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A Wolf's Oath

Page 6

by Alli, Jennifer T.

  His answer surprised her and she took a step back. “You’re lying.”

  “There should be only truth between mates Erica. I would never lie to you.”

  “You’re just telling me what you think I want to hear. Just leave me alone Sebastian, I can’t deal with this right now.” She stepped further away from him, her body preparing to flee.

  “I swear to you Erica that I’m telling you the truth. And if we don’t deal with this now, then when? I have a feeling that if I disappear from your life even for a day then all the progress I’ve made with you will disappear.”

  “Progress? What progress Sebastian? We’re exactly where we were when we first met. You want to claim me and I don’t want anything to do with you. Nothing has changed between us.”

  He stepped forward, entering her personal space. “Wrong, Erica. We have most definitely made progress.” Pulling her close against him, his head descended to rest in the curve of her neck and his mouth placed drugging kisses against her skin where his mark now rested. Her body instinctively leaned into him and she found herself once again cursing the treacherous sensations his mere presence invoked in her. “Erica, I swear to you that I will never do what your father did. Oaths between mates are practically sacred, know that I would never break it.”

  “I don’t know you well enough to be able to trust you Sebastian,” she murmured. Despite her reservations, part of her wished that she could simply take him at his word and believe that he wouldn’t cause the same havoc as her father.

  “Erica, sweetheart, we don’t have long to debate this, the moon will be full in a few days.”

  “And what exactly has that got to do with me?”

  “Erica, you have got to know that I would give you all the time in the world to try and over come your fears of me and our relationship but that just isn’t possible.”

  She croaked, “Sebastian.” Though she was aware of the cycles of the moon, as were all wolves, she had been hoping that they would never have the opportunity to have this discussion.

  “Erica, I can barely control myself around you let alone my wolf. It would have tried to claim you that first night. I don’t know why my restraint is so weak when it comes to you. When the moon is full I won’t be in command of my wolf’s actions and it will come for you. That is a certainty.”

  She pulled away from his embrace to stare at him, horror etched on her features. “You’ve got to be kidding me right?”

  “Erica, you knew this was coming. You had to have known.”

  “Sebastian please, I don’t want this.”

  “If you just got to know me then you’d see that it wouldn’t be so bad to allow me to claim you. Are you going to just give up on us without even trying?”

  “Are you really going to try and claim me mere days after our first meeting?” she pressed, ignoring his question and answering it with one of her own.

  “If it were my choice then I would give you more time. Do you think that I don’t want you to be comfortable? I wouldn’t be a very good mate if I put my own desires before your reasonable concerns. I won’t be in control of my body Erica. I’m sorry that it has to be like this. Does your wolf not have anything to say on the matter?”

  Yes I do, Erica's wolf purred within her thoughts. Take me now. I’m more than willing.

  Be quiet and stop basing your judgments on your hormones, Erica snapped, immensely displeased with her wolf’s treacherous suggestion.

  I’m a wolf Erica, all my thoughts are led by my hormones and instincts.

  “I’m not going anywhere Erica. I will stay by your side until the full moon. All I ask is that you give me a chance to win you over.”

  “You’re not staying inside my house Sebastian.”

  “I’m sure that I can persuade someone to take me in, though I think that will raise questions about what’s going on and if no one will give me shelter, then I’ll sleep outside.”

  “You’re very annoying.”

  “I prefer determined.” He grinned. “Will you give us a chance sweetheart? It’s all that I ask for.”

  “You’re asking for a lot more than that Sebastian and you know it. If I give you this chance and things don’t work out will you leave me alone? Will you accept that we’re just not meant to be and leave me and my family alone?”

  “If that happens then I will do my best to leave you alone.” The instinct is never wrong though sweet Erica and you will accept me. I’m sure of it.

  I won’t let her go. his wolf inserted. She’s ours and when the time comes I’m going to claim her.

  “Fine,” she sighed, reluctantly admitting defeat for the moment. “You can sleep on the sofa. But don’t breath a word of this to Dylan or Wyatt, as far as they’re concerned you’re just a friend.” Turning away from him, she ran into the woods, following the trail left by her siblings.

  They’re on my side already sweetheart and that means the battle is half won.

  Chapter Nine

  Three days had passed since the discussion between Sebastian and Erica in the woods where he had convinced Erica to give their fledgling relationship a chance to thrive. Though she had agreed to give him the opportunity to earn her trust, Sebastian had the distinct impression that she wasn’t trying very hard to fulfil her side of the agreement. He had been relegated to sleeping on the sofa for the duration of his stay and while she was no longer overtly hostile when she spoke to him, she didn’t try to initiate conversation with him either. She seemed to be trying very hard to pretend he wasn’t in her home, simply tolerating rather than embracing his presence. Despite this, Sebastian remained undaunted and ever hopeful. While she may have done her best to act coolly towards him, he could feel her warming to him. Her scent gave her away and he knew his efforts to win her weren’t in vain. I just hope that all I’ve done is enough, he mused.

  “Sebastian! Hurry up!” Dylan demanded, her small but sharp voice pulling him forcefully from his thoughts.

  From his position on the cabin’s roof, Sebastian's eyes quickly blinked into focus, leaving his wandering thoughts behind. Dylan and Wyatt stood on the ground below him, their postures easily showing their impatience. Their arms were folded across their chests and scowls seemed to have become etched on their normally smiling faces. He spared them only a passing glance before his gaze became riveted on his mate. Her eyes were glazed as she stared in his direction. The exquisite scent of her arousal floated up to his sensitive nose and the reason for her dazed expression became clear.

  So she likes what she sees? Another point in my favour, he grinned.

  Of course she does, his wolf inserted. And tonight when we claim her, we’ll finally be able to see all that she hides beneath her clothes. It practically purred in anticipation of the event.

  She hasn’t agreed to allowing us to claim her, Sebastian cautioned, reminding the wolf that while he had made progress with his mate, she was still not as close to him as he would have liked.

  Ever the optimist when it came to the prospect of intimate moments between itself and their mate, the wolf casually inserted, yet, immediately after Sebastian's observation. She hasn’t agreed to anything yet. She will; trust me. It’s a certainty.


  Walking up the well-travelled path to her cabin, Erica felt her mouth become dry at the sight that greeted her upon her return. Sebastian sat bare chested on the roof hammering at the aged wood as he tried to mend it. The roof had been in a state of disrepair for some time now but she had never found the time to fix it, other things always taking priority. She vaguely remembered muttering to herself about the need to fix it before she left and a smile appeared on her face. It was clear that Sebastian had taken the burden onto himself. It’s probably a genetic imperative to provide shelter for your mate, he can’t help himself. The thought didn’t inspire any negative feelings within her and she sighed, nothing he had done in the last few days had caused the reaction she had thought it would. Little by little, he was stealing his way into her heart.

  High in the sky, the sun’s rays beat against his skin causing him to perspire and a thin layer of sweat now covered his bare torso. She had never thought that sweat could be particularly attractive, but as she watched a single bead of moisture move down the well-defined muscles of his chest she was forced to reconsider. His body was like a well-orchestrated symphony, each muscle working together with all the others to achieve a goal, tensing and relaxing in unison as he worked steadily. She was distantly aware of her siblings calling out to him, but her attention was focused firmly on the wonderfully exposed expanse of his body. She couldn’t however prevent a scowl appearing on her face as her brother and sister stopped him working, disrupting her new favourite pastime, ogling the movements of her mate’s body. The scowl quickly disappeared as he stood and she once again became fascinated by the way he moved, the corded muscles of his stomach clenched as he crouched before leaping off the edge of the roof.

  He landed gracefully on both feet, perfectly balanced and smiling widely at her. Quickly gathering her scattered thoughts she watched him approach, cursing her body’s weakness and his ability to know of it. He knows I’m attracted to him. Damn it. I’m never going to live this down and he’s just going to use this against me when he tries to convince me to accept his claim. What the hell was I thinking standing around here and just staring at him like some kind of idiot?

  “Hello sweetheart, is Anna still coming?”

  His question surprised her. She had expected him to at least make a passing mention of his knowledge of her aroused state. She sighed in relief and slight exasperation, he seemed to delight in not doing what she expected him to do. His actions were so unlike those of the male wolves she knew that she didn’t know what to make of them. Most of the males she knew were cocky and arrogant, assured of themselves and their actions while Sebastian seemed content to remain in the background, unnoticed.

  Though the small cabin now radiated his scent and there was nowhere she could go to escape him, she was beginning to doubt it was intentional on his part. During the brief time they had spent living together, she had come to realize that he would completely leave her vicinity at the slightest indication that she was uncomfortable. She reluctantly admitted that having him around wasn’t as unpleasant as she had thought it would be. The chores she was forced to undertake to maintain the cabin had been drastically reduced with him around. He seemed to anticipate what she would need to do next and have half completed it by the time she arrived. Despite his helpfulness he never asked for acknowledgement of having done the tasks for her, apparently satisfied with simply giving her more time to herself.

  His shyness was rather endearing though she would never admit that to him. Despite his apparently reserved nature, her siblings adored him. He never complained when they demanded he join their games at all hours of the day, making time for their needs regardless of whatever task he had decided needed doing. The kindness of his actions was beginning to affect her, but years of mistrust of the opposite sex among her people was hard to shake even with Sebastian being as wonderful as he had been.

  “Erica sweetheart?”

  The endearment pulled her from her thoughts, she still didn’t want her brother and sister to know the true relationship between her and Sebastian and he was usually very good about it, only calling her by that when they weren’t around. Keeping true to his normal pattern of behaviour, both Dylan and Wyatt were out of earshot, trying unsuccessfully to climb a tree in the distance. “Did you say something Sebastian?”

  He grinned, unimaginably pleased that she had responded to the endearment without even a token complaint. “I asked if Anna was still coming today.”

  “Yes. In fact she’s right over there.” She pointed to the hill that led to their cabin where Anna was quickly making her way towards them. “I just came ahead to ask you if you wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on Wyatt and Dylan while we’re talking.”

  “Of course I’ll do it sweetheart. They’re beginning to grow on me.”

  She felt a curious tugging sensation in the region of her chest at another reminder of his kindness and turned away from him, unwilling for him to notice how much she was affected by him. As she watched Anna move closer and closer towards them, she was startled by the surge of jealousy that coursed through her at the thought that someone other than herself would see Sebastian topless. “Put a shirt on!” she hissed in admonishment.

  He smiled, pleased at her momentary sense of possessiveness. Now she knows how I feel. Looking over his shoulder, he assured himself that both Wyatt and Dylan were far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to witness his next action before he moved closer to his mate and placed a light kiss against her cheek. “I’ll do it right away sweetheart. Have a nice talk with Anna but remember you and I need to talk soon as well.”

  “I know,” she breathed, her heart was fluttering wildly in her chest while her stomach felt as though it were tied up in knots and she was shocked at how much a small kiss could affect her.

  He stepped away from her and moved towards where Dylan and Wyatt were still trying and failing to climb a tree, grabbing his previously discarded shirt and pulling it on as he moved. Struggling not to get drawn in once more to watching how he moved, she turned her attention back to Anna who had now reached her side.

  “You needed to talk to me?” Anna questioned, her eyes watching the playful interaction between Sebastian and Erica's siblings.

  “Yeah, I most definitely need to talk to you Anna but I haven’t got long so come in.” She quickly led her friend inside the cabin, sitting her down on one of the chairs.

  “Let me guess,” Anna began. “What you want has something to do with him.” She jerked her head in the direction of the open window where Sebastian could be seen playing with Dylan and Wyatt.

  Ignoring the clear hostility in her friend’s voice when she spoke about Sebastian, Erica nodded her agreement. “You know me too well.”

  “It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out Eric. He’s a male wolf who thinks he’s found his mate and the moon is full tonight. You’d be crazy to bring me up here to talk about anything else.”

  “When you put it like that I guess it is pretty easy to work it out. You haven’t told anyone else have you Anna?”

  “Of course I haven’t Eric. What would be the point in me telling anyone else when nothing is going to change for you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re not going to let him claim you’re you Eric?”

  She hesitated a moment before replying. “I don’t know Anna, he seems like a genuinely nice guy. I’m beginning to care for him and I know he clearly feels the same way about me.”

  “Eric, how could you forget what happened to your parents? I thought you were completely against the idea of taking a mate.”

  “I know Anna. It’s not as though I’ve forgotten but Sebastian promised –”

  “You told him?” Anna interrupted shocked at this latest revelation.

  “No. Someone else did. But the fact is that he knows, he knows what happened to mom and dad and he knows why I didn’t want to take a mate.”

  “Didn’t?” Anna asked, confused by her friend’s choice of words. “You act as though it’s a foregone conclusion that you’re going to let him claim you tonight.”

  “He’s a really nice guy Anna. I’ve been horrible to him, but he’s never even uttered a word of complaint, he’s different to other men.”

  “Eric, you’ve only known him for a few days. This is the rest of your life we’re talking about here. Anyone can pretend to be nice for a few days. If you allow him to claim you and then he turns out to be exactly like your father and every other male wolf alive what are you going to do then? It’ll be too late to do anything about it. You will be stuck with him for the rest of your life.”

  “Anna he seems so genuine, I don’t think he’s pretending to be anything other than what he is.”

  “That’s what you think. You’re forgettin
g the ease with which he lied to me at that party so I would give him information about you.”

  Erica sighed, finally understanding Anna’s clear animosity towards Sebastian. “Are you still mad about that?” Anna remained silent, choosing not to answer the question. “You are aren’t you? Anna I’ve never known you to hold on to a grudge for so long and from what Sebastian told me happened he was only telling partial lies. They were mainly truths.”

  “Eric, I’m your friend I just don’t want to see you get hurt. You haven’t known him long enough to be able to make character judgments about him. And it’s not only your life that will change if you do this. Have you considered what Dylan and Wyatt will have to say about it?”

  Looking to the open window, a smile crept onto her face as she saw how well the three of them got on, remembering how happy her brother and sister were around him. “Dylan and Wyatt love him.”

  “Yes they might like him now but that’s only because they don’t know who he really is. Are you sure they’d feel the same way about him if you told them that he’s your mate? I personally doubt it. Don’t you remember what they told you when you ran home from the party? They don’t want you to have a mate.”

  “Maybe if I just explained it to them…”

  “For years you’ve told them that you don’t want a mate, they’re bound to think that it’s a bad thing no matter how hard you try and explain it to them. They won’t want this for you.”

  Remembering the worried looks on their faces at the mere prospect of her finding a boyfriend, let alone a mate she felt her confidence waver. “What should I do then Anna?”

  Leaning towards her friend, Anna grasped Erica's hands within her own. “Run. Run like you’ve never run before and do it now. He will be coming for you and you can’t even imagine how fast he’ll move to reach you. Run Eric; run as hard and as fast as you can. But don’t look back because if you do he’ll be right behind you.”


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