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Destiny Forgiven

Page 15

by Leia Shaw

Gethin shrugged. “A favor to be determined at the time of collection.”


  The dragon’s eyebrows shot to his hairline. “No?” Clearly he wasn’t accustomed to the word.

  Maddox shook his head. “Fuck off. I’m not promising an unnamed favor.”

  Gethin’s eyes narrowed and his grin faded. Maddox tried pushing Felicity behind him but she refused to budge.

  “Then I can’t grant you passage into the Underworld.”

  James cleared his throat. “Maddox, I’m sure Gethin won’t ask for anything unreasonable.”

  The dragon nodded and smiled again. “Of course not. I’ll ask nothing that harms you or your mate.” At the word “mate” his gaze flickered over Felicity and he licked his lips.

  Maddox stepped in front of her, shielding her with his body.

  She nudged him. “Just give him what he wants.” In a low whisper, she added, “He doesn’t seem entirely stable.”

  Gethin barked a laugh.

  “I don’t fucking care,” Maddox said. “The answer is no.”

  The dragon tilted his head. Through pursed lips, he hissed, “Then you’re not getting into the Underworld. You seek the Queen, correct? To end this little war with your people. Ah, a deserter.”

  Ignoring the dragon, he turned to James. “Will you get Sage and meet us Topside tomorrow?”

  James nodded.

  Gethin assessed them from under a furrowed brow. But then the lines in his forehead smoothed and he shrugged. “It’s a shame you refuse to help me. Each day I grow closer to my goal. I would’ve paid you with riches beyond compare.”

  Felicity glanced at Maddox. Riches? For one small favor that wouldn’t harm either of them? That didn’t sound so bad. “Maybe we should consider it.”

  Maddox gave her a squeeze. Glaring at the dragon, he said confidently, “Nothing is worth making a deal with a dragon.”

  She could tell by the look on his face that he wouldn’t budge on the matter. The idea of negotiating with a dragon wasn’t a comfortable one, and avoiding the Underworld was definitely a relief, but she’d always wonder about those riches.

  Oh well. Maddox had always been stubborn – a trait that seemed to have worsened with his time in Marwolaeth Du.

  They made plans to meet at James’s safe house the following day, hopefully with Sage in tow. James seemed confident enough that she would come. Maybe Maddox would tell her more about James’s mate. She sounded a little…unpredictable. Though so was Maddox and he had the shifters’ best interests at heart. Maybe a little danger was what they needed to take down Saith. Hopefully, the rumors about the queen weren’t just hype and she really was as powerful as everyone said. For their sake, it’d better be true, or they were fucked.

  The guest room James had given them permission to use was small, but Felicity made any bedroom look inviting. She was probably tired after the long day, but if she thought she was going to have a nap now, she was sadly mistaken.

  After gazing at the bed for a moment, she turned and looked up at him. She blinked, her blue eyes big and shy. “Are you taking a shower before we go to bed? I need one, but you can go first if you want.”

  “Yeah, I could use a shower. But you go first. It’ll take longer for your hair to dry.” He wound a tendril of her hair around his index finger, enjoying the way it slid off like silk when he let it go.

  She reached up and traced her finger over his lips, and deep in his body a hunger returned. “Do I have to go in there alone? The last bath I had, you helped me. It’ll feel lonely without you.”

  He chuckled. It was a sad excuse to get him to shower with her, not that he needed one, but he’d go with it. “Well we wouldn’t want that. I’m just afraid that if I go in with you, you’re going to end up needing another shower.” He leaned in and kissed her gently. Under his mouth, hers opened, soft and sweet and threatening to make him forget he was a gentleman. He stepped back and drew her t-shirt off then traced his fingers over her smooth flesh.

  She shivered at his light touches and leaned into him. The rest of her clothing he discarded on the floor, piece by piece.

  When she was entirely naked, he stared at her, pleased that he didn’t have to feign disinterest anymore.


  “You’re very beautiful, Felicity. Have I told you that? Pretending I didn’t want you when we were back in the prison was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done.”

  “Really?” She arched a brow. “You didn’t seem that interested.”

  “Then my acting was better than I thought. Turn around.”

  “Why?” Her eyes narrowed and he reminded himself she wasn’t a meek woman. If he wanted her, he’d have to fight for her. That excited him more than easy dominance.

  “I want to look at you.”

  Redness crept into her cheeks and down her neck. She covered her breasts with her arms. “No! I’m not a supermodel. Let’s just go shower.”

  He wrestled her arms away from her body then placed them at her sides while she glared at him. “I want to look at you first.” He put all his power behind the next two words. “Turn. Now.”

  She groaned and grimaced, but turned slowly, her natural grace overcoming her discomfort. When her back was to him, it was difficult not to shove her face down on the bed and take her hard and fast. There’d be time for finesse later, right?

  Tightening his jaw and balling his fists helped contain the urge. The woman had a sweet ass, and the dip of her waist curving up to her straight back and long neck – and then there were her legs. He could write sonnets about those legs.

  The slide of subtle muscle under her skin wasn’t exactly a turnoff, either. Felicity had never been an indoorsy girl when they were kids, and apparently things hadn’t changed – as long as some asshole didn’t have her locked up in a cell. The notion of keeping her as his little concubine had its appeal, though.

  When she was facing him again, her expression went from embarrassed to a smug challenge. “Quit staring at me. It’s creeping me out.”

  “I have no intention of ever stopping, so you’d better get used to it.” He chuckled. “The gods gave me eyes to appreciate the beauty they’ve created. It’d be a sin not to gawk at you.”

  “Your piety is overwhelming, Maddi.” She rolled her eyes. “Let’s shower before the gods strike you down.” With a flip of her hair, she turned and led the way to the bathroom.

  He sat on the toilet lid and watched avidly as she leaned over to turn on the shower. When she turned back she caught him looking, and frowned.

  “Were you checking out my ass?”

  “I’m awake and breathing, aren’t I?” He caught her wrist and drew her down into his lap. She fought him halfheartedly then gave in. Without any prompting, she snuggled against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her and inhaled the glorious scent of her hair. Although the shampoo she used was different now, under that, Felicity still smelled like Felicity.

  Memories of time they’d spent together when they were young flooded through him. The first time he’d been bold enough to hold her hand, their first kiss, the day she’d coaxed him into making love.

  He tangled a gentle hand into her hair and tilted her head back until he had access to her mouth. They kissed, and he slid his free hand over her bare shoulder, brushing the curve of her breast, then down her side to rest on her hip. He stroked the pad of his thumb over her hip bone and her breathing grew ragged. His cock strained at the fabric of his pants, wanting to get at her.

  “We should probably shower before the water gets cold,” she murmured. Damned practical woman.

  Nodding, he set Felicity on her feet. He stood and stripped off his clothing, then urged her in before him so he could watch her body react to the water. Her nipples tightened and goose bumps formed along her skin. Then she relaxed as steam seeped from the nozzle. Would she be offended if he fucked her up against the shower wall?

  Maddox took a steadying breath and closed his eyes for
a moment, fighting for control before he stepped in. He was a gentleman in the shower, helping her wash without groping her too overtly. They kissed under the spray from the showerhead, and he washed and rinsed her long hair. When they were done, she turned the water off and he wrapped her in a big, fluffy towel from the linen closet. She looked fucking adorable. He squeezed the water from her hair then combed through it with gentle fingers, enjoying her contented sighs.

  When they made their way back into the bedroom, impatience nipped at him. Roughly, he pulled the towel from her and pointed at the bed.

  “What are you doing? I’m freezing.” She frowned at him and wrapped her arms around her waist. “And I don’t obey hand gestures. I’m not a dog.”

  He stalked closer and she backed away, smiling impishly. There was something about her that put his testosterone into overdrive and he was tired of fighting it.

  “You have no idea the extent of the vile, evil things I want to do to you. Maybe I should have kept you captive a little longer, until I’d done everything my twisted mind could come up with. Since you’re free, I guess there’s only one thing I can do.”

  “Lie back and take it like a man?”

  He snorted. “No.” He lunged and grabbed her arm and she shrieked and laughed, playfully trying to fight him off.

  He picked her up and threw her onto the bed then leaned over her, pinning her there. She gasped, and he pressed a leg between hers, keeping her open to his toying fingers.

  Felicity kissed him heatedly. When he found her wet for him in a way that had nothing to do with their shower, he drove a finger up into her. She moaned into his mouth and then kissed him harder, wrapping her arms around his neck so he couldn’t escape. He nipped at her lips, then buried his face in her neck and bit down, not caring if he left marks on her. In fact, he hoped he did.

  Instead of complaining, his girl moaned. She spread her legs apart, letting him settle his hips between them. Squirming around, she eventually lined his cock up with her entrance and tried to get him inside her. The sweet heat between her legs encouraged him to rush, but he wanted to make sure of his reception. He kissed his way down her body to her core and licked her there until she was whimpering.

  “Please.” She tried to pull him back up, but he ignored her and wrapped his hands around her thighs, keeping her from wriggling away. “Maddox, no. I don’t want to come like this. I want you inside me.”

  How could he refuse that? He growled then rose up on his knees and grabbed her hips. He drove his cock into her in one stroke.

  She cried out in pleasure. Maddox fucked her hard and fast and she clawed his back like a hellcat.

  “Who do you belong to, Felicity?” His voice was tight as he tried to hold back his orgasm.

  Her eyes glinted. “Dalton?”

  He fucked her viciously for a moment and she slid further up the bed. She was gasping and her eyes rolled back.

  “You’re mine. Do you understand me, woman?”

  Felicity’s sex rippled around him and her mouth opened for a scream that was nearly silent. She came hard, her body twisting and fighting his. He pinned her down and pounded into her.

  He leaned down until his lips were close to her ear. “This is mine.” He slammed into her. “You’re mine. And if you ever look at that bastard sideways, I’ll kill him.”

  She was still writhing beneath him and she sobbed out her helpless agreement. He was sure it wasn’t a binding contract, but he was willing to pretend it was.

  He held back as long as he could to draw out her pleasure, but when she raked her nails down his back again, he was a goner. His entire body tensed up and his world held its breath. A moment later, he lost control, grunting, fucking her hard, then emptying into her violently. He collapsed on top of her, panting.

  They lay there together for a long while. He shifted to his back and pulled her into his arms. She ran her fingertips over his biceps, making him shiver.

  He pressed his mouth to the top of her head and breathed. Inside, part of his screwed-up soul relaxed, happy just to be with her.

  “You know I was teasing.” She smiled softly up at him, her eyes luminous. “I don’t want anyone else. Things were never like that between him and me. For me, it’s always been you.”

  “Even though I’m not your charming, funny best friend anymore?”

  “Mmm. I like the badass version of you better.”

  He gave her a squeeze. “You’re too forgiving.”

  “So I’ve heard.” Her hand glided across his chest, coaxing his tension away. “You know, forgiveness has nothing to do with the past. It doesn’t change it. But it does change the future.” She sighed softly against him, her breath making goose bumps rise on his skin. “Forgiving your father will help you let go. But forgiving yourself is the only way you’ll truly be free.”

  He turned that over in his mind as he watched her back rise and fall. Her long hair fanned out over his arm, covering his scars. It was almost symbolic.

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever achieve that, Cee.” Wholeness. It seemed too far from his grasp. If his nightmares didn’t remind him, his scars always would.

  “One day you will.” The confident way she said it made him smile. So strong, his beautiful girl. “One day you’ll think back on Marwolaeth Du and you won’t feel anger.”

  He snorted. “What will I feel then?”


  Quiet murmurs from downstairs woke Maddox from a dreamless sleep. He’d been taking pills to keep the nightmares away. Hurting Felicity during a night terror had become one of his biggest fears.

  Felicity’s soft breathing was the only other sound. He looked at his woman, curled up in a ball like a little kitten, with the covers tucked under her chin. The whispers got louder and he recognized one of the voices. James was back.

  Careful not to wake Felicity, he slid from the bed and crept into the hallway. He glanced over the railing and spotted James speaking with a woman. Sage? He looked closer. Braided hair fell down to her mid-back where a black leather corset was tied with cord. Her short skirt and tall boots made Maddox wonder how she’d gotten out of their bedroom without James wrapping her up in a robe. A chuckle escaped him and the conversation stopped as they both glanced up.

  Sage smirked and placed a hand on her hip. “Maddox.”

  He made his way down the creaking stairs then stopped at the bottom to listen for sounds that he’d woken Felicity.

  “It’s been a long time,” Sage said.

  The guest room remained quiet so he sauntered toward Sage and James. “You look different.” He remembered a skinny thing with short brown hair, striking green eyes, and a glare as fierce as a frightened kitten defending itself. The hair and eye color were the same. Maybe her wardrobe made the difference, and the air of confidence as she looked him over then raised her brows.

  “So do you.”

  “Did James tell you about Marwolaeth Du? Are you going to help us?”

  “I’m not keen on suicide missions so you’ll have to impress me with an amazing fucking plan first.”

  Now that sounded like the Sage he remembered.


  He turned to Felicity’s voice and saw her at the top of the stairs. Sadly, she’d put the dress thing back on and pulled her hair into a ponytail. He preferred the rumpled look after she’d been in bed.

  “Come here, love.” He motioned to Felicity and she descended the stairs, yawning adorably. When she was tucked under his arm, he made introductions. “This is Sage, James’s mate and an old friend.”

  “Hi,” Felicity said and smiled.

  “Sage, this is my mate, Felicity.” Saying it out loud made him feel a surge of uncertain pride. He held his breath, waiting for Felicity to deny it. When she didn’t, he grinned.

  Sage assessed her with a smug expression. “A shifter? I figured you’d settle down with a nice sorceress or maybe a witch. But a shifter?” Her nose scrunched in distaste.

  Anger rose and
he fisted his hands at his side.

  “Sage!” James scolded.

  Felicity grabbed onto Maddox’s arm, presumably trying to calm him. Right now he wanted nothing more than to throttle James’s mate. Sage’s lip curled up to reveal a small set of fangs. His anger deflated.


  She looked back and forth between him and James. “You didn’t tell him?”

  James shook his head. “It didn’t come up.”

  “I’m a vampire now.”

  Maddox considered this for a moment. “A sorceress, a witch, and a vampire?” It shouldn’t surprise him. When an immortal mated with a mortal, someone had to change. Three supernatural races wrapped up in one lethal package. This was working out better than he’d hoped.

  She shrugged. “A vwitcheress.”

  Felicity chuckled. If she’d been offended by Sage’s condescending remark about her being a shifter, she seemed to be over it.

  “Let’s start planning before you get yourself in more trouble,” James grumbled while dragging Sage toward the kitchen table.

  They each took seats at a small table in the attached kitchen. Sage looked at Maddox expectantly. “Well, I figure I’ll hack the security system to unlock the cells from inside. Sage can work from the outside and collapse the ground around the building. The strongest freed prisoners can fight with us. Those too injured can follow the route I showed them to safety.” He looked at Felicity. “That’s where you come in. I’ll need you to lead them somewhere.”

  She nodded. “Dalton.”

  A growl escaped but he tamped down the jealousy and let her continue.

  “I’ll have him ready with vehicles to take them to the colony.”

  He nodded. “I’ll tell the prisoners to follow the falcon.”

  Sage raised a brow. “That’s your plan? A military base of hundreds of soldiers and you expect to just waltz in, you and James, and what? Punch and kick your way through the guards?” She snorted and leaned back in the chair.

  “No. I’ll go in disguise like I’ve been doing. You’ll knock down the front gate. Then James will waltz in.” He inhaled a breath and held it for a moment. “He’s going to burn the place down.”


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