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Double Obsessions

Page 26

by Charlotte Sloan

  “Oh? You want to tell me about it?” Brad nodded.

  “My dad left me everything.” Stella was silent. Her face indicated that she was trying to come up with some sort of response.

  “But what about…”

  “I know.” Brad sighed. “I know.”

  “Does Steve know?”

  “I don’t think so.” Brad shook his head. “Allan is going to tell him. I don’t want to be involved in that part.”

  “You shouldn’t be.” Stella’s fingers were coming through his hair. “Oh, Brad, I’m so sorry.”

  “Me too.” He ducked his head to kiss her lips. Stella kissed him back, pressing her lips more firmly to his.

  “You want me to make you feel better?” Her hands were slipping down his chest.

  “Yes.” He turned his head. His lips worked down Stella’s throat, sucking quickly at her pulse point. She groaned.

  “I have an hour before I have to be anywhere.” She stepped back, pulling the purple sweater over her head.

  “I can be done in an hour.” Brad pushed her back to sit on the sofa. Brad shrugged off his overcoat, tossing it aside. A moment later, he was working the clasp of her bra free. He added it to the growing pile on the floor.

  Stella moaned as his lips fell onto her nipple. Her hand was cupping and rubbing the breast he was not working.

  “Brad…” she panted. His fingers were already working off the black pencil skirt she wore. He wanted her. He needed her. He needed the release that sex with her would provide.

  Stella settled onto her back on the sofa. Brad yanked off her skirt and panties. He spread her legs quickly. His mouth dropped down to her sex. Immediately his lips wrapped around her clit. Two of his fingers pushed into her. Stella slammed her hips back on him.

  “Oh yes. Just like that.” She pressed herself into him. “Brad, please.”

  He was in the process of kicking off his shoes. After a few more licks, he pulled back to shed his socks and pants. Stella reached up to unbutton his shirt. Her body was beautiful. If he hadn’t been in such a mood, he would have spent a few more moments admiring it.

  “Please,” she repeated breathlessly. Brad climbed on top of her. He made sure that she had one foot on the floor and the other on the back of the sofa. He angled and positioned himself at her entrance. In one thrust, he buried himself all of the way inside of her. Stella cried out.

  Her arms and legs immediately wrapped around him. Brad buried his face into her shoulder. He began moving inside of her. Stella’s cries mingled with his own grunts of pleasure. He was taking her hard, and rough. This wasn’t unusual for them. They usually found themselves fueled on alcohol in the back of a limo, or entering their house hyped up from a night on the town. Brad had taken Stella against a number of walls, and she had ridden him a number of time behind driver secured windows. This was nothing new.

  Stella had moved a hand between them to flick her wetness. Brad moved harder into her. His lips moved to capture hers, dragging them between his teeth in a twist of kisses and bites.

  “Come for me,” he panted as he pressed his forehead against hers. Stella’s pretty face was already contorted into pleasure. It was not long before she was gasping and crying out beneath him. Brad smiled. He thrust into her a few more times before thrusting hard once more and spilling himself deep in her.

  Brad collapsed on top of her. He already felt far less stressed than he had before. He nuzzled against her, sighing.

  “Thank you.” Stella chuckled softly.

  “I have no complaints myself. Although hair and makeup might.” That made him laugh.

  “They’ll get over it.” He remained on top of her, having no real desire to move. Stella sighed.

  “My morning hasn’t been so banner either.”

  “Oh?” Brad lifted his head. “What happened?”

  “I…got another death threat.” Stella turned her head to the side. Brad frowned.

  “Babe, you get those all the time. What was different this time?” Stella eased him off of her. She sat up to lean against the arm of the couch.

  “So there’s this group of fans that’s really on a roll after last week. The Erratticus.”

  “Wait, huh?” That name made no sense to him, and he didn’t think he’d ever heard it before.

  “Erratticus. Erika and Atticus.” Ah, the other character that Erika hadn’t chosen. “They’ve sent hate mail to the studio, to me, to Kyle.” Kyle Hartman was her co-star, and her most recent romantic involvement. “I’ve never seen people like this before.”

  Brad lowered his head. He pressed his lips against her forehead.

  “Stels, come on. You know how these people are. They’re crazy. Don’t get upset.” He didn’t know why this one particular death threat was bothering her.

  Stella frowned. He wasn’t saying the right thing. He was supposed to validate how bad she felt, and express concern. But he had a real problem right now. He couldn’t justify a few hundred fans being worked up because Erika hadn’t picked the right love interest on Mile High.

  “I’m sorry.” He kissed her cheek. “Just try not to worry, ok? These people are just crazy.”

  “That’s what scares me,” Stella muttered. Brad wrapped his arms around her. He folded her into his chest.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m here. I’ll take care of you.”

  “I believe you,” Stella murmured, stroking his arm. “It just scares me.”

  “I know.” He was back to thinking about Steve. Just why had his father cut him out of the will? What didn’t Brad know?

  “Brad?” Stella asked softly.

  “Yeah?” He turned to face her.

  “What would you think about trying for a baby?” That caught him off guard. He and Stella had talked about children, but especially with Jason, he was hesitant.

  “Um, why?” Stella shrugged.

  “I just want a little girl. It would be nice to have a little one around the house.”

  “Yeah I…guess it might be.” Brad kissed her cheekbone. “Look, Stels, let’s get through this thing with my dad’s estate and then we’ll talk about having a mini you, ok?”

  “Ok.” Stella cuddled into him. “I mean, we don’t have to make one. We could adopt, right?”

  “We could.” Brad really didn’t want to talk about this now. “Let’s keep thinking on it.”

  “Ok.” Stella nuzzled into his throat.

  They remained locked against each other for a few long moments. Finally, Stella detangled herself. She went into the bathroom to clean up. Brad collected his clothes. He’d finished dressing when Stella came back. Once she was dressed, he walked her to the active set. There, he kissed her quickly goodbye.

  “I’ll wait up, ok?”

  “You don’t have to.” Stella smiled at him.

  “I do.” Brad smiled. “Bye, baby.”

  “Bye.” Stella leaned up for another kiss.


  Security had walked him back to his car. He was safely inside with the doors locked when his phone rang.


  “Fuck.” Brad picked up his phone. “Hello?”

  “What the fuck did you do?” Brad had never heard his brother sound quite so cold. He’d obviously talked to Allan.

  “Steve, look, I didn’t do anything.”

  “The fuck you didn’t! After everything I’ve done, Dad just cut me out of the will?! Bullshit, Brad, that’s bullshit!”

  “Steve, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was doing that. Look, you know you always have a job—”

  “Wait. Wait. Wait. That’s your answer?!” Steve snapped. “You mean you’re actually going to keep everything?”

  “Well, yeah.” What else would he do? His father had left him everything fair and square. Why should he go dealing it off to Steve?

  “That’s low, man. That’s lower than I thought you could ever go!” Steve sounded furious now.

  “What do you want from me?” Brad asked, incredulous. He couldn�
��t just disrespect his father’s wishes.

  “I want what’s mine!” Steve exclaimed. “I want half of that fucking company, you hear me?!”

  “But HE left it to ME! It’s my company now!” For all Brad knew, his father had known something that he hadn’t. Maybe there was a reason why he hadn’t wanted Steve to have anything. “Steve, this was Dad’s final wish. Don’t you think it would be best to honor it?”

  “So it can keep making you money?” Steve hissed. “No, Brad, I do not. I think that what would be best for all of us would be to keep up the arrangement that we had and to keep being a hardworking family together.”

  Brad was silent. He normally would have agreed, but why had his father left the company solely to him? Wayne was not a stupid businessman by any means. He would not have done this if he had no reason.

  “What’s important is keeping the company safe.”

  “From me?!” Steve’s voice rose in anger. “What the hell, Brad? We’ve worked together for years. Now all of a sudden I’m a risk to the company? Did you believe that when you woke up this morning?”

  “Well, no, of course not,” Brad stammered.

  “Exactly!” Steve growled. “You know what, Brad? I’m not taking this from you. If this is how you want to play, I’ll see you in court.”

  “Fine. You do that,” Brad told him. “We’ll find out exactly why Dad didn’t want you to have a portion of this company!”

  Steve had already hung up. Brad simply sat in the luxury car. He stared out the windows at the surrounding area. Maybe he should go back in, kill a few hours waiting for Stella to get off work.

  But no, he had work of his own to do. If the company was now his, he had to maintain it. This was going to take focus—especially if there was a chance he didn’t have Steve to rely on. He had to go home and get busy.

  Brad started up the car. He drove away from the set. He wondered if his father had realized just what a disaster he was leaving upon his two sons. He hoped that there was a damned good reason for it.


  Friday night, Brad was home alone. It had been a long week. He had spent all of it traveling to investors, trying to make them feel better about the transition. It had not helped. Absolutely no one had wanted to deal solely with Brad; they all wanted Steven too.

  True to his word, Steven had hired a lawyer. They hadn’t waited a day before filing paperwork to contest the will. Brad’s lawyer didn’t think that there was anything legally insufficient about it. So while it wasn’t exactly nice, it wasn’t legally wrong. Steve was not buying it. They were proceeding with their case.

  To make matters worse, Melissa had spent all week sending Brad pictures of Jason. He’d had to hide his phone from Stella on more than one occasion. He did not need this right now. The messages that he’d slipped back to Melissa apparently hadn’t made that clear. She’s sent him one just a few hours ago. As much as he hated to ignore pictures of his son, he had.

  Stella was not home tonight. She was at some sort of fundraiser. She’d gone out looking adorable in a short, pale-pink strapless gown. He was glad to get her out. Stella had been moping all week. She was still upset about the fan rage. She’d been practically glued to her Twitter feed all week. Brad had never seen her so obsessed.

  It was almost midnight when he heard the gates beeping that they were opening. A few moments later, he heard the door unlock.

  “Thank you, Eric,” Stella was saying. She’d taken their driver tonight. It was usually safer than driving herself. Stella had taken all of the protection chances tonight. He could not figure out why she was so upset this time. He was slightly disappointed in her.

  Brad got up, going to meet her in the hall. Stella looked either tired or unhappy. He wasn’t quite sure if she’d been crying, but it was a possibility.

  “What is it?” He touched her arm. Stella waved her hand.

  “I hate fans.”

  “What did they do?” Brad tried to be patient. He couldn’t let his bad mood wear off on her.

  “A group of them cornered security and I as we were leaving. They were just yelling harassing stuff…like what a tramp and a whore I am.” She shook her head. “Honestly, it was awful.”

  “Oh, babe.” Brad pulled her to him. “I’m sorry. I probably should have gone with you.”

  “Yeah, you probably should have.” Stella turned to glare at his pajama pants and t-shirt. “I guess I don’t have to ask how your night was.”

  “It was ok.” Brad was too tired to fight, even if Stella seemed to be in the mood for it. “You need a drink.” He held out his hand to her.

  Stella didn’t argue. She followed him into the living room. Brad muted the television and quickly grabbed up a bottle of scotch.

  “You realize how much champagne I’ve had tonight, don’t you?” She eyed the bottle.

  “Good. Then I won’t have any issues getting you out of that dress.” Brad winked as he poured out two small glasses of the dark liquid.

  “Wouldn’t be very hard.” Stella moved over to him. Her arms wrapped around him. “Brad, I think I hate this life.”

  “Baby, crazy fans come with the territory. You knew that when you got into this line of work.” He handed her a glass. Stella took it. She downed the drink in one motion. It didn’t surprise him; Stella was a good drinker for her size. She always went for the harder stuff. Not wanting to be outdone, he followed suit.

  Stella put her glass aside. She detached his glass from his fingers, putting it down besides hers. She pulled him to her.

  “I don’t want to argue,” her lips murmured against his.

  “Me either.” Brad lowered his head to hers. Stella wrapped her arms around his neck. She was still in heels, so she had a good height tonight.

  “Can I tell you something?” she purred. He figured she must have had a good bit of alcohol. That last shot had gone right to her head.

  “Of course.” He rested his hands on her sides. This dress made her breasts look amazing.

  “I didn’t wear underwear tonight in case you came with me.” She nipped at his lower lip. “I wanted limo sex.”

  A thrill shot up his spine. Brad growled softly.

  “Oh really?” He reached down, dragging the short chiffon skirt up her thighs. Sure enough, his fingers met the bare skin of her hip. “Bad girl.”

  “Probably.” Stella lifted her head to nip his lip again. “Brad, come on. Make me feel like only you can.”

  Her hand had slipped under the waistband of his pajama pants. Her fingers had encircled his cock and were stroking it hard. It was not taking much. Brad grabbed her, turning to push her against the wall next to the hallway doorframe.

  “You mean like this?” His fingers slipped over, hoping to find her already wet. She was. He wondered just how long this had been building. He pushed two of them into her. Stella let out a contented moan. She lifted one tanned leg to wrap around his hip.

  “Just like that.” Her fingers squeezed his cock. “Brad, please…I want you in me.”

  He pulled away from her to unbutton the fly of his pants. His head dropped, sealing his lips over hers. Once his erection was free, he scooped her up. Stella wrapped both of her legs around him. With her tiny size, it wasn’t hard to hold her with one arm as he positioned himself with the other. Stella’s head dropped onto his shoulder as he pushed himself into her.

  “Yes. Yes, baby.” She bit his flesh through the fabric of his t-shirt. “Please, Brad. Harder.”

  He gave her what she wanted. They were experts at fucking on walls. He knew just the way to drive himself into her as deep as possible. Stella moaned the entire time. When his fingers went to rub her, it brought her over the edge. Stella cried out, biting down on him one last time as he groaned out his own orgasm.

  “I like it when you come home tipsy.” He lowered her back to the floor.

  “Mm.” Stella reached down, slipping off her shoes. She was back to her tiny height again. “Let’s go to bed. I think I had enough
that I’ll be hungover in the morning.”

  Brad sent her up to bed while he closed up for the night. After turning off the television, he set the security alarm and headed upstairs. Stella was stretched out in bed. She’d undone her dress and hair, but her makeup was still in place. That was unlike her. She was scrolling through her phone. Probably Twitter.

  “Baby, get off of there.” He reached for her phone. But Stella shook her head and set it to charge on the nightstand.

  “People put the weirdest shit on Twitter.” She called as he went into the bathroom.

  “Oh really?” He picked up his toothbrush.

  “Yep.” She sounded half asleep. “You know someone tweeted me earlier that you have a baby you’re trying to hide from me?”

  Brad froze. The tube of toothpaste slipped out of his hand.

  “Really?” He chuckled. “That’s so wild.”

  “I know, right?” Stella had curled up in bed.

  “Did they say who it was?” Brad asked curiously.

  “No,” Stella mumbled. “You’re also bisexual and cheating on me with men.”

  “How awful of me.” Brad tried to regain his composure. Had Melissa actually reached out to Stella after all of this time? Had she done it on social media just to make a point? It was entirely possible.


  Brad woke up to the sound of the alarm blaring. At first, he assumed it was his phone, or maybe the alarm clock beside the bed. He was groping for his phone when Stella grabbed him.

  “Someone’s in the house!”

  Brad threw himself out of bed. He ran to the bedroom door, yanking it open. The hallway was entirely empty.

  “Brad!” Stella exclaimed. Panic was rising in her voice.

  “Answer the phone!” He pointed to his now glowing phone on the nightstand. “It’s the alarm company.”

  “But what are you—”

  “I’m going to turn off the alarm!” He started into the hallway.

  Brad turned on the lights. If someone was in the house, he wanted them to know he was coming. Brad and Stella didn’t believe in guns. They never kept them in the house. For a moment, he thought wistfully that Steven did.

  The downstairs was also empty. Brad didn’t see any signs anything had been disturbed. Frowning, he turned off the alarm panel beside the front door.


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