Long Distance Lust: A Hotwife Novel

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Long Distance Lust: A Hotwife Novel Page 10

by Lexi Archer

  “I think we need to go work off some of the buzz we’re feeling too. What do you think Taylor?”

  He looked at me then looked over to Julia. From the way he grinned a stupid goofy grin it seemed he finally got the point. Or at least he understood we were talking about more than turning in for the night.

  “Right,” he said. “I did have a little too much.”

  And with that we were walking across the living room. Julia took the steps ahead of us and for the first time in my life I found myself staring at another woman’s ass. We’re talking really staring at her ass and wondering what it would feel like to give it a squeeze.

  What it would feel like to pull her shorts down and maybe have a taste. My mouth watered at the idea.

  Damn. This was going well beyond the little thrill I got making out with girls at parties to turn Taylor on. This was turning into a full on obsession with the idea of fucking another woman. I wasn’t sure what to think of that, but I figured I might as well enjoy it.

  It would seem that coming out here for this internship was going to do a hell of a lot for me than help my future career. It was starting to look like I was going to try a few new things in the sexual realm I’d never considered before.

  We reached the top and she turned around. Fixed us with an enigmatic smile that had me shivering. Suddenly I wondered what it would feel like to have that pretty face down between my legs with her tongue lapping at my pussy.

  She’d get a taste of Colin if she did that, but something told me that wasn’t the sort of thing she’d care about. No, something told me that was something she might be into.

  “So are we doing your place or mine?” she asked.

  I looked at Taylor. He licked his lips. Obviously we were both a little unsure of ourselves. Obviously we were both having trouble deciding whether or not this was something we were really going to do. It was a hesitation that only lasted for the space of a heartbeat, but it was there.

  I knew why I was reluctant to do this. Of course there was the terror of doing something new with a girl. Something I’d never seriously considered before even when Taylor asked me.

  More than that there was the fear that maybe I was making a huge mistake. Maybe we were doing something here that would change everything. More than me fucking someone else and him getting a blowjob from another girl had changed everything.

  What if he didn’t really want this? What if the only reason he was doing this was because he wanted to make things up to me? What if there was a part of me that was going along with this, something I’d never considered before, because I wanted to make things up to him and give him something he wanted?

  Then the moment of hesitation was gone. He grinned and it was that same goofy grin I recognized. The goofy grin that told me we were about to do something crazy but fun, and he couldn’t wait.

  In that moment, looking at that smile, all my worries faded away.

  We were really going to do this. I felt a fluttering in my stomach that went beyond the best burn I felt when I was drinking something that was hard and heavy. I was shivering and shaking and it was all I could do to keep my balance.

  Getting drunk on the idea of having a threesome with Julia was way better than the best buzz I’d ever had from any booze.

  “I think we should go to your place,” I said, licking my lips and thinking about where this was going. Where I wanted this to go.

  It was going to places I’d never considered before. That’s what we were talking about here. I couldn’t believe it, but I was going to do it.

  Julia smiled. It was a secretive smile that said she knew everything that was going through my head before I thought it. And in a way I suppose that was true. After all, she’d been here last year as well. She seemed to know what went on here.

  It seemed that in taking this internship I’d fallen into a summer of nonstop fucking around. I never would’ve expected that from the interview process. I wondered if they’d get a lot more applicants if people knew what they were in for when they came here.

  Or maybe it was like this anywhere you had a bunch of horny college kids getting together for the summer. Mix in youth, booze, and being far from home and I suppose you were going to get situations like this no matter where you were.


  “Let’s go then,” Julia said.

  She reached out and took Taylor’s hand. I felt a flash of jealousy at that. I guess I still wasn’t over that completely even if it was fucking hot. Even if the jealousy did seem to add something to the whole situation.

  Well I was going to show both of them that he was still my man. I was going to take him back and show him that I was every bit as adventurous as this girl. I’d do whatever it took.

  So I followed them back to her room. It seemed only appropriate that we’d do whatever we were doing in there. I couldn’t wait to see exactly where this was going.



  The first thing I was struck by as I stepped into her room was how normal everything looked. It seemed like your average college dorm room, except it was an apartment rather than a dorm room.

  There was a lava lamp on a chest of drawers on one side of the room. Julia walked over and flipped it on and the thing glowed, but of course the plastic inside wasn’t rising yet. It would take a lot of heating up for it to get to that point.

  She turned around and smiled at both of us. Walked over to her door and flipped it shut.

  “Aren’t you going to lock that?” I asked. “You wouldn’t want anyone walking in on us.”

  Julia wheeled around and her eyebrows rose as her eyes went wide. She looked genuinely surprised at my question.

  “Why would anyone interrupt us?” she asked.

  “What if the other girl comes home and hears us?” I asked, licking my lips. I couldn’t remember that girl’s name either. I really was turning into a terrible roommate at this rate.

  “What if she does come home?” Julia asked. “Look. I know you’re new here and you don’t know how things go, but Tiffany was out here last year as well. I know because we went to some of the same parties. She knows what the score is and she’s not going to think anything is out of the ordinary if she hears people fucking in an adjacent room. It’s something you’re going to have to get used to.”

  I felt woozy. Again my legs were wobbly. Everything about this was such a surprise. I was starting to wonder if it was like this for everyone who came out here for a summer internship, or if I’d just happened to find myself in the middle of a group of people who partied a little harder than everyone else.

  Not that it really mattered. I found myself wanting to party harder than everyone else as well. Maybe I hadn’t considered it before I ran into this crazy group, but now that I was in the middle of it I couldn’t wait to give it a try.

  “So are you ready?” Julia asked. “Because I think we owe Taylor a show, don’t we Taylor?”

  She turned and smiled at him and again I felt that flash of jealousy. It was a possessive smile. It was a smile that said he was a plaything just for her and not my fiance. I found myself wondering again if this was really a good idea. Letting her get close to Taylor like this with my blessing seemed like letting the fox into the henhouse.

  Especially with the way he looked at her.

  The only problem with trying to dial things back? I found myself looking at her with the same intensity. I found myself desperately wanting to try something with her, and getting pissed off about the way she looked at my fiance would end that before it happened.

  Not to mention there was always the worry that he’d decide he wanted to spend the evening with her rather than me. Then I’d well and truly be left out. There’d be nothing I could do to try and win him back. The thought was chilling.

  I wasn’t going to risk that.

  So I found myself doing something I’d never done before. Something I’d thought about, something I’d seriously considered wen Taylor asked me to do it for him, bu
t something I’d never gone along with until now.

  I advanced on another girl. She wrapped her arms around me and I shivered again. My whole body felt like it was on fire. She leaned forward and kissed me again, and this time there was none of the softness that had been there down on the first floor.

  No, this time I was in the lair of the beast. A sexy beast that wanted me. From the way she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me against her maybe she wanted me even more than she’d let on.

  Before I could react she was spinning us around and I was falling through the air. I would’ve let out a cry of surprise, but the problem with that plan was her lips were still firmly pressed against mine so I couldn’t get anything out. It was a muffled cry that disappeared into her lips, into her mouth as she opened it to me and her tongue filled my mouth.

  It was like nothing I’d felt before. It was intense. It was incredible. It was amazing. It was like a guy was on top of me kissing me. She was every bit as commanding, every bit as eager, as some of the guys I’d made out with.

  The big difference between her and those other guys was she was doing this with skill. It was fucking obvious that she knew what she was doing with that tongue and it sent tremors running through my body as she landed on top of me, her body pressing against mine.

  Only it was a body that was a mirror image of my own. Her tits pressed against mine. Her flat stomach pressed against me and I could feel our flesh coming together like a hot branding iron where both our shirts were lifted up ever so slightly.

  I cried out. I couldn’t help it. The moment was so unexpected, so different from anything I’d enjoyed with Taylor. Even from what I’d enjoyed with Colin just a half hour ago not a few feet away from this spot.

  She was lighter, too. Usually when guys fell down on top of me like this they had to take pains not to crush me under them. I was used to muscular guys. Hot guys with broad shoulders and built bodies. They were the kind of guys who went for a girl like me. I was hot and I knew it.

  And it was a strange experience to feel someone on top of me who was so light. So slight. As though a puff of wind might blow her away, though of course that was a fanciful notion.

  All I could do was sigh. Was wrap my arms around her and enjoy the feel of her lips pressing against mine. The taste of her which was so different from making out with a guy. She was wearing some sort of lip gloss that made me dizzy with desire. Her tongue had the taste of whatever she’d been drinking next door before she came over here to interrupt the fun I’d been having with Colin.

  Then her hands started roaming up and down my body. Exploring. Moving over me slowly and reverently. She pushed off to the side ever so slightly so she could get better access under my shirt. She moved up, up, her hand trailing fire as she ran it up my stomach, then she was cupping one of my breasts under my bra and I cried out.

  My back arched. My nipples immediately grew hard almost to the point of being in pain. Her touch was glorious. It was soft. It was slow, and she knew exactly what she was doing. Even restricted under my bra she played with my nipples in a way that told me she was a master at what she was doing.

  I wondered if that was because she knew what she liked or if it was because she had plenty of experience with other girls. Not that I cared all that much. No, all I really cared about was how great this felt. It was the single hottest experience of the night, and that was saying something considering how carried away I got with fucking Colin and his magic hands.

  I closed my eyes and sighed, and as I did she pulled away from the kiss.

  “Enjoying the show?”

  “Fuck yeah,” Taylor breathed.

  I opened my eyes. Looked over to my fiance. At least he was still my fiance for now. I intended for him to remain my fiance, though of course it was up to him whether or not that would be the case by the time we were done.

  To be honest I’d completely forgotten he was there. I got so carried away with Julia. With the feel of her body pressing against mine, that I’d lost my train of thought for a moment. I forgot all about Taylor.

  He came crashing back down around me now though. God it was hot looking at him. Seeing the look of worship in his eyes. That was the look of a man who was loving what he was seeing, and it’s not like I could blame the man. After all, he’d been begging me to do something just like this for so very long.

  It must’ve been one hell of an experience for him to finally see it happening right in front of him.

  Of course there was more to it than that. I’m sure when he’d thought about something like this he was always fantasizing about being in the middle of me and whatever girl I was with rather than being off to the side enjoying the sights from the sidelines.

  Maybe there really was something to what he’d admitted. That he liked the idea of watching me with other people. He hadn’t said anything when I was with Colin, and he wasn’t getting insanely jealous now.

  No, if anything his eyes burned with a fierce desire. A desire that fed into me and set my own pussy on fire. For some reason it made this whole experience even hotter knowing my fiance was watching me with another woman and getting more turned on than I’d ever seen him before.


  “Things are about to get a hell of a lot more interesting,” Julia said. “Just you wait.”

  And with that she pulled my shirt up and brought my bra right along with it, but she didn’t bother to pull them off entirely. Her eyebrow arched and then her hair tickled me as she moved down and her tongue shot out.

  Sparks danced along my nipples as she took first one, then the other, into her mouth. It was pure pleasure in a way I’d never imagined before. Maybe this is what it felt like to do drugs. I’d hear people who did the stuff talk about how it was an almost religious experience, though of course I’d never been all that interested in touching the stuff myself.

  If it was anything like this, though, I could see what the stoners were always going on about. This was intense. This was amazing. This was every wonderful experience I’d ever fantasized about focused on my nipples as she sucked and swirled her tongue around and did the sort of things I’d never imagined a woman doing to me before.

  “Holy fuck,” Taylor whispered.

  Holy fuck was right. It was the only way I could think to describe how this felt. It was amazing. Incredible. So wonderful and so intense. I couldn’t believe I was letting a woman do this to me. Over and over it was all I could think. I couldn’t believe this. I couldn’t believe it and I didn’t want it to ever end.

  And through it all there was Taylor off to the side. Staring. I opened my eyes and locked them with him. Licked my lips and imagined what it would feel like to run my tongue over Julia’s body like she was with me right now. Maybe I’d get to have that experience soon. Maybe by the end of the night.

  A girl could hope.

  Her tongue continued working on me and then her hands were moving down. Exploring. Touching every corner of my body. She teased me by running her fingers around my belly button. I giggled and my back arched. She never took her attention away from my tits either. Back and forth she went. Pure pleasure erupting from my nipples and falling back across every nerve ending in my body and making me feel so good. So fucking good.

  Of course that pleasure was nothing like the feeling that blasted through me as her hand made contact with my pussy. Her hand was so hot. Hot enough that it was like a hot brand landing on me even through my shorts.

  She didn’t waste any time down there either. In a flash she’d unbuttoned my pants and they were pulled open. She seemed like a master of everything sexual and I was surprised at how quick she moved.

  All thoughts of that surprise and how quickly she moved disappeared as her fingers found their goal. I was soaking wet because of everything that had happened. Fucking Colin. Being caught. Making out with Julia.

  It was all combining to create the sort of arousal I’d never known before, and Julia’s fingers plunged straight into the core of that arou
sal. I threw my eyes open and arched my back to meet her hands and screamed out in pleasure. God it felt so fucking good. I never wanted it to end.

  She was every bit as skilled with her fingers as she was with her mouth. I felt her shift her weight slightly as I squeezed my eyes shut. I wanted to maintain eye contact with Taylor while this was happening, let him know this was all for him, but the moment her fingers grazed my pussy that ceased to be the case.

  This wasn’t all for him any longer. No, I’d discovered just how wonderful it could be to taste from the forbidden fruit. To get with a woman. I knew how wonderful it was and I wanted to experience it all for myself. I was completely in my own head with nothing but Julia’s body paying attention to mine and her fingers working their magic.

  Of course her fingers weren’t the only thing that worked their magic. I was so lost in the pleasure of the moment that I barely noticed as she pulled my shorts down.

  I did notice when I felt something hot and wet make contact with that hot went focus of pleasure between my legs though. Holy fuck. She was going down on me. She was actually going down on me.

  My eyes flew open and I looked down between my legs. Julia looked up and smiled, her face slick with my juices.

  “Tasty,” she said. “Just the combination I thought it’d be.”

  I wondered what the hell she meant by that, but I didn’t have long to wonder. No, there was something even more distracting than the feel of her tongue between my legs and the sight of her face slick with my juices.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a gasp of her own, and the cause of that gasp was pretty fucking obvious. Taylor had climbed onto the bed behind her and it looked like he’d gotten out of his clothes in record time. He was almost completely naked and his cock was positioned at her entrance, ready to go.

  He looked down at me and shrugged, a sheepish grin on his face. I wondered if he’d been planning on just going ahead and fucking her if I hadn’t opened my eyes. But he’d been caught, and now he seemed to be looking down at me as though he was asking permission to do what he was about to do.


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