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Aiden ~ Melanie Moreland

Page 3

by Moreland, Melanie

  Fun. Lighthearted.

  At least, that was what I kept telling myself.

  When Bentley met Emmy, Cami Wilson crashed into my life like a wrecking ball. From the moment I saw her, kissing her was a temptation, fucking her was a fantasy, and hurting her was inevitable. Smart, funny, and gorgeous, she was difficult to resist. Especially when she made her feelings known—since she had no problem expressing herself to me. The difference between Bentley and me was the fact that he was ready for a permanent connection, and I wasn’t. I told Cami up front I didn’t do relationships, particularly long-term ones, and I didn’t want to start something with her that had no chance of going anywhere. She didn’t seem fazed by my words, and we had started an unconventional affair. By that, I meant she was perfect, and I was an ass. I called her on occasion, we texted, hung out with Emmy and Bent, often with Dee and Maddox joining us. In the darkness of Bentley’s movie theater, I held her hand, pulled her onto my lap to kiss her when no one could see. Snuck away to fuck her on occasion, and every so often, met up with her for coffee or lunch, but we never went on an official date. It was rare that we saw each other except when we were in the company of friends, and we both understood the rules. There was no PDA in front of them, nothing to indicate we were anything besides friends. I never discussed Cami with Bentley or Maddox; although from the looks I received from Bentley and Emmy at times, I was certain Cami didn’t follow my silence is golden rule.

  Cami tried to reach out to me. She would text and invite me places or ask me over for dinner at her apartment. She would check up on me and listen if I had a bad day and wanted to talk. When we were together, she was warm, affectionate, and always patient, never pushing me for more than I could give. In bed, she was passionate and strong. We fit together. However, there was no us. There never could be. She was persistent, but I was determined not to allow her to become too embedded into my life. I wasn’t capable of what she was looking for. Love came with pain and rejection. The only thing that followed when I allowed myself to care was disappointment and regret. I had enough of that to last me a lifetime.

  I thought back to our first time together. It had been brewing below the surface for both of us, and the night Emmy had been kidnapped, Bentley and I’d had a huge argument, which threw me off-balance. I was anxious, drowning in guilt, and seeking something. What it was, I didn’t know until I ran into Cami.

  Fueled by anger and a need to escape, I went upstairs, taking the steps two at a time, and there she was, as if she had been waiting for me to show up. She was upset and emotional, and I knew what I needed. What we both needed. Before she could blink, I had her against the wall, kissing her like a drowning man, desperate for air, and she was right there with me. Somehow, I knew she was what I needed to get through that moment. She would be the one thing that would calm me. I needed to lose myself with her. Only Cami.

  Minutes later, we were naked and in her bed.

  She was everything I had imagined and more. Her skin was like silk, stretched smooth over her bones, and it glowed ivory in the dim light. I sat back on my heels, staring down at her perfection. Her breasts were full, the nipples taut and ready for my mouth. Her waist was narrow, and her hips fit in my hands as if made for me. Her wavy hair spread out over the pillow, ink spilling on white paper, the pink highlights bright in the dark. Her green eyes were hooded, radiating back at me the want and need I felt. There was no shyness; in fact, she lifted her arms over her head, her legs falling open, showing me her soft, pink center.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” I whispered against her breasts, capturing a hardened nipple in my mouth and swirling my tongue around it. She whimpered, arching her back to get closer to my mouth.

  We spent long minutes exploring each other. Her hands felt like heaven on my overheated skin as she touched me. I had never known lips as soft as hers as she traced the ink on my arm, nor had I ever wanted anyone as much, as she explored my torso. Her mouth was wicked and hot when she wrapped her lips around my shaft and tongued the head of my cock. I hissed with pleasure, sliding deep into her mouth, until it became too much and I pulled back, wanting to finish inside her.

  “My turn.” I grinned.

  The small group of freckles that always teased me at the base of her neck was thoroughly licked. I pulled her hand to my mouth, kissed her wrist and made my way up her arm, slow and teasing, tasting and nibbling as I went before I bit down on the curve of her neck. We kissed for endless moments, frantic and wild, then slow and gentle, until she was pleading with me for more. I eased her onto her stomach, gliding my hand down her spine, tracing the delicate ridges and curves, following my fingers with my mouth. I cupped and stroked her luscious ass, biting the right cheek, then sliding my fingers between her legs, groaning at how ready she was for me.

  “Like this, baby? You want me like this?” I demanded, pumping into her with my fingers. “You want my cock?”


  I reached for my pants and grabbed the condom from my wallet. In one smooth move, I was buried so deep inside her, I moaned. I wrapped my hands around her waist, lifting her up onto my thighs. I grabbed her chin, turning her face, and kissed her as I began to move, holding her flush to my body. She grabbed my hair and tugged as we fucked. It was intense and profound. Hard and fast. Exactly what we both needed. She tightened around me, her breathing rapid, her low moans telling me she was close. Our kisses became frantic, our movements hurried. She came, her pussy milking my cock like a fist, and she gasped my name. I exploded inside her, groaning and cursing until we were both spent.

  I slid us both down onto the mattress, pulling her close. It should have felt uncomfortable. Normally, when I was with someone, I itched to leave as soon as we were done. But with Cami, I wanted to be close.

  “Stay for a while,” she whispered. “You need some sleep.”

  “I have to get back.”

  She rolled over, facing me. I sighed as she began to stroke my hair, and I leaned into her caress. “Just a little while.”

  I was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. I gave in and tugged her to my chest, falling asleep until I woke from a gripping nightmare a short time later, trembling violently.

  “I’m here,” she whispered. “Right here, Aiden.” She stroked my hair again. “You’re okay. I have you.”

  It made me feel safer than I had in my entire life.

  I shook my head at my thoughts. It was odd how often she skipped through my mind. How the thought of her could bring a smile to my lips when I least expected it. It was useless and crazy to think of her, but at times, I couldn’t stop myself.

  I grabbed my things. I’d make sure Bentley got home, then head to the loft and prepare myself for the whirlwind that was Emmy and Cami.

  Especially Cami.


  “NO, EMMY.” I repositioned her hands. “Never make a fist with your thumb tucked inside. One good crack and you’ll break it.” I re-curled her fist. “Like this.”

  “It feels weird.”

  “So will a cast.” I smirked. “Now, try again. Remember what I told you.”

  She adjusted her stance, shoulders back, head high, ready to strike.

  “I’m going to come at you. What are my weak points?”

  “Eyes, nose, neck, knees.”

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  We sparred a little, and I was pleased with her efforts. She was tiny, which was what made Bentley the most anxious about the training, but I could show her how to use that to her advantage. The important thing was to teach her how to defend herself, although I hoped she never had to use those skills. I wasn’t sure Bentley would recover if she did.

  We went at it for a while, until sweat covered Emmy’s forehead and her breathing grew faster. I raised my hand, indicating time was up for now.

  “Okay, good job. I want you to practice some more and use the bag a little, while I do this with Cami. Just like I showed you earlier.”

  “Should I wear gloves?�

  “No. I just want you to tap it. Don’t hit it hard—you’re not strength training or a boxer. Get the feel of using your fists. It can help you learn to feel the power of your hits. But we need to start off slow.”

  She moved over to the bag, studying it before she started. Bentley, who was working in the corner, doing his best not to distract her, watched her movements but stayed away, letting her concentrate.

  I braced myself and waved Cami over. She had been jabbing at the bag while I worked with Emmy, so she was already warmed up and ready. We faced each other, and I struggled to keep my face impassive. She was taller than Emmy, her body curvier. I knew those curves, and the sports bra with a cropped mesh top over it did little to hide her assets. The sliver of skin between the short top and her tight yoga pants begged to be licked. She looked sexy with her hair pulled up, today’s streaks multicolored with blue, pink, and purple. They shone under the lights like a rainbow. I never knew what color they’d be when I saw her. It was always a surprise.

  “Nice hair,” I teased. “Reminds me of Bentley’s socks. Jaunty.”

  Emmy laughed, and Bentley threw out a curse from across the room. Cami shrugged her shoulders, not seeming to be affected by my words.

  “I was going for sexy, but I’ll take what I can get.”

  I had to bite my tongue not to tell her, or show her, how sexy she was tonight. I tamped down my feelings and adjusted her stance, patient as I went through the same instructions I had given Emmy. It was obvious Cami had been paying attention, because she needed little help. I ignored the part of me that was disappointed I couldn’t keep touching her.

  I tested how much she’d been listening. “What are your strongest weapons?”

  “The same as your most sensitive. Elbows, knees, and head.”


  “The element of surprise.”

  “Good. Remember that.”

  We faced off, and I had to admit, I was impressed. She didn’t get in many moves, but she did manage to avoid me getting my hands on her very often. When she appeared winded, I stepped back.

  “Okay, now—”

  A yelp and crash from behind me made me spin around. Emmy was on the floor, the bag swinging in the air. Bent was on his feet and moving toward her instantly. I joined him, dropping to my knees beside her.

  “What happened?”

  “I tried to do one of the roundy type kicks. I missed.”

  “You’re not ready for a roundhouse kick, Emmy. Far from it. That’s a whole other type of training.”

  “I saw it on the internet. It looked easy.”

  I snorted, and Bentley rolled his eyes.

  “How many times do I have to tell you to stay off Google?” he demanded.

  Emmy chuckled.

  “Are you hurt?” Bentley asked, running his hand over her legs.

  “I think I twisted my foot a little when I fell.”

  I picked up her foot and ran my fingers over her ankle, testing it. “It’s not broken, but I think it’s a mild sprain.”

  Bentley muttered a curse, and Emmy shook her head. “Relax, Rigid. I’ve had worse.”

  “Enough for tonight.” He helped her to her feet, frowning when she winced.

  “I think we’ll take a rain check on the tacos too.”

  “I wanted tacos,” she protested. “It’s just a sore foot!”

  I spoke up. “Go home, ice your foot and put it up, so it doesn’t swell. Take some Tylenol. We’ll finish here and pick up a whole bunch of tacos and come to your place. Does that work?”

  Emmy’s smile was wide. “Perfect. I want some nachos too, Tree Trunk.”

  I laughed. “Deal.”

  She gasped when Bentley swung her up into his arms. “Put me down. I can walk!”

  “Except you don’t have to.” He indicated the desk he’d been working at. “Will you bring the laptop when you come?”


  “I’ll bring your stuff, Emmy,” Cami offered. “Let Bentley look after you. We’ll be along in a little while.”

  They left, and I chuckled as I listened to her telling Bentley to put her down or she would use her new skills on him. He ignored her instructions, demanding she stop struggling or he might drop her. When she threatened again, he informed her she had no new skills yet and to be quiet. She was busy telling him off when the elevator doors closed, cutting off their conversation. It entertained me to hear her berate him and his overprotective nature. It was something she brought out in him.

  Cami laughed in amusement. “He’s gonna listen to it all the way home.”

  “He’s going to tell her no more lessons.”

  “She’ll ignore him.”

  “I know.”

  Our eyes met, and I had to look away. Cami had such an intense gaze. It was as if she saw right through me to the person I kept hidden below the surface. The one few people ever saw. I cleared my throat. “Do you want to keep going or call it a night and go get the tacos?”

  She shook her head, her ponytail swinging wildly. “No, Bentley will have to fuss for a while. Emmy tells me that’s how he handles his worry over her. Let’s keep going and give them a little time.”


  “How about I come after you this time?” Playfully, she put up her fists and bounced on the balls of her feet. “You ready for me to take you down?”

  I smirked as she circled me. She looked as if she were getting ready for a WWE fight instead of learning to defend herself against an attack. Still, I couldn’t resist the temptation to see what she would try. She stopped moving, challenging me with her look. I, in turn, circled her and bent low to her ear, teasing her. “Bring it on, baby.”

  She spun, stepped back, and searched for an opening, constantly on the move. She was graceful, her muscles tensing as she danced, her movements sensuous and fluid. I tried to ignore the way my body reacted to her. Her shirt was damp and clung to her breasts, her nipples straining under the material. My erection kicked behind my sweats, and my desire began to overtake my good sense. She wasn’t a threat to me physically, but she was dangerous in other ways. Teasingly, I jabbed my fist toward her. “Come on, tough girl. Show me what you got.”

  I had to swallow when she tugged her shirt over her head and flung it away. Her sports bra was purple and had a zipper down the front. The word “handy” ran through my head. I knew what she was doing, so with a wink, I yanked my damp shirt over my head and sent it flying as well. Two could play at that game.

  We circled and sparred, her attempts to land any touches proving fruitless. I smacked her ass a couple of times, which seemed to agitate and spur her on, making me smile.

  “Is that all you got, little girl? Not so tough, after all, are you?”

  Narrowing her eyes, she lunged, missed, then stumbled, and gasped, bending at the waist. I dropped my arms and leaned over her, concerned. “What? What happened?”

  She took me by surprise when she grabbed my wrist, spun me around, and bent it behind my back. “Gotcha!” She laughed.

  In a fast move, I pivoted, yanked her back, and pulled her flush to my chest. “Never let your guard down,” I hissed in her ear.

  She melted against me and slipped her hand between us, palming my growing erection. “No,” she whispered. “You never do.”

  I ignored the double meaning to her words.

  I dropped my head to her neck, licking at her exposed skin. She tasted salty and sweet all at once. She moaned low in her throat as I slid my hand over her sports bra and tugged the zipper down, then cupped her breast, teasing the tight nipple.

  Using her ponytail, I angled her head to the side, exposing her neck more. I nipped at the tender flesh. “You’ve been taunting me this whole time, haven’t you? Teasing me with these tits of yours, wanting me to touch them. Touch you.”

  “Yes.” She panted, gripping my cock harder, making me groan.

  I shouted as she wrapped her foot around my ankle, sending us both to the floor. She scramble
d over me, straddling my hips, a mischievous grin on her face.

  “I won.”

  I arched up, pushing my erection into her heat. Her eyes fluttered shut, and I smirked as I flipped her, hovering over her on the mat, our gazes locked in a frenzy of need.

  “I think we can call it a draw.”

  I crashed my mouth to hers, kissing her hard. Our tongues dueled for control as she gripped my shoulders, pulling me closer, her nails a sharp prickle on my skin. I bit her bottom lip in warning, soothing the burn with my tongue. I kissed, licked, and nipped my way down her neck, tonguing her hard nipples, then lifted her hips so I could tear away her yoga pants and sneakers. Using her bare feet, she pushed my sweats out of the way, and my cock sprang free, slapping against my stomach.

  “I fucking love it when you’re commando,” she said, wrapping her hand around me, stroking her thumb over the sensitive crown. I shuddered at the pleasure of her touch.

  “Just like I loved the zipper on your bra, baby. Convenient,” I retorted, sinking two fingers into her. “Jesus, you’re so wet.”

  She arched into me, breathing out my name. I pressed my thumb to her clit, teasing the nub, and tried not to come at the sight of her under me. Her skin glowed, her hair had come loose, a bright explosion of colors around her face. Her green eyes burned with the intensity of her need and her chest moved rapidly as she gasped for air. She kept working me, stroking and twisting her hand around the head of my cock, making me shiver.

  I wanted inside her. Now.

  As if she knew, she wrapped her legs around me. “Take me.”

  I dragged my cock through her wetness, the feel of her all-consuming.

  “Condom,” I managed to get out through gritted teeth.

  Where the fuck were my condoms?

  She cupped my face. “I haven’t been with anyone else, Aiden. There wasn’t anyone before you for over a year. I’m safe.” She swallowed. “I’m on birth control.”

  I froze, looking down at her. I had never had sex without protection. Did I want this?

  I hadn’t been with anyone either. But her trust in me was overwhelming.


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