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Long Distance Lust: A Hotwife Novel

Page 11

by Lexi Archer

  I licked my lips. Again we were at one of those crossroads. One of those moments where it seemed like something incredible was about to happen. Something that was going to change our relationship forever.

  Of course plenty of things had already happened tonight that would potentially change our relationship. Next to everything we’d already done was it really a big deal to do something else crazy?

  So I nodded. “Go ahead.”

  Taylor sighed in contentment as he moved forward, and Julia moaned as she moved forward as well under the power of his thrust. She moved forward until she was down between my legs again with her tongue moving up and down the length of my pussy giving me what I could only describe as the best fucking head of my life.

  And it was from a girl. I was letting a girl eat me out. She was eating me out and she was doing it like a fucking pro. I tossed my head from side to side as I started gasping. I squeezed my eyes shut again and gave myself over to the pleasure that was Julia’s talented mouth going down on me in a way no man ever had.

  Either she’d done this before with other girls or she was very skilled based on doing what she liked. Either way I knew I’d never be able to look at Taylor giving head the same way again.

  That was something to worry about later, though. For now all I could think about was how good this felt, and how much I’d needed this without realizing it. So I kept my eyes squeezed shut and cried out with the glory of this new pleasure I’d discovered on the tip of another woman’s tongue.



  I sighed in contentment as I felt my cock sliding inside Julia. It was something I’d thought about since I first saw her, since she flashed me so boldly earlier today, but it wasn’t something I thought would actually happen by the end of the night.

  Sure I’d thought about some interesting things that might happen at the end of the summer. I’d always tried to get her to go along with a threesome like this.

  I never thought I’d get that threesome after watching her fuck another guy, but if that’s what it ultimately took for her to finally go along with this then that was just fine with me.

  Especially considering how turned on I still was thinking about watching her fucking another guy. Talk about something I never would have expected before tonight.

  And so as I sank my cock inside another woman as she ate out my girlfriend, as she fucked another person in front of me but a woman this time instead of a man, I couldn’t help but think about what it had looked like watching her getting fucked by another man.

  Wishing I could see it again. I wished I could chase those thoughts from my mind, but I was harder than I’d ever been thinking about it and there was no getting the intrusive thoughts of another man’s cock invading my fiancee out of my brain.

  Damn it.

  Though it did help to have the equally intrusive view of another woman eating out my fiancee staring me down right in front of me. Damn. I mean I’d thought about watching another woman with my girl before, I’d fantasized about it and dreamed of the day when she would finally let another woman into the bed with us.

  Only now that it was happening the only thing I could think about was letting another guy into the bed with us. Not so I could fuck him, far from it, but because I wanted to watch her with another guy again.

  Something to think about for later though. Right now I was far more interested in the wonderful way Julia’s pussy wrapped around my cock. I thrust inside her and she let out a moan that transferred itself to Carrie through Julia’s tongue which caused her to let out a moan of her own.

  Huh. How about that? I guess that was something that only seemed natural considering what we were doing, but it was also one of those things I never would’ve thought of before I was in the middle of a threesome myself.

  I pulled out and slid into Julia. I reveled in the feeling of her pussy sliding along the length of my cock. It was delicious. It was sinful. It was so different from fucking Carrie.

  I knew there were some guys who said it all felt the same in the dark, but fucking Julia I knew that couldn’t be farther from the truth. It had been long enough since I’d been with anyone other than Carrie that I could feel the difference. How wet she was. The way her pussy muscles grabbed at my cock. Everything about her was just different enough that I could tell.

  And it was dizzying feeling her pussy grasping for me. Begging for me. Asking me to fill her.

  Holy fuck was it hot! That’s what I was getting at. Maybe it was because I was fucking someone else. Maybe it was that I was fucking someone as hot as Julia. Whatever it was, though, it was fucking hot and I couldn’t get enough of her!

  I tried to go slow to start, but the sight of her bent over with her head buried between Carrie’s legs was too much. There was no way I was going to keep up a slow pace with that sight right in front of me. So I started picking up the pace. Thrusting into her body with more and more intensity.

  I held onto her hips for dear life. I was keeping a tenuous hold on reality through that grip on her body. Her fucking hot body that I loved fucking so much.

  And at the same time I was obsessed with watching Carrie. With looking at her face and seeing the way she tossed her head back and forth as though she was experiencing the ultimate pleasure.

  Who knew a girl could make her feel that good? Maybe if she’d realized just how good it could be she would’ve done something like this a long time ago.

  I’d certainly be giving her shit about putting this off for so long!

  I heard something else new. Something else I’d never heard before. It was a high pitched muffled gasping that was unlike anything I’d heard before. Hell, it was unlike anything I’d heard coming from anything but my computer speakers in a long fucking time.

  I was listening to the sound of another woman riding an orgasmic wave. That was Julia gasping in pleasure. Something I hadn’t been able to enjoy earlier when she was blowing me considering she’d been a little preoccupied with my cock in her mouth and neither one of us wanted to say anything for fear we might be discovered.

  She was letting go now though. And even as she let go her voice was muffled because once more she was preoccupied with Carrie’s pussy rather than with my cock.

  Fuck. So many strange new things had happened here tonight and this was just one more. The only thing that was lacking was the sight of a cock filling Carrie somehow.

  Sure watching her with another woman was hot. I’d realized that the sight of her with anyone other than me was a turn on. It’s just that I also wanted to watch her with another man. There was something about the transgression of watching another cock filling my girl that turned me on way more than watching her with another guy ever could.

  Still, it was a captivating sight watching her coming on another girl’s tongue. That she was coming there was no doubt. Over and over she gasped and cried out. Over and over her hips bucked up to meet Julia’s face. Over and over she threw her head back and cried out against the walls.

  It was captivating. I’d never seen her from this angle before. Always when she was coming like this I was either down between her legs or on top of her fucking her for everything I was worth. Watching my girl from this remove, watching her as though I was watching some girl on girl porno instead of fucking her directly, was intense.

  It was almost as intense as watching her fucking that guy. Again, there was something about a cock being involved that made it even hotter, though I’d take her with another girl.

  I wasn’t going to complain. Not when this fantasy was finally being fulfilled. Hell no!

  It was a good thing I had the distraction too. It was a good thing I’d already blown one load in Julia’s mouth earlier and had a little bit of added stamina as a result. Otherwise I would’ve been blowing my load way earlier than I should’ve. I would’ve missed most of the show.

  I didn’t want to miss a moment of this. I stared down at the gentle curve of Julia’s body as she arched her back. As she pressed
herself back against me while she expertly ate out Carrie while fucking me like the champ that I knew she was.

  It made me almost sad that I wasn’t going to be out here more often. After all, if there was this sort of thing going on the first night they were all here then I could only imagine what it would become by the end of the summer when everyone was familiar with everyone else.

  It was almost enough to make me drop the one stupid class I was taking this summer and suck it up and take the harder version the next semester. It would make it more difficult for me, to be sure, but something told me being able to come out here whenever I wanted would almost be worth it.

  I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn’t register the change in tone as Carrie gasped and thrust and rocked Julia’s bed. Still, I wasn’t so far gone that I couldn’t tell when something was wrong. My eyes flew open and I looked down to her, wondering what could possibly cause her to make that noise.

  I desperately hoped she wasn’t having second thoughts. Not after everything had already been going so well tonight. No, she couldn’t be having second thoughts, damn it!

  But there was something about the look in her eyes that told me it was nothing of the sort. She was looking over towards the door. The door Julia had closed, but I didn’t remember hearing the familiar click of a lock when she closed it.

  Damn. I freaked out and my head whipped around. It was so fast that I actually pulled out of Julia and went flying off the back of the bed.

  Thankfully there was nothing but thin carpeting waiting for me. I tried not to think about what might’ve been done on that carpeting in the years this place had been operating as an establishment for college kids.

  Not that I had much time to think about that. No, I was more interested in the person standing at the door looking down at us all with an enigmatic smile on his face. A smile and a rock hard cock obviously jutting out from his shorts.

  “Well well,” Colin said. “Looks like the three of you were busy while I was gone.”

  I stood and I wasn’t sure what to feel. Carrie hadn’t been very happy with the guy earlier, but she’d also seemed hesitant to kick him out. It was obvious there was something going on there, and I wasn’t sure if I liked the idea of something going on there even if I was turned on by the idea of something going on there.

  I also wanted to know how the fuck he managed to get back in. Obviously the asshole couldn’t listen all that well if he thought he could waltz in here after Carrie told him to get lost. Who the fuck did this asshole think he was pulling something like that?

  I might be completely naked with my cock hanging in the breeze here, but I wasn’t above throwing down if it became necessary. Especially if he made Carrie uncomfortable. I looked over to her for some sort of signal, some reaction, but her mouth was wide open and I couldn’t tell if it was because of the surprise of seeing Colin standing there or if it was because of the feelings pulsing through her because Julia hadn’t stopped eating her out.

  At least she hadn’t stopped when Carrie stared at Colin. She hadn’t even stopped when I fell off the bed behind her. The girl had incredible concentration. I’d give her that.

  Finally she did pull away from Carrie when she heard the voice. I held my breath wondering what was going to happen now. Would she be pissed at the guy for interrupting her fun? Something told me Carrie was going to be conflicted about having the guy in the room.

  “Took you long enough,” she said.

  I blinked. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on here anymore. I also didn’t know why Colin was taking his clothes off. He stripped his shirt off revealing his muscled body underneath. The guy was built. We’re talking a six pack and everything. I mean I was in pretty good shape myself, but it was obvious this guy spent a little more time in the gym than I did.

  He kicked his shorts off and his cock was standing out proud. The sam cock that had been in Carrie earlier in the night. The same cock that had buried itself inside my fiancee and filled her with another man’s load.

  I was getting a little dizzy thinking about it. I shouldn’t be getting dizzy thinking about it. I shouldn’t be getting hard looking at another man’s hard cock, damn it, even if I was getting hard thinking of that cock fucking my girlfriend and not because I was attracted to him or anything.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here?” Carrie asked. “I told you to get the fuck out of here. Can’t you listen?”

  “Oh I heard you tell me to get the fuck out of here,” Colin said, that cocky confidence never leaving his voice. “The problem is you’re not the only one who invited me up here tonight. I wouldn’t want to disappoint my fiancee, after all.”

  It took another long moment for what he said to really register in my head. His fiancee? What the fuck? Could he be talking about…

  And then it hit me. We’d been had. We’d been set up. Everything that happened tonight was a means to an end. Everything that happened tonight was Colin and Julia manipulating us and setting us up so they could get in our pants.

  I just hadn’t realized how much we were being manipulated until this moment. Fuck, now that I realized we were being manipulated I wasn’t sure that I even gave a fuck about the manipulation. All I really cared about was that I wasn’t fucking Julia.

  Besides, seeing Colin in the room was causing those fantasies to come back in one hell of a major way. Hadn’t I just been thinking about how hot it would be to watch Carrie getting with another guy? It was the only thing I could think about while I was fucking another woman, and now here the opportunity was right in front of me with his cock standing proud.

  I looked over to Carrie. We seemed to be exchanging these knowing looks a lot these days. I wondered if she’d even be up for something like this.

  She’d already been with the guy once. She’d already as much as admitted that she was into the idea of fucking him. She knew I was okay with it. She also hadn’t seemed all that happy to kick him out earlier even if she’d done it.

  Yeah, something told me she was more into the idea of fucking this guy than she wanted to let on. She looked at me. Locked eyes with me. Licked her lips and the question was obvious there on her face.

  Who was I to deny my beautiful future wife everything she wanted? Sure there was a part of me that was worried about throwing her to this guy again when he’d already managed to seduce her once. I worried about what the implications would be that he was going to be out here with her all summer long and I was going to be back home most of the time even if I did decide not to take that summer class.

  Ultimately what decided me was the fact that he was obviously with Julia. The two of them had obviously made a commitment to one another. It was clear that they were head over heels for one another even though they were out here fucking other people.

  I figured if they were committed to each other that meant they weren’t going to be interested in stealing Carrie away from me. I also figured that was one hell of a good example for us to follow. If they could do this without jealousy then who was to say Carrie and I couldn’t do it either?

  So I nodded. It was a small nod, but it seemed everyone in the room was staring at me and wondering which way I was going to fall. As soon as I nodded Julia smiled, Carrie sighed, and Colin started making his way over to the bed with his hard cock jutting out as though he couldn’t wait to get it inside my fiancee again.

  Hell, I couldn’t wait to watch him getting inside my fiancee again! Damn the thought of hm getting with her was so fucking hot! So fucking intense! And now I’d be able to enjoy it from a front row seat making all the noise I wanted. Now they knew we were standing right here watching everything they were doing so Julia and I didn’t need to sneak around.

  Speaking of Julia. She beckoned to me as Colin climbed on top of Julia and positioned his cock at the entrance to her pussy. I was dizzy as I watched that moment. Julia seemed to realize it and instead of beckoning me over again instead she walked over and wrapped her arms around me. Moved her
hand down and started jerking my cock which was still slick and shiny with her juices.

  “I could tell you were into it the moment I saw you looking at Carrie with Colin,” she whispered in my ear. “A lot of people don’t realize they’re into the fantasy until it’s too late. A lot of people don’t stick the dismount the first time they try swapping with another couple. I wanted to help you, and of course Colin was more than happy to help out too if it meant he got in your sweet little wifey’s panties.”

  My cock twitched at that. I wasn’t sure if it was because she was talking about her fiance getting into Carrie’s pants with such crude words or if it was because she referred to Carrie as my wife. I suppose that was something I was going to have to get used to if we were getting married within the year, but it still sounded weird now.

  “You love it, don’t you?” she whispered, her hand never leaving my cock. “Love watching his huge cock sinking inside her? Colin’s good. Very good. Your petite little wifey is having the time of her life right now.”

  And it was obvious she was having the time of her life. She squeezed her eyes shut and screamed as Colin sank inside her. It was obvious she was having one hell of a good time and it’s not like he’d even truly started fucking her or anything. He just sank his cock inside her, and she was so turned on, so lubricated from the combination of her arousal and Julia working on her pussy, that he was able to slide inside her without any difficulty.

  I was dizzy all over again. I still couldn’t believe this was happening. I loved it, but I had trouble believing this was anything other than a drunken dream that was brought on by passing out thinking about how much I wanted Carrie.

  Only there was the sound of their fucking. There was the wet noise as he started slamming into her for everything he was worth. There was the feel of Julia’s delicious body behind me as she pulled her shirt up and over, pulling her hand away from my cock long enough to pull her shirt off then returning it as her tits pressed against my back.


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