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Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Cara E Holt

  I pull my arm from his and point a finger at him. “Now hold up a sec. Let me make one thing clear, this isn’t my home. My home is with my mum and dad and brother in Weston! I’m seventeen years old! What about going to uni, seeing the world?”

  Blaine hesitates before he tries to take my hand. “Your place is here now. Please understand that had you been found as a child you would have been brought into our realm and you would have grown up here in one of the royal houses, you would have grown up learning all about your duties as a future royal queen.”

  I shake my head. “That is just it though. I didn’t grow up here and I don’t feel fae. I feel completely human. This is not home for me.”

  Blaine strokes my hand and attempts to calm me down. I feel bad for shouting at him as I know none of this is his fault.

  “Can they stop me from going home?” I ask him worried about the answer I’m going to get.

  “They could, but it won’t come to that I promise. Look let’s just enjoy tonight. Eat, drink and have some fun. Let’s cross those bridges as and when we need to.”

  I nod reluctantly. For me there will only be one outcome, I will be going home. I understand I have to choose between Blaine and Lorcen but that won’t stop me living my life. But if I’m being honest with myself I have a sinking feeling my life will never be the same again.

  We come up to two elaborate large wooden doors that covered in carvings from a woodland scene, the doors are pulled open as we near and they reveal a large hall that is full of fae. The hall is stunning and looks like the hall from the Harry Potter movie. Large concrete pillars hold up an ornate ceiling of stained glass, I realise the scenes depicted in the glass are of the elements. Everyone seems to stop what they are doing when we walk in and look our way. I try to settle my breathing and look to Blaine for reassurance. We make our way inside and Blaine guides us through the hall to where I can see Queen Arliss and a giant of a man stood conversing with another fae man and woman. Queen Arliss sees us coming over and whispers something in the Icelandic looking giant of a man beside her. When he turns to face us I realise there is no doubt that this man is Blaine’s father and the king. Blaine is the image of him just with less facial hair. We stop before them and Blaine bows and I in turn curtsy unsure if that is what I am supposed to do.

  “Mother, Father, I’d like to introduce Ebony.”

  Blaine’s father steps forward with a big smile on his face and takes my hand in his.

  “It is so wonderful to finally meet you. We have waited a long time for this moment.”

  I instantly relax in his company. “So I hear.” I laugh nervously.

  Queen Arliss reaches over and kisses my cheek. “You look lovely. Now Blaine introduce her to everyone and relax and have a good time. Sadly we do not have much longer with you but hopefully you will be back here with us soon.”

  I smile fully understanding what she is insinuating, she is of course hoping that I will choose her son.

  Blaine takes me off then and proceeds to introduce me to a large number of royal family members and dignitaries. All of them study me like I am some kind of mystery. I am taken aback when I am introduced to a man with horns on his head and I try to keep my face straight as I chat with him. Blaine explains after we have moved on that he is a rare race of Fae that live on a cluster of remote islands in the Seelie realm and are known are Lituus Fae. My tummy makes a large rumbling noise so Blaine takes me over to a large table that is overflowing with food. I see a jug holding a gold like liquid and go to pour myself some but Blaine intercepts and stops me.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you.”

  I look at him puzzled.

  “This stuff is lethal to humans.” He explains and places it back down on the table.

  “Ah but I am only half human.” I tell him smiling. He shakes his head and pours me a glass from another jug and when I take a sip I’m surprise to find it is wine. I feel eyes watching me and turn to find a girl stood at the other side of the hall watching me, well glaring at me would be a better description.

  Blaine follows my gaze and his eyes lock on the brunette.

  “I don’t think she likes me.”

  “That is Lady Rhoswen.” His tone makes me think he doesn’t care for her much. “She has a complete dislike for humans and an even more dislike for what she terms half-breeds.”

  I stare back at her. “Aw that’s a shame, I was in the market for a new best friend.”

  Blaine laughs at my sarcasm. “She has her reasons though. Her mate was murdered by a human.”

  “Oh god, poor thing.” I feel horrible now for making fun of her clear dislike of me.

  Blaine looks sadly at Rhoswen. “She was a lovely girl once but her hatred has eaten away at her and now she is just bitter and twisted.”

  Feeling sorry for her I offer a sympathetic smile across the room to her, she scowls in response and vanishes before my eyes. I grasp onto Blaine’s arm and point to where she was stood. I am too shocked to speak at first.

  “She was there and then gone in the blink of an eye!”

  Blaine seems to realise what I am telling him and grins. “Relax Ebony. She just sifted that is all.” I’m clearly looking perplexed and he goes on to explain.

  “Fae can sift. It basically means we can use magic to travel from one place to another.”

  My mouth hangs open unattractively again. “You mean you can like teleport?”

  Blaine laughs again. “I guess it is something similar, yes.”

  “Wow, the surprises just keep coming in this place!” Next he’ll be telling me that unicorns exist and demons roam the earth!

  Blaine grabs my hand and looks at me playfully. “Want to dance?”

  I look at the dancing taking place on the dance floor and it is not the type of music or dancing that I am used to, Cinderella maybe but not me.

  I shake my head. “No way! Taylor Swift, Beyonce I can dance to, but that.” I point to the dancefloor. “I cannot do.”

  Blaine looks at me encouragingly. “Come on, give it a go, I’ll lead the way.”

  I’m about to protest further when my eyes are suddenly covered by hands and I can’t see.

  “Guess who.” Says a voice in my ear that startles me. It is a voice I recognise though and I smile.

  “Erm, could it be the court jester?!” I tease.

  Blaine sniggers from in front of me. “Not far from the truth that.”

  “Think, handsome, sexy and charming.” The voice in my ear says.

  I laugh and shake my head. “Nope, sorry I don’t know anyone like that.”

  The hands over my eyes are swiftly removed and I am spun round to face the mystery man.

  “Hey Gorgeous!”

  “Noah!” I say feigning surprise.

  “The one and only” He replies pulling me in for a tight hug. “You miss me princess?”

  “Well of course. “ I look at his ears and pull gently on the lobe of one. “Cute ears.”

  He smiles and winks. “Come on admit it, I’m even sexier without the glamour.”

  I fold my arms and frown at him. “So you were another one lying to me and pretending to be something you were not. You’re not American either!”

  He covers his heart with his hands and feigns distress. “You wound me princess. We weren’t lying exactly. Just holding off the truth until we could be sure you were who we were looking for.” He pouts. “You know you love me and have no choice but to forgive me.”

  I smile and sigh. “What can I say I’m a sucker for a grovelling fairy with cute ears.”

  Noah places an arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek. He looks at me and then at Blaine.

  “So has he convinced you he’s the one yet?” He leans in and whispers in my ear. “My monies on Blaine but don’t tell my cousin I said that.”

  “Cousin?” I ask confused.

  “Lorcen.” Blaine explains.

  I look at Noah shocked. “ You’re unseelie?!”

  He nods, h
is red hair falling in his face. “No need to say it in that horrified way. We don’t eat children or anything bad.”

  I look at him apologetically. “How is he?”

  Noah grimaces and then smiles. “Now he’s calmed down from being told he couldn’t see you for five days, he’s okay. Mainly drowning himself in fae ale or beating the crap out of every fae guard in the training room.”

  The news that Lorcen was angry he couldn’t see me raises my spirits and hopes. I look at Blaine then questioningly. “How come Noah is allowed here but Lorcen isn’t?”

  “It was agreed between my father and Queen Eira that Noah would come here as a representative of the unseelie court and make sure you were being looked after.”

  “So is there anyone else at school I should know about who was fae pretending to be human?”

  A look passes between Noah and Blaine and clearly there are more.

  “Well? Spill.” I insist.

  “I’m sorry to shatter your hopes princess but I’m not on the market, I am well and truly spoken for by my mate Megan.” He tells me and points to a gold like tattoo around his right wrist.

  “Back up!” I say in surprise. “Megan, as in my friend Megan?”

  Noah nods and I sigh, more and more surprises.

  “So any news on who is sending these barguests after Ebony?” He asks Blaine, with for once a serious expression on his face.

  Blaine sighs and gives Noah a brief look of annoyance. “I was trying to keep her mind off that little matter.”

  Noah holds his hands up as if to say sorry. Talk of the barguest attack reminds me of something I was thinking about earlier.

  “You need to train me.” I announce to them both. “I need to learn to defend myself, should one attack me again.”

  Blaine chuckles and shakes his head as if dismissing the idea. “You don’t need to train. We will look after you. Besides” He adds,” princesses do not fight.”

  “Why not?!” I demand.

  Blaine looks at me hesitantly. “Because it just isn’t done here, women do not fight or train.”

  “You and Lorcen can’t be around me twenty- four -seven.” I argue.

  “Look we will protect you at all times. You don’t need to worry.”

  Noah claps his hands and attempts to change the subject. “Now, I need to go mingle and wind up some fae dignitaries.”

  Noah disappears as quickly as he came and Blaine drags me on to the dance floor despite my protestations. The dancing to be fair isn’t as hard as I thought it would be and Blaine is a patient teacher and puts up with me stepping constantly on his toes. I’m laughing as Blaine dips me, when Maeve come’s running into the hall and with a look of horror on her face comes rushing over to where we are stood.

  “The princesses’ room.” She says breathlessly. “Blood, everywhere.”

  Blaine beckons Noah over. “Stay with Ebony.” He orders, he then takes Maeve by the elbow and attempting to calm her sifts out of the hall taking two guards with him on the way out.


  Noah bless him tries to distract me with food and drink but my mind is fixed on what could have upset Maeve so badly and what did she mean by there being blood everywhere. Not long after Blaine returns and makes his way straight to his parents and they huddle together in conversation. Blaine sees me watching and beckons myself and Noah over. When we reach them, Blaine smiles at me reassuringly and holds my hand in his.

  “Well?” I ask looking at him and then his parents.

  “It’s nothing to worry about and please know that you are protected here and nothing will happen to you.”

  I roll my eyes impatiently. “Just tell me Blaine, don’t try to sugar coat it.”

  “Okay, it was just a silly prank. Someone left the head of a barguest on your bed.”

  I shudder. “ Urgh! Nice.”

  “They also left a message on the wall…in blood.”

  “What message?” Noah asks concerned.

  “It said ‘blood of Tuatha’.”

  I look at him confused and catch the glances he gives to his parents.

  “Blood of who?” I ask feeling none the wiser.

  Queen Arliss smiles and pats my arm. “I wouldn’t worry too much probably just some lunatic. Besides the Tuatha disappeared hundreds of years ago. Most say they no longer exist.”

  “Who were they?”

  “They were ancient Fae, the first of our kind. All powerful, they could control all the elements. It is rumoured their blood had valuable magical properties and that they were hunted either into extinction or into hiding. Malachi was the last known Tuatha king.”

  “So why would I have their blood. They think I’m related to ancient fae that haven’t been seen for hundreds of years! That’s Crazy!” I say looking perplexed.

  “Exactly.” Blaine says. “So please don’t worry. In fact I have an idea who may have done this.”

  “You do?” Noah asks.

  “We’ll move Ebony over into the family quarters of the castle. She can have the room next to Alina’s.” The king states and they all nod in agreement. “We’ll have guards stationed outside your room overnight.”

  “One way or another you are a future queen of our realm and we will therefore spare no expense in ensuring you are protected.” Queen Arliss assures me and I’m touched at how much they care for my welfare.

  “Would anyone mind if I called it a night?” I ask. I’m feeling exhausted from all the thoughts going round in my head.

  They all agree I should get some rest, so Blaine escorts me to my new room in the family quarters. When we arrive there two guards are already stationed on the door.

  My new room is even grander than the previous one and is clearly meant for a royal fae. The large bed is an ornate gold four poster. Blaine reassures me I am safe and promises he will come and collect me in the morning.

  That night I dream I am stood by a lake. The land around me is thick with snow and the lake frozen solid. Under the frozen ice I can see shadows moving and they are whispering to me “Come home Mo Fuil we will keep you safe.” I walk onto the lake wanting to follow the whispering shadows but I stop dead when I hear the ice crack under my feet. I look behind me and the edge of the lake looks so much further away than I thought it was. I break into a run trying to beat the crack that is catching up with me and threatens to pull me under. I’m nearing the edge when my foot falls into the water and I scream out in panic. A hand grabs me around the wrist.

  “I have you A Stor.” My eyes follow the hand up to its owner. Lorcen smiles at me and pulls me to safety and into his arms and embraces me tightly. “I will always come for you.”

  I wake the next morning and Maeve is there to help me get ready I ask her how she is and she says she is still shaken and that it had been a frightening experience for her. Blaine arrives at my door shortly after I am ready, dressed in another impractical floaty dress. Today he is dressed in a green type tunic top, sleeveless with brown trousers that hug his thighs. His blonde hair is brushed back off his face.

  “Let’s get some food in our bellies and then we’ll plan our day together.” We head off in the direction of what I presume will be a dining room.

  “Blaine what does ‘A Stor’ mean?”

  Blaine stops and looks at me quizzically. “Where did you hear that? It’s Gaelic the language of the old fae.”

  I don’t feel comfortable telling Blaine about a dream that featured Lorcen so I lie. “Noah said it last night.”

  “It means my treasure, it’s a term of endearment.”

  I nod. “What does ‘Siofra’ mean?” Blaine looks at me for an explanation as to why I’m asking.

  “ Devlon.”

  “It means changeling.”

  I look at him surprised. “Oh so Devlon knew who I was too?”

  Blaine looks troubled. “It appears he did yes. Lorcen and I had our suspicions not long after you started at school that you were the one we had been searching for but Devlon seemed
to know for certain, and that concerns me.”

  “Is he really so bad?” I ask. Devlon had seemed mysterious but I hadn’t felt scared in his company.

  Blaine sniggers in response. “Trust me on this Devlon is dark. He is trouble and not to be trusted.”

  “Why is Lorcen next to be king when he has an older brother?”

  Blaine leads me down another corridor. “Because he was the one born with the heir mark which isn’t necessarily always the one born first.”

  “What’s an heir mark?”

  Blaine stops and shows me the underside of his wrist. On it is a tattoo it looks like a target ring, three black circles sitting inside each other.

  Our conversation is halted when we arrived at some double doors guarded by fae soldiers who open them for us. Inside is a small intimate dining room, well I say small the table could easily seat twelve to fourteen, but small for castle standards. Seated around the table are Blaine’s father and his younger sister Alina. They bid us good morning and Blaine holds out a seat for me next to his sister. I sit down and there is already a plate of food before me, eggs and bacon and some leafy green stuff I don’t recognise. Blaine’s father asks me how I slept and I lie and tell him I slept well, truth is since I moved to America I have rarely had a decent night’s sleep thanks to the weird and disturbing dreams. Alina is chatty and wants to know every detail of my life including my favourite member of one direction.

  “So what do you have planned today” King Faolan asks.

  “Well I had thought about taking Ebony to see the village but after last night it is probably best not to venture outside.”

  I try to hide my disappointment as I would have loved to have seen the village and I think Blaine is being a tad over protective of me.

  “So what are we doing instead?” I ask setting my knife and fork down feeling completely stuffed to the brim.

  “I thought I’d take you to the lake in the castle grounds, show you how I can use my elemental magic.”

  I sit up alert suddenly feeling excited again. “I’d love that!”


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