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Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1)

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by Cara E Holt


























  Soul Matched



  This book is dedicated to my wonderful family who have put up with me spending my weekends and evenings writing. Thank you for believing in me.

  To my best friend Alyson who read the first draft of this story and encouraged me to take a leap of faith. To my parents for giving me this thirst for reading books and wanting to become a writer.

  Book cover by


  My Mother’s voice wakes me from my peaceful slumber; it takes me a minute to remember where I am when I wake up in a room that still feels unfamiliar to me. I had the dream again last night. This time I had been in a forest, and I had been wearing a beautiful lilac ball gown. In the dream I am scared and I am running from something I fear. It was night time in my dream so I could not see what pursued me but I could hear a voice whispering in my ear ‘the time is coming my little princess’.

  “Ebony!” my mum shouts again from downstairs.

  “I’m up “I shout in reply and pulling off the covers I sit up and stretch my arms out in a yawn.

  To say that I was dreading today would be an understatement. My first day at my new school.

  Roughly six months ago my brother Scott and I had been delivered the news by our parents that we were moving. To say we had been pissed at the news would be somewhat of an understatement but then when they went on further to tell us that the move was across the globe to America!

  I had left behind everything familiar to me, I had grown up in a relatively small village in the north of England, I’d had the same friends since reception class at primary school, and it was home. Dad had been offered the job of a lifetime lecturing at Harvard University, a job too good to pass up. So last week we had left our home in England and made the plane journey to Boston to a small town called Weston. I had said a tearful good bye to my best friends Ella and Beth. We did everything together, and I was already missing them terribly. We had made pinkie promises that we would face time at least twice a week.

  I sleepily trod to the bathroom and examined myself in the mirror; I looked tired thanks to the dreams that I had been having at least two to three times a week since turning seventeen. My long black hair was in a state of disarray, having worked itself half out of the bobble I had tied it in last night. My blue eyes stared back at me, I was pale, actually that was an understatement. I had porcelain skin that never seemed to tan, much to my frustration. My mum said my skin was ‘flawless’ but I hated it, I had always felt like I looked like a walking corpse.

  After a quick shower I made my way back to my bedroom and stood in front of my open wardrobe pondering what to wear. First impressions were important, so I needed to get this right. In the end after much deliberation I decided on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a turquoise and white t-shirt finished off with white pumps. The turquoise in the t-shirt complimented my eyes, making them seem a more vivid blue. Taking a deep steadying breath I took one last glance over my appearance, grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. The smell of waffles reached me and my stomach rumbled in response.

  Mum gave me an affectionate pat on the shoulder as I sat at the island.

  “How are you feeling honey?” she asked, placing a glass of orange juice in front of me.

  “Nervous” I replied, lathering a thick slice of butter on each waffle.

  A hand reaches over my shoulder and grabs a waffle off my plate.

  “Get your own,” I hiss, snatching the waffle off Scott before he took a bite.

  Scott laughed ruffling my hair playfully and sitting down beside me. There were only ten months between me and my brother so we would both be in senior year together. Looks wise, my brother and I were like chalk and cheese. Scott had blonde hair and where I was short at a mere five foot three he was tall at six foot. The only thing we did share was the azure blue eyes.

  “Ready to show these yank’s what we’re made of sis?” He asks grinning. My brother and I were close; we grew up playing with the same group of kids due to our close age. He had always had my back and I had always had his.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied.

  My mother smiled at us both as she poured herself a coffee, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

  “You’ll both do great. American’s love the whole British accent. I’m sure you will make a lot of new friends.”

  “Did dad get off okay?”

  “Yes honey, he left about an hour ago, he wanted to make sure he got there in good time.”

  “We’d better head off Eby.” Scott says standing and throwing his bag over his shoulder.

  We headed out to the car, Scott was driving. I didn’t yet have my licence. It was a short ten minute drive to school. We pulled up at the school car park that was already busy with cars and students milling around and chatting. I took a deep breath and got out of the car following Scott. Eyes noticed us, we were new after all. I kept my head down and tried not to look anyone in the eye, I hated standing out. I liked to blend into the background. Scott on the other hand did not have my shyness, giving his cheeky boy grin to a group of girls that were looking our way.

  We found our way to the administration building and were presented with our class timetables, map of the school and our locker numbers. My first class was English, Scott’s was computer science, so with a quick good luck to each other we parted company. I was so busy looking at the school map in my hand that I walked straight into a pretty blonde girl.

  “So sorry.” I said smiling at her apologetically, I held up the map. “I’m so busy looking at this I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

  The girl smiled in return. “No worries. You’re English.” She stated rather than asked. “Are you a senior?”

  “Yep.” I replied. Nervously biting my lower lip.

  Blondie smiled. “I just love the English accent.” She flicked her blonde hair off of her shoulder. She had that enviable beach wave to her hair that I had tried and failed to achieve on many an occasion with my hair straighteners and a you tube tutorial.

  The girl held out her hand. “I’m Taylor.”

  Smiling I took her hand and shook it. “ Ebony.”

  Taylor linked my arm. “Come on, I’ll help you find your locker.”

  Taylor took the sheet with my locker number off me and proceeded to guide me down another hallway. We located my locker and I quickly placed my belongings inside that I didn’t need until second period.

  “So what do you think of Weston so far?” Taylor asked leaning against the lockers beside mine.

  I shrugged. “So far it seems great. Everything just feels so new and strange though. I miss home.”

  Taylor nodded in understanding. “I bet it does.” Taylor reached over and plucked my timetable out of my hand.

  “Excellent! We are in English together!” I sm
iled thankful that I would at least know one face in my first class.

  We headed to class. “You’ll like it here I think. I’ll introduce you to the rest of the group at lunch.”

  I smiled grateful. “That would be great thanks. I had expected to spend lunch sat alone.”

  We arrived at class and most of the seats were already taken. Taylor pointed to a seat second row from the back. “That one’s free.”

  I smiled my thanks and made my way to the empty seat keeping my head down, feeling all eye’s on me. I sat down and began getting my things out when I felt a shadow over me. I looked up to see a cute guy stood smiling at me.

  “Hey new girl.” He said winking at me. He was quite tall and had red hair and gorgeous deep brown eyes and that whole cheeky charm about him.

  “Hi.” I replied quickly sinking further into my seat and blushing profusely.

  “I’m Noah.” He stated. He smiled playfully, I had the feeling this guy was a professional flirt.

  “Ebony.” I replied smiling back at him.

  Noah sat himself on my desk making me have to lean further back into my chair. “So where you moved from Ebony?”

  “Erm Manchester, England.” I could see the rest of the class listening in.

  Noah nodded. “English and cute hey.” He winked again.

  “Noah Lawton in your seat please.” A voice boomed behind Noah, it was a male middle aged teacher who now stood at the front of the class. Noah gave me one last smile and strode to an empty seat two rows in front.

  I was looking around at my new class mates when I felt a strange fluttering sensation in my chest and went a little light headed. A second later possibly the hottest guy I had ever seen walks in class. He’s tall and lean, his dark hair flops over his forehead into his eye’s which are the clearest green. He lifts his head and his eye’s catch mine observing him so I quickly drop my head and stare at the unopened book in front of me. He walks past my desk and sits on the back row but a column to the right of me. I have this overwhelming urge to turn around and look at him but refrain myself from doing so. The butterflies in my tummy are going crazy and as odd and weird as it sounds I feel this pull to him.

  “Ah Miss Lockhart I presume.” The teacher says pulling me from my thoughts. Again all eyes are on me.

  I nod in response hoping he will move on and start the class.

  The teacher looks at me expectantly. “Well introduce yourself Miss Lockhart and tell us a bit about you.”

  I cringe; this is possibly my worst nightmare. I shift in my seat and blush. “I’m Ebony Lockhart and I am from Manchester, England. I moved here with my family last week.”

  The teacher smiles. “Well welcome Ebony. I’m Mr Hilton.” He claps his hands together. “Okay let’s crack on with class.”

  All eyes eventually turn away, the boy Noah smiles at me before glancing behind me to look at tall dark and handsome with a strange look before turning to face the front.

  I feel the heat in my cheek start to lessen and I relax somewhat but the butterflies in my tummy remain. I sneak a quick look back to my right and tall dark and handsome is staring at me frowning so I quickly face forward again.

  Class passes quickly, we are studying great expectations, a book I have previously read. At the end of class I pack up and find Noah heading towards me.

  “If you need a lunch buddy, you can sit with me Ebony.”

  Taylor comes to stand beside him raising her eyebrows and shaking her head. “She’s eating with me and the girls Noah so you can hurry along now.” She shoos him away with her hands.

  Noah ignores her and continues smiling at me. The guy is a first class flirt but in a likeable way.

  “What’s your next class?” Taylor asks.

  I fish out my timetable from my pocket and groan. “Maths. ” They both laugh at me.

  “Ah you’re in America now, so it’s Math not Maths.” Taylor advises warmly.

  “My bad.” I grin.

  I suddenly notice movement behind me and realise that hot guy is slowly packing his things away. As he passes my desk he glances at Noah. “Let’s go.”

  Noah tuts in response but then offers me a beaming smile. “Later’s Ebony.” He follows hot guy out the classroom.

  “Who is he?” I ask Taylor gesturing towards the door.

  “That.” She says sighing with a dreamy look on her face. “Is Lorcen Wilde.”

  “Lorcen.” I repeat. I like his name it somehow suits him.

  “Yes Lorcen. The high school god himself. If you’re interested in him, get in line behind most of the school’s female population.”

  I grin and feign indifference. “I’m not interested, just curious.”

  Taylor raises an eyebrow at me disbelievingly. “Yeah right, you’d have to lack a pulse not to be interested.”

  Math’s brings more stares and more uncomfortable blushes from me. I hate being noticed and just want to disappear. After Maths I manage to find my way to my locker and am sorting through my things when I hear Taylor shout my name. I wave and wait for her to come over.

  “Let’s eat.” She says linking my arm in hers. “I’m so hungry!”

  “So.” She says smiling at me. “Looks like you have made quite an impression on Noah.”

  I blush and shake my head. “Ah I think he was just being friendly.”

  Taylor laughs and shakes her head. “He was drooling all over you. No doubt by now half the football team knows your name.”

  “Great.” I groan the last thing I want is to be noticed by anyone.

  “I have to warn you I don’t sit in the popular club at lunch.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. “That suits me fine.” I was never one who wanted to be part of the popular crowd at my old school.

  The cafeteria is a buzz with students when we enter. We join the queue and Taylor points to a table over by the far right.

  “That is the football table.” I follow to where she points and see Noah and a few other guys, my eyes immediately find Lorcen. Sat around them is a flock of girls all hair flicking and fluttering eyelashes at the boys they are sat with.

  “Cheerleaders?” I ask.

  Taylor laughs nodding. “How did you guess?”

  “That table next along is the soccer table.” I again follow her directions and the table is again full of male bodies and glossy maned girls. I find it no surprise to see my brother sat there. Back in England Scott was captain of the local team.

  “Ooh.” Taylor says excitedly. “Who is the new hottie on the soccer table?”

  I laugh. “That is my brother – Scott.”

  “Seriously?” Taylor asks. “Are you twins?”

  I shake my head in response, used to being asked this question. “No, he’s 10 months older than me.”

  Scott at that point must feel our eye’s upon him as he looks over and waves and I smile back. At the same time the butterflies return and I find Lorcen’s eye’s on me.

  Taylor nudges me. “Lorcen is so checking you out.”

  I blush and look away concentrating on the food on offer.

  “I’m the new girl that’s why.” I offer as explanation.

  Taylor sniggers in response. “Yeah okay! Have you seen yourself sweetie? All that gorgeous black hair and big blue eyes. Your name will now be number one on the footballs team’s hot list.”

  I shake my head and ignoring her order my food. Taylor orders and I follow her over to a table where three girls and two guys are sat chatting. Taylor introduces me to everyone. The first girl she introduces me to is called Megan, I take an instant liking to her, she sits tall and her brown hair is cut in a stylish bob. She has that enviable olive skin that I would die to have. Jessica who I learn is dating the blonde haired boy she is leaning against. Jessica has red curly hair that falls down her back. Her boyfriend is Ryan. The other remaining girl with brown wavy hair is Maddison and the guy sat beside her is Trent.

  I sit quietly and listen to them chatter about the weekend and possib
ly a movie night. I feel relaxed amongst this group and hope that I will become a permanent part of it. I’m sat laughing at one of Ryan’s impression of a teacher when my eyes drift towards the cafeteria door where in walks a junior version of Chris Hemsworth. He’s tall, blonde and has that Icelandic Viking look about him. My attention turns to the girl he has his arm around, she is blonde too with wavy luscious locks that fall down her back, she is like a younger version of Scarlet Johansson. They make a stunning looking couple.

  I nudge Taylor. “Who are they?”

  Taylor follows my gaze and sighs. “That god like creature is Blaine Hiller, soccer captain.”

  “That dream boat he has his arm around is Nicola Parker.” Trent adds fanning himself, he is clearly a fan.

  I continue watching them as they queue up for food and then shift uncomfortably when Blaine’s eyes catch mine. He studies me and then frowns looking over at Lorcen. I quickly look away. This school has too many hot guys!

  I concentrate on my food but feel like I am being watched.

  “Lorcen keeps staring at you.” Taylor whispers into my ear.

  I can’t help steal a glance and when I do my eyes meet his. He smiles at me then and it is the most heart stopping smile I have ever seen. His green eyes almost sparkle when he smiles. I blush and smile back before lowering my eyes back to my food.


  The rest of the day passes quickly. Neither of the school gods, Lorcen or Blaine are in any of my classes. Noah however is in my last class of the day Spanish and makes a beeline for me sitting at the desk beside me.

  “So gorgeous I’m having a party at mine this weekend. You should come.”

  “Is Taylor going?” I ask fidgeting with my watch.

  He nods confidently. “Sure, everybody comes to my parties, they are epic.”

  “I’ll try to make it.” I tell him nonchalantly.

  “You’d better, the whole football team wants to meet you.” I groan and take my seat, just great!

  Before I know it my first day at school has come to an end and I’m happy to say I’ve survived and made some friends. I’m sorting through my locker when the dizziness and the butterflies return very strong. I take a deep steadying breath and closing my locker turn and walk right into a solid muscular chest. I step back and mumble an apology before raising my eyes to find Lorcen. He smiles and shrugs off my apology. His cheeks dimple when he smiles and it is very distracting.


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