Long Distance Lust: A Hotwife Novel

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Long Distance Lust: A Hotwife Novel Page 9

by Lexi Archer

  I mean I could believe she’d say it. Obviously she was hurting and obviously she was reaching for any reason she could find to turn this around and pin the blame on anyone but her. Still, she looked genuinely upset. I couldn’t put this all on her.

  “I shouldn’t have left you alone,” I said, my voice quieter. “Especially after I learned what kind of guy Colin was. I shouldn’t have come over here with Julia. Shouldn’t have let her suck my dick, even if it did feel pretty good.”

  That earned a hit in the side from Julia. Apparently she thought it was perfectly fine that she sucked my dick. Honestly I thought it was perfectly fine that she sucked my dick, but this seemed like the time to try and make up and that included acting like I shouldn’t have done that even if it seemed perfectly justified in the moment.

  “More than anything though, I should’ve said something when I saw the two of you together like that. I could’ve spoken up and stopped it, and I didn’t,” I said, my voice so soft that I almost couldn’t hear it over the steady blast of music coming in from the party in the apartment next door that sounded like it was still going full blast.

  Damn that was loud. I could see that getting pretty annoying pretty damn fast. I wondered how Carrie was going to deal with it if they kept partying that loudly all summer long.

  I also still wasn’t sure if it would even be my problem for much longer. After all, this could all go south pretty damn quick. She still looked pissed off. I was still pretty pissed off, for that matter.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” she asked.

  And now we’d come down to it. Why didn’t I say anything? I tried to think of an excuse that wouldn’t reveal the truth. Something that wouldn’t reveal the shame burning deep inside me because I was afraid of what I was about to reveal. Only the more I thought about it the more I realized there was no getting away from this.

  I was going to have to confess it eventually if we were going to stay together. Or I could break up with Carrie right now. Throw away our relationship. Throw away the chance to enjoy this fantasy again.

  I knew what I had to do.

  “I got turned on watching you with him,” I said, this time barely above a whisper.

  I sensed movement to one side. Turned to see Julia staring at me with the barest hint of a smile on her face. As though she wasn’t at all surprised about this development. Then again if she’d been out here last year and she’d seen people fucking around on each other then it was entirely possible this wasn’t the first time she’d seen a guy getting turned on by his girl fucking another guy.

  “Are you serious?” Carrie asked.

  I turned back to my fiancee. At least she was still my fiancee for the moment. I was well aware that could change at any time, but the more I thought about it, the more I looked at her, the more I found myself desperately hoping she would stay my fiancee.

  I didn’t want to give her up. Didn’t want to let her go.

  “Don’t act so surprised,” Julia said.

  “I don’t know if I want to hear anything from you,” Carrie said, the ice coming back to her voice. I shot her a warning look and she blushed and looked away.

  “Why shouldn’t she be surprised?” I asked.

  Julia shrugged. “I’ve seen it a few times. Guys who like watching their girls. It’s not that weird.”

  Carrie and I both stared at her and she shrugged again. “There are a lot of people who come out here for the internships. That means lots of people fucking around. You’re bound to eventually have a couple of people who learn they’re into watching people fuck around.”

  “Makes sense,” I muttered.

  “So what do we do now?” Carrie asked. “I mean after everything we just did…”

  A wicked idea suddenly occurred to me. Something that felt impossible, but at the same time I would’ve said everything else that happened tonight was impossible before it happened, and now here we were.

  I looked to Julia and she smiled. She seemed to be up for just about anything tonight as long as I was there to go along with it. It was a little weird to have a girl who was that into me. I mean sure Carrie was obviously into me I we were engaged to be married, but this had the intensity of a new relationship feel to it. Not the familiar old intensity that I had with Carrie.

  It was enough to make me wonder if maybe there was something to this. Going out and having fun with someone new. Maybe it could reinvigorate an old relationship to have some of these feelings.

  “I don’t know about you,” I said. “But it seems to me that maybe you girls should start by kissing and making up.”

  “What are you talking about Taylor?” Carrie asked, her voice carrying a note of disbelief. She knew exactly what I was talking about.

  I crossed my arms. “Seems to me we have something interesting going on here. That maybe the two of us are more interested in having a little fun outside of our relationship than we would’ve admitted before tonight. I’m saying we should try that now, and you should start by making up with Julia. I’m sure she feels bad after all the mean things you said to her. Especially since she was only helping me out when I found my fiancee cheating on me.”

  Carrie winced with my every word. By the end when I mentioned her cheating on me she looked like she’d been slapped. She looked away and for a long moment I thought this might be the end of our relationship after all.

  That would suck, but I figured I could console myself in Julia’s arms if that turned out to be what was happening here.

  Then she looked up at me. Shrugged and the faintest hint of a smile tugged up at the corner of her mouth.

  “I guess I could go for something like that,” she said. “After all. It’s not the craziest thing I’ve done tonight by far.”

  I looked over to Julia. She’d have to be willing to go along with this too. After everything I’d heard about what went on at this place over the summer I didn’t think she’d be against the idea, but you never knew. Would her desire to get with me be enough to push her into kissing my fiancee?

  It’s something I’d always fantasized about, and now that the opportunity was here I couldn’t resist trying to make it happen. I don’t think there’s a single guy out there who didn’t think about his girl getting with another girl on some level, and now I was in the perfect moment where I could make it happen.

  “I’m up for anything,” Julia said.

  I grinned. I wouldn’t expect any less of her, but you never knew. If she’d said no that would’ve been the end of our fun. It would’ve been a disappointment, but I could’ve consoled myself in Carrie’s arms at least.

  It seemed like things weren’t falling apart in our relationship after all. That was a relief. I was surprised at how much of a relief it was considering I’d been sure our relationship was over just a half hour ago when I saw her fucking another guy.

  I guess the important thing is I saw her fucking another guy and I’d never been more turned on in my life. That went a long way towards being okay with the idea of her cheating on me. Even if I never thought I’d actually be okay with the idea of my future wife cheating on me until it actually happened.

  Now it was time to see if I got that same feeling when I saw her with another girl. After all, there was something primal about watching a guy fucking her and coming inside her. Would I feel the same thing when I saw her cheating on me with another woman?

  I guess I was about to find out, because Carrie seemed to be taken by the spell this evening had cast on us. She was beckoning Julia towards her and Julia was walking over.

  Yeah, things were about to get really fucking interesting in here. Way more than I would’ve thought when I started the drive out here to drop my fiancee off at her internship early in the morning.



  I couldn’t believe I was doing this any more than I could believe anything else I’d done tonight. Flirting with another guy. Letting that guy follow me back to my apartment and letting him fuck me agai
nst the door to my room. Looking down and seeing my fiance staring at me while I let another guy fuck me against my door.

  Yeah, this morning was one crazy thing after another, and it looked like they were only going to get more and more crazy.

  Like Julia looking at me with that knowing smile on her face. She was almost as cocky as Colin had been earlier when he seduced me. As though she knew where this was going and was looking forward to it.

  She was looking at me in the same way she’d been looking at Taylor earlier in the day. I shivered under that gaze. Wondered if she’d been thinking about doing something like this with me since the first moment she saw me.

  If so she’d been very good about hiding it earlier, but she wasn’t hiding it now and I found myself wondering what it would feel like to be with her. To feel another woman pressing her body against me.

  Sure I’d had some experience with girls. A few kisses to practice when I was in middle school. Making out with girls at college parties to get Taylor worked up, though it’d never gone farther than that even though I’m pretty sure he would’ve liked it.

  And I knew what he was doing now. He was manipulating the situation because he knew he could. Trying to push me into something he’d wanted to see for a long time, and I was inclined to go along with him.

  Because I was still turned on. I still wanted to do this. I wanted to do it so bad that I couldn’t even begin to describe how much I needed it. There was something about this night, something about what I’d done with Colin earlier, something about how turned on I got almost getting with Taylor a couple of times earlier then being interrupted, that had me worked up above and beyond anything I’d felt before.

  There was one hell of a sexual charge running through me right now. I needed to take care of it. I needed to channel it into something. And if that meant channeling it into another girl?

  Fuck it. I’d try anything once. Especially if it helped keep me and Taylor together. I’d do anything to preserve our relationship.

  Not to mention the fact that he was turned on by the thought of me with another guy was intriguing. That opened the door to things I’d never considered before. Things that had me shivering almost as much as the thoughts of what I was about to maybe do with Julia had me shivering and having trouble standing straight.

  I rounded the little island that separated our kitchen from the rest of the apartment. Julia was right there and I was struck with how pretty she was. It was no wonder that Taylor went off with her.

  I suppose if he was going to run off with another girl then at least I could take some comfort in knowing it was a hottie like Julia. After all, it would’ve been insulting if he went from me to some ugly chick. Or a fat chick. Or something.

  Basically it stroked my ego to know that the only girl who could distract Taylor was a girl as hot as Julia. It felt fucked up, but it also felt right somehow.

  As difficult as it was to explain that fucked up line of reasoning.

  “So how do we do this?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said, glancing to Taylor. I got the feeling she was doing this more for his benefit than anything, and I felt a flash of jealousy at that. Only for a moment though. After all, there’d been that look. The way she stared at me. The way she obviously wanted this.

  And when her gaze turned from Taylor back to me that look was there in full force. She licked her lips and I found myself wondering what it would feel like to have her licking something else entirely.

  First things first though. We’d start out with a kiss. See where things went from there. I told myself it would be no different from making out with other girls at parties we’d been at before. Yeah, no different at all.

  Even if it felt totally different now. Back then I’d done it to turn Taylor on. Now I was thinking it might be the beginning of a threesome.

  I wasn’t sure what I thought of that, but I was damn sure how my body was reacting. It liked the idea, so I figured fuck it. Might as well go along with what my body wanted.

  I stepped forward. Wrapped my arms around her. For a moment I acted like I would when Taylor was kissing me, then realized there was something off about that. I was kissing a girl, after all, not letting a guy kiss me. I needed to be more active.

  Both of us were standing here looking like idiots waiting for the other to make the move. I stared at her long and hard. Thought about how pissed I’d been when I looked down and saw her lips wrapped around Taylor’s cock. About how much I wanted to jump down there and get into one hell of a catfight.

  And for some reason all that energy was being poured into this moment, only it was being converted from anger to erotic energy. I had the potential for one hell of a revenge fuck here, and god it felt good having her pressing against me like this.

  Well then. I suppose if one of us was going to have to make the first move then it might as well be me. I close my eyes and leaned forward. Tried to ignore how different this felt from the wild drunken makeout sessions I’d had with other girls in the past. How this felt like it was a lot hotter and a lot moe serious at the same time.

  It was weird when my lips pressed against hers. Not because of any cliched bullshit about girls kissing softer than guys or anything like that. More because I was kissing my roommate. I was kissing a girl who had her lips wrapped around Taylor’s cock not all that long ago. I was kissing a girl that I wanted to kill not all that long ago.

  I could taste Taylor on her lips. I’d recognize that taste anywhere. I’d gone down on him countless times and I loved it. I loved the feel of his cock in my throat. It was even weirder finding that taste on the lips of another woman as I kissed her.

  I was losing myself in that moment. I opened my mouth slightly and gasped. She opened hers to me and her tongue flicked forward. We darted around each other and dueled with our tongues, and without thinking I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer.

  Her body was soft. It was nice. It was slim and trim and it was obvious she kept in shape. The feel of her body was exquisite, and it did something for me that pressing against girls I was making out with at parties had never done before.

  Damn. This was starting to turn into an experience.

  An experience that was ruined by a clicking noise from the other side of the apartment. A clicking noise I’d only heard a couple of times since moving in, but I recognized it easily. It echoed through the apartment and in a flash Julia and I were away from each other and leaning against the counter smiling at one another as though nothing out of the ordinary was going on here.

  Nope. We totally weren’t making out in front of my fiance after he caught me fucking another guy. Not at all!

  The apartment door swung open and our downstairs roommate appeared. She seemed a little wobbly on her feet as well. Obviously she’d been out having a good time just like we’d been out having a good time.

  Perfect. Of course this would be the moment when she decided to make herself known. I hadn’t seen much of her all day long. Why couldn’t she continue making herself scarce?

  She stepped into the first floor and paused when she realized she wasn’t alone in the room. She almost cried out, but stopped herself when she realized who we were and that she wasn’t about to be jumped by robbers or something who’d inexplicably made their way into the apartment.

  “You scared the shit out of me!” she said.

  The girl, I couldn’t even remember her name with everything that had happened lately, stared between us as though she was just starting to realize she might’ve interrupted something.

  “Um, so I just came back here because I forgot my ID,” she said. “Think I’ll get that and head out.”

  “That’s fine Cassie,” Julia said, her voice all smiles and warmth. I turned and cocked an eyebrow at her. This girl was one hell of an actress if she was able to pull off all that sweetness like that.

  I was having trouble not looking like the kid who was just caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I was sure th
ere was something about the way I stood there behind the island with my breath coming in heaving gasps that would give away what we’d just been doing.

  What we’d been about to do, that is. I wondered if it was going to survive this interruption.

  Cassie continued giving us an odd look as she moved back and stepped into her room. I forced myself to look away. I knew I only looked guilty, and the more I looked at her the more suspicious she was going to get.

  “I think I’m going to call it a night,” Julia said, loud enough that she could be heard from across the apartment. I was sure she was saying that more for Cassie’s benefit than anything else, but Cassie was disappearing into her room at a pretty fast pace. As though she knew she’d interrupted something and wanted to get away from the awkward moment as quickly as possible.

  I remembered her saying something about being here last year. Maybe she had a good idea of what sort of things went on here. Oh well. It was too late to take that back. She’d seen what she saw, and I couldn’t go back in time and stop it.

  Julia fixed us both with a significant glance that left no doubt what she was going on about. She was going up to her room, but something told me we were all going to end up in her room. Or maybe we were all going to end up in my room.

  Whatever it was, I found myself looking forward to it. Taylor had bothered me about a threesome for quite some time now and I’d always been reluctant to try it even if the idea was exciting.

  It didn’t seem nearly as taboo now considering everything I’d done tonight though. No, compared to having some strange guy fuck me against the door to my room a threesome with another girl seemed pretty damn tame in comparison.

  “That sounds like a good idea,” I said, fixing Taylor with a significant look of my own. After all, he was standing there with a goofy confused look on his face. It was a look I recognized all too well because it was a look he got whenever I was trying to get him to shut up or something at a party.

  Sometimes when he didn’t get what was going on it was time to be more direct.


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