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Special Rewards (The Coursodon Dimension Book 2)

Page 14

by M. L. Ryan

“Try not to use too much slang,” Alex muttered under his breath. “There is not much need for human language translators, and this one is a bit lacking in knowledge of modern human vernacular.”

  Great. Now, in addition to remaining polite and respectful, I also had to limit my word choices to whatever was the rage a hundred years ago. “Why can’t you just translate?”

  Alex inclined his head toward the judges. “They want to be certain that I don’t give you or them false answers.”

  That made sense. But now I realized my comment must have sounded like I was questioning Franklin’s abilities. He did, in fact, seem forlorn. “You’re doing fine,” I assured him. “No offense intended, but Alex is used to my language quirks.”

  Franklin seemed relieved. “No offense taken,” he said softly.

  Center judge cleared his throat, our unauthorized banter clearly an irritant. Franklin quickly summarized our conversation for the judges, and then explained to me what he had just told them. This was starting to get confusing; with all their magic, you’d think the Courso wouldn’t be so old-school. Where’s a nice set of simultaneous-translator headphones or a Babel-fish when you need one?

  With an exasperated wave of his hand, Center directed me to proceed. For the next few minutes, I described what it was like to share my body with Sebastian, and how, all-in-all, it was no big deal.

  “Except for the initial shock of realizing another dimension exists and that I was inhabited by an other-worldly being, co-existing with Sebastian was my pleasure. He was in a spot, and I was happy to help him return to his own body. I don’t regret any part of it,” I proclaimed at the end.

  Lefty raised a dubious brow. “Does your lack of discontent extend to the magical talents Commander Kess left behind?” she countered.

  “I’d hardly call what I have ‘talents.’ I can barely do anything. But it did allow me to travel here and that’s something for which I will always be grateful. My world view has been greatly altered, and for the better. What Sebastian gave me was a gift, one that I intend to show the appropriate respect.”

  The judges nodded and turned their attention to Alex. After he outlined what occurred from his perspective, they asked Sebastian to clarify a few points and then rose from their seats.

  “We will now deliberate,” Center declared. “You will be notified when a decision is made.” With that, they exited through a door at the back of the room.

  “So how long does this sort of thing usually take,” I asked to no one in particular.

  Franklin shrugged. “Could be 10 minutes, could be 10 days. There’s really no way to predict.”

  “In case they decide quickly, we will wait in the building for a few hours,” Alex added. “If there’s no word by then, we will leave and they can contact us to return when they have reached a verdict.”

  We moved into the hallway and followed some signs to a small cafeteria area. All except Karttyx who had business to attend to. Tannis got each of us a hot beverage she called faytri. It smelled and tasted like sweetened, creamed coffee, except it didn’t have a milky appearance. She explained that faytri was brewed from the roasted pod of an indigenous plant and no sugar or dairy product was added, it just naturally tasted that way. It wasn’t bad – I usually like my coffee black – but I had become somewhat accustomed to a sweeter brew when Sebastian was a visitor in my body and had some influence over my food choices. After tasting the faytri, I understood why he preferred coffee with lots of sugar and cream if this is what he was used to drinking.

  “I was worried,” I confessed. “But that wasn’t as bad as I thought. They weren’t too obnoxious.”

  “You are correct, my dear. They were quite civil,” Sebastian responded thoughtfully. “I must say I am astounded. Generally, when I have dealings with the judiciary, they are much less good-natured.”

  Knowing Sebastian, that experience likely was not limited to bringing criminals to justice. With his attitude, I doubted this was the first time charges were brought against him. I was about to ask him how many times he had been on the wrong side of the law when Mr. Gawks-A-Lot dropped by the table.

  At least this time, he wasn’t staring. He affably addressed the Courso members of the group before turning to me, and — in perfect formal British English — introduced himself.

  “Lyjwix Wetzylilcatja. As the head of the Department of Trans-Dimensional Affairs, I am so very honored to meet you.” He grinned as he clasped my hand in his. “An actual human here in Courso. It is truly amazing.”

  That explained why he couldn’t take his eyes off me before, I supposed. In the hearing, his constant attentions made me so uncomfortable I purposely avoided even a glance in his direction. Now that he wasn’t glaring at me like I had two heads, I took the time to really get a good look. Lyjwix was more pretty than classically handsome; fine boned with a smooth complexion. He reminded me a little of a transvestite friend I had in grad school. It always ticked me off that a guy in drag made a better-looking woman than I could ever be. Ignoring the mental picture of Lyjwix in a wig and makeup, I responded with a cordial, “Nice to meet you, too.”

  With conspicuous emotion, he continued. “Your situation is so unprecedented. If you have time, I would love to pick your brain, so to speak.” He gazed intently into my eyes; his were the oddest shade of green, almost chartreuse. “To understand what it must be like to suddenly possess the powers of this dimension….” His voice trailed off and he seemed lost in his own thoughts. After a moment, he shook his head and sighed. “Forgive me, but you are quite remarkable.”

  “Yes, she is,” Alex remarked as he placed his hand on the small of my back. “Are you hungry, carisa? I can get you some lunch.” He was smiling, but he was throwing off a definite “back off” vibe Lyjwix’s way.

  Lyjwix narrowed his eyes, but quickly changed his expression to one of gracious affability. “I do hope we have another chance to speak, Ms. Parrish.” He dropped his head in a small bow and retreated to another section of the cafeteria.

  Alex watched him leave much like a lion regards a gazelle that has somehow managed to elude the hunt. Predatory but confident that their next encounter wouldn’t end as well. When Lyjwix was across the room, he rose and asked, “So, lunch?”

  He and Sebastian went to get us all some food, leaving Tannis alone with me at the table. Admiring Alex’s butt as he made his way to the sandwich line, I contemplated his reaction to Lyjwix. I didn’t get the impression that Lyjwix was being at all flirty, but Alex must have. While Alex’s backside was infinitely more pleasant than his jealous side, I had to admit, his apparent possessiveness made me feel kind of warm and fuzzy.

  Tannis followed my gaze and chortled, “Well, Alexander wasn’t shy about letting Lyjwix know exactly how he felt about you.”

  “Yeah, that was weird, wasn’t it?”

  “You are joking, yes?” a note of incredulity in her tone. “I asked you earlier if you doubted Alexander’s feelings for you, but you didn’t get a chance to answer. Well?” she persisted.

  I gave her a brief version of my thoughts on the matter, trying to sound as casual and logical as possible. She still looked skeptical, so I added, “We’ve never said, you know, the ‘L’ word.”

  Tannis shook her head and chuckled. “He says it to you every time he calls you carisa.”

  “Come on, Alex told me it meant ‘dearest’.”

  “Literally it does. But when a Courso male uses it, particularly in front of others, it means much more. It’s a very powerful word. I know my brother well and he would not use it unless he was in love with you.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense,” I scoffed. “Carisa has no meaning to me beyond Alex’s translation. If he felt that way, wouldn’t he just say ‘I love you’?”

  With a shrug of her shoulders, Tannis said, “You’ll have to ask him. All I know is by using it as an endearment, Alexander is letting everyone know that you are his and other men should keep their distance.”

  Although I
was skeptical of her analysis, the discussion was making me uncomfortable. This was definitely not the kind of topic I wanted to knock around with Alex’s sister. In an attempt to both lighten the mood and deflect further discourse, I remarked with a dismissive chuckle, “Well, if you’re right, I guess it beats lifting his leg on me.”


  We ate the open-faced sandwiches the boys purchased. Mine was topped with mild white cheese, roasted sweet red peppers and leafy greens that looked like cilantro but tasted like arugula. It was so delicious, I shared another with Alex after I scarfed down the first one.

  Karttyx appeared at the entrance and called out, “They’ve reached a decision.” I glanced at Sebastian who looked confident as ever. I, however, was a nervous wreck and suddenly the second half-sandwich didn’t seem like such a good idea.

  Everyone privy to the case marched toward the courtroom and we took the same seats once inside. As before, the three judges were already in place, and if they were signaling their verdict in any way, I sure as hell couldn’t read it. Their placid expressions revealed nothing and if their eyes weren’t open one might think they were asleep sitting up. Maybe the ability to assume a zombie-like façade at will was a prerequisite for the position.

  Center judge emerged from his trance and addressed Sebastian. “Commander, your conduct in this matter cannot be condoned. You displayed egregious disrespect for our laws by placing a human at risk with your unconventional experimentation.”

  My heart sank. Oh crap, this doesn’t sound like the preamble to a not guilty verdict. Without thinking, I grasped Alex’s hand. He gave it a comforting squeeze, and I took a deep breath to try to calm myself. In contrast to me, Sebastian still appeared cool and collected. That’s the advantage of arrogance; even in the face of one’s world crashing down, it allows one to go out head held high.

  “However,” Center continued, “We are of the belief that, while your actions were reckless, you had no intent to involve anyone else and were in a life-and-death situation when you implemented the deconvergence. In addition, Ms. Parrish denies any adverse effects and your ability to transfer the prince’s essence into another prevented his untimely demise.”

  At least they were giving Sebastian credit for deconverging the spirit of a mortally-injured Alex into Angelica’s essence-less empty body until his could be healed. Score one for the zombies.

  “Given all the evidence, we find you not guilty of all charges. However, you shall desist from further deconvergences. Failure to comply with this ruling will result in further prosecution. And the next time,” he warned ominously, pointing a bony finger directly at Sebastian, “we shall not be so lenient. By the power vested in us by the Glyzimutitch Zolmere, these proceedings are completed.”

  The three took a moment to glare at Sebastian before rising as one and exiting through the back door. I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding, and tears still welled in my eyes.

  Sebastian noticed the impending waterworks. “Why are you crying, my dear? I never doubted for a moment that I would be exonerated.”

  “I know, I know,” I sputtered as I wiped at my eyes with my hand. “But when the judge first started, I thought for sure you were going to be sent to prison. I’m just so relieved.”

  “I am truly touched. If you are not careful, I will begin to suspect that you actually like me,” he teased, winking. “Perhaps we should celebrate; dinner is on me tonight. Karttyx, will you join us?”

  “Normally, I wouldn’t miss an opportunity when you are paying, as it occurs so infrequently, but unfortunately I am expected back at headquarters.” She cast a withering look at Sebastian. “I trust you will find a way to carry on without me.”

  “I always do,” he replied with a grin.

  “I know. That is why you keep ending up in front of the judiciary. Do not let it happen again, Kess.” The last word being hers, she strode off. I admired her ability to put Sebastian in his place.

  “So,” Sebastian began, rubbing his hands together with glee, “now that Miss High-and-Mighty won’t be there to cramp our style, where shall we go?”

  Obviously, I had no opinion on the choice of partying establishments, but I really wanted to change into something less…not me. Besides, the shoes Tannis picked out for me had heels, and my feet hurt. I informed Alex of my preference to at least make a stop back at the Inn, and he, too, wanted to lose the suit he was wearing. We headed out to the marqizobaz across the street and returned to our rooms so that everyone could relax a little and freshen up before the festivities commenced.

  The minute we hit the lobby of the Inn, I removed my shoes and let out a well-deserved groan of relief. Why women torture themselves with such uncomfortable footwear is beyond me. Sure, the shoes looked fantastic, but if by the end of the day it felt like your feet have been replaced by bloody stumps and the only thing you can think of is getting the fuckers off, what’s the point? I’d much rather be unstylish and able to walk, thank you very much.

  The upside of my aching tootsies was the foot rub that Alex treated me to when we got to the room. I sprawled out on the bed, and as he sat next to me and kneaded my swollen feet, I moaned in ecstasy. My exuberant endorsement of his skills as a masseur made him laugh, and he suggested he would prefer I made such noises while he was engaged in massaging other parts of my body.

  While the offer sounded fantastic, we were expected downstairs in an hour. “Maybe later, I don’t think there’s enough time to do us justice at the moment.” Sighing with mock exasperation, he released my feet and placed his hands chastely at his sides.

  “Selfish,” I teased as I nudged his arm with my foot. After a few playful jabs, he resumed his metatarsal ministrations. As my pain diminished, I remembered that I wanted to ask him about Tannis’ comment that one’s magic is more powerful in this dimension. I also recalled her other assertion about his feelings for me, but I wasn’t ready to open up that can of worms at the moment.

  “Tannis said everyone’s abilities are stronger here. What can you do here that you can’t do back home?”

  “I’ve mentioned most of them. We can transcommute without using a marqizobaz, we are faster and stronger, our senses more focused and acute.” Suddenly, a devilish smile curved across his lips. “And I can do this.”

  His hands never moved from my feet, but it felt like they were caressing my neck. Then, I could have sworn he began to trail soft kisses from my collarbone up to my earlobe. The feeling of his tongue tracing the outside sent chills throughout my body. God, I love it when he does that to my ear, I thought absentmindedly. I glanced down, and Alex was still kneading my toes, but his hooded gaze showed that this was not your ordinary foot rub. Good thing; if reflexology was like this, they’d have to charge a shit-load more and keep an eye out for the cops. As if the attention to everything above the neck wasn’t enough, the sensation of his lips and hands traveled to my breasts. My nipples hardened in response to the invisible fondling, or maybe they were already hard, I was kind of losing track. The coolest part, was while my breasts were being attended to, the incredible feeling of Alex’s tongue darting into my ear continued unabated.

  I started to voice my approval when my ability to speak was usurped by a growing heat between my legs. It wasn’t just that I was aroused, and I was gloriously so. Now it was as if Alex had slipped his hand down the front of my pants and was doing remarkable things with his fingers. The pleasure was so intense, it was difficult to fathom that he was doing this without any actual contact with the places that now throbbed with rapturous delight. It was like being with three different men at the same time, without the weirdness of a four-some. Every erogenous zone on my body — some of which I wasn’t previously aware — were being lavished with arcane energy that felt like I was being stroked, licked, nuzzled and rubbed all at the same time. Writhing, I arched my back trying to drive my hips closer to the hand that wasn’t there. I was still fully clothed, and Alex hadn’t moved from his original position, yet I scr
eamed his name as the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced overtook me. When the waves of unbridled release finally subsided, I fell back against the mattress, spent and unbelievably satisfied.

  “Oh my,” I purred when I could again form words. “That was incredible. If you can do that long distance, we could have the most amazing phone sex.”

  Alex’s voice was heavy with desire. “I’ve never attempted it when not in close proximity; but we can experiment if you would like.” He stretched out beside me and grazed his lips down my neck following the same path as his magic had moments before.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I whispered as I reached down to unbuckle his belt. “Right now, I’d like to check out what happens when your magic fingers combine with the real thing.”

  “I thought you were concerned about being late for dinner?” he murmured just before his tongue snaked into my mouth.

  I pulled back enough to utter a wistful, “I’m sure they’ll understand. And if not, to hell with ‘em.”

  As it turned out, Alex was just as efficient with combo sex as he had been with the purely magical version and we arrived in the lobby satisfied and showered and only a few minutes late. Sebastian selected a restaurant across town and the food was again mostly unidentifiable to me, but nonetheless tasty. Wine flowed freely; I drank more than my norm, but, it was, after all, a celebration. By the time we finished — it was way past closing time and the management was giving us dirty looks — the four of us were feeling no pain.

  While Sebastian went to settle the bill, Tannis excused herself to use the ladies room. “I’ve wanted to ask you something all evening,” I admitted when we were alone at the table. “Is what you did this afternoon something all Courso can do, or are you exceptionally gifted in that regard?”

  “Much as I like it when you describe anything I do as exceptionally gifted, the truth is that it is not that uncommon. It is, however, extremely difficult to accomplish in the human dimension.”


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