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Kindred [The Angel Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 14

by Maggie Walsh

  Maddy released him and went to the bed and sat where Bailey had just been. All the emotions that he had been forcing down for days were beginning to come to the surface as he watched how tender Maddy was being with their mate.

  Shuffling sounds in the room drew his attention, and he turned to see everyone leave. His heart squeezed inside his chest as he thought about all these amazing people who were now a part of his life, his family. They had been so wonderful to Josh, and to him, as they fought this time battle. But now Maddy was here, and he could help Josh to get past the heat.

  Milo gave his mates one last look and then turned to leave. They needed some time alone. He wouldn’t go far, but he knew they would want some privacy.

  “Don’t go.” He heard Maddy’s pleading voice.

  Milo turned to look at his mates. Maddy held Josh’s hand, but he was looking right at him. He was shocked to realize that Maddy had spoken the words to him and not Josh. “You both need time alone. I’ll just be downstairs.”

  “Please stay, Milo. You’re our mate too and this all concerns you.”

  “It’s okay, Maddy. I understand. You and Josh have your time together, and the three of us can talk later.” Milo turned to go, but Maddy’s words halted him.

  “But you should be here to claim our mate,” Maddy whispered.

  Milo turned back and his gaze met Maddy’s. “I really do understand. You two met first and spent a lot of time together hiding your true relationship. I know it hurt you, thinking that after all that time that I was going to be able to claim Josh first. But I agree with you, Maddy. You and Josh should claim each other first.”

  “No, I’m not right. I was just being a spoiled selfish prick. None of us are to blame for who met who first. None of us had any control over this, but we three are mates. And we need to act like it. Mates are the ones that Fate made special for us so that we could go on in this life with someone, or someones, by our side. To help us through times like this. We are tri-mates, and that is what this mating will be. A tri-mating, not two or three separate matings,” Maddy explained confidently as he rose and stepped away from the bed. He stopped in front of Milo and stared into his eyes. “Unless you don’t want me. I would completely understand if you didn’t.”

  Milo’s eyes went wide at Maddy’s words. “No. Of course I want you, Maddy. I want both of my mates. I would love for us to have a tri-mating. But I do think you and Josh should do this alone first. Neither of you have any prior experience. I think it would ease some of the nerves for you both if you didn’t have an audience.”

  “Thank you for that, mate. For thinking of our needs first. But it is exactly because of that, that I think you should stay. Neither one of us knows what the hell we are doing,” Maddy said with a soft laugh. “And I think we should start this mating off the right way. With all of us here.” Maddy cupped the back of Milo’s neck and pulled him toward him. Their lips pressed together and Milo placed his hands on Maddy’s hips. God, the wolf had great lips.

  Milo gently slid his tongue against Maddy’s lips, and Maddy opened to him immediately. They each stepped closer, and a moan escaped his lips as their hard chests and even harder cocks pressed together. The kiss deepened and grew more intense. It was like a need that couldn’t be filled. Milo’s head spun as he felt his cock thicken in seconds. The only other time Milo could remember getting this hard, this fast, was when he kissed Josh. There truly was something to this mate thing because he had never wanted anyone before with the fervor he wanted these two men. They both set his heart pounding, his pulse racing, and his cock throbbing.

  A moan came from deep inside Maddy’s throat as their tongues dueled, and Milo thought he was going to come just from the sexy sound. It was beautiful and feral all at the same time, and it made him surprisingly harder. He just wanted to rip off all their clothes and fuck Maddy into the floor. A soft whimpering sound came from across the room, and the two of them pulled apart slowly, ending the hungry kiss.

  They stared into each other’s heated eyes for a moment as they both panted, trying to get air into their lungs. Another whimper came to them, and they turned to look to their other mate. Josh was still lying in the bed, but now his eyes were slightly open, and he was looking right at them.

  They stepped apart and walked to the bed to join Josh. Maddy sat on the edge and took Josh’s hand, and Milo sat behind him and placed his hand on Josh’s thigh.

  “Hey, Josh. I know you can’t talk right now and I know we need to help you, but do you think you can do this right now, babe?” Maddy asked gently. Josh blinked his eyes once and looked back into Maddy’s eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Maddy swallowed hard. “I’ll go slow, babe. I promise I will do whatever you need.” Josh blinked once again. “I’m so scared,” Maddy confessed with a small laugh. “Look, the big bad Matthew is shaking like a leaf.”

  Maddy felt Josh squeeze his hand slightly. “First I think we need to get you out of this ice-covered bed, because I don’t think I’ll be able to do much if I have frozen balls.”

  “We have Josh’s room set up,” Milo said.

  Maddy turned to look at him with a raised brow. “I was wondering why Josh was in my room.”

  “Bailey figured once you got back no one would want to waste time fixing up the bed, so we put Josh in here and got his room all ready. Bailey figured you could just carry Josh there.” Maddy nodded and turned back to Josh.

  “I’m gonna pick you up now, babe. If you hurt in any way, you need to tell me, okay?” Josh blinked again.

  Maddy and Milo stood and pulled the blanket off Josh, taking the ice with it. Maddy froze when he saw Josh’s naked body for the first time. Gods, he’s even sexier than I had imagined. Maddy whimpered at the sight of Josh’s golden, tanned skin. It was so smooth and rippled with muscles. Gods how he loved a man’s body. He knew he protested and called everyone names to make them think he wasn’t gay, but damn he loved the male form. There was nothing sexier in the whole world than a nicely kept male body. And fuck if Josh’s body wasn’t the sexiest he had ever seen. He had a grouping of tattoos on his right hip bone of five nautical stars in black, white, and gray, and in different sizes. On his left shoulder coming down onto his chest was the most beautiful tattoo ever. Josh had a very realistic tattoo of three naked men with their bodies entwined in an intimate embrace, and it looked fairly new. Maddy just wanted to stare at it for hours to see all the fine intricate details that had gone into it, but that would have to wait for another time.

  Maddy slid his arms under Josh and got a firm hold of him. Then he lifted Josh from the bed and held him close to his chest. Holy crap, his skin was so hot. Milo opened the door for them and then followed Maddy down the hall to Josh’s room. Milo opened the door and Maddy stepped in and froze. The room didn’t look the same as it did when he had left. First, he noticed that Josh and Bailey’s beds were both missing. In their place was a huge king-size bed. Then he saw that everything that had belonged to Bailey had been moved out. Of course it would have been moved out by now. Bailey lived at the Alpha house now with his mate Lexi. He brushed off his thoughts for now and moved to the bed.

  Milo pulled the blankets back, and Maddy placed Josh carefully onto the bed. He stepped back and toed off his shoes as he grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it over his head, dropping it on the floor. He bent down and pulled his socks off, then straightened. Maddy kept his eyes on Josh the whole time, watching Josh as Josh watched him. Maddy opened the button of his jeans and slid the zipper down. Pulling the two sides apart, the tip of his leaking cock popped out. He grabbed the waistband, slid his jeans down his muscled thighs and calves, and then stepped out.

  He straightened again and stood looking at Josh. He could see a fire light up in Josh’s eyes, and it made him happy to think that the sight of his body caused that reaction in his man.

  “Damn, you’re gorgeous,” Milo said from behind him.

  Maddy half turned and looked at Milo over his shoulder, giving him a s
mile. “Thanks. You’re pretty freaking hot yourself there. So are you going to get naked too, or am I gonna have to strip you myself?”

  Milo cleared his throat and gave Maddy a smirk. “I would love for you to strip me, but I think you need to attend to Josh first. But I would love a rain check.”

  “You got it. But only if you get those clothes off and join us.” Maddy returned the smirk. They both chuckled softly and Milo nodded.

  Maddy turned back to the bed and climbed on. Carefully, he lay over Josh’s still body, holding himself up as his face hovered inches from Josh’s. Maddy moaned as their naked cocks touched for the first time, and Josh’s eyes closed. His face changing from controlled pain to pleasure. “So, even after all the lies and bullshit our parents fed us, you’re still older than me?” Maddy said with mirth and smiled at Josh. Josh gave him a beautiful smile in return.

  Something thumped onto the bed by Maddy’s hand, drawing his attention from Josh’s gorgeous face. He saw the tube of lube that Milo dropped. “Thanks,” he said as he sat up.

  Maddy crawled to the foot of the bed and grabbed Josh’s feet. He carefully spread his legs and then crawled between them. Resting on his knees, he opened the lube and poured some on his fingers. Wrapping his hand around his hard shaft, he coated it with the lube until every inch was slick. Then he poured more lube into his hand and tossed the tube away.

  Leaning forward, he kissed Josh’s stomach and then looked up to meet his eyes. “You know this is my first time, too, but I do understand the mechanics of it. If at any time I hurt you, please let me know and I will stop right away. I know you can’t talk right now, but kick me or something okay?” He got his answer when he saw a touch of a smile lift the corner of Josh’s lip and a glint appear in his eyes.

  “It will hurt to start, but if you go slow and take it easy, the pain subsides and is replaced with a pleasure like you have never experienced before,” Milo explained as he stared into Josh’s eyes. “As Maddy loosens you up, if you could push out, that would help, especially when he starts to penetrate you with his cock. But I promise you the pain isn’t too bad and it will go away in a few moments.” Josh gave Milo a small smile and blinked his eyes.

  “Josh and I are both new to this, Milo. Is there anything you can do to join us? I mean I know there is plenty, but…shit. You know what I mean, right?” Maddy said nervously.

  “Yes, Maddy. I know what you mean, and yes, there is plenty I can do to join you. First, let me help you get Josh as prepared as you can, okay?”

  “That would be great,” Maddy said in relief.

  “Place the tip of one slick finger against that pretty pucker of his and gently press against it as you circle it. Don’t press in yet, just play with the outside.”

  Maddy did as Milo instructed, and as he touched Josh’s most intimate place for the first time, he felt a jolt of excitement shoot through him. Slowly he circled the opening, and as he did, he added a little more pressure and felt the muscles start to relax.

  “Good, Maddy. Now slide just the tip inside and wiggle it around a little to slick up the opening and start to loosen the inner muscles.”

  Again, Maddy followed all of Milo’s instructions. As they built their way up to two and then three fingers, he had to stop a few times when Josh hissed from what he was doing. But after a few seconds, Josh relaxed and so did his muscles.

  “That was great, Maddy. Now he’s ready to take you,” Milo said.

  “Are you sure? Should I try another finger? I don’t want to hurt him,” Maddy asked nervously.

  Milo gave him a smile as he chuckled softly. “Four fingers are enough, sweetie. You’re a big boy, so that’s why I had you go to four to begin with. Just take it easy and go slow. Line the tip of your cock up with that pretty hole and push forward gently. It will probably be a little hard to begin with, but you’ll get the feel for it. Once you break through the outer ring of muscle, just go nice and easy. If you need to saw in and out a little, then do that, until you go in as far as you can.”

  “Shit, Milo. Maybe I shouldn’t do this his first time. Maybe you should go first and show me how.” Maddy’s voice was cracking from his panic.

  “No, sweetheart. You’re doing great. You’re just nervous like everyone is their first time. I promise it will be okay,” Milo said soothingly as he cupped Maddy’s cheek. He leaned in and gave Maddy a quick kiss on the lips and then nodded at him in encouragement.

  Maddy pulled away from Milo and gave Josh his full attention. He moved closer to Josh and grabbed the base of his cock, directing his leaking tip to Josh’s hole. As the tip made contact with Josh, Maddy felt a zap of excitement, mixed with nerves and fear, rush through his body. One more look at Milo’s smiling face, and Maddy knew it was time. No more holding off, no more hiding, and no more running. This was it. If he entered Josh, he knew he would never be able to leave him again. It was time to be a man.

  Maddy pressed forward and found that Milo was right. It was a little tough at first, but he figured that was because he was so scared of hurting Josh. He kept up the pressure and then his eyes went wide in amazement as he watched Josh’s hole relax and the tip of his cock disappear inside his mate. He looked up at Josh’s face, and there was a small hint of pain, but mostly his face looked like he was experiencing pleasure.

  That was a good thing, so Maddy looked back to where they were joined and slowly slid in farther. Josh hissed and Maddy froze, quickly looking up to see Josh’s face.

  “It’s okay, Maddy. You’re doing great. Like I said, there would be some pain, but as you can see, his face is already relaxing. You can probably feel the muscles wrapped around your cock loosening.” Maddy nodded at him, because there was no way his voice was going to work right now.

  Maddy slowly pressed forward. His legs were shaking, jaw clenched, and the cords of his neck straining. His grip on Josh’s thighs tightened, and suddenly he couldn’t go any farther. He looked down to where they were joined and gasped at the sight of his cock completely inside Josh’s body. Maddy’s breath was coming in pants as his pulse quickened.

  “You did great, Matthew. Now slowly pull back, and I’m sure you know what to do from there,” Milo encouraged.

  “Maddy,” Maddy whispered.


  “Call me Maddy.”

  “Okay, babe. Maddy it is. Now claim your mate,” Milo said with a smirk.

  Maddy nodded. “Our mate.” Milo returned the nod, and Maddy looked back at Josh. He slowly pulled back, sliding from Josh’s body. A shiver raced through his body from the feel of Josh’s inner muscles pulsing around his cock. His eyes locked with Josh’s as he began a slow, steady rhythm. “Oh fuck. This feels better than I have ever imagined. You feel better than I have ever imagined, Josh,” Maddy said in a strained voice as he continued to thrust in and out of Josh.

  A sexy moan came from Josh as his eyes closed and his body arched off the mattress. Maddy slid his hands up Josh’s stomach and back down to his thighs. He continued this caress as his thrusting became quicker.

  “Oh fuck,” Josh yelled and his eyes opened wide.

  Maddy froze all movements and his eyes went wide in fear. “Oh my gods. Did I hurt you?”

  “No, Maddy. I think you found his prostate. Look at his face. That’s not pain, babe. That’s extreme pleasure. Go ahead and do that last move again. Watch his face,” Milo explained. Maddy did as Milo said, and Josh’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he moaned out loud. “See, all pleasure. You’re doing great.”

  “I thought you were going to join us?” Maddy asked as he kept his steady pace.

  Milo gave him a soft smile and nodded. He got up on his knees and moved closer to Maddy. Cupping the back of Maddy’s head, he brought their lips together and pressed his tongue into Maddy’s mouth. The two kissed passionately as Maddy quickened his pace inside Josh’s body. Josh yelled out again, and they pulled apart to look at him.

  “Fuck…me…mate,” Josh whispered through clenched

  Maddy focused all his attention on Josh. He grabbed his hips tighter and began to thrust harder. Josh arched his back and moaned. Milo dipped his head down and engulfed Josh’s cock completely down his throat. Josh’s whole body shuddered and he screamed out. Maddy was mesmerized at the sight as he looked down to where they were all joined. He watched Josh’s cock as it disappeared into Milo’s mouth, and below that, his cock disappeared inside Josh. Maddy felt a warmth grow inside him as he realized they were all joined. They were one.

  He and Milo kept up their attentions on Josh’s body until Josh screamed out and his body went rigid. Maddy watched as Milo licked Josh’s cock clean and then sat back. “I’m addicted to his taste,” Milo said with a smile and licked his lips.

  Maddy smiled at him. “Next time save me a taste from your lips.”

  “You got it.” Milo winked.

  “Claim me,” Josh whispered. Maddy looked back to Josh below him as he lifted his chin, exposing his throat to Maddy.

  Maddy dropped down on top of Josh and moaned as their sweaty bodies touched. He held his weight up by his forearms as he kissed Josh tenderly. Maddy pulled back from the kiss and tilted his head down. His eyes locked on the sight of the pulse in Josh’s throat as it pumped quickly. This was it. He was about to claim his mate, his Josh. Once he bit down and claimed his mate, they would spend the rest of their lives together. Was he ready for this? Was he ready to spend eternity with these two men? As the thought entered his mind, he licked the side of Josh’s throat and then sank his teeth into his warm, sweat-slicked flesh. There was no hesitation. Maddy was ready for this and ready for his future.


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