look for Harley. Lance then vanished, and we haven’t seen him since.
When we returned here, I was immediately rushed to the infirmary, where Phoenix tended to my wounds, which were minimalistic. The biggest blow I took was to my pride.
After hearing the news that Harley was gone, Dusk and Oliver entered a constant state of argument, with Oliver declaring that we hunt Dominika down, and Dusk fighting that we didn’t have enough people for that, and we needed to focus on surviving for the ever-looming winter.
Then, two days ago, Joseph entered the room. He walked directly to me.
“Kaytie.” He had said. “I know you are awake.”
I lied there, pretending to be asleep.
He sighed. “You fought hard. Don’t wallow in self-pity; you know that’s not what Harley would want. He chose you as his second-in-command for a good reason.”
I still just lay there.
He stood there for a few minutes, and abruptly said, “I found this. It was the weapon Harley carried around all the time. It’s only right you are the next to use it. But, you may only claim it when ready.” He grabbed the tray where medical supplies were, and pulled it away from me. I heard the sound of a heavy object being placed down on top of it. “When you are ready, come and get it.” He left.
After he had left, I looked around, and saw Harley’s Colt 1911 sitting on the countertop.
And it is still there. I stared at it, thinking what Joseph said.
The thing is, by failing to protect Harley, I didn’t only fail him. I failed everyone, especially Ken. Harley was the only one who knew how to operate with prothstetics. The only one capable to work with the microchip to repair the damage done to his spinal cord.
But my choice was this. I could stay here, wallowing in my misery, or I could step out there, and take on Harley’s role as head of the group.
I stared at the gun.
“And finally, our new lieutenant, Kaytie, will be in charge in my place, because I will be leaving temporarily.” Harley finished
I blinked, and then happily smiled, and said, “I won’t let you down.”
Harley smiled back, and nodded at me. “I know you won’t, Xena.” I laughed.
“I won’t let you down, Harley.” I thought.
I stood, and walked over to the pistol. I strapped the holster to my leg, and holstered the gun. As I walked out, I whispered to myself.
“I will find you, Harley. I swear on my life. I will find you, and I will bring you home.”
Dominika stepped out, and looked around.
“Nice view.” Faith
“Isn’t it?” a third figure said. Tall, muscular Dominican, with a tattoo of a dragon on one arm, military-cut hair, and a thick beard, Dante Datora spoke.
“Where is he?” he asked, in a strong, deep voice.
“Right here.” Dominika gestured. Dante walked over.
“Hey, Harley. It’s time I introduced you to my people.
He lifted Harley up, and showed him a group of people, about twenty in all.
“I don’t know what you did,” He told Harley, “But I was paid handsomely in supplies to keep you here, and to aid Dominika and Faith in the destruction of your base. So until the day they kill you, welcome to your new home. The Lodi High School.” He straightened up. “Justin!” He called. “Take Harley to the imprisonment center.” Dante looked at Harley, and laughed. “Don’t worry. You will have company! And I think you know these people, too. Don’t worry.”
After being taken to imprisonment, Harley looked around, and saw…
“Frosty!” he exclaimed. “Flames!”
Firstly, I would like to thank you, the reader, if you made it all the way through this book. It took me a lot of time, and I am grateful for you finishing it.
Next, to my close friends, the real Kaytie, Dominika, and Kenneth(Ken), whose support, advice, and antics helped supply the information I needed to create their characters in this story.
Third, to all of the people who I used as a muse for a character in this story. You know
who you are, I told you.
I also should thank Kaytie, Dominika, and Mikaylah, who, in their own, unique ways, provided the necessary edits/speaking time I needed to get through this book
Also, thanks out to my family, for supporting me in my dream of writing, but also making sure I focused on education and sleep, because at some points I would miss both to type.
To the Garfield High School staff, for allowing me to make trips to the media center to type, and for the constant support you have give me, even if I won’t let you read it until I graduate(oops if you are one of my teachers, former or present, reading this book).
And lastly, I write with the encouragement of the late Virtyt Kelmendi, who always told me that I had such an imagination and the skill in writing, and told me continuously to make use of it. May you rest in peace, my friend.
Until next time, keep your weapons close.
You never know when one of the dead will be coming for you…