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A Wolf's Oath

Page 16

by Alli, Jennifer T.

  The growling of her stomach guiding her actions, Erica grasped Sebastian's hand and led him into the warmth of the diner, desperate for food to satisfy her hunger, it felt as though she hadn’t eaten in days. The inside of the diner was much what she had expected, wooden floors and wood panelled walls. Tables, chairs and booths were scattered throughout the small area, which seemed almost empty this particular morning. The couple made their way to an empty table, sitting in the chairs and flicking through the menus they found left on the tables.

  “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse,” Erica groaned, her eyes scanning the page in front of her voraciously as she tried to decide on what she would order.

  “I can tell,” Sebastian commented, looking casually at his menu.

  “You can?” Erica asked perplexed.

  His body was gradually attuning itself to hers the longer he was in her presence. While his senses were much sharper than a human’s, when it came to his mate his already heightened senses sharpened significantly. Though she wasn’t aware of it their bodies were gradually becoming more accustomed to each other and the simplest disturbance could be felt. But he couldn’t tell her the truth while she was still under the belief that she was human so he temporised. “Your stomach is really good at making its needs known,” he chuckled nervously.

  “Oh, I thought that it had finally settled,” she sighed, her eyes still glued to the menu in her hands.

  “Hello.” A woman’s voice managed to divert their attention from the demands of their stomachs and both Sebastian and Erica turned to look at her. The woman was tall for a human though not as tall as Erica, with curly, dirty blonde hair that surrounded her face. Her eyes were so dark that they appeared black, a surprising contrast given the light hair atop her head. Erica eyed the roots of the woman’s hair with mild curiosity but could find no traces of a different colour and concluded that the woman’s colouring was natural. The waitress was wearing a red dress that seemed to match the theme of the diner’s interior with its red chairs, red booths and red menus.

  “You guys are new around here aren’t you? It’s nice to meet you, I’m Claire.” The woman’s warm welcome drew their gazes to her attire. The small white name tag on her chest was the only splash of a different colour the woman wore and it confirmed her name. She waited expectantly before Erica realised that she wanted them to introduce themselves as well.

  “It’s nice to meet you as well, I’m Erica and this is my fiancé Sebastian.”

  “Are you ready to order or is there something I can get you to drink if you haven’t quite made up your minds?”

  Erica's eyes once again wandered over the colourful images of the menu trying to make a decision but her lack of knowledge about what food she liked or disliked proved an impediment. I don’t want Sebastian to have to do everything for me, she thought stubbornly, her grip on the menu tightening. Smiling she turned to Claire. “Is there anything that you’d recommend? We’re new here so I don’t really know what’s good or not.” Let’s hope this works and doesn’t backfire on me.

  Unaware of the reasoning behind Erica's question, Claire returned the smile easily. “Well I don’t know much about your preferences at the moment, but if you stick around here long enough then that will definitely change. There aren’t all that many people around here so it’s simple enough to learn what people like or don’t like. For newcomers like yourselves I’d recommend the pancakes. They’re very tasty by themselves but you can add whatever additional things you like to them, so they’re always a good choice for new people.”

  Handing the menu to Claire Erica's smile widened. “Then I’ll have a plate of pancakes.”

  Watching the interaction between Erica and their waitress, Sebastian was pleased that she was now comfortable around new people. While they had been at the estate she had been nervous when people introduced themselves to her, probably afraid that they would be offended that she could remember nothing about them. Her easy conversation with Claire reassured him that he had made the right decision bringing her out here. However as their conversation wound down, he found himself frowning.

  As close as they were Sebastian was easily aware of the condition of her body. While Erica might believe that she was human, her body knew that it wasn’t and what she had just ordered wouldn’t be enough to satisfy her hunger. Wolf physiology was different to that of a human’s, especially when it came to food. They didn’t experience the human sensation of stomach clenching hunger if they skipped a meal or two; their bodies could survive for days without eating if necessary so long as their bodies had sufficient energy to tick them over. Daily meals helped maintain their energy levels but once every few weeks they would become extremely hungry, signalling the need to consume massive amounts of food. Judging from the gurgling sounds Erica's stomach was discreetly making, that time was now.

  He closed the menu and handed it to the waitress. “I’d like to order one of every item on the menu.” His voice was calm and measured as he delivered his request.

  The waitress seemed unfazed at his order taking the menu from his outstretched fingers, a sharp contrast to the expression of shock on Erica's face. “It might take a little while to bring everything out. Do you mind if I bring the items to the table as they’re cooked? Your food is less likely to get cold that way.”

  “That’s fine thank you.”

  Claire turned on her heel and headed towards the back where the kitchen was located to deliver their order. As soon as she had made her departure, Erica turned to Sebastian a look of confusion plastered on to her face.

  “I’m hungry,” he shrugged, answering her silent question. Erica laughed a little at his evenly delivered response.

  Erica's single plate of pancakes soon arrived at the table with a corresponding plate of pancakes for Sebastian. The pancakes were soon demolished as she attempted to relieve her hunger. Sebastian offered her another plate pilled high with food that the waitress had delivered and that too was polished off quickly. The entire meal continued in this fashion with Claire taking away empty plates and bringing new dishes to replace those that she had taken. Sebastian would pick at the new dishes before offering them to Erica, who would promptly clear the plate of its contents. By the time that Sebastian's order had been completed and all the items on the menu had been delivered and cleared, the waitress’ image of calm was broken. Shock was written clearly on her face as she cleared away the last of the dishes before bringing them the bill; apparently she hadn’t expected them to finish the order.

  As he placed a sufficient amount of money on the table to cover the expenses of their meal, Sebastian smiled at the waitress. “Thank you Claire, I hope we haven’t been too much trouble.”

  “It’s no problem, but I have to be honest I never thought that you would finish all that food. It’s not the first time I’ve had to put in that order but it is the first time I’ve seen anyone finish it. And there were only two of you, that’s amazing.”

  Unwanted attention wasn’t what they needed right now so he shrugged casually, hoping to appear normal, “We must have been hungrier than we thought. Thanks again, but we have to go and stock up on food for our house as my fiancée pointed out to me yesterday, there’s nothing there. That’s probably why we ate so much.” Claire nodded in understanding and Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Do you know where the supermarket is?” Erica questioned.

  “I’m not sure if you could call it a supermarket,” Claire laughed, “but it serves all our needs. If your looking for the place to buy groceries then it’s just across the road, I’m surprised you didn’t see it on the way down here.”

  “Our main concern was getting something to eat that’s probably why we didn’t notice the supermarket.” Sebastian smiled. “Just one more question and then we’ll let you be on your way, I’m sure you have better things to do than just hang around talking to us.”

  “I don’t mind really.” Claire giggled. “But you had a question so shoot.”

  “Is there a jewellers in this town? We didn’t really have a chance to look around before we came here so I’m not sure of exactly just what there is around here.”

  “It might not look it, but there’s more in this town that you would initially think. There’s a jewellers just down the road from here. It’s nothing big but they do have some really beautiful pieces in there.”

  Sebastian smiled. “Thank you for your help, I hope we haven’t been too much of a bother.”

  The young waitress’ cheeks coloured and she flashed a brief smile before dashing off leaving them with a simple, “It’s no problem.”

  “She seemed nice.” Though there was a smile on her face, her tone of voice was harsher than she had intended. A stab of jealousy had coursed through her as she watched the waitress interact with Sebastian. Claire was attracted to Sebastian, how Erica knew this she couldn’t be sure. She could smell it in the air but the thought that she was basing her hatred on something she knew she couldn’t actually have smelt made no sense.

  Aware of what the changes in her scent meant, Sebastian chuckled, pleased with her possessiveness. Now she knows what it feels like. He placed a brief reassuring kiss to her lips before pulling her tightly against him. His breath was hot against her cheek as he whispered in her ear, “She may have been nice but she’s nothing compared to you. You’re the measuring stick I use whenever I see other women and no one ever comes close.” Warmth flooded her at the intimately spoken words and a smile appeared on her face before he pulled away. “Come on sweetheart, we have a few things to do today. First things first, lets stock the house and then go shopping for that ring of yours.” He stood and offered her his hand.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Placing her hand within his, Erica allowed him to pull her to her feet and lead them out of the diner. The local supermarket was exactly where Claire had said it would be and they quickly crossed the wide road to reach it. The store was small, as Claire had suggested it would be but as they looked around the three aisles, each labelled in turn, fresh produce, meats and frozen foods, that the store was separated into, they quickly found that it would be sufficient for their needs. Grabbing a basket from a stack near the door, Sebastian headed straight for the aisle labelled meats and began to fill the small basket. As she believed that she was human, Erica might not purchase the foods that enabled their bodies to perform at their best but Sebastian knew what they needed and was intent on getting it for them.

  Though their bodies were very similar to humans in appearance, their diets weren’t the same. While there was nothing that they couldn’t eat and digest, their bodies needed meat and lots of it to sustain them. When they were young, fruits and vegetables formed a major part of their diets, but as they grew the need for meat increased and in some cases any other food was simply filtered out of their diet. Judging from the Erica's voracious hunger, she hadn’t been fulfilling her body’s needs adequately when they were at the estate.

  Picking up another basket, Erica trailed behind him grabbing random items from the shelves that she hoped could be made into a meal for the pair of them.

  What am I doing? her mind pondered as she wandered aimlessly between the three aisles of the small store. I don’t even know if I can cook.

  I’m sure you’ll think of something to feed Sebastian. We can’t let him go hungry. He has to keep up his strength for other more pleasurable activities.

  Erica groaned at the sound of the bodiless voice. I thought you’d left me alone.

  That’s just not possible Erica, it’s never going to happen. Get used to me being about.

  Please just leave me alone.

  I’m trying to help you, the voice sighed. There are things that you don’t know and I’m trying to help you remember. The only reason I’m not spelling it out for you is because the doctors have said it’ll be bad for you. Plus, our yummy Sebastian seems to think this is for the best as well.

  I don’t need your help, Erica snapped. What I want is for you to leave me alone. I’d rather just deal with the amnesia and not have to worry about being insane as well.

  Insane? You think you’re insane? The voice roared with laughter at Erica's belief. You’re most definitely something Erica but insane isn’t it. The voice faded leaving Erica to finish her shopping in blissful silence.

  The shopping trip didn’t last long, Sebastian easily filled his basket mostly with meat but he had added the occasional vegetable that appealed to him. Erica's basket was filled too but there didn’t seem to be a pattern in her choices.

  They had walked to the checkout and placed their items on the conveyor belt before a thought occurred to Erica. “Sebastian, I’m not allergic to anything am I?”

  The question had sounded odd enough that the middle-aged lady checking out their purchases stopped her task. “That’s a very odd question to ask someone dear.”

  Erica's head spun around to face the inquisitive woman and she smiled, the woman’s appearance was what she would expect of a concerned mother, though she couldn’t remember her own so how she came to this conclusion she couldn’t be sure. “Excuse me?” she asked, smiling weakly at the stranger.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, my name is Victoria.” She held out her hand as she introduced herself. “You must be new around here, we’re a rather small town so everybody knows everybody.” Dumbly taking the woman’s hand Erica nodded. “I didn’t mean to be rude or pry, but it was a very odd question to ask someone at your age. Surely you must know if you have any allergies yourself, especially at your age.”

  Erica's small smile faltered at the observation and she removed her hand from Victoria's grip. Sebastian draped his arm over her shoulders, pulling her close to his body and away from the older woman’s questioning gaze. “My fiancée was involved in an accident and has no memories of her life prior to when she woke up. We’re only here because the doctors thought that she would recover faster if she wasn’t under the constant pressure of other people’s expectations.”

  Victoria gasped; shocked by the revelation and her eyes widened with each word Sebastian spoke. “I’m terribly sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “You weren’t to know,” he answered calmly.

  “Don’t make excuses for my behaviour. My husband is constantly telling me to keep my questions to myself and this is why. I don’t know how to even begin to apologise.”

  “I’ve told you it’s fine.”

  Reaching for the first item on the conveyor belt, Victoria began to ring up their shopping her eyes constantly lifting to take in the embracing couple. “It must have been a terrible accident for you to have lost all your memories,” she commented mildly continuing to scan, years of practice meaning that she knew automatically which buttons to press and when. Silence greeted her observation but she continued, calmly. “Still I suppose it could be worse.”

  How exactly could it be worse than this? Erica thought angrily, increasingly annoyed with Victoria’s inquisitive nature.

  “You’ve still got your fiancé and he seems to care a great deal for you. I’m sure you’ll recover in no time, but while you’re here feel free to come and find me if you ever just need someone to talk to.”

  As she breathed in the rich scent Sebastian gave off from beneath his clothes Erica found herself smiling again. I guess you’re right, it could be worse. I’ve still got Sebastian and right now that means more than the world.

  Victoria chose to keep any more comments to herself after that, a sharp look from Sebastian making her concede to the benefits of silence. She checked out their shopping rather quickly after that. Immediately after he had paid for the purchases, Sebastian grabbed a hold of the heaviest bags, hefting them into his arms before reaching for the lighter ones. Erica beat him to them and silenced any protest as she reminded him of what he had promised her earlier. “You said I could help Sebastian. I can do this much at the very least.” Gathering the remainder of the bags, she flashed Victoria a quick smile before they headed fo
r the exit intent on reaching the car. “Thank you for your help.”

  It didn’t take long for them to deposit the bags in the trunk of the jeep after which they were once again on the move. “I’d like to have a look in the jewellers for a ring for you. If they don’t have one that you like then we’ll go and look elsewhere.”

  “Ok,” she replied, her voice quiet.

  “Erica, is something wrong?”

  “You don’t have to get me a ring Sebastian. I’d understand if you wanted to wait until I got my memories back.”

  “And why exactly would I want to do that?”

  “I’m already a burden, I don’t want to be an even bigger one by asking you to do things like this for me.”

  “I want to get you a ring sweetheart. I want everyone who sees it to know that you have someone who cares about you more than anything in the world. It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember me, I remember you and that’s enough for now. We’re making new memories with every second that we spend together. When you get your memories back, and you will get them back, I want you to look back on this time fondly. Stop worrying about what you don’t have and concentrate on what you do have. Like that woman said, you still have me. You’ll always have me.”

  “Thank you Sebastian. You always seem to know exactly what I need to hear.” Though I can’t think of what I could have done to deserve you.

  “Can we go and get that ring now?” he asked laughing.


  “It’s a good thing that we’re already here then.”

  True to his word, they were now standing in front of what she assumed from the precious gems on display was the jewellers. Despite her worries, Sebastian had guided her unerringly towards the store. “And what if I’d said I didn’t want a ring?” she questioned teasingly.


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