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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

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by Ryan, Rebecca J

  Great for Now

  Book Two of The Now Series

  Rebecca J. Ryan

  “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”

  -Henry David Thoreau

  This ebook is a word of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living for dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Copyright August, 2015 by Rebecca J. Ryan

  All rights reserved

  Follow me on Facebook (Click here) for updates and everything else.

  Chapter 1


  Two years later.

  Shoot I’m going to be late for work if I don’t hurry. I forgot to set the alarm last night because Candy Cop, was on the mark, tiring me so badly that I fell asleep afterwards. My hips are still sore.

  I rush to get to the highway, speeding as I go through traffic, feeling an adrenaline rush because it’s against the law, but under the circumstances I have no choice. Letting out a breath of relief when seeing the courthouse in the horizon. I’m almost there.

  Hurry, hurry, hurry.

  I smile thinking I may even have extra time, but then out of nowhere I hear a siren blaring, looking in the rear mirror to see blue flashing lights on my tail. Shoot, shoot, shoot, I have to be at the court house in less than thirty minutes.

  My heart races like it was just let out of a starting gate; it’s mind wrecking. The siren keeps making it loud and obnoxious sound and the blue flashing lights has me feeling like I am a criminal. He or she means business.

  I pull in a shady strip mall. The place looks like it was transported from a ghost town, there isn’t a car in sight. I park in front of a jewelry store, with burglar bars on the windows and the front door. I notice a video camera above the front door, it could possibly work in my favor if things get out of hand. Just like there are bad attorneys, there are bad cops.

  The patrol car parks behind me, now I am scared out of my mind. I nervously look in the rear mirror, still not able to make out if I am dealing with a female or male officer because the visor is down.

  Seconds later I see it’s a male officer, his lips moving, talking on his phone. I watch him, realizing it’s not a good sign that he hasn't once cracked a smile in the conversation, only adding to my anxieties.

  I take a deep breath, knowing he will be out of his car soon. I keep staring in the rear mirror, watching, and waiting for him to get out so I can be on my way to the courthouse.

  Sweat forms behind my neck, feeling restless now. Pretty soon I am going to need a shower.

  Why is he taking so long? The nervousness I feel keeps building, hating every second of it.

  Finally he opens the door, OMG. My jaw drops in awe, he’s all man. He’s my Candy Cop fantasy man.

  When they say there is nothing like a man dressed in uniform, that’s an understatement seeing him now. He is tall, tan, trim, having chiseled arms, like a bodybuilder and his waistline gets me panting, imagining his monster size dick. I wonder what it is doing? Each step he takes I feel my pussy get aroused, getting wetter and wetter, lifting from the car seat. Who is this stud?

  Still I haven't seen his face completely, because he’s wearing sunglasses and a sexy eight-point police hat covering his head. I can only see his stubble cheeks.

  Take me now.

  I blush thinking how hot it would feel to have his stubble face rub between my legs, eating me out, wearing only his police hat naked. I feel my pussy get aroused, leaning up, then backing down. What has gotten into me? I am getting hot and bothered by this Candy Cop, shoot if he has a hot face I’m in trouble.

  I haven't felt this aroused in my life. I take a deep breath, looking straight ahead to the jewelry store, noticing the video camera looking straight my way. You don't want to give a peep show or do you? I think.

  I smile, thinking how I would in my fantasy, and I’m turned on thinking about it. His ass in the air, mine pressing down on the seat as he pushes into me, rising my hips higher and higher, him tapping in my sweet spot saying, "I wanna fuck that pussy”.

  Snap out of this.

  There is a firm serious knock at the window. He means business. I lower it, looking up to him, lifting up my sunglasses, giving him my most serious don't-fuck-with-me-lawyer-face. I still can't see much, but his manly arms, he has a vine tattooed around his upper arm. Man, his arms are build like steal and his fingers are the size of hot dogs. I feel wet thinking of his dick.

  Calm yourself.

  "Hi, Officer," I say, leaning close to the window to see if he is wearing a name tag, but he isn't. It would be nice to know what his name is.

  "License and registration, please," he asks, to my surprise he even has a sexy New York accent, like Candy Cop. He remains still, standing next to my car, like the stud he is. I feel sweat roll down the nap of my neck. I am in trouble. My pussy is moist. What I would do just to be able to pull him in the car and have hot sex.

  Take it easy.

  “Sure,” I say, leaning over to the glove department and it is locked, so I sit back up to pull the key out of the ignition, realizing that my skirt moved up from my knees to my thighs. I look up and see him standing exactly the same way as he was a few minutes ago. Still no smile, is this guy for real? Is he blind? Is he gay? Still he is so arousing.

  The glove compartment opens and I reach in, "Here, you go," I say, giving him the registration. He looks at me.

  “My license is in my wallet, give me a moment.”

  He doesn’t say anything.

  “Here it is.”

  He stares at my license for a long moment, like he is looking for something. Then he looks at me and the license again, keeping the license in his hand.

  "Do you know why I pulled you over?" He asks, talking a step closer to the car. My heart races now. His voice is so heart racing sexy, arousing me like a feather going up and down my naked body.

  "No, not really." I say, shaking my head, not wanting to push his buttons, seeing he is by the book.

  "Well, you were speeding."

  “Really? I don't think I was going any faster than any other driver on the road," I say, this surprises me.

  "You were going 15 miles over the speed limit," he says. He now bends, to lean in the car. His arms resting on the window frame. He smells delicious, like sex and candy.

  "I thought I was going 45, in a 45 zone," I say, to prove my point.

  "It is actually 30 now, due to construction. There are signs on every street corner saying this," he says keeping a serious face. "You just past one about 100 yards back."

  This is driving me mad, feeling so pulled by my sexual desire for him, that I just want him to write the speeding ticket so I can go. I just can't handle this. Though he is a police office, he looks dangerous, like he has a past. Our eyes touch and I feel that he wants me, and if he could read minds he would know that I want him all on me. I got to get out of here, ASAP, or I am liable to get myself arrested for touching an officer.

  "I am sorry, but I have to be in the court house in the next 15 minutes," I say, looking right at him, desperately wanting to touch all of him.

  This time he looks down to my skirt, which is still midway up my thighs, causing my VJJ to go over drive. Please stop looking at me this way, I think. It is beating, sensing the Italian dick, wanting it to ride up and down its walls.

  "So you are a lawyer?" He asks.

  "Yes," I say, feeling a lump in my throat.

  Now I must show restraint or he may report me if I’m suggestive.

  He takes his sunglasse
s off and holy crap, his face sends my body into over drive, especially his eyes looking straight at me. He is gorgeous. I blink twice to make sure I am seeing clearly and after the second time, I feel my chest tighten. My eyes see just fine. Who is this stud? I look at his thick fingers again, and no wedding ring.

  He looks so much like my fantasy man, the one I fuck every night.

  "That depends," he says.

  I look at him. He certainly has my attention and I am feeling a little uneasy, yet there is a thrill in his warning. One I am recklessly waiting for him to finish.

  "I'll let you go, if you’ll meet me later," he says, with a naughty and luscious smile.

  I am so turned on. Yes, I think, but saying it is a different thing, a much different thing. What I would give to say it.

  I had no idea what an huge asset a smile could be, because he is a thousand times more handsome and fuck me now hot. He keeps looking at me with his sexy eyes, which are just inches away. I crack a smile too, but I know how to make mine, still have him guessing.

  "Is that a threat?" I playfully ask, raising my sunglasses, wanting to test the waters with him.

  He looks down at the gravel to look back up, leaning further into the car, "No, but it can be. If you want it to be," he says again.

  Flirty cop, aren't you? I think. I can feel my womanhood thump, wanting him. I reach in my purse, debating for a moment which business card I should give him. The office number one, without my cell number or the card with my cell number. I nervously give him the one with my most private number.

  '"Here, you go," I say, staring dead at him.

  He leans over the window frame to take it and looks at it, "Ah, Ms. White, you are off the hook for now," he smiles, placing the card in his front pocket.

  "What is your name officer, so I know it’s you calling," I ask.

  "You'll know it's me, when I call," he says, slightly opening his mouth for the tip of his tongue to lick the tip of his lips.

  Ripples go down my back, envisioning him leaning over to lick my lips, feeling my chest tighten. His non-filtered ways has caused me to feel extra horny, my sexual urges are at a dangerous level by this candy looking cop. I want all of him to touch my sweet spot, first being his thick fingers, then his tongue and lastly his dick. I desperately want him.

  "Is this a problem? I know your name and that's what is important, Julie White."

  "I guess not..." A bit disappointed, but still feeling the thrill of his domination.

  "If you really want to know my name show me your panties," he challenges me. I look at him, wanting so badly to to show him more than my undies, feeling overwhelmed by lust.

  My cell phone rings, breaking the moment, I see it's Heather calling. I am so screwed. I didn't get to prep for the deposition.

  "I have to take this call, it's the office and I am suppose to be there already," I say to him, not even looking up to see him, only to look down to take the call.

  My assistant, Heather tells me not to rush because the deposition has been rescheduled, because the defendant got hurt in prison. I smile, maybe the cop and I can have our talk now.

  I look up to see him gone, and my business card on the parking lot ground. I get out of my car and get it frustrated by the rudeness of him, what an idiot I was to even play his game.

  I start my car and speed all the way to my office looking in my rear mirror for any sign of him but I don't see him. He doesn't follow, guess he didn't wanted to see my undies after all, too bad because I wanted to show them to him.

  I am a hot mess.

  Chapter 2


  Boss has been busting my balls for not giving out enough speeding tickets that I go to my favorite speed trap, nestled between just below an overpass. I want off Hickman's shit list.

  I think about Paul in jail for something I can't wrap my head on it. A few days ago he was involved in a prison fight, the third one, leaving him with a black eye. I tried talking to him, but he just tells me not to worry. I wanted to be at the deposition, but I can't because I have nothing to do with the case. Though he is my brother, being a cop does not have any pull this time.

  I stare at the busy street, it seems everyone driving pretty much at the same speed.

  Then beep beep, the radar goes off. Bingo, someone is speeding and is going to get a ticket. The rush starts to build as I start the patrol car. I am ready to nail the speeder, I turn on my siren and follow the blue BMW traveling down busy road, if I am lucky it's a woman driver.

  There is nothing more sexier than pulling over a female driver, seeing the excitement in her eyes just like the others in the past. I especially get off on the line, "I'll do whatever you want police officer, if you don't give me a ticket", but I rarely give in, because of a slight problem the last time I did.

  Remembering Jill, how hot it was. Pounding into her pussy while she kept on saying, "harder harder" in the back woods of Walmart was insane. The problem only started when she wanted a relationship. I am still getting over the stunt she tried to pull a few weeks ago, calling me to her place, saying how I took advantage of her, yet standing naked at the doorway ready to fuck.

  I walked away, though I could have screwed her, but I don't like psycho sex. I'm hoping she will find someone to fuck or this may become a problem. I have to lay low for a while. I don't like giving out my name anymore, unless necessary.

  I focus my attention to the BMW. Where is this person going? I follow it into a strip mall. I look at the driver's window but the windows are too dark for me to see in, the driver parks in front of a jewelry store.

  I pull behind the BMW, type the license plate number in my computer, and I see the plate is up to date, with no outstanding tickets, or stolen. I scroll down and see the car is in the name of Julie White and below it is her drivers license. I freeze. She looks just like the dream girl I have been imagining for months. Fuck I can feel a woody coming on.

  Her sexy hazel eyes just staring back at me from the computer screen just like the ones I imagine staring at me in my dreams. Though in the picture she isn't wearing a smile like she does when she’s on top of me fucking her wet pussy into my dick, still her lips are giving me a hard on. Jesus, how can this be?

  She has the same shoulder length, light brown hair with a few sun highlights around her drop dead gorgeous face, her body like any of the sexy women in Victoria Secret's catalog I lust over while in the bathroom of the police station. They are as close as Playboy one ever sees in the police department restrooms. I have been able to jack off in less than 60 seconds flat, staring at their seductive poses and fuck me look, gets me in a real good mood before starting a shift or ending one.

  I look at her low neckline, making me want to bang her breasts. I'm thinking she either has a good paying job, or is a daddy's girl to a rich dad, or a very well kept woman or a possible stripper. Still I am no competition for whomever she is sleeping with.

  Rock her world, like you do in your dreams.

  My phone rings stopping my semi-erection, I answer, it's Mary from the station asking for my location. I quickly say South Road and State Road 10, then look back at the screen to see if there is anything else I should know about Katherine White. She is 27, lives on Washington Street, which is close to the inter-coastal, this spells money. I don't even have to look at her house to know its five times the size of my parent's house, knowing the historic street well. Showtime I think.

  Keep your cool.

  Don't be too anxious.

  I get out of the car, watching her from behind, taking deep breaths hoping my cock doesn't decide to burst out of my pants. I want to feel her out before I make a move. I have to know who I am dealing with. Is she really my dream girl?

  I knock hard on the driver's tinted window, it rolls down and the first thing I see my dream girl. Her gorgeous eyes, they are smiling at me fucking with my mind. I am blown away by them that I move my attention to her sexy plumb lips. I imagine seeing them wrapped hard around my cock, going up and dow
n, moving her tongue around my cock like an obedient girl moaning while I get harder, her sucking while she fingers herself until we both come.

  Damn, she's hot.

  I look at her hair, it's up in a tight bun, giving the librarian look, man what I would do to take it down. She is seriously causing my manhood to gravitate to her. Is this dream coming alive?

  Fuck, I want her and I want her now.

  Pick up the pace.

  I calmly ask for her license and registration, she smiles as she reaches over to the glove compartment, her skirt hikes up only to find it lock. What a tease, pretending she didn't know it was locked. Yet, I have to give it to her, she knows how to get my juices flowing, though I keep my composure, hardly though.

  How can you?

  She can't be serious if she thinks I am going to let her get away with it, she wants to give me a peep show and I want to see that pussy she is hiding underneath her navy skirt. I don't care if it has a landing strip, bald or hairy I want it, But I am going to play it cool, because she is on a whole different level. I am going to let her think that little stunt didn't impress me and that I don't want her.

  But I do.

  Playing cool is giving me a raging hard on. Then she asks me if I am going to give her a ticket and at that moment, I couldn't let the opportunity run by. If I wanted her. I would have to fuck with her mind, play it out, see if she was interested, though I could see past her tough lawyer act. I said calmly it depend if she would meet me later. Julie didn't hesitate to give me her business card, the one I let slip to the ground. I want her to think I wasn't interested, wanting to play with her, so she will want me more.

  Playing hard to get. It always works.

  Chapter 3


  How stupid I was to play his game, the nerve of him to disregard my card on the floor like it meant nothing.


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