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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

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by Ryan, Rebecca J

  I turn on the computer, to see if Sal has a record. I didn't think to look before. The screen is still black as it is warming up. I am feeling on the edge, wondering if Sal was really an asshole and somehow forced Paul to hold the gun, or did some other trick.

  I take a few breaths to calm myself, placing my hands over my face, then I smell him. It's making my pussy wet, stirring my juices, feeling it wanting him.

  I think, while smiling at least you can relive the moment.

  I lay back in my plush office chair and close my eyes, visualizing him, right in front of me. Man is he hot, still in his cop uniform, his hands on his waist, showcasing his muscular tanned arms.

  I imagine him opening his mouth, enticing me with his tongue, bending down to show me how long and strong it is, teasing me. I imagine him placing his knee between my legs to open them, being dominant. He then pulls my underwear all the way down, taking it in his hands and smelling it. I see he has a hard on. This has my pussy pounding, aching for him. I moan thinking of his cock about to grind in me.

  He bends down, his knees to the ground. He pulls me down so my butt is on the edge of the chair. I’m panting in anticipation. His cock inches away, that I lift my pussy wanting him to slide into my wetness. Come on already I think, fuck me.

  He looks up, I push his head down. "I like it when you are dirty. You want me to suck your pussy hard to get you ready for my big, beast of a dick to fuck you so hard. Do you?"

  I shake my head, he head dives between my inter-thighs, teasing me, when its my pussy that wants that tongue going up and down my clitoris. I take my hand feeling my wet jungle, my index finger and middle finger just entering my pussy. Imagining its his tongue venturing in my sex.

  My fingers make their way down to my pleasure spot; my fingers going in circles around it, first going slow, waiting for the build up, thinking of him saying, "Yeah, baby, just keep doing it, keep rubbing that clit, feeling the pleasure build up as I keep rubbing, thinking of him, slowly rising my hips up and down, visualizing him about to pull down his pants to fuck me.

  I keep rocking and rocking, This vision and my fingers touching me in the right places is leading me to bliss, cum streaming down my legs. I bring my fingers to me, sucking them, remembering how I sucked his when he finger fucked me in the parking garage.

  He is right, I am one horny girl but only with him.

  I look out my window, to see the top of the parking garage, realizing now the view will always be a trigger for me to desire him.

  Chapter 12


  I race to 125 Weston Drive, its the location of the domestic violence call.

  I think about Paul getting rough housed in prison, making me feel sick, because he is not one to talk back or walk on anyone's toes. I just wish I knew what really happened at Sal's. I can't even imagine Paul holding a gun, let alone rob, his employer Sal, who he has worked for since sophomore year in high school, like he reported.

  I haven't been to the house for a while because my parents and I have not been seeing eye to eye. They are upset that I didn't marry Beth. I don't even want to think about that fiasco.

  Yet, Paul's prints were lifted from the gun. When I became a cop a few years ago after changing careers. He was uncomfortable with me coming in the house with a gun.

  A radio call distracts my thoughts, wanting to know my location. Driving through the traffic with my siren on, trying get to Weston Drive as fast as possible. It is not the first time I have been to the street, knowing the address well.

  Damn, why does everything have to happen at once. I am still in shock at Paul getting beat up, and to know that out of all the possible prosecutors it’s Julie White. I get a boner just thinking about her. Damn, the way she sat on top of me and rocked my cock is still leaving me with a semi-erection. I can't believe the chance of us meeting and fucking.

  Stop, you have a job to do.

  I arrive at 125 Weston Street to see Ben, he is wearing his typical wife beater undershirt, sitting on the steps of a his girlfriend's, Sally, bungalow.

  Ben's head is down between his knees, I call to him, but he doesn't look up or respond. I know what this means, he did something bad. I call to him again, but he doesn't say a word. I call for back-up, not liking the feel of the situation. Sally isn't out like she usually is, to tell her side of the story, and I never underestimate anyone.

  I walk closer to Ben, "So, where is Sally? Did she run off?" I ask, hoping to get something out of him.

  He starts crying, mumbling over his words that I cannot understand him.

  "It would be better if you look up, so I can see and hear you."

  He refuses, screaming now that she ripped his face. I tell him I can help him.

  "No, you can't. I don't have an eye anymore either. She is a bitch, she stole my eye."

  He must be on something, meth or some other street drug.

  I hate these moments, the times when you are trying to talk reason to someone who is out of their mind, fucked up. It can escalate to a dangerous situation. I just want to know where Sally is.

  "Well, get up. Keep you face down. I won't look at you, but Ben you have to do as you are told. So I can talk to Sally."

  He stays still, telling me she isn't going to talk.

  My heart dives in my chest.

  "Why not?”

  I look at his hands and they are bloody.

  "Tell me what happened tonight?"

  I see my backup has arrive. Thank God.

  "Well, the bitch, wouldn't give me my money, that is what happened and I had to do what I had to do. No bitch is gonna tell me how to spend it. Fucking hate her."

  I take a deep breath, this is the usual line for a criminal to justify their wrong doing on someone else's action.

  Officer James and Officer Todd walk up. Officer James goes in, while Officer Jones stands right next to Ben.

  "So she wouldn't give you, your money. What happened next?"

  I stay still hoping to hear a woman's voice coming out from hiding but I don't. The bastard must have killed her.

  "So what happened next Ben?"

  "Well, she wouldn't give me my money and she wouldn't shut up, so I hit that bitch hard. Fuck, I'd do it again if I had too, and I still can't find my money. It is probably up her crack. Bitch."

  My stomach feels uneasy, what an asshole, he looks up. His face is fine, there are no marks and his eye in tac. What a liar.

  Office James walks out, "Yes, he did, and lucky for him, she is still breathing, but barely. If she dies you will be in prison for life."

  I read him his rights and cuff the bastard.

  I think of Paul, how he is locked up, rubbing shoulders with the likes of an asshole-girlfriend-beater like Ben, and I know what I have to do.

  Chapter 13


  A good lawyer investigates who they are representing.

  So far, Sal has a clear record, no arrests, just an unpaid parking ticket. I'll have Heather see if she can get a copy of the ticket for the details; what time it was issued and the location. This could help.

  I buzz Heather to come in my office.

  There is a knock at my door.

  Bubbly Heather walks in with a pad of paper and pen, I so appreciate her promptness.

  "What I thought was a slam-dunk Paul Brady case, is turning to be anything but, yet there’s no evidence to support Paul's aunts's hunches. However, these hunches are hard to ignore and could end up biting my I need your street smarts to help."

  Heather leans forward, again seeing I mean business.

  "Mr. Burns wants the Brady case to be dropped. I think more to save him, but still he did mention something that I need to check out."

  "He is a player, who screwed with the wrong chick and now she has him by the nuts,” Heather says.

  I smile, Heather was undoubtedly perceptive, with a bright future in the department. I'd make sure of it too.

  "However he did say Paul's aunt feels he was set up, b
ecause Sal didn't like Paul and his granddaughter, Nicole's blooming relationship."

  "So the relationship was taboo, like Romeo and Juliet?” Heather asks.

  "I'm not sure yet, so that is where you come in to help find out."


  "For lunch today, I want you to go to Sal’s and get take out. Nicole works as the cashier, so arrive a little early and start chit chatting with her. Talk to her about the weather, anything, then ask where Paul is."

  "Really, you are involving me in the case."

  "Yes, today you are my private investigator. Just be yourself, and she'll be your next best friend."

  "I can't wait."

  "No pressure Heather, see what you can find. If she doesn't talk just scope the place and see what you can piece together."

  "I'll order in thirty minutes, what do you want?"

  "Pizza, I can eat it every day, it never gets old.”

  "Me too, I'll order a small pie."

  "No, make it a large. I am starving."

  "Girl, you must be."

  Heather leaves and I go back to my investigating.

  I click on the official clerk records icon, type Paul Brady to see if I had missed any prior arrests but I didn't. His record is clean, with the exception of the one he is in prison for, robbery with a firearm. This type of robbery is a felony of the first degree, having a prison term of 10 plus years.

  I have to agree, this seems out of character for someone without a criminal history. Yet I am not foolish to believe it doesn't happen because it does. Paul may have something up his sleeve and it’s up for me to find out.

  I click on his picture, he looks familiar, but I don't know how. I've seen those eyes before. I print out his picture, thinking maybe my memory may spark if I keep his face by my desk.

  I search his name on the Internet, there are thousands of Paul Brady.

  I narrow my search to Paul Brady in West Palm Beach. His name comes up as one of the basketball players that helped raise money for a food drive at Liberty High. He had his employer Sal Pizzeria donate $500 for homeless children in the area. Again, this wasn't jiving with me. This type of behavior was not something a criminal would do with their free time.

  I print the article, wondering why Sal would lie about Paul robbing him, his prints were on the gun.

  Two hours later Heather returns with a pizza box and a smile.

  "I hope I am right in guessing you have something good to tell me."

  She smiles,"Yes, I do."

  "First, let me get a slice of pizza. I’m hungry," I say, taking paper plates from underneath the microwave stand.

  Heather, opens the box and I grab a slice, taking a bite even before placing it on the paper plate.

  "Better already, I am all ears," I say with a smile, ready for her to start.

  "Ok, well when I arrived at Sal's, it was busy, so much that I had to wait in line. I looked around and the only girl I saw was the one at the counter. She looked around 18, but she was kind of hidden. Not really looking at anyone."

  "Did you talk to her?"

  "Can I finish my story?"

  "Sorry, go ahead."

  "Well, when Marco, the cashier told me my order was not ready I sat at the bar, a few inches away from her. She was refilling the sodas in the large glass refrigerator. I called to her and asked if I could have a Coke."

  I kept listening seeing from Heather's body language she was getting to the turning point, because of the excitement in her eyes.

  "At first she didn't act like she heard me, but in a few seconds she is in front of me with a bottle of Coke. Looking straight at me with her sad eyes.

  "Thank you, I said to her. She shakes her head, still not smiling.”

  “She does sound depressed,” I say.

  "I said, you sure look like you could use a Coke, too,” Heather says.

  I smile, Heather and her humor is undeniable and a sure icebreaker.

  "I think she is going to smile, but she doesn't. Instead girlfriend, starts to cry."

  “What?"I say in disbelief.

  "I ask her what is wrong, and she tells me that the boy she loves is gone, and will never return. I ask her if it's Paul."

  "You did not."

  "I did."

  "What did she say?"

  “She shook her head up and down, turned around and went back to restocking soda. About ten seconds later, Marco calls for me, saying my pizza is ready. There was no denying that the girl is heartbroken and scared.”

  “Shoot, I have to see Sal and get to the bottom of this.”

  “Be careful, the place is full of cockroaches, if you know what I mean.”

  Chapter 14


  "Where is my money?" Ben asks, as I order him to the back of the police car.

  I keep quiet, looking out for the ambulance. I've known Sally for a long time, and I also knew her father who recently passed.

  It is hard to believe we use to be in the same bible study class as children, her mother and mine were friends until her mother had suffered a still born.

  Afterwards she stopped going to church and drank her sorrows away. It started with a wine of glass, progressing to a bottle a day, to a few bottles a day.

  From the age seven to now, she was without a mother. Her mother left one day, when Sally's father had said she was to never drink again. When Sally turned eighteen her father died of lung cancer, leaving her alone.

  Sally and Ben, started dating just out of high school. At first he worked in construction, helping with the bills and she worked as a secretary, life was good, until Ben started to drink.

  I feel sorry for Sally and the cards she was dealt in life. I tried talking to her but she only kept saying she was fine.

  The ambulance arrives and I wait to see that Sally is OK. The paramedics quickly get out of the vehicle, unloading the stretcher, they rush in the house.

  I look at Ben looking out the window, he leans in when the paramedics come out with Sally laying on the stretcher.

  He calls out, "I love you Sally."

  I go over and say, "If you fucken say that one more time I'll kill you."

  He looks down.

  I know his kind, abuse them, then love them. Fuck that. He was just saying that, so she'd let him back in when he got out of prison.

  I rush over to see Sally, her eyes are halfway opened. Yet she reaches to touch my arm.

  I lean down and say, "Don't you ever talk to that bastard again or he will end up killing you. Is that what you want?"

  Tears stream down her face, looking dead at me, shaking her head side to side, to say no.

  "If you do, I will have to kill him, got that?"

  Another set of tears stream down her cheeks, she is so damn codependent.

  I drive the bastard to jail, wishing it was an hour earlier, so I could drive back to the courthouse parking lot and bump into Julie. It is just about quitting time, and I am not allowed to use the patrol car after working hours. I think how nice if would be if we could have a little fun in the car again.

  Driving home I am ready to call it a day, fridge is stocked with beer waiting for me to drink watching the latest porno, then I think of Julie.

  I smile thinking back to when I watched her finger that luscious, creamy pussy of hers.

  I still can't believe I watched her get off on herself like she was fucking a person, every horny part of my body is aching to be in her BMW fucking her now, real hard, riding in her creamy oasis pussy. I hold the steering wheel tight, with both handles, not wanting to swerve into traffic. Her pussy owned me today, fuck it owns me now.

  She was being a tease when she sucked her fingers, not letting me taste. I get the chills, remembering when she slipped her pussy mouth on my dick. I kept rocking it in that gorgeous mouth of hers, hearing her moan, touching her breasts, feeling her up. Yet when she sat on my dick, I felt like I had won the best fuck lottery.

  I make it to my place. I grab a beer and take off my pants and the wave o
f her perfume has my cock ready for action.

  Why am I so attracted to Julie?

  I am going crazy mad. I have to get rid of her smells, undress completely, get in the shower and let the water do its thing. Yet I am still thinking of her, wishing she was in the shower, so I can shove my hot dick into that nasty pussy. It's nasty because I want to so badly. I want to fuck it until it can't take it anymore.

  There is only one thing to relieve me of this insanely lust I am feeling. I have to go, and see her.

  Chapter 15


  What a day, first I get pulled over by Candy Cop, only to have him watch me have sex with myself, to actually having sex with him. Then discover Sal has a motive to lie.

  I stop by the mall on a mission to find the cologne he wears, I remember the scent to be a fresh woodsy smell with a hint of citrus. The lady gave me a few bottles to smell, saying they pretty much fit the description, the second bottle was the match.

  Candy Cop wears Eternity. Of course, I bought it saying it was for my boyfriend.

  In the car I dabbed a little between my legs, feeling hot and bothered again. I decided a dip in the pool would do me good.

  Driving home I listen to Black Eyed Peas, I keep replaying "Addicted to Your Love". Once I arrive at my driveway, it dawns on me that the only way I am going to get any focus on this Paul Brady case is to schedule the deposition ASAP. I need to speak to him and see what I can gather from his story, and how I can piece this case.

  A swim will ease my mind, thankfully I went ahead and accepted my dad's pool present when I got hired at the courthouse. I wanted to buy it myself by saving, but my dad said, it was the least he could do for his little girl.

  He is sweet, yet I blush thinking I not only got his smarts, but his sexual appetite. Sam told me told to me if she didn't put out each night, he would have a hard time falling asleep. She let this slip out the last time we all had dinner, she later apologized, but it sort of explained why I have my nightly fantasies.


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